Unit 2 A Lesson in Forgiveness
1. |
forgiveness [f2`GIvn1s] forgive [f2`GIv] ★★ |
n. [U]
the act of stopping being angry at
someone or excusing someone for a fault or mistake 寬恕,原諒 n Ashley felt
bad about being late for the
meeting and asked for her boss’s forgiveness. Ashley對於會議遲到感到很不好過,並請求她上司的原諒。 vt. (forgave
| forgiven | forgiving) 寬恕,原諒 n After Cynthia thought about it carefully for an hour, she decided to forgive
Robin for lying to her. Cynthia仔細思考一小時後,她決定原諒Robin對她說謊。 |
I. The suffix
forgive → forgiveness |
fit → fitness |
loud → loudness |
helpful → helpfulness |
sick → sickness |
happy → happiness |
1 When I was a kid, I delivered newspapers in my community every day. One
Saturday afternoon, my friend and I were bored; as a result, we randomly ([`r8nd1mlI] adv.
隨意、隨機地 random [`r8nd1m] adj. 隨意、隨機的) picked an elderly lady’s house to be part of our game of
throwing stones. To
us, the stones turned into missiles ([`mIs1l] n. [C] 飛彈,導彈) as they rolled to the roof’s edge and shot out into
the yard. They also looked like comets ([`kAmIt] n. [C] 彗星) that fell from the sky. 1 當我還是個孩子,我每天在我的社區遞送報紙。某個週六下午,我的朋友和我感到無聊;因此,我們隨意地選中一位老婦人的家,作為我們丟石頭遊戲的一部分。對我們而言,這些石頭變成飛彈,當它們滾到屋頂的邊緣然後射向院子。它們看起來也像從天墜落的彗星。 |
Main idea My
friend and I chose a house at random to throw our stones at, imagining them
as missiles and comets. |
2. |
deliver [dI`lIv2] ★★★ delivery [dI`lIv1rI] ★★★ |
vt. to take mail, packages, etc., somewhere or
to someone 遞送,投遞 n Mr. Johnson bought a washing machine from the appliance store
and asked the store to deliver it to his
home. Johnson先生從一家電器行買了臺洗衣機,並要求店家配送到他家。 n. [C]
遞送,投遞 n There is no mail delivery on Sundays, so you’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get your package. 星期日沒有遞送郵件,所以你必須等到明天才能拿到你的包裹。 |
3. |
community [k1`mjun1tI] ★★★ |
n. [C]
group of people who live in the same neighborhood 社區 n The Simpsons moved to a new area three
months ago. They are still trying to fit in
with their new community. Simpson一家人三個月前搬到了一個新地區。他們還在試著適應他們的新社區。 |
4. |
result [rI`z^lt] ★★★ result [rI`z^lt] ★★★ |
n. [C]
something that is caused or happens
because of something else 結果,成果 n The band’s success was the result of the members’ talent
and hard work. 這個樂團的成功是所有成員的天賦和努力的成果。 vi. (因…)發生,起因於 n The doctor said that
Eunice’s illness resulted from a lack of exercise and
heavy smoking. 醫生說明Eunice的病是起因於缺乏運動和重度吸菸。 |
5. |
elderly [`Eld2lI] ★★★ |
adj. (of a person) old 年長的,年老的 n Ken’s grandparents are elderly and cannot walk very far. Ken的祖父母已經年老而且沒辦法走得很遠。 |
6. |
shoot [Sut] ★★★ |
vi. (shot |
shot | shooting) to move
quickly and suddenly toward a particular direction 快速移動 n The dog shot across the road and was almost hit by a taxi. 這隻狗快速橫越馬路並差點被一輛計程車撞到。 vt. to fire a gun or an arrow 發射,射擊 n The hunter shot her gun when she saw a deer resting in the woods. 當這名獵人看見一頭鹿在樹林裡休息時,她就開槍射擊了。 |
1. turn into . . . to change and become something else 變成…
n It’s hard for children to imagine how an ugly caterpillar can turn into a beautiful butterfly.
1 . . . as a
result, we randomly . . .
Ü .
. .
therefore/thus/hence, we picked an elderly lady’s house at
random . . .
Ü because my friend and I were bored, we randomly
picked an elderly lady’s house . . .
a result 為副詞,意為「因此」,表因果關係,作為承接前後句語意之用。其他同義可代換的轉折詞還有therefore、thus、hence、accordingly等。
◊ Perry felt tired after a day of hard
work. As a result, she fell asleep on the sofa right after she got home.
2 To us, the stones . . .
as they . . .
Ü To us,
the stones became missiles when they rolled to the edge of the roof .
. .
to sb 對某人來說
To me, Bob is no longer a friend but a stranger.
‚ 此處的as與when同義,表示「當…時」。
As I entered the office, Ms. Jones was on the phone with her client.
look like
2 I
found a stone and sent it for a ride to the lady’s roof. However,
the stone was too smooth for me to grasp firmly, so it slipped out of my hand when I threw it. To my shock, it hit
a small window in the lady’s house. On hearing the crash, we decided to escape immediately. 2 我找到一顆石頭,然後往老婦人的屋頂一丟。然而,這石頭對我來說太光滑了而不易抓牢,所以當我擲出它時,它從我的手裡滑掉了。令我驚恐的是,它擊中老婦人家的一扇小窗戶。一聽到破裂聲,我們決定立刻逃走。 |
Main idea A
stone slipped out of my hand and broke the lady’s window. Out of fear, we ran
away instantly. |
7. |
smooth [smuD] ★★ |
adj. even and flat with no rough parts or holes 平滑的,光滑的 n The stone steps of the temple have been worn smooth by the many visitors’ footsteps over the years. 這間寺廟的石階已經被這些年來眾多訪客的腳步磨得光滑。 |
8. |
grasp [Gr8sp] ★★ grasp [Gr8sp] ★ |
vt. to hold someone or something tight 抓緊,抓牢 n When Travis heard the sudden noise, he
got so scared that he grasped
his mother by the arm. 當Travis聽見這突然的聲響,他是如此害怕,所以他抓緊了他母親的手臂。 n. sing.
