2018年1月30日 星期二

我希望...到底是 wish 還是 hope?

hope 希望

◎ hope 是用來表達希望過去、現在或未來可能發生的情況。注意,是「可能發生」的事情喔!以下舉例說明:
I hope you had a great time at last night's party.
I hope it's not raining now.
He is really hardworking. I hope he will succeed with his new business.
※ 發現了嗎?上面三個句子,分別是描述過去、現在、未來的句子,但三件事情都是有可能發生的,所以要搭配 hope 喔!

wish 希望

◎ wish 比較像「奢望」,因為是要表達的通常是與現在事實相反或不太可能發生的事,這種情況下會搭配過去式動詞。來看看例子吧:
I wish I were a boy.

→ 說這句話的人一定是女生,所以說這句話的人希望的是「與現在事實相反的事情」。
I wish I had never met him, or I wouldn't be so heartbroken now.
→ 失戀的人可能會這樣說,但一定是已經見過他才會說出這樣的話,所以也是「與現在事實相反」的情況喔。
I wish I didn't have work tomorrow. I’ve been so tired recently.
→ 希望明天突然不用上班是「不太可能發生的」事情,所以要搭配的動詞也是 wish。
◎ wish 有另一種用法,並非表達不太可能發生的事情,而是表達我們希望發生在他人身上的事情,最常見的就是祝福的話。這種用法中 wish 其實偏向 hope 的意思,因為說話者是希望這些祝福的話實現的。舉個大家常聽到的例子:
We wish you a merry Christmas.
I wish you good luck.
I wish you happiness in your marriage.
◎ 另一種用法 wish + to + 原形動詞,表達的意思其實和 want 很像,也就是「想要」意思。例如:
If you wish to discuss this further, feel free to contact me anytime.
If you wish to read in silence, you can go to the library next door.


首先,ache 這個字表示「疼痛」,若是看到身體某個部位加上 -ache 這個字尾的話,就表示那個部位的痛感喔!例如:tooth「牙齒」,toothache 就是「牙痛」;stomach 是「胃」stomachache 就是「胃痛」。
◎ achy 疼痛的
用 achy 表示這種疼痛是持續的,但是沒有很強烈。
例句:My shoulders have been achy lately.(我的肩膀最近一直隱隱作痛。)
◎ acute 劇痛的
例句:One of the symptoms of kidney disease is an acute pain in your back and abdomen.(腎臟疾病的其中一個症狀是背部和腹部劇痛。)
◎ agonizing 非常痛苦的
例句:He broke his arm while playing basketball. He said the pain was agonizing!(他打籃球的時候弄斷手。他說那痛死了!)
◎ burning 灼熱的
例句:The patient described her wound as a burning pain.(病人描述她的傷口為灼痛感。)
◎ chronic 慢性的
例句:Older people are more likely to have chronic diseases.(老年人比較可能會有慢性病。)
◎ chapped 龜裂的
例句:You should drink more water. Your lips are chapped!(你應該要喝多一點水。你的嘴唇都龜裂了。)
◎ dull 隱約的(痛)
例句:He’s been complaining about a dull pain in his joints.(他一直抱怨關節隱約的疼痛。)
◎ infected 發炎的
例句:If you don’t clean your wound, it might get infected.(如果你不清潔你的傷口的話,它可能會發炎。)
◎ itchy 癢癢的
例句:My skin gets itchy when it’s too dry.(我的皮膚太乾的時候就會很癢。)
◎ stiff 僵硬的
例句:Her legs were stiff, so I helped her get up from her wheelchair.(她的腿很僵硬,所以我幫她從輪椅上站起來。)
◎ stinging / stabbing 刺痛的
stinging 這個字由動詞 sting「螫、叮」而來,因此 stinging 就像被螫到一樣,表示刺痛的意思喔!另外 stab 是動詞「刺、戳」,加上 -ing 字尾就變成形容詞「刺痛的」。
例句:I felt a stabbing pain in my foot when I stepped on the nail. (當我踩到一根釘子的時候,我感到我的腳有一股刺痛。)

解析 little、few 大秘訣!

