2018年1月16日 星期二


龍騰英文V隨堂測驗(基礎版)L5~69  簡答
一、 1. B  2. A  3. D  4. D  5. C  6. D  7. A  8. D  9. C  10. B  11. A  12. D 
二、13. B  14. A  15. C  16. D  17. C  18. D  19. A  20. B
三、21. B  22. A  23. A  24. C  25. D
四、26. A  27. D  28. B  29. B  30. C  31. A  32. D
五、33. A  34. C  35. B  36. C  37. C
38. rolled; down
39. on; large; scale
40. in; secret
41. Little did Helen know that Rick loved her very much.
42. Feeling excited about the trip, John couldn’t sleep well.

43. If I had had enough money, I would have taken/gone on a trip last week.
Lesson 5Lesson 6

( B )   1.  Those     mountain climbers finally got to the top of the mountain despite the big snowstorm.
(A) crucial                        (B) tough                         (C) industrial                                  (D) dishonest
( A )   2.  My grandfather reads the newspaper every day to keep himself     about what is happening in the world.

n. [C] 地標
(A) informed                   (B) everyday                   (C) energetic                          (D) guilty
( D )   3.  Mr. Brown was     when he found his teenage son had driven his car without his permission.
(A) humble                      (B) obvious                      (C) lame                                  (D) furious
( D )   4.  Taipei 101, Taipei’s best-known landmark, is currently the tallest     in Taiwan.
(A) energy                        (B) patent                        (C) revolution                 (D) structure
( C )   5.  The mother     the pill and mixed it with honey to feed it to her daughter.
(A) frustrated                  (B) repaired                      (C) crushed                      (D) transformed
( D )   6.  Jean likes to watch the     raindrops falling down the windows.
(A) popular                       (B) industrial                   (C) relevant                            (D) innumerable
( A )   7.  It’s safer for children to use bowls and spoons made of     than of ceramics.
(A) plastic                         (B) decade                        (C) energy                               (D) award

n. [C] 廣場
( D )   8. On every New Year’s Eve, hundreds of thousands of people     to Taipei 101 square to celebrate the New Year.
(A) reflect                         (B) afford                         (C) restore                                       (D) flock

n. [C] 同事
( C )   9. With her low    , Helen can’t afford the high rent, so she shares the apartment with a co-worker of hers.
(A) organization              (B) popularity                  (C) income                       (D) system
( B ) 10.  Larry was apparently angry since he stormed out in the middle of the meeting without a word.
(A) occasionally               (B) obviously                   (C) fortunately                       (D) ideally
( A ) 11. Dick accomplished his goal of getting into his ideal college.
(A) fulfilled                      (B) informed                    (C) encouraged                (D) frustrated
( D ) 12.  Though owning several electronic factories, the modest businessman didn’t call attention to himself.
(A) financial                    (B) mental                       (C) passionate                        (D) humble
( B ) 13.  Mr. Brown stopped at the gas station     get some drinks and food.
(A) so that                       (B) so as to                     (C) as a result of                    (D) in which
( A ) 14.     by his teacher, Sam studied harder than before.
(A) Encouraged               (B) Encouraging              (C) To encourage            (D) To be encouraged
( C ) 15.  If it     yesterday, we would have gone hiking.
(A) had rained                (B) rained                        (C) hadn’t rained            (D) didn’t rain
( D ) 16.  Fortunately, the police found the man still     and sent him to the hospital immediately.
(A) lived                          (B) to live                       (C) live                             (D) alive
( C ) 17.      any house in Taipei because most houses there are very expensive.
(A) Morgan buy can hardly                                       (B) Buy can Morgan hardly   
(C) Hardly can Morgan buy                                      (D) Can Morgan hardly buy
( D ) 18.  Ariel’s father finally decided to give up    .   18. give up V-ing 放棄、戒掉……
(A) smoke                         (B) smoked                       (C) smokes                       (D) smoking
( A ) 19. As the only son, Paul     take care of his parents when they grow old.
(A) is expected to             (B) expecting to               (C) is to expect                (D) had expected
( B ) 20.  Mr. Wang is a busy businessman, and     time to spend with his family.

19. be expected to VR 被期望去……
(A) he does have rarely                                             (B) rarely does he have
(C) have he does rarely                                              (D) does he rarely have
( B ) 21.  Jill: Why do you look so down?
              Gary: I want to be a dancer, but       .
              Jill: Just keep practicing. Perhaps someday you will make it.
(A) I am getting along really well with my dance teacher now
(B) it’s really difficult to excel and stand out in the dancing world
(C) it won’t be too difficult to master the techniques
(D) our performance was very well-received by the audience
( A) 22. Mavis: How was your trip to Legoland la

adj. 受歡迎
st month?
              Joy: I loved it.       
              Mavis: I love the Lego bricks, too. Maybe we can go there together next time.
              Joy: Sure.
(A) I got hooked on those wicked bricks.                (B) I was not interested in bricks at all.
(C) I didn’t have any money to buy Lego bricks.     (D) I was just looking around.
( A ) 23. Judy: I know you are hungry. I’ve got you some French fries.
              Gary:        Thank you.
              Judy: You’re welcome. Come and enjoy it.
(A) That was so nice of you.                                     (B) I am on a diet. 我在節食。
(C) I’m a bit overweight. 我有點過重。                        (D) I’m really full! 我真的很飽!
( C ) 24.  Mike: Will you go to the party with us tonight?
              Alice: Sorry, I can’t.       
              Mike: That’s too bad.
(A) I have nothing to do. (B) When is the party?
(C) I work the night shift. 我上夜班。                          (D) Pick me up at seven. 七點來接我。

( D ) 25.  Mart: We are going to a party tonight. Do you want to come along?
              Penny: Sorry. I have to study for the test next week.
              Mart: Come on!       
              Penny: You’re right. When does the party start?

