2018年1月15日 星期一

B5 U5 文法句型解析與補充

Focal Point 1
Review: S + find/leave/keep + O +   V-ing

S + find/keep/leave + O + Adj
The housework kept me busy all morning.
Don’t disturb Mary; just leave her alone. She is in a bad mood.
The hikers found the house empty. It seemed to have been deserted by its owner.

S + find/keep/leave + O + V-ing
Robert opened the door and found a stranger lying outside his house.
Punctuality is important; we should not keep our friends waiting for us.
John’s girlfriend ran away and left him standing in the rain.

S + find/keep/leave + O + P.P.
My mother found two eggs crushed at the bottom of the bag.
The heartbroken mother died, leaving three children uncared for.

S + find/keep/leave + O + 介系詞片語
Finally, Lucy found her ring not in the safe but in the cabinet.
Little Andy kept his precious diary in a small box under his bed.
Hearing the doorbell ring, May left her baby in the cradle and ran to open the door.

S + have/make/let + O + VR
I am not good at English; therefore, English tests always make me feel nervous.
Alison had her son drive to the airport to pick up her sister.

S + have/make + O + P.P.
There is something wrong with Tony’s eyes. He is going to the hospital to have them examined.
In the summer, Ted always has his hair cut short. It makes him feel cool.

S + make + O + Adj
Your birthday gift for my mother made her very happy.
The students’ progress makes their teacher very proud.

S + see/hear/watch/... + O + VR
I saw someone fall into the pool today.
    I heard my dog make a weird noise while he was sleeping.

S + see/hear/watch/... + O + V-ing
At the airport we can see planes landing and taking off.
We heard our neighbors arguing about their parking spaces.
In the summer we often see ladies wearing miniskirts.

A. 引導式翻譯
1. 當我到學校,發現校園空無一人。
I        the campus        when I got to school.
2. Tina閉著眼睛聽音樂。
Tina        her eyes        as she listened to the music.
3. 大樓燒毀了,留下許多人無家可歸。
The building burned down,        many people       .
*4. Allen說英文時無法讓他的話被理解。
Allen can’t        himself        when he speaks English.
*5. 昨晚我看到Jack匆匆忙忙地離開他家。
Last night I        Jack        out of his house in a hurry.

B. 翻譯
1. 我們發現許多狗狗被遺棄在街頭。
2. 老師發現許多學生上課時用智慧型手機上網。
3. Susan讓她的男友在外面等了一個小時。
4. 我們到家時,發現我們的貓咪正躲在衣櫥裡。
*5. 來自學校的壓力使Jim日夜努力讀書。
Focal Point 2
If + S + had + P.P...., S + would/could/might + have + P.P....
(1) 複習if條件句的用法。
(2) 複習「與現在事實相反」的假設法及其倒裝用法。
(3) 介紹「與過去事實相反」的假設法及其倒裝用法。

複習句型:if 條件副詞子句
1. If + S +現在式V, S + 未來式V...
2. If + S +現在式V, 祈使句...
(1) 表示未來可能實現的條件時,if子句中的動詞用現在式代替未來式。
(2) 祈使句是針對you所提出的命令、禁止、建議或忠告。
If I have time tonight, I will call you.
If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the field trip.
If you keep fooling around like this, you will never get anything done.
If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to ask your friends for help.

複習句型:if 假設法(與現在事實相反)
If + S + 過去式V, S + would/could/might + VR...
If I were a millionaire, I would donate money to assist the flood victims.
If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
If I were you, I would tell the truth.
If he were a true friend, he wouldn’t say something like that.

課文句型:if 假設法(與過去事實相反)
If + S + had + P.P...., S + would/could/might + have + P.P.
說明:if子句用過去完成式,主要子句用過去式助動詞 + have P.P.
If I hadn’t made so many mistakes, I would have passed the exam.
If Mary hadn’t eaten so many cookies, she wouldn’t have gained so much weight.
If you had taken my advice, you might have won the championship.
If I had studied a little harder, I might have gotten a better grade on the math exam.

補充句型:if 與現在事實相反的假設法倒裝
Were it not for + N, S + would/could/might + VR
說明:與現在事實相反的假設法及其倒裝用法,直述句為If it were not for + N, S + would/could/might + VR「要不是……、多虧了……」的意思。
If it were not for birds and flowers, my life would be very boring.
= Were it not for birds and flowers, my life would be very boring.
If it were not for my uncle’s financial help, I wouldn’t be in college. = Were it not for my uncle’s financial help, I wouldn’t be in college.
If it were not for her dad’s present, Cathy wouldn’t be this happy.
= Were it not for her dad’s present, Cathy wouldn’t be this happy.

補充句型: if 與過去事實相反的假設法倒裝
Had it not been for + N, S + would/could/might + have + P.P.
說明:與過去事實相反的假設法及其倒裝用法,直述句為If it had not been for + N, S + would/could/might + have + P.P.「要不是……、多虧了……」的意思。
If it had not been for the police officer’s warning, you might have died.
= Had it not been for the police officer’s warning, you might have died.
If it had not been for an old farmer’s complaints, we wouldn’t have found out about the recycled oil scandal.
= Had it not been for an old farmer’s complaints, we wouldn’t have found out about the recycled oil scandal.
If it had not been for her parents’ support, Judy couldn’t have gone abroad to study music.
= Had it not been for her parents’ support, Judy couldn’t have gone abroad to study music.

A. 請依提示,填入適當的動詞。
1. If Paul        (be) rich, he would buy this house for his parents.
2. If you        (tell) him the truth, he might have been able to help you.
3. If there        (be) no air, nothing could live.
4. Jack might have passed the exam if he        (study) harder.
5. If Sue had gone to the party, she        (will enjoy) herself.

B. 翻譯
1. 如果我的房子沒有毀於地震,我就不會搬到市區來。(提示:與過去事實相反)
If my house _________________________________________________________

If it were not for ______________________________________________________
If it were not for ______________________________________________________