緊抓,緊握 n The catcher lost his grasp on the baseball and let the other team score a run. 捕手沒接緊棒球,於是讓另一隊回本壘得分了。 |
9. |
firmly [`f2mlI] firm [f2m] ★★★ |
adv. in a way that is not likely to move 牢固地 n Claire decided to sew the button firmly on the shirt, so she didn’t have
to worry that it would come off
the shirt again. Claire決定要把鈕扣牢牢地縫在襯衫上,這樣她就不需要擔心它會再從襯衫掉落。 adj. 牢固的 n The old bridge is not firm enough. Be careful
when you cross it. 這座老舊的橋不夠穩固。當你過橋時,要小心。 adj. 結實的,堅硬的 n Those mangoes are still firm to the touch. They can’t be eaten yet. 那些芒果摸起來還很硬。他們還不能食用。 |
10. |
slip [slIp] ★★★ |
vi. (slipped
| slipped | slipping) to
fall from one’s hand or from a place 滑落 n The plate slipped out of Tim’s hand and fell to the ground. 盤子從Tim的手上滑落並掉到地上。 |
11. |
crash [kr8S] ★★ crash [kr8S] ★★ |
n. [C]
a loud noise that is made when
something hits something else hard 破裂聲,撞擊聲 n Since Marco lives by the sea, he can hear
the crash of the waves from his house. 因為Marco住在海邊,他可以從他家就聽到海浪拍打的聲音。 n. [C] an event that happens when a motorcycle, car, airplane, etc., hits
something (車輛)相撞,(飛機)墜毀 n Three hundred passengers died in the horrible
plane crash last
month. 三百名乘客死於上個月那場可怕的空難中。 vi. (發出巨響地)墜落,撞擊 n The wine glass crashed to the floor and broke
into pieces. 這只酒杯墜落到地板上並破成碎片。 |
12. |
escape [I`skep] ★★★ escape [I`skep] ★★ |
vi. to get away 逃離 n Last week, a few prisoners tried to escape from the jail. However, they were quickly caught by the police. 上星期,有些囚犯試圖逃出監獄。然而,他們很快就被警察捉住了。 n. [C]
逃離 n A rock fell right in front of Oscar while he was hiking.
Luckily, he had a narrow escape and wasn’t hurt. 當Oscar在健行時,一塊巨石就落在他前方。很幸運地,他千鈞一髮地逃開了,沒有受傷。 |
13. |
immediately [I`midI1tlI] ★★★ immediate [I`midI1t] ★★★ |
adv. without delay 立刻,馬上 n When Penny learned that she won first prize, she immediately burst out crying. 當Penny得知她得到第一名時,她馬上哭了出來。 adj. 立即的 n The question is too
complex for me to give an immediate answer to it. I need some time
to think about it. 這道問題對我來說太複雜而無法給出即時的答覆。我需要點時間思考它。 |
II. The suffix
immediate → immediately |
random → randomly |
quiet → quietly |
definite → definitely |
easy → easily |
final → finally |
suffix 字尾
4 I found a stone
and sent it for a ride . . .
found a stone and threw it at the lady’s roof.
it for a ride 在這裡意思為將石頭丟出,但將丟擲石頭的動作譬喻成「(乘坐交通工具)一程」,彷彿讓石頭踏上一段旅程一樣,是動詞較為生動的寫法。若善用這樣的寫作技巧,不但能讓文章程度提升,也增添了文字描述的生動度,例:
◊ The stone flew high over the fence,
landing in the elderly lady’s house through a small window.
the stone broke a small window of the elderly lady’s house)
額外補充 give sb a ride 讓某人搭便車 ◊ John gave Jeff a ride home after the
party. go for a ride (in/on
sth) (乘交通工具) 兜風 ◊ How about going for a ride in my new
car? |
5 However, the
stone was too smooth for me to grasp firmly, so it slipped out
of . . .
Ü Yet, the
stone was so smooth that I couldn’t grasp firmly, .
. .
◊ Judy
seems kind and patient. However, she can be strict and even harsh sometimes.
‚ too . . . to . . . 太…以至於不能…
◊ Beth is
too short to open the door herself.
文法加油站 1. too
+ adj./adv. + to V為「太…而不能…」,表「反面結果」,可與下列兩句型代換: Ü . . . so + adj./adv.
+ that + S + can’t/couldn’t + V . . . Ü . . . not + adj./adv.
+ enough + to V Ü I
felt too
worried about getting caught to
think of the elderly lady or her broken window. ◊
Marco was too
short to take
the book on the bookshelf. Ü
Marco was so
short that he couldn’t take
the book on the bookshelf. 2. 在too .
. . to 的句型,如專指某人或物時,則在不定詞前加for +
N,例: ◊
The question is too complicated for me to answer. Ü The
question is so complicated that I can’t answer it. 3. 表「太…無法…」也可用too . . . for +
N,例: ◊
You are too young for the task. 4. not/never +
too . . . + to V 不至於太…而不能… ◊
It is never too late to learn. |
ƒ slip out of . . . 從…滑落
The knife slipped out of Amy’s grasp and cut her toes.
6 To my shock, it hit . . .
Ü What
shocked me was that it hit . . .
one’s + 情緒名詞,表「令人…的是」。可套用的情緒名詞有disappointment、amazement、surprise、delight、astonishment、horror、regret、satisfaction、relief、excitement、annoyance、dismay、embarrassment等。另外,可於to one’s + 情緒名詞前加上much,或於情緒名詞前加great,即「much to one’s
+ 情緒名詞」或「to one’s
great + 情緒名詞」,來增強情緒的強度,例:
(Much) to the boy’s surprise, the magician turned his hat into a lovely rabbit.