英文中,常常在名詞前面會有 little 跟 few 這兩個字,它們有什麼差別呢?而有時候看到這兩個字以 a little / a few 呈現,又是要用在什麼時機呢?今天要來幫大家釐清這兩個很相似,使用上卻要特別注意的字喔!


◎ few + 可數名詞複數形,例如:few books / few friends / few cups
◎ little + 不可數名詞單數形,例如:little water / little money / little information

有沒有 a 差很多

單說 few / little 的話,是帶有「否定」的字喔,因此 few / little something 意思是「非常少,幾乎沒有的某物」,舉個例子:
There’s little information about it. Can you ask someone who would know?

Few people knew about her secret.
但是如果加上 a 變成 a few / a little 的話,就不再是帶有否定的字囉,而是指「一些」,意思等同於 some,但也是用來指數量不太多,例如:
Do you need a little more time to look through the project?

I want to borrow a few books to read this summer.


有時候如果談論的東西非常明確的話,也會直接把 few / little / a few / a little 當作代名詞使用,而不在後面接名詞。例如:
I heard the stand over there has the best lemonade. I want to get a little before we leave

→ 因為前半句已經提到 lemonade,指涉對象很明確,因此後面用 a little 來代指檸檬水。
Nowadays few would go to video rental stores for movies!

→ 因為只有人才會去租影片,因此直接用 few 來代指少數人。


如果在 few / little / a few / a little 後面有冠詞、指示代名詞(a / an / the / this / that)或是代名詞、所有格(me / you / him / my / your...等)就需要搭配介係詞 of,變成 few of / little of / a few of / a little of。會這樣使用:
Little of my own time was left after we had a baby.

We have a few of these toys left on sale.
另外要注意 a little 還能當作「副詞」喔!例如:
I felt a little better after I took the medicine.

It rained a little yesterday.


◎ lie 說謊
lie 當成「說謊」的意思時,動詞時態變化是:
lie(原形)、lied (過去式)、lied(過去分詞)、lying(現在分詞)
例如:Don't lie to me.(不要對我說謊。)
◎ lie 躺
lie 當成「躺」的意思解釋時,動詞時態就不一樣囉:
lie(原形)、lay (過去式)、lain(過去分詞)、lying(現在分詞)
例如:Marcus lay down for a while.(Marcus 躺下休息一會兒。)
◎ lay 放置、下蛋
lay 雖然有很多意思,但動詞時態變化只有一種喔,就是:
lay(原形)、laid (過去式)、laid(過去分詞)、laying(現在分詞)
例如:Cathy laid the bag on the table.(Cathy 把包包放在桌上。)
The hen lays an egg a day.(那隻母雞一天下一顆蛋。)




◎ cool 涼
In autumn, it’s warm during the day but cool at night.(秋天時,白天很暖但夜晚就會變涼。)
◎ cold 寒冷
不保暖就會著涼的冷。補充一點,「感冒」有個有趣的片語就叫做「catch a cold」喔!
I caught a cold because of the cold weather.(我因寒冷的天氣而感冒了。)
◎ chilly 非常冷
It’s rather chilly today. You should put on a jacket.(今天滿冷的。你應該穿件外套。)
◎ freezing 凍壞了
Freezing point 就是「冰點」,因此 freezing 用來形容天氣就是指寒風刺骨、冷到快結冰的意思。
Please shut the window—I'm freezing!(請關上窗戶--我要凍壞了!)
◎ ice-cold 冷冰冰的、凍僵的
Her hands were ice-cold from being outside for just a minute.(她在外面待了一下手就冷冰冰的。)


