2018年1月12日 星期五

B3 U8 Grammar

練習 1. 圖書館裡有很多學生。有些在上網。有些在休息。還有一些在低聲交談。
  There were many students in the library.  Some  were studying.  Others  were surfing the Internet.  Still   others  were talking in a low voice.
2. 這間公司有許多外國員工。有些員工來自日本。有些員工來自法國。有些員工來自中國。
The company has a lot of foreign workers.  Some  workers are from Japan. Others    workers are from France.  Still   others  workers are from China.
練習 1. Mr. Drew had the flowers sent    (have/the flowers/send) to his wife yesterday.
          2. Sandra had to shout to make herself heard      (make/her/hear) at the concert.
練習 1. William幫我把沉重的背包提上樓。
               William   helped      me     carry   the heavy bags upstairs.
          2. 在法國度過暑假真的幫助Monica的法文進步。
               Spending the summer in France really   helped   improve  Monica’s French.
練習 1. Harry記得他工作的第一天非常緊張。
               Harry   remembered   that   he was really nervous on his first day of work.
          2. Betty覺得數學考試很簡單。
               Betty   thought     that   the math test was easy.
練習 1. 這位作者的新書不僅引起孩童的興趣也吸引了大人。
               The writer’s new book   not    only   appeals to children    but     also   attracts adults.
          2. 這間店不僅賣咖啡也賣甜點。
               The shop sells  not    only   coffee    but     also  desserts.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1. There were many people in the park.    were taking a walk.    Were having a picnic.    were flying kites.
            (A) Others; Another; Still Others               (B) The Others; Some; Still Others
(C) Some; Others; Still Others                   (D) One; Another; The other
( A ) 2. Cindy soon made herself    in her new school because of her good character.
            (A) liked                       (B) like                  (C) likes                   (D) liking
( D ) 3. Ben is interested in    science    cooking.
            (A) ×; but also                                             (B) only; also
            (C) only; ×                                                  (D) not only; but also
( B ) 4. George hopes    he will be accepted by the school he wants.
            (A) what                       (B) ×                      (C) which                 (D) where
( B ) 5. Iris will help    up the house after the birthday party.
            (A) cleaning                 (B) clean                (C) cleans                 (D) cleaned
( C ) 6. Lisa can    play the piano    design beautiful dresses.
            (A) only; but                                               (B) ×; but
            (C) not only; but also                                 (D) only; also
( A ) 7. I helped my mother    a big dinner on Christmas Eve.
            (A) make                      (B) making            (C) made                  (D) makes
( C ) 8. Nina noticed    her necklace was missing.
            (A) which                     (B) what                (C) that                    (D) where
( D ) 9. Barry had his hair    by his mother.
            (A) to cut                     (B) cuts                  (C) cutting               (D) cut
( A ) 10. There are a lot of tea bags in the shop.    are from England.    are from China.    are from Japan.
            (A) Some; Others; Still others                    (B) One; Other; Another
          (C) Other; Still other; Some                         (D) Another; Some; The other
II. 完成句子:依據上述句型完成以下各句。
1. Stacy had the notice posted                     (have/the notice/post) on the wall.
2. Kevin helped me (to) finish          (help/me/finish) my math homework yesterday.
3. Eric made himself seen          (make/him/see) by wearing bright­colored clothes.
4. There are many vegetables in the garden. Some are carrots. Others are cabbages. Still others are pumpkins                             (carrots; cabbages; pumpkins).
5. There were a lot of musicians in the band. Some play the piano. Others play the violin. Still others play the cello                        (the piano; the violin; the cello).
III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 這個團隊將幫助公司創造容易上口的標語。
    The team will   help     create  a catchy slogan for the company.
2. 綠燈表示機器正在運轉。
     The green light   means    that  the machine is working.
3. 研究顯示速食對健康有害。
    The study   shows    that   fast food is bad for health.
4. 母親節當天,Tina不只買了禮物還買了一些花給她的母親。
    Tina bought   not    only   a gift    but     also   some flowers for her mother on Mother’s Day.
5. Rachel不僅是班長還是學校裡最受歡迎的學生。

Rachel is   not    only   the class leader    but     also   the most popular student in school.

Unit 8
1­1. Some, Others, Still, others
1­2. Some, Other, Still other
2­1. had the flowers sent
2­2. make herself heard
3­1. helped, me, carry
3­2. helped, improve
4­1. remembered, that
4­2. thought, that
5­1. not, only, but, also
5­2. not, only, but, also
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A
1. had the notice posted
2. helped me (to) finish
3. made himself seen
4. carrots. Others are cabbages. Still others are pumpkins
5. the piano. Others play the violin. Still others play the cello
1. help, create
2. means, that
3. shows, that
4. not, only, but, also

5. not, only, but, also