7 On hearing the
crash . . .
Ü As soon
as we heard the crash, we decided to escape right away.
+ Ving, S + V 句型,意為「一…就…」,使用時機為前後主詞一致時,可將從屬子句之主詞省略,並將後方動詞改成進行式,例:
◊ As soon
as the students saw their teacher coming, they all went back to their seats.
Ü Upon/On
seeing their teacher coming, the students all went back to their seats.
3 For the next few days, I felt so worried
about getting caught that I was afraid to
think of the
elderly lady or her broken window at all.
Several days later, when I was sure that
I wasn’t in
any trouble, I started to feel guilty.
Every day, the lady greeted me with a smile when I handed her the paper, but I no longer felt comfortable in
front of her. 3 接下來的幾天,我是如此擔心被抓到,以至於我害怕到一點也沒想起老婦人或她破掉的窗戶。幾天後,當我確定我沒惹上任何麻煩時,我開始感到內疚。每天,當我將報紙遞給她時,老婦人會面帶微笑地問候我,但是在她面前我不再感覺自在。 |
Main idea I
felt more and more guilty as she gave me a smile every time I handed her the
paper. |
14. |
guilty [`GIltI] ★★★ guilt [GIlt] ★★ |
adj. feeling unhappy or sad after doing
something bad or wrong 內疚的 n Flora felt guilty about cheating on the exam and told her teacher the truth about
it the next morning. Flora對於在考試時作弊感到內疚,並且在隔天早上向她的老師說出實話。 adj. responsible
for a crime or something wrong 有罪的 n Since many people witnessed
Samuel stealing the diamond, he was found guilty of the crime. 因為許多人目擊Samuel偷了鑽石,所以這樁案件他被判有罪。 n. [U]
內疚,自責 n The man had strong feelings of guilt about leaving his family deep in debt because of his bad investment. 這個男人對於自己的不當投資而讓家人背負鉅額負債,感到強烈的內疚。 |
15. |
greet [Grit] ★★ greeting [`GritI9] ★ |
vt. to welcome or say hello to
someone in a polite way 問候,打招呼 n The principal
greeted the students
warmly at the beginning of the morning assembly. 校長在朝會開始時親切地向學生問候。 n. [U] 問候,致意 n The host
and hostess nodded and smiled in greeting
as the guests arrived at
their party. 當賓客抵達派對時,男女主人點頭並微笑致意。 |
2. think of . . . to
consider someone or something 為…著想、設想
n The
teacher always thinks of her students
first when she is planning her lessons, and she is
always willing to help them out.
3. no longer not . . . anymore 不再
n Carl kept on lying to his friends, so they no longer put their trust in him.
8 For the next few days, I
felt so worried about getting caught that I . . .
Ü For the
following few days, I was too worried about getting caught to think of .
. .
the next few days接下來的幾天。用於某時間參照點(此為打破窗戶那天)的接下來數天。類似表達方式有the
next few hours、the
next few months、the
next few years等。
so . . . that . . .
◊ Winnie looks so gorgeous in that dress
that she attracts everyone’s attention when she enters the room.
9 . . . when I was
sure that I wasn’t in any trouble, I started to feel
be sure thatclause/of
+ N 確定…
I’m sure that I handed in my assignment on the day it was due.
◊ Simon was so sure of the answer, so he
wrote it down immediately.
‚ be in trouble 惹上麻煩
You’ll be in big trouble if your father finds out that you have scratched his
new car.
ƒ feel guilty 感到愧疚、有罪惡感。這裡的feel屬連綴動詞,表「感官知覺」的用法,屬於不完全不及物動詞的一種,需要補語才能完整表達句意。這裡使用「形容詞」guilty作為主詞補語。本句型詳細用法請見本課句型解析。
10 . . . when I handed her the
paper, but I no longer felt comfortable in front of her.
Ü .
. . when I gave her the paper, but I didn’t feel
comfortable in front of her anymore/any longer.
hand sb
sth 將某物交給某人
sth to sb,例:
◊ Please
hand me my key.
Ü Please
hand my key to me.
‚ feel comfortable
◊ Josh
used to be very shy and never felt comfortable with women.
◊ Emily
went to see the doctor because she didn’t feel well.
4 Finally, I made up my mind to
save the money that I made from
delivering newspapers.
I calculated that
seven dollars would cover the cost of repairing her window, and
in three weeks, I
had the money ready. I wrote a
note that said, “I am sorry for breaking your window. I hope that the money will cover the cost of
repairing it.” Then, I put the
money and the note into an envelope. 4 最後,我下定決心要將我送報賺的錢存起來。我估算七塊錢足夠支付修理她窗戶的費用,而且在三週內,我就把錢準備好了。我寫了張紙條,上面寫著:「我很抱歉打破了您的窗戶。希望這些錢會足夠支付修理它的費用。」然後,我把錢和紙條放入一個信封。 |
Main idea I
decided to save the money from delivering papers and wrote a note to express
my apology. |
16. |
calculate [`k8lkj1&let] ★★ calculation [&k8lkj1`leS1n] ★★ |
vt. to guess something or give one’s ideas by
using facts, ideas, or opinions 推測,估算 n That businessman correctly calculated
that this game would be popular, and he made a lot of money
by selling it all over the world. 那位商人正確地推測出這款遊戲會流行,而他靠著將它銷售到世界各地賺了很多錢。 vt. to find out the number or amount of
something by using math 計算 n My friends and I calculated the cost of the meal to find out how much money each of us
should pay. 我的朋友和我計算了這頓飯的花費,以弄清楚我們每個人要付多少錢。 n. [C] 推測,估算 n According to the expert’s calculation, eight
typhoons will hit Taiwan this year. 根據這位專家的估算,今年將有八個颱風侵襲臺灣。 |
17. |
repair [rI`pEr] ★★ repair [rI`pEr] ★★ |
vt. to fix something 修理,修補 n The refrigerator
has stopped working, so Ms. Jones
will have to call someone to repair it. 這臺冰箱已經停止運轉,所以Jones女士必須打電話叫人來修理它。 n. [U] 修理,修補 n Mr. Green’s computer is in need of repair, so he has been using his old one recently. Green先生的電腦需要修理,所以他最近一直都使用他的舊電腦。 |
4. make up one’s mind to make a decision 下定決心
n Bianca
has made up her mind to study abroad, and nobody can stop her from chasing her dreams.
