2018年2月26日 星期一

B4 U1 Vocabulary & Phrases

I. Words for Production
1. exchange  vt. to give something and receive the same kind of thing in return 交換
► The two women exchanged business cards when they first met.
2. text  n. [U] any form of written material 文字,文本
► If you are interested in the full text of this report, you can find it on the reporter’s blog.
3. message  n. [C] a piece of spoken or written information  訊息,留言
I left a message for Tim, asking him to call me back.
4. conversation  n. [C][U] an informal talk between two or more people 談話,交談
► Rose and I had a long conversation in the café. We had many things to talk about with each other.
5. interrupt  vt.; vi. to stop something temporarily, or to make someone stop what they are doing or saying 打斷,使中斷
► Mark seemed embarrassed when he arrived late and interrupted the meeting.
interruption  n. [U][C] 打斷,中斷
► The speaker spoke for two hours without interruption.
6. combine  vt.; vi. to come together or put things together to form a single thing or group (使) 結合,混合
► The medicine works better when it is combined with other medical treatments.
7. presence  n. [U] the state or fact of being in a particular place 在場,出席  ANT absence
► Molly was so quiet that no one noticed her presence.
present  adj. (not before n.) 在場的,出席的 ANT absent
  More than twenty thousand people were present at the big event.
adj. (only before n.) 當前的,現在的 SYN current
Joey is a manager, and he is satisfied with his present position in the company.
8. negative  adj. bad or harmful; considering only the bad side 不好的,負面的 ANT positive
► If parents constantly fight, it may have a negative impact on their children.
9. effect  n. [C][U] a change which is a result of an action or other cause 影響,結果
► A change in your habits will have an effect on your lifestyle.
effective  adj. 有效的 ANT ineffective
► This solution is simple but highly effective in fixing the problem.
10. yell  vi.; vt. to shout loudly 大吼,叫喊
► When I stepped on Nancy’s foot, she yelled in pain (疼痛).
11. behave  vi. to act or do things in a particular way 表現 SYN act
► Kyle is thirty years old, but sometimes he behaves just like a little boy.
behavior  n. [U] 行為,舉止
► Vanessa’s strange behavior made me wonder if she was hiding something from me.
12. appealing  adj. attractive, interesting  有吸引力的,令人感興趣的 ANT unappealing
The idea of taking a trip to London is very appealing to me.
appeal  vi. 吸引,引起興趣
► This movie appeals not only to children but also to adults. It is popular among all age groups.
13. obvious  adj. easy to see or understand  明顯的 SYN apparent
► Jane looks pale. It is obvious that there is something wrong with her.
14. communication  n. [U] the process of exchanging information or expressing thoughts and feelings 交流
► Body language can be an effective form of communication.
   communicate  vi.; vt. 溝通,傳達
   My client lives in a foreign country, so we usually communicate with each other by e­mail.
15. eager  adj. very interested in doing something or excited about             something that is going to happen 熱切的,渴望的
► Tom is very eager to start his new job tomorrow.
16. connected  adj. related to each other 聯結的,有關聯的 ANT unconnected
   ► The police thought that the two similar cases might be connected.
connect  vt. ……有關聯,連接 SYN link
► The scientists have connected the area’s recent unusual weather with global warming.
17. odd  adj. different from what is usual or expected 古怪的,怪異的 SYN strange
► My neighbor is an odd person. She likes to wear a heavy coat in the summertime.
18. engage  vi. to be doing or to get involved in an activity 投入,從事
► Diane has engaged in several animal protection campaigns.
19. unpleasant  adj. not enjoyable or comfortable 令人不愉
► The meeting was such an unpleasant experience that no one wanted to talk about it.
pleasant  adj. 令人愉快的 SYN nice
► Philip’s smiling face showed that he had enjoyed a pleasant evening with his date.
20. incident  n. [C] an event, especially an unusual or unpleasant one 事件
► I saw a dead cat last month. Since then, I have dreamed about this incident every night.
21. harm  n. [U] damage or injury caused by an action or event 傷害
Swimming without warming up first may cause some harm to your body.

1. catch up on  to learn about something that has happened 了解,得知 (近況)
► Rachel and I spent the whole night catching up on what had happened recently in our lives.
to do something that should have been done earlier 補做
► Rex didn’t go out with me because he had a lot of homework to catch up on.
2. in one’s presence  with someone in the same place 在……面前,有……在場
► Jerry never says anything negative about my favorite singer in my presence.
3. due to  caused by someone or something 由於,因為  SYN because of
► Due to a lack of food, most people in that country are very thin and unhealthy.
4. face to face  in a situation where people are close together and looking at each other 面對面
The salesperson likes to meet with customers face to face.


