2018年2月2日 星期五

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.2

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.2

1. no/not/never...without + V-ing/N



1. It is never a good idea to take a job without finding out as much information about it as possible in advance.

2. Monica has no power without drinking coffee in the morning. (Monica早上沒喝咖啡就沒精神。)

3. I cannot finish my report without a computer. (我沒有電腦就無法完成我的報告。)


2. S + Vt (leave/keep/find) + O + OC (Adj/V-ing/Vpp)

說明1. leavekeepfind為不完全及物動詞,在受詞(O)之後須加形容詞或分詞當受詞補語(OC),以使語意完整。受詞補語和受詞如為主動關係,即使用現在分詞(V-ing);若是被動關係,則用過去分詞(Vpp)

2. leavekeep表示「使……保持……狀態」;find則表示「發現……處於……狀態」。


1. You may find the work either boring or backbreaking—or both.

2. Jason shouldn’t leave his students standing in the rain as a punishment.(Jason不該把他的學生留在雨中罰站。)

3. Rachel will keep the gold hidden in the attic. (Rachel將把金子藏在閣樓裡。)


3. one thing...another                 一回事……另一回事



1. It is one thing to have such a dream, but quite another to get the money needed to realize this dream.

2. To say is one thing, and to do is another. (說是一回事,而做又是另一回事。)

3. It is one thing to learn English, while quite another to talk in English.


4. too + Adj + to V                 太……以致於不能……

說明1. 此句型表示「太……以致於不能……」,too後面接形容詞原級,再接不定詞 (to V)。注意句型裡雖未出現not等否定字彙,但本身即具有否定意義。

2. 此句型也可用so...that替換,但so...that本身並沒有否定意義,故that後面須用否定子句,改寫成“so + Adj + that + 否定子句


1. Does this sound too good to be true?Does this sound so good that it cannot be true?(這聽起來好到不像真的嗎?)

2. My brother is too young to drink. My brother is so young that he cannot drink.(我弟弟還太小不能喝酒。)

3. One is never too old to learn. One is never so old that he or she cannot learn.   (活到老,學到老。)


5. S + make + it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....

說明1. make為不完全及物動詞,加上受詞後須再加形容詞作為受詞補語,才能使句意完整;其他相同用法的動詞有findthinkconsider等。

2. 此句型中真正的受詞為後面的不定詞片語(to V),為避免句子頭重腳輕,故用虛受詞it來替代。


1. Having other people who are also in a similar situation makes it easy to make friends.

2. The student’s terrible handwriting made it difficult to read his homework.

3. My family’s poor economic conditions make it impossible for me to study abroad.



I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( ) 1. After the flood, we found all the roads ________ with mud.
(A) cover                (B) covering              (C) covered               (D) to cover

( ) 2. It is one thing to gain knowledge, but quite ________ to use it well.
(A) other                 (B) others                  (C) the others            (D) another

( ) 3. Seeing the accident, Mike was too shocked ________ a word.
to say               (B) to saying             (C) that say               (D) that saying

( ) 4. The invention of the plane makes it ________ for humans ________ in the sky.
possible; to fly      (B) possible; to flying     (C) possibly; to fly          (D) possibly; to flying

( ) 5. My grandfather cannot read ________ his glasses.
with                  (B) without               (C) from                    (D) to

( ) 6. The boy is ________ shy ________ talk to girls.
so; that             (B) so; to                   (C) too; that              (D) too; to

( ) 7. Cooking is one thing, but cooking well is ________.
another             (B) other                    (C) others                  (D) the others

( ) 8. The writer’s humorous writing style makes it ________ to ________ her books.
(A) interestingly; reading    (B) interestingly; read     (C) interesting; reading   (D) interesting; read

( ) 9. I forgot to turn off my computer and left it ________ all night.
run                    (B) running                (C) ran                       (D) to running

( ) 10. The writer has no inspiration without ________ alcohol.

(A) drinking         (B) drink                   (C) to drink               (D) to drinking


II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。

( ) ____________ 1. Watching a movie is one thing, but it is other to make one.

(A)         (B)               (C)         (D)

( ) ____________ 2. I can never talk to Penny without get angry.

                                                (A)    (B)                         (C) (D)

( ) ____________ 3. The book is too difficult for a six-year-old child to understanding.

                                (A)          (B)        (C)    (D)

( ) ____________ 4. Allison drank a lot of coffee to keep herself wake.

                                                    (A)   (B)               (C)  (D)

( ) ____________ 5. My father’s busy work makes it difficult for him to spending time with us.

                                          (A)  (B)             (C)       (D)


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Anna發現自己被她最好的朋友騙了。
Anna ________________ herself ________________ by her best friend.

2. 我知道現在道歉為時已晚,但我還是要乞求你的原諒。
I know it’s ___________ late ___________ ____________ now, but I’m still begging for your forgiveness.

3. 海灘上的碎玻璃和瓦礫讓光腳行走變得危險。
The broken glass and rubble on the beach made it ________________ to ________________ barefoot.

4. 我們不能沒有仔細思考就做出決定。
We can ________________ make a decision ________________ ________________ carefully.

5. 對那些曾遭受家暴的人來說,治療身體的傷是一回事,但治癒心裡的傷又是另一回事。
For those who have suffered from domestic violence, it is ________________ ________________ to heal the wounds of the body, but quite ________________ to heal the wounds of the heart.


