2020年1月7日 星期二


include [ɪnˈklud] vt. (←→exclude) 
① 包括,包含 

This price includes VAT. 這包含加值稅。
His duties included guarding against thieves. 他的職務包含防範盜賊。 

② [以過去分詞當獨立分詞用]包括…在內 

All of us, myself included, had been totally committed to the cause. 我們大家,包括本人在內,一直獻身於此一事業。 

③ 包括(於…之中,)算在內<in, among> 

He includes me among his close friends. 他把我包括在他摯友之中。 

including  n.  包含,包括
inclusion  n.  包含,包括
inclusive  adj.  包含的,包括的

現在式: include
現在式(第三人稱單數): includes
現在分詞: including
過去式: included
過去式分詞: included

include: 指將部分[要素]包含於全體之中
The area includes many big cities.

contain: 指作為內容物而加以包含

comprehend: 指將無形或抽象的東西包含於某物的範圍或界限之中,為正式的用語
His lecture comprehended all the major issues on modern physics.

embrace: 尤其強調所包含事物的多樣性或範圍之廣
This rule embraces every possibility.

involve: 指因果之類的包含關係
The job involves lots of hardship.

contain  vt.  包含
embrace  vt.  包含
cover  vt.  包括
take in  vt.  包括

omit  vt.  略去
eliminate  vt.  除去
leave out  vt.  除去
exclude  vt.  除外
rule out  vt.  除外

2020年1月2日 星期四

B1U6: Grammar

IV. Grammar
1  不定詞/動名詞當主詞:To V…    + 單數動詞
在英文中,句子的主詞詞性皆為名詞。但若想描述一個動作,也就是以動作當主詞時,就必須先把該動詞改寫成不定詞(to V)或動名詞(V­ing),才可以放在句子主詞的位置。除此之外,這種由不定詞或動名詞構成的主詞,因為指的是「一個動作」或「一件事」,所以後方搭配的動詞必須是單數動詞。
例:To learn English is fun.
Learning English is fun.
To take exercise makes me healthy.
Taking exercise makes me healthy.
1. 把零用錢存起來是個好習慣。
Saving your pocket money ________ a good habit.
2. 看日劇幫助我學習日文。
Watching Japanese dramas ________ me learn Japanese.
祈使句一般帶有要求、建議等語氣,表示「希望對方這麼做」、「建議對方那樣做」的意思,省略了主詞you,以原形動詞開頭。若要表達否定含意時,則會以don’tnever開頭;但若要否定以let’s開頭的祈使句時,則會寫成let’s not
例:Bring an umbrella with you.
Don’t trust this news channel.
Let’s take a trip to Hawaii.
1. (To be/Being/Be) a good student.
2. (Smoke not/Smoke don’t/Never smoke) in the gas station.
have to + V
have to後方加上原形動詞,意為「必須做某事」,用來表達一定要去做的意思。其中have在此為一般動詞,會隨著該句的時態而寫成hashad
例:My sister had to take the garbage out yesterday, but she forgot it.
Every student has to follow the school rules.
1. 為了學習得有效率,你必須在課堂上做筆記。
To learn efficiently, you ________ ________ ________ notes in class.
2. 星期六前我必須完成這份報告。
I ________ ________ ________ the report before Saturday.
a lot + Adj-er/more Adj
a lot可用來修飾比較級,表示「……多了,更加……」之意。除此之外,亦可視語意程度不同而用farevenrathermuch等來修飾比較級。
例:The weather in Russia is a lot colder than the weather in Singapore.
That basketball player is a lot taller than the kid.
1. 這個國家的夏天比冬天長多了。
Summer in this country is ________ ________ ________ than winter.
2. BillTerry有錢多了。
Bill is ________ ________ ________ than Terry.
end up
end up意為「最後……,以……結束」,其後遇上動詞時,必須將動詞改寫為動名詞(V­ing)。除了加上動名詞外,end up後方亦可加上介系詞,再加上表示結果的名詞。
例:The couple ended up breaking up with each other.
The player ended up winning the championship.
Some old clothes may end up as new clothes for the people in poor countries.
1. 那位優秀的學生最後成了醫生。
The excellent student ________ ________ as a doctor.
2. Eric最後買了輛新車。
Eric ________ ________ ________ a new car.

Try it!
   ) 1. To get good grades, you have to ________ hard.
(A) studied    (B) study    (C) studying    (D) studies
   ) 2. Ted forgot to bring his key, and ended up ________ at the hotel for a night.
(A) staying    (B) stayed    (C) stay    (D) stays
   ) 3. Everyone in our class has to ________ the report by next Monday.
(A) finish    (B) finished    (C) finishing    (D) finishes
   ) 4. Taking a hot bath ________ me relax.
(A) help    (B) helping    (C) helps    (D) to helping
   ) 5. After years of effort, Leo ended up ________ the CEO of the company.
(A) for    (B) as    (C) to    (D) at
   ) 6. ________ up, please.
(A) Stand    (B) Standing    (C) Stands    (D) To standing
   ) 7. Kyle has a lot ________ toys than his brother.
(A) many    (B) much    (C) the more    (D) more
   ) 8. Watching TV programs ________ lots of time.
(A) taken    (B) take    (C) taking    (D) takes
   ) 9. ________ the kid some food.
(A) To give    (B) Give    (C) Gives    (D) To giving
   ) 10. My room is a lot ________ than my sister’s room.

(A) big    (B) biggest    (C) bigger    (D) the bigger