11 Finally, I made up
my mind to save the money that I made from delivering newspapers.
Ü In the
end, I was determined/decided to save the money .
. .
money (that/which) I made 中的關係代名詞that做受詞使用,可用which替換,亦可省略。
‚ make money 賺錢
Lisa just published her first novel, but she’s not making much money out of it.
12 I calculated
that seven dollars would cover the cost . . . I had the money
Ü Based
on my calculation, seven dollars would be enough to pay for .
. .
Plus +補充解析。
‚ cover vt. 足以支付
The scholarship Emma received should be enough to cover her living expenses.
ƒ have在此做使役動詞使用,ready為受詞補語,補充說明其受詞money的狀態,例:
Please have all your travel documents ready when you go through the customs.
額外補充 教師可補充have作使役動詞的其他用法,例: |
13 I wrote a note that
said, “I am sorry for
. . .”
wrote a note saying, . . .
此處的關係代名詞that作主詞使用,不可省略。that said可用saying代換。
‚ say 意為「寫著」。英文裡的書面文字、標示、告示、圖片類(letter、watch、sign、newspaper、bottle、label等)多用動詞say來表示上面有什麼樣的訊息,例:
My watch says five o’clock.
The sign on the window said “Closed.”
Fiona got a bouquet of flowers this morning but the card didn’t say who sent
ƒ be sorry for 因某事感到抱歉或遺憾
I’m sorry for your loss.
◊ Victor was sorry for making the same
mistake again.
14 hope that
Plus +補充解析。
5 When it was dark, I crept quietly to the elderly
lady’s house and put the envelope under her door. After I
did so, I felt relieved and couldn’t wait to be able to look
her straight in the
eye again. 5 當天黑的時候,我安靜地偷偷跑到老婦人的家,並且把信封放在她的門下。在這麼做之後,我感到寬慰,並迫不及待可以再次坦然地直視她的眼睛。 |
Main idea I
quietly slipped the envelope under the elderly lady’s door and eagerly waited
for the moment when I could look at her in the eye. |
18. |
creep [krip] ★ |
vi. (crept
| crept | creeping) to move
slowly and quietly 緩慢、悄悄地移動 n Sandra crept into her house in the middle of the night in order not to wake
up her family members. Sandra為了不要吵醒她的家人,在半夜悄悄地溜進了家裡。 |
19. |
relieved [rI`livd] relieve [rI`liv] ★★ relief [rI`lif] ★★★ |
adj. glad and not worried because something bad
has ended, or did not or will not happen 寬慰的,放心的 n Amy felt relieved when she finally found
her wallet in her
bag. 當Amy終於在包包裡找到她的皮夾時,她才放心了。 vt. 紓解,解除 n Delia took some medicine to relieve
the sharp
pain in her
shoulder. Delia服藥來紓解她肩膀的劇痛。 n. sing.
寬慰,放心 n It was such a relief when the doctor told
me that my sister was fine and would get well soon. 當醫生告訴我,妹妹沒事並且會很快好起來時,這真令我放心。 |
5. can’t wait used for saying that someone wants something to
happen quickly 迫不及待
n Audrey
hopes that she will be able to
finish her final exams soon. She really can’t wait for the
winter vacation to start.
15 After I did so,
. . . be able to look her straight in the eye again.
Ü After
I put the envelope under her door, I felt relieved and could hardly wait to .
. .
Ü After doing so, I felt relieved and .
. .
so 這裡代替前面提到的動作,即put the envelope
under her door這件事。用so來代替前面已描述的動作以避免用字重複,例:
You can stop the machine at any time if you wish to do so.
‚ look sb straight in the eye 坦然地直視某人的眼睛
Jared couldn’t look his grandma straight in the eye because he had stolen her
6 The next day, I handed the elderly lady her
paper and happily returned
the warm smile that I received from her.
She thanked me for
the paper and gave me a bag of cookies. I
thanked her and then continued my route. 6 隔天,我將報紙遞給老婦人,並開心地回報我從她那收到的溫暖笑容。她謝謝我送來的報紙,並給了我一袋餅乾。我向她道謝後就繼續我的送報路線。 |
Main idea The
next day, I was finally able to return her smile when I gave her the paper.
She also gave me a bag of cookies. |
20. |
route [rut] ★★★ |
n. [C]
a fixed way that someone or something
regularly travels 固定路線 n This department store is on a main bus route, so it’s convenient for customers to shop there. 這間百貨公司位於一班主要公車的固定路線上,所以這對消費者來說在那裡購物很方便。 n. [C] a way from one place to another 路徑,路線 n During the Chinese New Year holidays, the government has set up special routes
for drivers who want to avoid
traffic jams. 在農曆新年期間,政府為了想避免塞車的駕駛們已經設定好特別路線。 |
16 The next
day, . . .
and happily returned the warm smile . . .
