2018年1月15日 星期一

FTV U11-12

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
A. 事件    B. 訓練    C. 圓形的   D. 埋藏    E. 服務

1.      coach      
2.      event      
3.      bury      
4.      service      
5.      circular      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    This is not my initial composition; the teacher has revised part of it.
                    (A) complete       (B) original              (C) effective            (D) traditional
(   ) 2.    The teacher devised a new teaching technique for English pronunciation.
                    (A) method          (B) origin                 (C) deposit               (D) passage
(   ) 3.    That man shows no kindness to beggars.  He never gives a cent to them.
                    (A) border           (B) accuracy            (C) coach                 (D) mercy
(   ) 4.    This town underwent a quick change after the gold miners left and the shops closed.
                    (A) chief              (B) circular               (C) tiny                    (D) rapid
(   ) 5.    Sometimes the Central Weather Bureau is exact in forecasting the weather, but sometimes not.
                    (A) amazing         (B) ineffective         (C) accurate             (D) regular
(   ) 6.    My brother will have finished his studies in Australia next spring.
                    (A) discussed      (B) completed          (C) soaked               (D) served
(   ) 7.    My teacher always puts a lot of stress on the importance of being honest when taking an exam.
                    (A) advantages    (B) practice              (C) emphasis            (D) service
(   ) 8.    I have       appointments with my dentist every other week.
                    (A) dangerous     (B) original              (C) possible              (D) regular
(   ) 9.    What you accomplish is       on what you have done.
                    (A) dependent     (B) original              (C) tight                   (D) pleasant

(   ) 10.  The student gave an       for why he was late, but his teacher didn’t believe it.
                    (A) event             (B) excuse                (C) effect                 (D) emphasis
(   ) 11.  Jacky is       in sports, his studies and music.  He’s simply a genius.
                    (A) excellent        (B) alive                   (C) united                (D) circular
(   ) 12.  Check the battery       to see if you need to recharge your cellphone.
                    (A) status             (B) stream                (C) strategy              (D) statesman
(   ) 13.  Please pass me some      ; I spilled some tea on the table.
                    (A) trades            (B) tissues                (C) events                (D) streams
(   ) 14.  The child held her mother       and didn’t want to say goodbye on the first day of school.
                    (A) commonly     (B) originally           (C) tightly                (D) practically
(   ) 15.  The police wanted the witness to       what he had seen regarding the accident.
                    (A) reduce           (B) debate                (C) serve                  (D) describe
(   ) 16.  Every month, I       some money in the bank in preparation for my study tour.
                    (A) emphasize     (B) complete            (C) deposit               (D) depend
(   ) 17.  The spokesman didn’t respond well under those      .
                    (A) quarters         (B) circumstances    (C) requirements      (D) methods

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   那個藍色背包是屬於Lisa的。
The blue backpack
2.   媽媽節食瘦了2公斤。
Mom went
       a        and lost two kilograms.
3.   小心處理這個包裹,因為它裡面有酒杯。
Handle this package
             , as it contains wine glasses.

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
A. 遍及     B. 保險     C. 攪拌     D. 國內的    E. 電的

1.      insurance      
2.      domestic      
3.      stir      
4.      electrical      
5.      throughout      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    The reporter will present an exhibition of photos she took during the war.
(A) an event        (B) a progress          (C) a display            (D) a document
(   ) 2.    Thinking what the child has gone through, my heart aches.
(A) emphasized                                    (B) mastered
(C) experienced                                   (D) frightened
(   ) 3.    The way in which Becky speaks always makes me feel nervous.
(A) meter            (B) manner              (C) quarter               (D) favor
(   ) 4.    The circus attracted a great number of children.
(A) appealed to   (B) recognized         (C) depended         (D) boiled
(   ) 5.    I can’t bear cheating.  Honesty is the best policy.
                    (A) trade              (B) serve                  (C) commute            (D) tolerate
(   ) 6.    Stop pulling the chair around the house.  It’s so noisy.
(A) dragging      (B) spreading          (C) describing        (D) displaying
(   ) 7.    The mask scared the little girl and she burst into tears.
(A) experienced (B) frightened        (C) cared                  (D) traded
(   ) 8.    The girl couldn’t tell which boy her father was in the old picture. 
(A) recognize     (B) describe            (C) tolerate            (D) address
(   ) 9.    Scott       what he had learned to his work.
(A) appealed      (B) served              (C) applied             (D) reduced
(   ) 10.  The clerk       price tags onto items on the shelf.
(A) spread          (B) soaked              (C) stirred                (D) stuck

(   ) 11.  We are busy turning all the written       into digital files.
                    (A) documents    (B) experiences        (C) excuses             (D) films
(   ) 12.  Mandy has been looking for new       in advertising for a month.
(A) technique      (B) appearance       (C) tissue                 (D) employment
(   ) 13.  The clerk has no       but to report Jason to the police.
                    (A) borders          (B) alternatives       (C) vibrations           (D) belongings
(   ) 14.  I asked my best friend for a      , but, surprisingly, she turned me down.
                    (A) culture           (B) favor                  (C) meter                 (D) danger
(   ) 15.  The writer’s       stories make readers burst out laughing.
(A) domestic     (B) accurate            (C) humorous         (D) ineffective
(   ) 16.  Bad news always       fast. 
(A) trades          (B) buries                (C) exposes            (D) travels
(   ) 17.  There are over 3,500       of cockroaches in the world.
(A) passages      (B) diets                 (C) species             (D) appearances

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   經理的辦公室總是很整齊。所有的東西井然有序。
The manager’s office is always
      .  Everything is in       .
2.   我們一進到教室,就是一片混亂。我們不知道發生了什麼事。
When we came into the classroom, it was
             .  We didn’t know what had happened.

3.   那男子用網站從事犯罪行為,騙了許多人的錢。
The man
       crimes        a website, tricking many people out of their money.

