2018年1月10日 星期三

Miao 106-18

The city of London has introduced a new charge for people driving particularly polluting cars. Its aim is to get older and dirtier automobiles off the roads in an attempt to    16    London’s air quality. The new “T-charge” (Toxicity Charge) of NT$400 a day to drive in central London has been added to the city’s existing congestion charge of NT$460, and mostly    17    cars made before 2006.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has called the persistent air pollution in London a public health    
   18   . Air quality in Britain’s capital has improved notably since its worst days in the 1950s, but still 
   19    falls below international standards for clean air.    20    the criticism that the charge might not do enough to combat London’s dirty air, Mayor Khan explains that it is only one facet of a wider plan.

      16. (A) nominate             (B) retreat                (C) elevate               (D) motivate
      17. (A) applies to            (B) blows up           (C) puts out             (D) lays off
      18. (A) deadline              (B) crisis                  (C) reunion              (D) germ
      19. (A) hopefully            (B) scarcely             (C) probably            (D) routinely
      20. (A) Unless                 (B) Despite              (C) Except               (D) Although

(C) 16. 毒氣費是為了特別會製造污染的車輛而徵收,並要使老舊、骯髒的車輛不再行駛於路上,因此毒氣費是為了「提升」倫敦的空氣品質,故答案選(C)
(A) nominate  (v.) 提名;任命
(B) retreat  (v.) 撤退;退隱
(C) elevate  (v.) 提升;舉起
(D) motivate  (v.) 激勵;使產生動機

(A) 17. 毒氣費是針對老舊的車輛收費,因此大多「適用於」2006年前製造的車輛,故答案選(A)
(A) to apply to sb./sth. 適用於…
(B) to blow sth. up 炸毀…;引爆…
(C) to put sth. out 撲滅(火災)
(D) to lay sb. off 將…裁員

(B) 18. 徵收毒氣費是為了提升空氣品質,可知倫敦持續的空氣汙染對人們的健康有害,因此薩迪克.汗將此汙染稱為大眾健康「危機」,故答案選(B)
(A) deadline  (n.) 截止日期
(B) crisis  (n.) 危機(複數crises
(C) reunion  (n.) 重聚;團圓
(D) germ  (n.) 病菌

(D) 19. 本句以連接詞but來使前後兩句在文意上成對比,表示雖然倫敦的空氣品質從1950年代起有顯著的改善,但仍「慣常地」低於國際乾淨空氣的標準,故答案選(D)
(A) hopefully (adv.) 懷抱希望地;但願
(B) scarcely  (adv.) 幾乎不
(C) probably  (adv.) 或許;大概
(D) routinely  (adv.)慣常地;例行地

(B) 20. 空格後接名詞片語(the criticism),可見應填入介系詞,故選項(D) although(雖然)錯誤:although為連接詞,應接子句。再由語意判斷,本句前後的語意出現反差(有人認為這項收費無濟於事,市長卻解釋說這只是計畫的一部分), 故應使用表對比的(B) despite(儘管)。其餘選項(A) unless(除非)、(C) except(除…之外)皆不合文意。
1. polluting  (adj.) 製造汙染的
pollution  (n.) 汙染
2. automobile  (n.) 汽車
3. toxicity  (n.) 毒性
4. existing  (adj.) 現行的;現存的
5. congestion  (n.) 堵塞
6. mayor  (n.) 市長
7. persistent  (adj.)持續存在的;堅持不懈的
8. capital  (n.) 首都;資本
9. notably  (adv.) 顯著地
10. criticism  (n.) 批評;評論
11. combat  (v.) 對抗;打擊
12. facet  (n.) 方面;部分

1. to get A off B 使A離開B
2. in an attempt + to V 試圖…;為了…

3. to add A to B A添加在B

We all learn, when we’re being taught manners, to say “please” and “thank you.” How often, though, do we think about other expressions of gratitude? Research shows that expressing    21    thankful we are for what other people do isn’t just polite—it has other important effects, including making our coworkers more productive in the workplace.
Feeling    22    improves your mental health and tends to make you like your job more. That could be an important lesson not only for bosses but also for employees. What’s more, feeling grateful to others has been shown to improve your mental and physical health as well, and gratitude is often
   23   . Expressing your thanks to other people may inspire them to pass on the compliments.
Research indicates that this has to go deeper than a generic “thank you” or a socially expected holiday gift. Gratitude is the most effective when it’s    24   . Personal messages and thanks, for instance, are much more encouraging than generic thank-yous that might come across as insincere. If someone in your life has done something great recently,    25    thanking them for it specifically! You’ll be glad you did.