Ü The
following day, I gave the elderly lady her paper . . .
next day 意為「翌日,隔天」,可用the following day代換。用在過去或未來某一時間點為參照點(one
day)的隔一天。「前一天」的表達方式為the day
◊ Tina stayed up late studying for her
midterm. As a result, she overslept the next day.
‚ return the warm
smile 指的是小男孩終於可以用微笑「回報」老婦人一直以來的溫暖笑容。類似用法還有return
a stare、return
an invitation、return
a favor,例:
◊ Justin returned a stare so cold that it
sent chills down my spine.
◊ When Chris helped me out the last time, I
felt I have this obligation to return the favor.
17 She thanked me for
the paper and gave me a bag of cookies.
thank sb
for (doing) sth
◊ I gave
Ryan a gift to thank him for his help.
英文裡面若表達「因(做)某事而…某人」時,常用介系詞for來表達原因,例:punish sb for (doing) sth、praise
sb for (doing) sth、scold sb for (doing) sth、blame
sb for (doing) sth、forgive sb for (doing) sth等。
‚ a bag of
◊ We
grabbed a bag of chips and two cans of soda before we sat down to enjoy the
額外補充 其他常用的單位詞 a cup of tea/coffee 一杯茶/咖啡(熱飲) a glass of milk/water 一杯牛奶/水(冷飲) a pair of scissors/pants 一把剪刀/一條褲子 a piece of paper/bread 一張紙/一片麵包(薄片) a bar of chocolate/soap 一條巧克力/一塊肥皂 a carton of milk/yogurt 一盒牛奶/優格(紙盒) an article of
clothing 一件衣物 a can of soup/soda 一罐湯/汽水(易開罐) |
Paragraphs 5-6: ★ How
did the main characters feel? 作答說明: 從第五段可看到主角解決問題後,感覺釋懷了。第六段提到,老奶奶收到主角的信後,給主角一個溫暖的微笑。 參考解答: The
boy felt relieved after he solved the problem, and the elderly lady gave him
a warm smile. ★ What
happened after the main character solved the problem? 作答說明: 從第六段可看到,主角向老奶奶道歉後,老奶奶送他一袋餅乾。 參考解答: After
the boy solved the problem, he received a bag of cookies from the elderly
lady. |
When I was enjoying
the cookies, I discovered
an envelope inside the bag. I opened it up
and felt very surprised. In the envelope, I found seven dollars and a
short note that said,
“I’m proud of you.” 7 當我正在享用餅乾時,我發現袋子裡有個信封。我打開它,並覺得非常驚訝。在信封裡,我發現了七塊錢還有一條短籤,上頭寫著:「我為你感到驕傲。」 |
Main idea When
eating the cookies, I was surprised to find the seven dollars and a note
saying “I’m proud of you” in the bag. |
18 I opened it up
and felt very surprised.
opened the envelope and was very surprised.
sth up 為可分離動詞片語,意為「打開…」。若受詞為一般名詞,可寫成open up sth或open sth up,但若名詞為代名詞,則只能置於動詞和介系詞中間,例:
You’ll need to open the file up/open up the file and inspect it
19 I found seven dollars and a short
note that said, “I’m
proud of you.”
Ü I found
seven dollars and a short note saying, “I take pride in you.”
be proud
of . . .
以…為傲 (= take pride in sth/sb)
◊ You
should be proud of your work.
Ü You
should take pride in your work.
Check Your
( ) 1. What
is the main idea of the passage?
Paying for the repair is the best way to apologize.
(B) It’s
never too late to admit your fault
or mistake.
(C) When
you forgive others, you will be proud of yourself.
People have to learn how to apologize when they were young.
( ) 2. Why
was the elderly lady proud of the boy?
(A) He
was smart. (B) He was friendly.
(C) He
was honest. (D)
He was hardworking.
( ) 3.
According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The
boys said sorry to the elderly lady right after they broke her window.
(B) The
elderly lady forgave the boy and treated him to some cookies in the end.
(C) The
elderly lady repaired her broken window with the money the boy gave her.
(D) The
boys threw stones at the elderly lady’s house because they didn’t like her.
apologize 道歉 admit 承認
Check Your Comprehension
1. 本題為主旨題。本課旨在讓讀者學習如何承認錯誤、自省並獲得原諒,故選(B)。
2. 本題為細節題。課文雖然沒有明確指出老婦人原諒了男孩,但從文章最後一句I’m proud of you.可得知她不僅因為男孩的誠實而原諒了他,也以他為榮,故選(C)。
3. 本題為細節題。由第二段最後一句On
hearing the crash, we decided to escape immediately.可知他們並沒有馬上跟老婦人道歉,故(A)為非;由課文最後一段可知老婦人給小男孩一袋餅乾,並原諒了他,故(B)為正解;由課文最後一段最後一句In
the envelope, I found seven dollars可知老婦人將錢還給了小男孩,可知(C)為非;由第一段第二句 .