(A) You have to study harder.                                   (B) You are a hard-working student.
(C) You can say that again.                                      

26. 此為「分詞構句」的句型,因為主詞能主動進行該動作,故要用V-ing
27. allow sb. to VR 允許某人去做……
(D) You should take Saturdays off.
     Mark was a 17-year-old student who loved to play with Lego bricks.  26  these blocks together to create a variety of forms, he never felt bored. Lego allowed him to  27  his imagination and creativity in a whole new way. However, his father  28  it strange that he loved Lego so much.
He thought that men should be  29  and not play with children’s toys. He even banned Mark  30 
playing with Lego.  31 , Mark’s dad was not very pleased when he later found out that his son was still playing with his Lego set and was also the leader of his school’s Lego club.  32  that one day Mark would become the owner of a famous Legoland Park and be very rich. Mark’s dad now feels very sorry that he didn’t support Mark more when he was younger, but Mark has forgiven him.
( A ) 26. (A) Putting                       (B) Put                              (C) Puts                           (D) To Put
( D ) 27.  (A) expressing                 (B) expression                  (C) expressed                   (D) express
( B ) 28.  (A) took                          (B) found                         (C) asked                         (D) kept
( B ) 29.  (A) informed                   (B) tough                          (C) humble                       (D) furious
( C ) 30.  (A) into                           (B) with                            (C) from                           (D) away
( A ) 31. (A) Obviously                   (B) Passionately               (C) Financially                 (D) Mentally
( D ) 32.  (A) Did Mark’s dad never imagine                          (B) Never imagine did Mark’s dad
              (C) Mark’s dad imagine did never                             (D) Never did Mark’s dad imagi

30. ban sb. from V-ing 禁止某人去做……
32. 因為never是否定副詞,所以放句首時句子要倒裝


n. [C] 看臺
Kenny loved playing American football with all his heart. However, being a skinny boy who was half the size of the other players, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, the young athlete sat on the bench and never got to play. Despite this, his father never missed a game, even after he learned that he had cancer. All through college, Kenny never missed a practice or a game but remained a benchwarmer. His faithful father was alwa

ys in the stands, no matter how sick he felt.
The coach was touched when he saw Kenny always putting his heart and soul into every practice. He decided to let Kenny play in the final game. The young athlete was so thrilled that he gave his father a call to tell him the good news. Unfortunately, Kenny was informed that his father had passed away that morning. With tears in his eyes, he put on his helmet and uniform and got ready for the game. He would play it for his father.
No one at the game, whether they were players or spectators, could believe what they saw. This little, unknown football player was doing everything right. No one could stop him. He passed, blocked, tackled*, and ran to make a touchdown*. Finally his team won.
tackle vt. 攔劫搶球 *touchdown n. [C] 達陣
( A ) 33. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) An inspiring story of a son and a father.             (B) A football match broadcast on TV.
(C) A football stadium’s history.                                (D) A touching story of a coach and a player.
( C ) 34.  According to the passage, how did the coach think of Kenny?
(A) He thought Kenny was strong enough to win the game.
(B) He ignored Kenny’s talent and discouraged him.
(C) He was moved by Kenny’s determination.
(D) He thought Kenny had gotten nowhere.
( B ) 35. What is the word “thrilled” closest in meaning to?
(A) Anxious.                     (B) Excited.                    (C) Angry.                        (D) Brave.
( C ) 36.  According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Kenny’s father finally got the chance to see him play in a game.
(B) Kenny’s father passed away after Kenny played in the final game.
(C) Kenny helped his team win the final game though he just lost his father.
(D) Kenny didn’t like football in the end and gave up the sport.
( C ) 37.  According to the passage, how did Kenny respond to his father’s death?
(A) He was too sad to play in the game.                   (B) He went home immediately.
(C) He did his best in the final game.                       (D) He cried until the end of the game.
38. 岩石滾下山並擊中許多觀光客。
      Rocks (r)  rolled     down   the mountain and hit many tourists.
39. 為了對抗登革熱,政府開始大規模消滅蚊子。
      In order to fight dengue fever, the government started to destroy mosquitoes   on   a
      (l)  large   (s)  scale  .
40. Bill為了買一個刮鬍刀送他爸爸,每天偷偷地存一些錢。
      Bill saves a little money every day    in    (s)  secret   to buy a razor for his father.
41. Helen know that / Rick loved her / Little / very much / did(重組)
      → Little did Helen know that Rick loved her very much.                                                                               
42.   John felt excited about the trip.
        John couldn’t sleep well.

      Feeling excited about the trip, John couldn’t sleep well.

43. 如果我有足夠的錢,我上週就去旅行了。
      If I had had enough money, I would have taken/gone on a trip last week.