      21. (A) what                    (B) how                   (C) so                      (D) that
      22. (A) entertained          (B) persuaded         (C) appreciated       (D) publicized
      23. (A) habitual               (B) contagious         (C) fragrant             (D) domestic
      24. (A) invaluable           (B) dominant           (C) cooperative       (D) genuine
      25. (A) consider              (B) to consider                (C) considered                (D) considering

(B) 21. 空格後面接以形容詞thankful(感激的)開頭的子句,作為動詞expressing(表達)之受詞,應填入how,以構成how + Adj. + S + be 之句型,表示「多麼…」之意,故答案選(B)

(C) 22. 前面提到向他人表示感謝可促進職場的生產力,此處解釋原因:當一個人覺得受到「賞識」會使其更加喜愛自己的工作,進而在工作上表現得更好,故答案選(C)
(A) entertain  (v.) 娛樂;款待
(B) persuade  (v.) 說服
(C) appreciate  (v.) 欣賞;感激
(D) publicize  (v.) 宣傳;宣揚

(B) 23. 本題的答題線索在於後句:對他人表示感謝會激勵他們繼續傳遞這樣的讚美,換言之,感謝是「有感染力的」,故答案選(B)
(A) habitual (adj.) 習慣性的;慣常的
(B) contagious (adj.) 有感染力的;傳染性的
(C) fragrant  (adj.) 芳香的
(D) domestic  (adj.) 家庭的;國內的

(D) 24. 後句提到普通的謝謝會給人不誠懇的印象,因此最有效的感謝是個人發於內心「真誠的」感謝,故答案選(D)
(A) invaluable  (adj.) 無價的
(B) dominant  (adj.) 支配的;佔優勢的
(C) cooperative  (adj.)合作的
(D) genuine  (adj.) 真誠的;真正的

(A) 25. 空格前為if(如果)所引導的條件子句,空格本句為主要子句,缺乏主詞和動詞,因此空格應選原形動詞,為「祈使句」之用法,表示建議、要求,故答案選(A) consider(考慮)。
1. manners  (n.) (pl.) 禮貌;規矩
2. expression  (n.) 表達;表情
express  (v.) 表達;表示
3. gratitude (n.) 感激
4. research  (n.) 研究
5. including  (prep.) 包括
6. productive  (adj.) 富有成效的;多產的
7. workplace  (n.) 職場;工作場所
8. mental  (adj.) 心理的
9. employee  (n.) 員工
10. physical  (adj.) 身體的;實質的
11. inspire  (v.) 激勵;給予靈感
12. compliment  (n.) 稱讚;恭維
13. generic (adj.) 一般的;普通的
14. effective  (adj.) 有效的
15. encouraging (adj.) 鼓舞人心的
16. insincere  (adj.) 不誠懇的
17. specifically (adv.) 特別地;專門地

1. to be/feel thankful/grateful to sb. for sth.因某事而感激某人
2. to tend + to V 傾向…;易於…;往往…
3. not only/just but (also) ... 不但…而且…
4. to pass sth. on 傳遞…
5. to come across as + N/Adj. 給人…印象

Next to a church in Mexico, some families walk among the graves of their dead relatives and leave behind flowers, toys, and candy. A traditional mariachi band plays music that suits the occasion:      
   26    sad and solemn    26    bright and happy. On this first day of November, not only
   27    Mexicans gather together to remember their dead relatives, but they celebrate the lives of the deceased. While there are plenty of skeleton drawings and figurines, this is not Halloween. It’s Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.
The festival is a beloved part of Mexican culture, being observed throughout Mexico as well as in Mexican communities in the US. It’s a    28    of native Mexican and imported Christian traditions coming together to produce a unique cultural event.
The Day of the Dead celebrations treat death as a natural part of life. People choose to remember the dead with joy instead of sadness. A day    29    those who have passed away also helps highlight the positive impacts they made while they were alive. In other cultures, happy music and sweet food might seem to    30     remembering the dead. However, in Mexico, there’s no conflict.