. . we randomly picked an elderly lady’s house to be part
of our game of throwing stones.可知(D)為非。
課本習題參考解答 1. B 2. C 3. B |
1. 如果你是故事中的老婦人,你會怎麼做?你會原諒那位男孩嗎?和你的同學們分享你的答案並簡短地說明原因。
Think Critically
額外補充 為協助高中新生銜接國中的學習,本套書第一冊第一次段考範圍的作答說明為中文,若學生程度良好,教師可提供英文版之作答說明給學生。以下為本課Think
Critically之英文版說明語: 1. What would you do if you were the
elderly lady in the story? Would you forgive the boy? Share your answers with
your classmates and briefly explain your reasons. 2. Should we forgive those who have done
something wrong? Share your answers with your classmates and briefly explain
your reasons. |
1. 第一題希望讓學生換位思考,設想自己是文中的老婦人角色,是否會選擇寬恕那小男孩。教師可先引導學生回到故事中老婦人的角色,讓學生用老婦人的視角切入此篇故事,同理老婦人的經歷及心境,再請學生回答問題。
2. 第二題讓學生練習批判性思考,討論我們是否應該原諒犯錯的人。建議教師可以先給學生幾個校園中常見的犯錯情境,例如:遲到、弄壞同學的智慧型手機等。進而討論社會新聞,例如:小燈泡事件等等。教師主持討論時,可以讓學生選邊站,選擇願意原諒的學生站一邊,選擇不原諒的站另一邊。同樣立場的學生可以一起集思廣益,討論的答案也會比較豐富。
課本習題參考解答 略 |
the Text Structure
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theme 主題
Understand the Text Structure
故事脈絡分析圖(Plot Diagram)將故事劇情分為背景(Background)、劇情鋪陳(Rising Action)、高潮(Climax)、故事收尾(Falling Action)和結局(Resolution)五個階段,此圖像組織類似中文作文起、承、轉、合的敘述技巧,透過此分析圖,可以讓故事的結構、人物心境的轉折更為明確。
Background 背景 |
故事的一開始通常會先交代故事發生的背景(background),包含時間(time)、地點(place)等設定(setting),以及角色人物(characters)。 |
Action 劇情鋪陳 |
在劇情鋪陳的階段,會發生一連串的事件,這些事件會導致一些衝突點(conflict)。同時,劇情走向也會變得更複雜。通常在這個階段故事情節會開始走向刺激(excitement)、緊張(tension)、甚至出現危機(crisis)。 |
Climax 高潮 |
在故事高潮的階段,通常都會有一個轉捩點(turning point)。此階段是情緒最為高漲,也是讓讀者最好奇接下來劇情走向為何的部分。 |
Action 故事收尾 |
在故事收尾的階段,主要角色(main characters)會開始解決各個事件及衝突。 |
Resolution 結局 |
在故事的最後,讀者消化情節發展,並理解故事想要傳達的訊息以及全文主旨。 |
課本習題參考解答 2. An
elderly 3.
bored 4.
window 5.
escape 6.
guilty 7.
relieved 8.
cookies 9.
forgive |
About Discourse
Transition Words: Time Sequence |
at first、for
begin with、initially、then、later、subsequently、for
the next few days、finally、eventually、at
last 等。 |
Example: One Saturday afternoon, my friend and I were bored; as a result, we randomly picked an
elderly lady’s house to be part of our game of throwing stones. → one Saturday afternoon 被用來指出導致主要問題產生的
事件所發生的時間。 |
故事脈絡 |
時間順序轉折詞 |
中文 |
背景 (Background) |
Saturday afternoon |
某個星期六下午 |
劇情鋪陳 (Rising Action) |
高潮 (Climax) |
故事收尾 (Falling Action) |
結局 (Resolution) |
Do you remember that? Three months ago,
I asked my parents to buy a new smartphone for me as my birthday gift. At
first, they rejected my request firmly because I already had one. Although I
felt disappointed about that, I made up my mind to save my pocket money to
buy it. Besides, I offered to help my parents do the household chores so that
they would give me more pocket money. Then, my uncle gave me a part-time
job—he needed someone to clean his house. By doing these things, I finally
saved enough money to buy a new smartphone. Today, my parents took me to the
store, and they bought me a smartphone because they wanted to reward me for
the hard work. What a surprise! Esther |
transition word 轉折詞 sequence 順序 initially 最初地 subsequently 隨後地 eventually 最後
reject 拒絕 request
要求 disappointed 失望的 household chore 家務 reward 獎勵
Learn About Discourse
教師可以先帶學生認識常用的時間轉折詞,並解釋對應的意義和用法。接著,請學生找出本單元所有表示時間順序的轉折詞,並根據故事發展的脈絡(如背景、劇情鋪陳、高潮、故事收尾、結局等),找出對應的轉折詞,完成Exercise A。
額外補充 若時間允許,教師也可以試著讓學生嘗試運用時間轉折詞,寫一篇簡短的段落,建議以貼近學生生活經驗的主題為主。例如:一日校園生活、周末活動安排、國中同學會流程、社團迎新、看四格連環漫畫說故事等。 例如:Today was really one of the most
embarrassing days in my life. I usually wake up in the early morning at 6
a.m. But when I woke up, it was already 7:50. Then, I rushed to a breakfast
store near my house and took the bus. When I arrived at school, it was
already 8:30. “My teacher is going to be mad. What should I do?” I trembled.
At that moment, the school janitor David came to me and asked why I was here.
It suddenly dawned on me that today was the beginning of summer holiday.
