2018年1月3日 星期三

LEVEL U17-18

shave  postponed  panic  drowned  seperation


receipts  indoor  suck  flavor  bandage

        1.   The personnel manager reminded all staff members to _______ in when they get to work each morning.
(A) postpone                   (B) knit                       (C) weave                   (D) punch
      2.   Committing _______ won’t help solve problems. It could only make matters worse.
(A) suicide                      (B) breeze                   (C) feather                  (D) mess
      3.   As a _______ writer, Mark Twain wrote a lot of novels and short stories.
(A) ignorant                    (B) humorous             (C) unpleasant            (D) messy
      4.   Wait a minute. You forgot to _______ the keyboard into your computer.
(A) quarrel                      (B) skip                       (C) plug                      (D) drown
      5.   The smell of the rotten fish was so _______ that I felt like throwing up.
(A) unpleasant                (B) disappointed        (C) folded                  (D) upset
       6.   A lot of people in some African countries are suffering untold hardship and _______.
(A) ladder                       (B) pickle                    (C) misery                   (D) seal
       7.   Mark often _______ with his wife about the money she had wasted on useless things.
(A) quarreled                  (B) postponed            (C) skipped                 (D) shaved
       8.   The coach and all the players are still very _______ about losing the game.
(A) shameful                   (B) disappointing       (C) unpleasant            (D) upset
       9.   It was your fault. Mary would have remained in _______ if you had not mentioned it.
(A) deed                         (B) ignorance              (C) punch                   (D) dose
      10.   To my _______, I started smoking again only a few days after I swore it off.
(A) shame                       (B) breeze                   (C) quarrel                  (D) mess
     11.   My mom had to _______ down in order to mop the kitchen floor.
(A) panic                         (B) drown                   (C) kneel                     (D) mess
      12.   The old man enjoys taking a nap under the tree, especially when there is a _______.
(A) breeze                       (B) ladder                   (C) pickle                    (D) belly
      13.   Tom _______ on a piece of bread and had to drink a mouthful of water to wash it down.
(A) panicked                   (B) choked                 (C) skipped                 (D) wrapped
      14.   It was my first date with a girl, but I _______ by arriving late.
(A) handed it down        (B) picked it up          (C) noted it down      (D) messed it up
      15.   Don’t _______ anymore. We’re running out of patience!
(A) beat about the bush  (B) call it a day           (C) keep in touch        (D) run out of time
                        16. Phew, it was a close s_______e. That car came close to hitting me!
                         17. According to our class leader, the exam has been p_______d until next Monday.
                          18. News of an impending was caused p_______c across the nation.
                         19. The angler on the boat fell overboard and nearly d_______d.
                         20. Misunderstandings between Jack and his wife brought about their s_______n and later divorce.
Two friends get in a   (21)  , and one of them hits the other with a baseball bat. An unhappy man jumps off of a bridge to end a life of   (22)  . A young boy   (23)   while swimming in the river, and his parents are unable to save him. These are the kinds of   (24)   stories that appear regularly in the news. Why are we so interested in accidents, murder, and   (25)  ? Surely there must be more important things going on in the world. Stories of suffering are often fascinating, but life probably isn’t that bad most of the time.
(A) suicide   (B) drowns   (C) misery   (D) quarrel   (E) unpleasant
21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      
Test 18: Unit 18
        1.   For better digestion, _______ every mouthful of food well before you swallow it.
(A) spit                           (B) flavor                    (C) chew                     (D) rob
      2.   A trumpet of trombone is a musical instrument that is made of _______.
(A) brass                         (B) rag                        (C) plaster                   (D) ribbon
      3.   Seeing that her recovery is so _______, she may be able to leave the hospital soon.
(A) stiff                          (B) swift                     (C) dim                       (D) bold
      4.   They use tankers to _______ crude oil to many countries around the world.
(A) transport                   (B) rob                        (C) suck                      (D) flavor
      5.   The lifeguard told the kids to move back to the _______ end of the swimming pool.
(A) quarterly                   (B) swift                     (C) shallow                 (D) athletic
       6.   If there is an emergency at home, pick up the _______ and dial this number.
(A) receiver                     (B) willow                  (C) carriage                 (D) plaster
       7.   Nowadays parents are increasingly _______ at being unable to communicate with their children.
(A) spit                           (B) transported           (C) robbed                  (D) frustrated
       8.   The beggar was so _______ as to give me advice on how to make a fortune.
(A) bold                          (B) stiff                      (C) aboard                  (D) flavored
       9.   Since you have _______ problems, you should listen to the doctor and give up drinking.
(A) raisin                         (B) timber                   (C) liver                      (D) oak
      10.   It is very common for babies to _______ their food out. So, don’t worry about that.
(A) chew                         (B) spit                       (C) rob                        (D) jail
     11.   Quite a few people have reported seeing a flying _______ or UFO in the sky.
(A) pine                          (B) carriage                 (C) receiver                 (D) saucer
      12.   Mrs. Wang’s only son was caught drunk driving again, only two weeks after getting out of _______.
(A) jail                            (B) knot                      (C) receipt                  (D) tune
      13.   I enjoy camping in the countryside because I have always loved the great _______.
(A) robbers                     (B) bandages              (C) outdoors               (D) criminals
      14.   The band sounded terrible because their musical instruments were all _______.
(A) in place                     (B) out of tune           (C) in demand            (D) out of nowhere
      15.   The American Dream is based on the idea that people can go _______ by working hard.
(A) from rags to riches   (B) from bad to worse(C) up in flames         (D) out on strike
                        16. Keep these r_______s for a while in case you need to exchange the things you have bought.
                         17. My uncle is a rich man. He even has an i_______r swimming pool in his villa.
                          18. After the car accident, Jane’s brother could only s_______k liquids through a straw.
                         19. A pinch of pepper will definitely add f_______r to the dish.
                         20. The nurse cleaned my wound in the leg and wrapped a b_______e around it.
Sometimes it’s not so clear who will be seen as a villain and who will be a hero. Consider the way people think of America in its early years. At the time,   (21)   like Jesse James probably made life a lot more dangerous, James and others like him often targeted trains. They would put   (22)   in front of the trains to make them stop. Then they jumped   (23)   and made the passengers and crew hand over any valuable goods. These kinds of actions are almost always   (24)  . But people think of James as a hero who was clever and   (25)   with a gun.
(A) timber   (B) criminal   (C) robbers   (D) swift   (E) aboard

21.           22.            23.            24.             25.      