2018年2月21日 星期三

高中英文翻譯密集訓練 1-3

高中英文翻譯密集訓練 1

A 題組】
1. 基於環境方面的考量,日本的公車司機被要求在等紅綠燈時熄掉引擎。

2. 藉由這麼做,日本人希望能夠減少他們溫室氣體的排放,防止全球暖化更加嚴重。
A 題組】
1. 第一題可譯為:
Due to environmental concerns, Japanese bus drivers are required to turn off their engines while waiting for traffic lights.
2 .第二題可譯為:

By doing so, the Japanese hope to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and prevent global warming from increasing.
B 題組】
1. 台灣有些醫院養寵物狗來陪伴必須長期與家人分開的慢性病患者。

2. 透過與這些『狗醫生』的互動,許多病人已有顯著的改善,有些甚至完全康復。
B 題組】
1. 第一題可譯為:
Some hospitals in Taiwan keep pet dogs to accompany chronically ill patients who have to be separated from their families for a long time.
2. 第二題可譯為:

Through their interactions with these "dog doctors," many patients have made remarkable improvement, and some have even recovered completely.
C 題組】
1. 現今,大部分人都仰賴電子郵件與即時通訊來和朋友保持聯絡。

2. 然而,我認為這樣的科技對人們溝通的能力有負面的影響。

1.Jonathan 用滅火器阻止了火勢繼續蔓延。(提示:prevent

2. 我陪 Mary 到火車站去,因為夜色已經很深了。(提示:accompany

3. 她父母的離婚深深影響她對婚姻的態度。(提示:impact

高中英文翻譯密集訓練 2

A 題組】
1. 有關含汞(mercury)流感疫苗的報導已經嚇壞了許多父母。

2.   官員已向大眾保證那些藥劑的安全性,但該新聞仍引起許多關於含汞針劑的辯論。

B 題組】
1.  Alan 是我一個對人生抱持樂觀態度的朋友。

2.  他總是建議我要放開生命中的挫敗與失望。

C 題組】
1.  Lisa 和她的網友交換照片後相約見面。

2.  結果,他竟然是幼稚園時坐在她隔壁的同學。

1.  總統上電視向大眾保證自己在這起醜聞中是清白的。(提示:assure sb that ...

 2. 我老闆是 Mary 的一位叔叔,所以我試著盡可能對她友好。(提示:雙重所有格)

 3. 經過長時間的調查,結果 George 竟然是兇手。(提示:it turned out...

高中英文翻譯密集訓練 3

A 題組】
1.  據報導,台灣的小學生越來越矮。

2.  根據統計數字,學生的平均身高過去兩年來減少了一公分。

3.  為了讓他們長高,學生應該多攝取鈣質,並多運動。

B 題組】
1.  我媽媽雖然幾年前已經退休,她還是一直很忙碌。

2.  她每天很早起床準備我們的早餐和做家事。

3.  此外,她週末會去醫院當義工幫助病人。

1.  想在這裡找份工作越來越難了。(提示:increasingly

 2. 過去十年來,籃球迷的數目持續增加。(提示:for the past...

 3. 除了會彈鋼琴之外,Jamie 也會拉小提琴。(提示:besides

2018年2月6日 星期二



1. 線性閱讀法:

The fact that many family organizations are not monogamous as in the West, led many nineteenth-century observers to the erroneous conclusion that in "early" stages of evolution there existed no families, and that "group marriage", institutionalized promiscuity, prevailed.
1) 完全搞不懂,就算查了單字,也沒幫助
2) 好像有點懂,但無法簡要再說一遍

2. 文法分析閱讀法:


3. 句構簡化閱讀




搭計程車搭配的動詞是 take,像是我要去搭計程車就可以說:I’m going to take a taxi.
那在路上要攔計程車要怎麼說呢?可以用 hail 這個動詞,假如今天跟朋友提議要搭計程車,就可以說:Let’s hail a taxi.


I’m going to _____.
Could you take me to _____, please.
Do you know where _____ is?
I’m going to Buckingham Palace.(我要去白金漢宮。)
Could you take me to Times Square, please?(可以麻煩您載我到時代廣場嗎?)
Do you know where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is?(您知道比薩斜塔在哪裡嗎?)


I'm in a rush.(我趕時間。)
I’m in a big hurry. Could you take the quickest route, please?(我很趕。可以請您開最近的路嗎?)
Will/Can we get there by noon?(我們可以在中午之前抵達那邊嗎?)
Could you drive past _____ on the way?(可以請您經過某個景點嗎?)
Do you mind making a quick stop at _____?(您介意在某個景點暫停一下嗎?)


How much do I owe you?(我要給您多少錢?)
How much is the fare, please?(請問車資是多少呢?)
Do you take credit cards?(您收信用卡嗎?)
Keep the change.(請不用找零。)
Thanks for the ride.(感謝您的接送。)