◎ freeze to death 冷死了
一到冬天走出門就快「冷死了」,英文會怎麼說呢?快把 freeze to death 學起來,可以說:
I’m freezing to death!(我要冷死了!)
I'm going to freeze to death!(我要冷死了!)
◎ unbelievably cold 冷斃了
另外也可以用誇張的副詞來修飾,像是 unbelievably cold,可以這樣用:
It’s unbelievably cold outside. Let’s stay in tonight.(外頭冷斃了。今晚別出門吧。)

只會用 call 打電話嗎?關於 call 的各種片語

◎ call for 接應(某人)/需要(某事)
這個片語有很多種意思,第一種如果是 call for someone 的形式,就是「接應某人」的意思。
例如:Someone will call for you when it’s your turn to go on stage.
This kind of work calls for a lot of marketing skills.
◎ call in 召來、叫...進去
Do you know why the manager wants to call me in?
◎ call out 召集
We need to call out the troops as soon as possible!
◎ call off 取消
The concert was called off because of the typhoon.
◎ call back 回電
A:Hello. This is Bruce. Could I speak with Brad, please?
(哈囉。我是 Bruce。請問 Brad 方便講電話嗎?)
B:Sorry. He’s busy right now. Do you want to leave your name and number so he can call you back later?
◎ call up 打電話
You should call up Tiffany and ask if she can come with us tomorrow!
(你應該打給 Tiffany 問問她明天能不能跟我們一起來!)

『might have + 過去分詞』這是什麼用法?


其實 might / would / should / could...等這些助動詞加上完成式的時候,可以表示「過去某件事應該發生,但事實上沒有發生」。結構為「might / would / should / could + have + 過去分詞」,注意因為助動詞後面需用原形,因此完成式只會用 have 喔,其他 has 或是 had 通通都不行!
而關於這些助動詞彼此的差異,我們可以這樣理解:其中 might 表達一種推測,意思是「可能」;而 would 則表示「會...」;should 是指「應該」;could 表示「可能、可以」。
例如剛剛那句:I should have taken your advice. 表示我當時應該要聽從你的建議(但其實我沒有聽從)。
He could have helped me, but he just went away and left me alone there.
Without your support, I wouldn’t have become who I am today.
I might have missed the bus. Fortunately, the bus was delayed a bit, and I got on at the last minute.
Diana could _____(make) it here, but she got a phone call from her boss and needed to hurry back to the office.
(Diana 原本可以來的,但她接到她老闆的電話,需要趕回去公司。)
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t _____(say) that.

the 的最高級用法

最漂亮、最酷、最可愛...,這些詞的最高級我們都會說:the most beautiful、the coolest、the cutest…,但是英文中竟然有不需要加上「the」的最高級用法!到底什麼時候會這樣用呢?一起來看看吧!

一般需要加 the 的情況

通常要用最高級表示時都要加上 the,舉幾個我們常見的例子:
She is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.(她是我見過最漂亮的女孩。)
He is the best student in the class.(他是班上最優秀的學生。)

不需要加 the 的情況

最高級在許多情況下時常不需要加上 the,大概有以下幾種情況:
1. 未和其他人、事、物相比時不需加 the。如:
He's busiest on Mondays.(他星期一最忙。)
2. 最高級前有所有格時,不用 the。如:
She is my best friend.(她是我最好的朋友。)
→ 前有所有格 my,表達「我的」,此時不需要加上 the。
New Guinea is the world's second-largest island. (新幾內亞是世界第二大島。)
→ 前有 the world’s,表達「世界上的」,此時不需要加上 the。
That’s our most important objective at the moment.(那是現在我們最重要的目標。)
→ 前有 our 「我們的」,此時不需要加上 the。
3. 在非正式、口語使用中,最高級放在後面說明主詞性質時,有時可以省略 the。例如:
Which of the boys is (the) strongest?(這些孩子中哪個最強壯?)
Sandy and Cathy are (the) most intelligent.(Sandy 和 Cathy 最聰穎。)
She works (the) best at night.(她在半夜時工作狀況最好。)