Finally, I took the city bus home and shared this embarrassing event with my
friends on Facebook and Instagram. They exploded with laughter. How
embarrassed I was today! |
額外補充 若時間許可,教師也可以請學生嘗試做課文延伸活動。能依主題說出具有情節發展及細節描述的故事或個人經驗,培養用英文說故事的邏輯表達能力。每位學生可以試著用自己的話限定30秒至1分鐘重述本課故事:小男孩丟石頭,但是不小心打破老婦人的玻璃,後來嘗試道歉,最後老婦人因為男孩的誠實,選擇了原諒。 教師除了運用紙筆請學生故事仿作,也可以運用多元評量或動態評量,檢視學生學習情形。例如:利用文學小圈圈(literature
addon story)、改編故事(story
storytelling)。教師指定學生一定要使用時間順序轉折詞,完成學習任務。 以下為文學小圈圈中學生輪流扮演的角色: 1. 提問者(Discussion Leader):閱讀團體的領導者,負責提出問題以供思考,幫助小組成員發表他們的意見和看法。 2. 報告者(Reporter):閱讀文章後,作簡短摘要,彙整小組成員的意見和看法,代表小組在課堂上報告。 3. 連結者(Connector):將閱讀的文章,結合人生經驗、生活背景,並發表感想。 4. 繪圖者(Illustrator):在閱讀文章之後把重要的訊息畫成圖像,先讓小組成員猜圖像的意義,之後敘述圖像所代表的意義。 5. 字彙解析者(Vocabulary Enricher):將重要的字彙提出並解釋,將所學習到的字彙運用在真實的句子裡。 文學小圈圈參考資料: http://www.litcircles.org/Overview/overview.html http://english.tyhs.edu.tw/epaper/epaper26/teach_26.pdf http://www.eworkshop.on.ca/edu/pdf/Mod17_lit_circ_user_guide.pdf https://www.teachertube.com/video/literature-circle-134115 http://www.litcircles.org/ |
課本習題參考解答 Exercise A: 掃讀故事脈絡中出現的時間順序轉折詞,找出相對應的字詞並寫下中文含意,請學生能確實找到出處。
Exercise B: 請學生迅速閱讀Esther寫的日記,並圈出段落中表時間順序的轉折詞。日記內容摘要如下: 三個月前(three months
first)被父母拒絕,因為她已經擁有一支了。然而,Esther並沒有放棄。她決定主動幫父母做家事,存零用錢。她的舅舅接著(then)讓她到家裡打掃,提供打工的機會,她最後(finally)存足購買手機的錢。Esther的父母親為了犒賞她的努力,三個月後的今天(today)帶她去手機店買了她夢寐以求的智慧型手機。 答案為: Three months ago、At first、Then、finally、Today |
About Sentence Structure
Sense Verbs Used as Linking Verbs |
Examples: u
The stones looked like comets that
fell from the sky. v
When I was sure that I wasn’t in any trouble, I started to feel guilty. w
The salt fish smells like socks
that have been worn for two days. x
Teachers around the world try to make their new students feel welcome on the
first day of high school. |
S + feel
+ like + N look adj. sound etc. |
taste smell |
1. A: How about holding
our housewarming party at the new restaurant?
B: Are you sure? The new restaurant
__looks__ very small.
A: No worries. In fact, it has many
seats inside.
2. A: The hamburger ______ delicious. My stomach started to rumble when I
stepped into the restaurant.
B: Me too. I can’t wait to have a
3. A: We plan to go
hiking and camping this weekend. Do you want to join us?
B: Why not? That ______ like a great idea. Count me in!
4. A: Excuse me, ma’am.
How do you like the steak?
B: It ______ good. My compliments to
the chef!
1. Angela 的長髮看起來像絲綢,而且摸起來非常地柔順。
Angela’s long hair ________________________, and it ________________________.
2. 這份披薩嚐起來有點鹹,但還是很美味。
The pizza ____________________________________, but it was still very
3. Diego 在電話上聽起來對我們的派對有興趣,而且他想多了解它。
Diego ______________________________ in our party on the
phone, and he wanted to know more about it.
housewarming 喬遷 rumble 發出咕嚕聲
Learn About Sentence Structure
S + feel
+ like + N
look adj.
◊ The bread
like stones.
◊ The bread tastes delicious.
◊ The
soap smells
like roses.
◊ The soap smells sweet.
◊ The cloth feels like silk.
◊ The cloth feels smooth.
◊ Matt looks like an old man.
◊ Matt looks tired after a
busy day.
◊ The voice sounded like a song.
◊ The voice sounded terrible.
額外補充 1. 使用此句型的時機?如何使用此句型呢? 2. 為什麼要學這個句型呢? |
文法加油站 連綴動詞是用來連接「主詞」與「主詞補語」的關係。後接「形容詞」作為「主詞補語」,用來描述主詞的「狀態」(補充說明或修飾主詞為該狀態)。其他的連綴動詞還包括: 1. be 動詞 ◊
Irene is beautiful. 2. seem/appear ◊
The man lying on the ground seemed drunk. 3. become ◊
The band became popular
after they released their second album. 4. get ◊
Mom got angry when
I told her about my poor grades. 5. go ◊
Don’t drink the milk. It has already gone bad. 6. grow ◊
Everyone grows old. It’s
inevitable. 7. keep ◊
The teacher asked us to keep quiet in
the museum. 8. remain/stay ◊
A firefighter must remain calm in
any situation. 9. turn ◊
The woman’s face turned red when
people talked about her fiancé. 10. fall ◊
Some students fell asleep
during the class. 11. come ◊
Vincent’s dream finally came true. He
is now a famous artist. 教師可以說明以下兩句的差異: ◊
Mary looked sad. ◊
Mary looked sadly at the old
lady. 第1句中,looked為連綴動詞,sad為形容詞,修飾主詞Mary的狀態。(Mary看起來很難過;Mary本身是難過的) 第2句中,looked為一般動詞,後接副詞sadly,用來修飾該動作。(Mary難過地看老太太) |
課本習題參考解答 Exercise A: 2. smells 3. sounds 4. tastes Exercise B: 1. looks like silk; feels very smooth 2. tasted a little bit salty 3. sounded interested |
Usage Plus +
S + know + thatclause
本句型主要是介紹及物動詞(transitive verb)後方接that引導的名詞子句作為受詞的用法。這類的及物動詞多半表示「意見、想法或希望」,如mean、hope、know、indicate、explain、learn、say、find、notice、understand等。在較不正式的用法中,that可以予以省略,例:
◊ We don’t think (that) Sam will go to
the movies with us.
◊ The host indicated (that) Dana’s attendance
was not welcome.
◊ Did you mean (that) I should stay at
home tonight?
◊ The crowd demanded that
nuclear power plant (should)
shut down.
Henry proposed that the
government (should)
build an overpass.