      26. (A) not, but               (B) neither, nor        (C) more, than         (D) either, or
      27. (A) did                      (B) are                     (C) do                      (D) have
      28. (A) shelter                 (B) blend                 (C) loan                   (D) virtue
      29. (A) used to remember                               (B) is used to remember
(C) used to remembering                           (D) is used to remembering

      30. (A) run out of            (B) turn down         (C) stand up for      (D) contrast with

(A) 26. 最後一段提到,墨西哥人選擇用喜悅而非悲傷來緬懷亡者,由此判斷,在亡靈節這一天,墨西哥街頭樂隊所演奏的音樂「不是」悲傷嚴肅的曲風,「而是」歡喜快樂的,故答案選(A)
(A) not A but B 不是A而是B
(B) neither A nor B 既非A也非B
(C) more A than B 與其說是B不如說是A
(D) either A or B 不是A就是B

(C) 27. not only置於句首時,後面須接倒裝句(but also後面的句子則不用):Not only + Aux. + S1  + V1..., but + S2 (also) + V2 ...。由空格後面的原形動詞gather判斷,(B) are(D) have 錯誤,而本句描述現在事實,應搭配現在式,故答案選(C) do

(B) 28. 後面提到墨西哥本土和外來的基督教傳統融合,創造出亡靈節這個獨特的節日,換句話說,亡靈節是這兩者的「混合物」,故答案選(B)
(A) shelter [']5lt0] (n.) 庇護(所)
(B) blend [bl5nd] (n.) 混合(物)
(C) loan [lon] (n.) 借貸;貸款
(D) virtue ['v-t]8] (n.) 美德;優點

(A) 29. 此處指亡靈節是「被用來緬懷」亡者的日子。本句主詞為A day      those who have passed away,空格及其後字詞 修飾a day;空格中本應填入that is used to remember,以構成關係子句作為後位修飾,可進一步簡化成分詞片語:去除關係代名詞thatbe動詞is,保留過去分詞used以表示被動語意,故答案選(A) used to remember。比較以下用 法:be used to + V(被用來…); be used to + V-ing(習慣…);used to + V(過去常/曾…)。

(D) 30. 本句與後句說明墨西哥和其他文化對於緬懷死者的不同態度:墨西哥人認為歡樂的氣氛 與緬懷亡者之間沒有衝突(no conflict) 但其他文化的人則看法不同,可能認為此二者「形成對比」,故答案選(D)
(A) to run out of sth. 用完…
(B) to turn sb./sth. down 拒絕…
(C) to stand up for sb./sth. 捍衛…
(D) to contrast with sb./sth. 和…成對比
1. grave (n.) 墳墓
2. relative (n.) 親戚
3. mariachi band 墨西哥街頭樂隊
4. occasion  (n.) 場合;時刻
5. solemn (adj.) 嚴肅的
6. celebrate (v.) 慶祝;頌揚
celebration (n.) 慶祝(活動)
7. the deceased 死者
8. skeleton  (n.) 骨骼;骨架
9. figurine  (n.) 小雕像
10. beloved  (adj.) 摯愛的
11. observe  (v.) 過(節日);遵守;觀察
12. community  (n.) 社區;社群
13. native  (adj.) 土生土長的
14. imported  (adj.) 進口的
15. unique  (adj.) 獨特的
16. highlight  (v.) 強調;使突出
17. conflict  (n.) 衝突;牴觸

1. to leave sb./sth. behind 留下…
2. plenty of + N(複數或不可數) 許多…
3. as well as 和;以及
4. to treat A as B A視為B
5. instead of + N/V-ing 而不是…
6. to pass away 過世

7. to make a(n) ... impact 產生…影響