◎ spend 花時間、花金錢
spend 的動詞三態為 spend-spent-spent。注意 spend 的主詞必須是「人」,用法是「人 + spend time / money」。
後面如果要加上花錢、花時間的對象,要搭配 on 這個介係詞,變成「spend time / money on something」;而如果要加一個動作的話,就必須用動名詞「spend time / money doing something」。
例句 1:I’m exhausted because I spent the whole night preparing for the big exam.
例句 2:You’d be surprised to hear that she spent 2,000 dollars on a trash can!
◎ cost 花金錢
注意喔,cost 的主詞必須要用「事物」,它的動詞三態變化為 cost-cost-cost。這個字的用法為「某物 cost(某人)money」,也可以說「it costs / cost(某人)+ 金錢 + to do something」。
例句 1:This ring cost me 15,000 dollars.
例句 2:It cost us 60,000 dollars torenovate the kitchen.
◎ take 花時間
take 的主詞也是「事物」,用法為「某事物 take(某人)time」,也可以說「it takes / took(某人)+ 時間 + to do something」。
例句 1:The homework last night took me two hours.
例句 2:It took me three months to plan out this trip.


1. This trip _____ me 2,000 dollars.(這趟旅行花了我兩千元。)
2. This assignment _____ me five days to finish. (這作業花了我五天完成。)
3. I _____ a lot of money on this trip!(我花了很多錢在這旅行上面!)

答案:1. cost;2. took;3. spent。 

2018年1月29日 星期一

B5 U8 句型1+1

( B )1. The room was so quiet; I could hear     but my own breathing.

(A) something                           (B) nothing

(C) anything                             (D) everything

2. 在鄉間開車,我們除了稻田什麼都沒看見。

Driving in the countryside, we saw  nothing    but   rice fields.

( B )1. The     young man is sure to succeed some day.

(A) working-hard                     (B) hard-working

(C) working-hardly                   (D) hardly-working

2. 那家麵包店裡賣得最好的產品是可頌。

The   best  - selling  product in that bakery is its croissants.( B )1. Is there     in the newspaper?

(A) interesting anything           (B) anything interesting

(C) interested anything            (D) anything interested

( A )2. A: How was your weekend?

                       B:    .

(A) Nothing special                  (B) Special nothing

(C) Anything special                 (D) Special anything1. 中藥是舊式但有效的治療方法。

Chinese herbal medicine is an old-fashioned   yet  
 effective  way of treating people.

( B )2. Mr. Murray earns a lot of money in the stock market,
    he wears worn-out clothes and lives in an old apartment.

(A) so               (B) yet              (C) for             (D) whileExercises

I. 文法選擇20%(一題4分)

( A )1. Dennis was so busy today that he ate nothing     a piece of bread.

(A) but                   (B) and                (C) or                   (D) than

( B )2. There was     with the elevator, so we had no choice but to climb the stairs.

(A) nothing wrong (B) something wrong                      

(C) wrong anything                            (D) wrong everything

( D )3. To survive in this     world, we have to catch up with its pace.

(A) fast-changed                                (B) changed-fast

(C) changing-fast                               (D) fast-changing

( A )4. Our company produces inexpensive     handy tools.

(A) yet                   (B) or                   (C) instead of      (D) rather than

( D )5. Logan is     that we all like to hang out with him.

(A) very so humor                              (B) a such humorous guy

(C) a very humor guy                         (D) such a humorous guy


II. 填充20%(一格4分)

1.  John來說,中樂透與其說是好運,不如說是災難。

     To John, winning the lottery was   more     of   a disaster   than  

     good luck.

2.  據信中國和印度這十年間經濟仍將快速成長。

     It is thought that China and India will still have (f)  fast  -(g) growing 
economies in ten years.

III. 句子合併或改寫20%(一題10分)

(用so... that...合併)


1.      This horror movie is terrifying.

         I dare not watch it alone.

è This horror movie is so terrifying that I dare not watch it alone.                                   

