2018年1月15日 星期一

龍騰英文V習作簿第5 & 6課 簡答

龍騰英文V習作簿第5  簡答
1. financial 2. passionate  3. gracefully  4. stamped  5. energetic  6. arrange 
7. informed  8. D  9. B  10. C
II.1. D 2. A  3. B  4. C  5. B
III.1. B 2. D
IV.1. D 2. D  3. C  4. B  5. A
V.1. C 2. D  3. C
1. It is not polite to keep your friends waiting for a long time. 
If Lisa had told the truth last night, she would not have been punished.
If John had driven carefully, the accident would not have happened.
4. If Marvin had not gone to Canada for a working holiday, he would not have experienced a lot of culture shock.
5. Don’t leave the window open, or mosquitoes will get into the house. 
1. ban; from
2. rolled; down
Every time Tiffany feels upset, she goes to the dance classroom to dance away her frustration.
2. Joshua couldn’t help crying when he finally fulfilled his dreams.

龍騰英文V習作簿第6  簡答
1. obvious 2. structures  3. popularity  4. transformed  5. patent  6. revolutionized 
7. industrial  8. A  9. B  10. D
II.1. B 2. A  3. C  4. B  5. C
III.1. D 2. C
IV.1. A 2. C  3. A  4. B  5. D
V.1. D 2. C  3. B
1. Stared at by the stranger, Heidi felt uneasy and left immediately. 
Rarely is Jimmy on time for school because he likes to sleep.
Never has Betty been on a plane all her life because she is afraid of flying.
4. Winning first prize, Alicia screamed and shouted with joy.
5. Laid off by his company, Mr. Carey was depressed for days. 
1. took; apart
2. put; together
Vincent knew he was in deep financial trouble when he failed to/didn’t get the contract.

2. By using Lego bricks to restore old buildings, this artist has brought Lego toys to  life.

