2018年1月12日 星期五

英文V Lesson 5 Exercises

龍騰高職英文V  Lesson 5  Exercises單元  簡答

1. expressive      2. informed     3. tough           4. financial      5. passionate
6. audition         7. energetic      8. furious         9. arrange                10. frustration

1. C         2. C         3. B

1. A         2. A         3. D         4. B         5. B

1. in; secret
2. banned; from
3. roll/rolling; down
4. fell; victim; to
5. on; strike

It is impolite to keep your friends waiting for such a long time.

If there had been LINE then, Mason would not have spent so much money on international calls.

1.  If Billy had not met Mrs. Wilkinson, he might not have continued his dancing classes.
2.   雖然Billy一開始很害羞,但很快地他發現自己被音樂和舞步的力量所吸引。

