2013年7月24日 星期三

句型重點解析 UNIT 1.1

UNIT 1.1
1. S + Vi (+ Prep + O)
說明1. 此句型主要由主詞和完全不及物動詞 (Vi) 所構成。
2. 完全不及物動詞不需接受詞就能形成完整的意思;但其後亦可接適當的介系詞 (Prep) 片語或副詞 (Adv) 等作為修飾。
1. Dean never talks about his feelings.  (Dean從不談論他的感受。)
2. Amy cries and laughs.  (Amy又哭又笑。)
3. Sid ran very fast in the race.  (Sid在比賽中跑得很快。)

2. S + Vt + O
說明1. 此句型由主詞 (S)、完全及物動詞 (Vt) 和受詞 (O) 所構成。
2. 完全及物動詞後面要加上接受動作的受詞,才能使句子的意思完整。受詞多為名詞或代名詞。
1. Boys never show their emotions.  (男孩們從不表現他們的情緒。)
2. Louis always reveals others’ secrets.  (Louis總是透露別人的秘密。)
3. Iris cleaned her room last night.  (Iris昨晚打掃了她的房間。)

3. S + Vi (連綴動詞) + Adj
說明1. 本句型為連綴動詞的用法,連綴動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞;但句子意思並不完整,故需要接一主詞補語,用來補充說明主詞。
2. 常見的連綴動詞有getbecomegrowfeellooktaste等,主詞補語則多為形容詞。
1. Jack always gets excited about sports.  (Jack對於運動總是很興奮。)
2. The movie becomes very popular among young people.  (這部電影在年輕人之間大受歡迎。)
3. Ben looked sad yesterday.  (Ben 昨天看起來很難過。)

4. Sb + be + Vpp (情緒動詞) + Prep + O....
說明1. 此句型強調的是「人」加上「情緒動詞」,其動詞時態必須為「被動式」,即「be 動詞」加「過去分詞 (Vpp) 」,表示「()感到……」。
2. 常見的情緒動詞有:excite「使……興奮」、interest「使……感興趣」、bore「使……   無聊」以及confuse「使……困惑」等。這些動詞可加上其特定的介系詞 (Prep)    以形成片語。例如:be excited aboutbe interested inbe bored withbe confused    about等。
3. 介系詞後面可接名詞 (N) 或動名詞 (V-ing) 作為受詞 (O) ,表示「()對……   感到……」。
1. My buddies and I are interested in playing basketball.  (我的夥伴和我對打籃球有興趣。)
2. Most students are bored with homework.  (大部分學生對家庭作業感到無聊。)
3. Many people are confused about the arguments over aliens. (許多人對於有關外星人的爭論感到困惑。)

5. Sb + be + Adj (+ that) + S + V....
說明1. 此為以人為主詞加上表「感受」的形容詞 (Adj) ,再接that子句的句型,表   示「對某事感到…」之意。
2. that子句為人所感受的事件,that 可被省略。常用以表示感受的形容詞有glad  happysorryafraidsurprised等。
1. Frank is glad (that) he is not a girl.  (Frank很高興他不是一個女生。)
2. Everyone in the town was sorry (that) Dr. Williams was killed in an accident.
3. Many parents are worried (that) their children may get lost in the crowd.

I. 判讀題:判斷以下各題中劃線的動詞為及物動詞或不及物動詞。若是及物動  詞,填入Vt,若是不及物動詞,填入Vi
( ) 1. Mother made me a new dress.
( ) 2. The sun rises in the east.
( ) 3. The noise drove my family crazy.
( ) 4. What did you do this summer vacation?
( ) 5. Please do not lie to me.

II. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Vera feels ________ whenever she has dinner with her parents.
            (A) happily           (B) happiness          (C) happy             (D) ×
( ) 2. The students were glad ________ they did not have to take the test.
            (A) of                   (B) about                 (C) that                 (D) what
( ) 3. The chocolate pie tasted ________.
            (A) delicious        (B) deliciously         (C) to be delicious (D) being delicious
( ) 4. We ________ about the coming trip to Australia.
            (A) excite             (B) excited              (C) are excited     (D) are exciting
( ) 5. Please listen ________ me carefully.
            (A) ×                    (B) to                       (C) for                  (D) at

III. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( ) ____________ 1. Dean and I are interested about baseball.
                           (A)    (B)   (C)
( ) ____________ 2. Miranda was surprise that Roy remembered her birthday.
                          (A)  (B)   (C)
( ) ____________ 3. Hank became angrily when he found Zack lied to him.
                        (A)    (B)                      (C)
( ) ____________ 4. Tim is trying to tell about me the interesting story he heard yesterday.
                        (A)        (B)                        (C)
( ) ____________ 5. Alice is confused what Dave told her just now.
                          (A)     (B)     (C)

IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 天氣在三月漸漸開始變得較溫暖了。
   The weather is starting to b_________________ _________________ in March.
2. 我很抱歉你的狗走失了。
   I’m _________________ _________________ your dog was missing.
3. Janet的寶寶對不同的聲音感到興奮。
  Janet’s baby _________________ _________________ _________________ different sounds.
4. Vincent害怕他的同學們可能不會喜歡他。
  Vincent _________________ _________________ _________________ his classmates may not like him.
5. 學生們對於昨天的演講感到無聊。
   Students _________________ _________________ _________________ the speech yesterday.

