2021年5月5日 星期三

B5U8 大卷Answers


Unit Eight  No Longer Left Behind

I. 文意字彙與詞類變化

1. task                         2. theories                     3. favor                   4. switched

5. throughout              6. tossed                       7. suit                   8. dominates

9. evidence                 10. bias                         11. characteristics   12. recognize

13. distinction             14. mess                       15. minor


II. 文法選擇

16. A   17. C  18. B  19. A    20. C  


III. 綜合測驗

21. B   22. D  23. A  24. C  25. D  

26. B  27. D  28. C  29. B  30. A  


IV. 對話

31. B  32. A     33. C  34. A  35. D  


V. 閱讀測驗

36. D  37. B     38. A  39. C  40. C  


VI. 重組句子

41. Whoever breaks the rule will be punished.

42. Not until Kate took part in the contest did she realize how difficult it was.


VII. 改寫句子

43. Whoever visits the museum will praise its design.

44. Not until all the family members took their seat did I enjoy my meal.


VIII. 引導式翻譯

45. good; company

IX. 中譯英

46. The racer left all the other competitors behind, including last year’s champion/winner.

