2018年1月15日 星期一

B5 U6 文法句型解析與補充

Focal Point 1
(Conj.) V-ing/P.P...., S + V....

Conj. + S + V..., S + V.... (Conj.) V-ing..., S + V....
(1) 副詞子句與主要子句的主詞須相同。
(2) 現在分詞表動作為主動。
Sitting on the sofa, we watched TV and chatted with each other cheerfully.
While driving on the highway, all drivers must obey the traffic rules.
Although feeling tired, Pat sat down and helped her son with his math homework.
When eating, a polite person doesn’t speak when his or her mouth is full of food.
Not knowing what he should do next, Peter kept pacing the room and felt helpless.

Conj. + S + V..., S + V.... (Conj.) P.P...., S + V....
(1) 副詞子句與主要子句的主詞須相同。
(2) 過去分詞表動作為被動。
Surrounded by mountains, the remote village is said to be a paradise.
If angered, a dog can become a dangerous animal.
When faced with a water shortage, we should conserve water.
If invited to deliver a graduation speech, Jenny will feel very proud.

S + V... Conj. + S + V.... S + V... (Conj.) V-ing/P.P....
(1) 分詞構句置於句首時連接詞可省略,亦可保留。
(2) 分詞構句置於主要子句之後時,視語意可保留連接詞。
Jerry fell into the river while he was fishing on the bridge.
Jerry fell into the river while fishing on the bridge.
The blind man was hit by a motorcycle while he was crossing the street.
The blind man was hit by a motorcycle while crossing the street.
River water cannot be used for drinking if it is polluted by chemicals.
River water cannot be used for drinking if polluted by chemicals.

1. 表狀態:(Being +) Adj, S + V....
2. 表動作:V-ing..., S + V.....
(1) (Being + ) Adj表示狀態。
(2) 現在分詞V-ing用以表示主動的動作,勿和字尾為-ing的分詞形容詞混淆,如interesting, surprising, exciting, embarrassing, boring, amazing等。
(Being) young and foolish, John missed many good opportunities.(狀態)
(Being) Exciting and challenging, street dance is very popular among teenagers.(狀態)
Knowing he had been admitted to Harvard, Ken cried with joy.(動作)
Walking hand-in-hand in the park, the old couple looked happy.(動作)

1. 表狀態:(Being +) Adj..., S + V....
2. 表動作:P.P...., S + V....
(1) (Being + ) Adj表示狀態。
(2) 過去分詞P.P.用以表示被動型態的動作,勿和字尾為-ed的分詞形容詞混淆,如interested, surprised, excited, embarrassed等。
(Being) Tired of her boyfriend’s bad temper, Susan decided to break up with him.(狀態)
(Being) Excited about the next day’s trip, little Johnny couldn’t sleep.(狀態)
Deserted by his children, the old man had no choice but to live in a nursing home (養老院).(被動的動作)
Asked if she was hungry, the little girl nodded and said yes.(被動的動作)

Conj. + S1 + V1..., S2 + V2.... S1 + V-ing..., S2 + V2....
(1) 因主詞不同,故主詞務必保留,連接詞務必省略。
(2) 本句型常用於It + be動詞(表天氣、時間之狀態)及There + be動詞(有……之情況)。
Life being short, we should make the best of it.
Weather permitting, we will go camping tomorrow.
There having been many earthquakes this year, the building is badly damaged.
It being late, we decided to stay home instead of going to see a movie.
There being no city bus, we had to take a taxi home from school.

A. 將劃底線處簡化成分詞構句
1. Because he was fired by his boss, John felt very angry.
                                         , John felt very angry.
2. While she was shopping at a traditional market, Brenda lost her purse.
                                         , Brenda lost her purse.
3. Because I felt tired from working, I had to stop and take a rest.
                                         , I had to stop and take a rest.
4. When it is seen from the mountains at night, Kaohsiung looks very beautiful.
                                         , Kaohsiung looks very beautiful.
5. If the weather permits, we will continue the climb this afternoon.
                                         , we will continue the climb this afternoon.

B. 用分詞構句完成下列句子的翻譯
                                  , the scientist seldom took a rest.
                                    , Nancy didn’t know what to say.
                                    , we should go home.

Focal Point 2
Never/Hardly/Little/Seldom/Rarely +
+ S + ....
(1) 複習so/neither/nor之倒裝句型。
(2) 教授否定副詞放句首之倒裝句型。
(3) 教授其他常用之以倒裝加強語氣的句型。

複習句型:複習 so/neither/nor的倒裝
1. S + 肯定句, and so + 倒裝句.
2. S + 否定句, and neither + 倒裝句.
3. S + 否定句, (and) nor + 倒裝句.
(1) soneither為副詞,故需加連接詞and
(2) nor本身是連接詞,可不加連接詞and
Jason can speak French fluently, and so can Michael.
Aaron got up early this morning, and so did I.
Felix didn’t like talking to strangers, and neither did I.
Jack is not good at chemistry and physics, nor is Tony.

Never/Hardly/Little/Seldom/Rarely 倒裝
(1) 表否定的副詞置於句首時,句子要改成倒裝結構。
(2) 句中有be動詞時,把be動詞放到主詞前面。
Stella is never impatient with her students.
Never is Stella impatient with her students.
(3) 句中有一般動詞時,要加上助動詞do/does/did,並將助動詞放到主詞前面,後面動詞改為原形。若句中已經有助動詞,則直接把助動詞放到主詞前。
Jack seldom flew a kite in the square.
Seldom did Jack fly a kite in the square.
I rarely have time to go on a vacation.
Rarely do I have time to go on a vacation.
Animals can scarcely survive in such extreme weather conditions.
Scarcely can animals survive in such extreme weather conditions.
(4) 若為完成式,則將助動詞has/have/had放到主詞前,後面動詞維持P.P.
The couple has never been to Europe.
Never has the couple been to Europe.
(5) 若為there be句型則把be動詞放到there前面。
There is hardly any money left in my wallet.
Hardly is there any money left in my wallet.
(6) Little置於句中解釋成「一點也不……」。
Little do scientists know about other planets.
Little did the local people know the cause of the explosion.

Only + prep. phr./Only then/No sooner/By no means... + 倒裝句
(1) 否定的副詞片語或某些特定的副詞片語置於句首時,主要子句亦用倒裝結構
(2) by no means也可用on no account, in no way, in no situation, under no circumstances代替。
You can achieve your goal only by working hard.
Only by working hard can you achieve your goal.
I understood the value of friendship only then.
Only then did I understand the value of friendship.
Jack had no sooner arrived home than it started to rain.
No sooner had Jack arrived home than it started to rain.
Tommy is by no means a liar.
By no means is Tommy a liar.
Hank will under no circumstances do such a thing.
Under no circumstances will Hank do such a thing.

1. The little girl hardly plays with her classmates.
                                       play with her classmates.
2. Tony is seldom late to work.
                                       late to work.
3. The man rarely rides a bike to the park.
                                        a bike to the park.
4. That man is by no means a suspect.
5. There are scarcely any street crimes in this town.
*6. I had no sooner got into the shower than my mom called.
                                        than my mom called.
*7. I will not lie to you under any circumstances.
                                         will I lie to you.
*8. I learned about the benefits of being honest only then.


