2018年1月12日 星期五

英文V Lesson 6 Exercises

龍騰高職英文V  Lesson 6  Exercises單元  簡答

1. industry       2. variety                        3. repair         4. popularity    5. humble    
6. restore          7. revolutionized     8. patented      9. Obviously    10. innumerable  

1. A         2. C         3. A

1. A         2. C         3. A         4. A         5. D

1. on; a; large; scale
2. put; together
3. in; trouble
4. take; apart
5. At; some; point

Seldom does Ryan go to the library.

Driving over the speed limit, Ben got a ticket from the policeman.

1.  Today, there is an average of sixty Lego bricks for every person on earth.
2.  深受小朋友、大人及收藏家喜愛,樂高是全球最知名的玩具品牌之一。

