2018年1月30日 星期二

解析 little、few 大秘訣!

英文中,常常在名詞前面會有 little 跟 few 這兩個字,它們有什麼差別呢?而有時候看到這兩個字以 a little / a few 呈現,又是要用在什麼時機呢?今天要來幫大家釐清這兩個很相似,使用上卻要特別注意的字喔!


◎ few + 可數名詞複數形,例如:few books / few friends / few cups
◎ little + 不可數名詞單數形,例如:little water / little money / little information

有沒有 a 差很多

單說 few / little 的話,是帶有「否定」的字喔,因此 few / little something 意思是「非常少,幾乎沒有的某物」,舉個例子:
There’s little information about it. Can you ask someone who would know?

Few people knew about her secret.
但是如果加上 a 變成 a few / a little 的話,就不再是帶有否定的字囉,而是指「一些」,意思等同於 some,但也是用來指數量不太多,例如:
Do you need a little more time to look through the project?

I want to borrow a few books to read this summer.


有時候如果談論的東西非常明確的話,也會直接把 few / little / a few / a little 當作代名詞使用,而不在後面接名詞。例如:
I heard the stand over there has the best lemonade. I want to get a little before we leave

→ 因為前半句已經提到 lemonade,指涉對象很明確,因此後面用 a little 來代指檸檬水。
Nowadays few would go to video rental stores for movies!

→ 因為只有人才會去租影片,因此直接用 few 來代指少數人。


如果在 few / little / a few / a little 後面有冠詞、指示代名詞(a / an / the / this / that)或是代名詞、所有格(me / you / him / my / your...等)就需要搭配介係詞 of,變成 few of / little of / a few of / a little of。會這樣使用:
Little of my own time was left after we had a baby.

We have a few of these toys left on sale.
另外要注意 a little 還能當作「副詞」喔!例如:
I felt a little better after I took the medicine.

It rained a little yesterday.