2.  The black dress Annie is wearing is conservative rather than bold.

     (用more... than...改寫)

è The black dress Annie is wearing is more conservative than bold.                                 


B5 U7 句型1+1

( D )1. The novel, which     in the 1980s, has been popular since then.

(A) wrote                                  (B) to write

                       (C) was writing                       (D) was written

2.    這座教堂以巴洛克風格建造,被視為這個城市最著名的地標。

This church, which   is     considered   the most famous landmark in the city,    was       built    in the Baroque style.1.    儘管噪音很大聲,我睡得很熟。

  Loud    as/though  the noise   was  , I slept like a baby.

2.    儘管這個人是富有的,他對已擁有的東西並不滿足。

  Rich    as/though  the man   was  , he was not content with what he already had.( A )1. Our junior high school class reunion is held    .

(A) every three years                (B) every other three years

(C) three years every                (D) again three years

2.    醫生要病人每四小時吃一次藥。

The doctor asked the patient to take the medicine   every  
  four     hours  .( B )1. The ceremony will begin on time     some guests are late.

(A) because                              (B) even if

(C) although                             (D) and thus

2.    即使下雨我們還是會去健行。

We are going hiking   even     if   it rains.( A )1. I don’t have     this pair of shoes.

(A) enough money to buy

(B) money enough to buy

(C) enough money to buying

(D) money enough to buying

2.    John傻到把所有錢借給一個他幾乎不認識的男人。

John was  foolish   enough    to     lend   all his money to a man he barely knew.1.    毋須口出惡言。告訴我們你在心煩什麼吧。

  There     is     no     need   to say mean words. Just tell us what’s bothering you.

( A )2. Since it’s Sunday, there is no need for students     to school.

(A) to go                                   (B) going

(C) to going                              (D) who go


I. 文法選擇20%(一題4分)

( D )1. In Taiwan, the garbage truck comes to take recyclable waste    .

(A) another day                                (B) the other day

(C) every another day                        (D) every other day

( D )2. There is no need     sorry for him. He deserves it.

(A) feeling                                         (B) to feeling      

(C) and feel                                        (D) to feel

( A )3.    , it crossed the finish line before the rabbit and won the race.

(A) Slowly as the turtle moved

(B) Slowly the turtle moved

(C) The turtle though moved slowly

(D) Slowly although the turtle moved

( C )4.  The boy was not     the top of the shelf.

(A) tall enough to reaching

(B) enough tall to reaching

(C) tall enough to reach

(D) enough tall to reach

( C )5.  Don’t lose heart     things don’t go the way you expected.

(A) so                                                 (B) because

(C) even if                                         (D) however

II. 填充20%(一格4分)

1.  Patrick樂於助人,即使他可能得不到回報。

     Patrick is willing to help others (e)  even     if   he may not get anything in return.

2.  Teresa不夠時間吃早餐,所以她只喝了一杯牛奶。

     Teresa didn’t have (e) enough  (t)  time     to   eat breakfast, so she simply drank a glass of milk.

III. 句子合併或改寫20%(一題10分)

1.  Someone stole the most valuable painting in the gallery last night.(用be + P.P.改寫)

è The most valuable painting in the gallery was stolen last night.                                     


2.  Although the weather was hot, I had a spicy hot pot for lunch.

     (用Adj/Adv + as...改寫)

è Hot as the weather was, I had a spicy hot pot for lunch.                                               

IV. 句子重組20%(一題10分)

1.  his cellphone / two minutes / every / checks / My brother

è My brother checks his cellphone every two minutes.                                                     

2.  There is no need / you / apologize / to / for

è There is no need for you to apologize.                                                                           

V. 中譯英20%(一題10分)

1.  這場會議將在星期一早上舉行。(be + P.P.

è The meeting will be held on Monday morning.                                                              

2.  雖然炸雞很不健康,但是John每天都吃。(Adj/Adv + as/though...

è Unhealthy as/though fried chicken is, John eats it every day.