2018年1月29日 星期一

B5 U7 句型1+1

( D )1. The novel, which     in the 1980s, has been popular since then.

(A) wrote                                  (B) to write

                       (C) was writing                       (D) was written

2.    這座教堂以巴洛克風格建造,被視為這個城市最著名的地標。

This church, which   is     considered   the most famous landmark in the city,    was       built    in the Baroque style.1.    儘管噪音很大聲,我睡得很熟。

  Loud    as/though  the noise   was  , I slept like a baby.

2.    儘管這個人是富有的,他對已擁有的東西並不滿足。

  Rich    as/though  the man   was  , he was not content with what he already had.( A )1. Our junior high school class reunion is held    .

(A) every three years                (B) every other three years

(C) three years every                (D) again three years

2.    醫生要病人每四小時吃一次藥。

The doctor asked the patient to take the medicine   every  
  four     hours  .( B )1. The ceremony will begin on time     some guests are late.

(A) because                              (B) even if

(C) although                             (D) and thus

2.    即使下雨我們還是會去健行。

We are going hiking   even     if   it rains.( A )1. I don’t have     this pair of shoes.

(A) enough money to buy

(B) money enough to buy

(C) enough money to buying

(D) money enough to buying

2.    John傻到把所有錢借給一個他幾乎不認識的男人。

John was  foolish   enough    to     lend   all his money to a man he barely knew.1.    毋須口出惡言。告訴我們你在心煩什麼吧。

  There     is     no     need   to say mean words. Just tell us what’s bothering you.

( A )2. Since it’s Sunday, there is no need for students     to school.

(A) to go                                   (B) going

(C) to going                              (D) who go


I. 文法選擇20%(一題4分)

( D )1. In Taiwan, the garbage truck comes to take recyclable waste    .

(A) another day                                (B) the other day

(C) every another day                        (D) every other day

( D )2. There is no need     sorry for him. He deserves it.

(A) feeling                                         (B) to feeling      

(C) and feel                                        (D) to feel

( A )3.    , it crossed the finish line before the rabbit and won the race.

(A) Slowly as the turtle moved

(B) Slowly the turtle moved

(C) The turtle though moved slowly

(D) Slowly although the turtle moved

( C )4.  The boy was not     the top of the shelf.

(A) tall enough to reaching

(B) enough tall to reaching

(C) tall enough to reach

(D) enough tall to reach

( C )5.  Don’t lose heart     things don’t go the way you expected.

(A) so                                                 (B) because

(C) even if                                         (D) however

II. 填充20%(一格4分)

1.  Patrick樂於助人,即使他可能得不到回報。

     Patrick is willing to help others (e)  even     if   he may not get anything in return.

2.  Teresa不夠時間吃早餐,所以她只喝了一杯牛奶。

     Teresa didn’t have (e) enough  (t)  time     to   eat breakfast, so she simply drank a glass of milk.

III. 句子合併或改寫20%(一題10分)

1.  Someone stole the most valuable painting in the gallery last night.(用be + P.P.改寫)

è The most valuable painting in the gallery was stolen last night.                                     


2.  Although the weather was hot, I had a spicy hot pot for lunch.

     (用Adj/Adv + as...改寫)

è Hot as the weather was, I had a spicy hot pot for lunch.                                               

IV. 句子重組20%(一題10分)

1.  his cellphone / two minutes / every / checks / My brother

è My brother checks his cellphone every two minutes.                                                     

2.  There is no need / you / apologize / to / for

è There is no need for you to apologize.                                                                           

V. 中譯英20%(一題10分)

1.  這場會議將在星期一早上舉行。(be + P.P.

è The meeting will be held on Monday morning.                                                              

2.  雖然炸雞很不健康,但是John每天都吃。(Adj/Adv + as/though...

è Unhealthy as/though fried chicken is, John eats it every day.                                       