◊ People requested that
plan (should)
Mom suggested that we (should)
go out for a walk.
文法加油站 由對等連接詞and或but連接兩個以上的that子句作為動詞的受詞時,引導第一個子句的that可以省略,但第二個或以上的子句中的that不可省略,例: ◊ I know (that)
there is not much time and
that I should study hard. ◊ Tom told me (that) he loved me and that he wanted to
marry me. ◊ I believe (that) Raymond didn’t
lie to me and
that he
didn’t hide anything from me. |
Exercise A:
1. The doctor said something.
John’s father should quit smoking.
2. The
mother believes something.
missing son is still alive.
3. The
movie director expected something.
movie would be a box-office success.
4. The
police found something.
The thief was hiding in the forest.
Exercise B:
1. Jessie 說我們要替Emma 辦個餞別會。
Jessie ___________ we would throw a
farewell party for Emma.
2. 教練要我們多做練習,希望我們能夠成為一支強勁的隊伍。
The coach asked us to do more exercises and ___________ we could be a strong team.
I ____________________
forgiveness could bring her peace of mind, so she should forgive her brother.
額外參考練習解答 Exercise A: 1. The doctor said that John’s father
should quit smoking. 2. The movie director expected that the
movie would be a boxoffice success. 3. The mother believes that her missing son
is still alive. 4. The police found that the thief was
hiding in the forest. Exercise B: 1. said that 2. hoped that 3.
told Jenny that |
Strategy: Listening for Specific Details
I. 聆聽英國歌手Adele所演唱的“Hello”,並在下方的空格裡填入你所聽到的字詞。第一題為範例。在聆聽歌曲前,請先聽一次Vocabulary Bank內的單字,認識歌詞內的生詞。
Vocabulary Bank 1. be
supposed to 應該
heal vt. 使康復 3. ya
(infml.) 你 4.
ain’t (infml.) 沒有 5.
break one’s heart 傷某人的心
tear sb apart 使某人難過
typical adj. 一向如此的
run out (of sth) 用完(某物) |
it’s me.
was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet
go over 1__everything__.
say that time’s supposed
to1 heal2 ya3,
I ain’t4 done much healing.
Can you hear me?
in California dreaming about who we used to be
we were 2___________ and free.
forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet.
such a 3___________ between us
a million miles.
from the other side.
must’ve called a 4___________ times
tell you I’m sorry
everything that I’ve done.
when I call, you never
to be 5___________.
from the outside.
least I can say that I’ve 6___________
tell you I’m sorry
breaking your heart5.
it don’t 7___________, it clearly
tear you apart6 anymore.
How are you?
so typical7 of me to talk about 8___________,
I’m sorry.
hope that you’re well.
you ever make it out of that town
nothing ever 9___________?
no secret
the both of us
running out of8 10___________.
II. 聽完歌曲後,試著想想,如果你必須向朋友道歉,但他 (她)
specific 具體的
Listen Carefully
額外補充 為協助高中新生銜接國中的學習,本套書第一冊第一次段考範圍的作答說明為中文,若學生程度良好,教師可提供英文版之作答說明給學生。以下為本課Listen
Carefully之英文版說明語: I. Listen to the
song “Hello” sang by Adele carefully and fill in the following blanks with
what you have heard. The first one has been done for you. Before you listen
to the song, listen to the Vocabulary Bank first to get familiar with the
words. II. After
listening to the song, try to think about if you have to say sorry to your
friend, but he or she doesn’t want to talk to you, what will you do? Share
your answers with your classmates. |
本聽力活動藉由聆聽英國流行歌手愛黛兒(Adele Adkins)的暢銷名曲“Hello”,讓學生去思考道歉時的心情。以下為活動建議步驟:
1. 聽歌曲之前(prelistening activity),教師可先讓學生聆聽Vocabulary Bank,先熟悉歌曲中將出現的字詞。
2. 聽第一次,教師可要求學生Listen for main ideas。
3. 聽第二次,教師可要求學生Listen for details,並於聆聽時寫下重要的歌詞單字。
4. 聽完後,教師可提問第二道題目。本題讓學生思考,如果想跟朋友道歉卻沒有口頭表達的機會,要怎麼辦?教師可讓學生討論並分享。以下為可能嘗試的方法:
1) 找共同的朋友,請共同朋友轉達自己的歉意。
2) 以書信的方式,寫一封道歉信表達自己的想法。
3) 試著為對方做一些可以補償的事來彌補自己的過錯。
not 的縮寫。另外,第四段第五行But
it don’t matter為文法錯誤,實為But
it doesn’t matter。使用ain’t及don’t 均為減少音節之故。
額外補充 其他關於apology主題的歌曲有Justin Bieber的“Sorry”或Maher Zain的“Forgive Me”等。 除了課本上的題目,教師也可提問下列問題: 1. It is said that time is the best doctor.
But why does the line says “I ain’t done much healing”? 2. What are the ways to say, “I’m sorry”? |
知識小百科 “Hello”這首曲子最初出現在英國熱門真人秀電視節目《XFactor》中的一段30秒廣告,但只秀出歌曲前幾句,完全沒有說明這是愛黛兒的新作,也沒有暗示她睽違近5年的新專輯《25》即將發行。然而廣告播出後,開始瘋狂流傳各種猜測。在YouTube發布24小時即達到2400萬的點閱數,超越泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的紀錄2100萬;5天內MV觀看次數高達1億,勝過麥莉‧希拉(Miley Cyrus);發布首週勇奪美國告示牌百大單曲榜(Billboard
Hot 100)冠軍,也在線上串流音樂平臺Spotify突破百萬下載量。為2015年最暢銷的單曲。因為太紅,網路上也出現不少惡搞版本。 |
知識小百科 愛黛兒為英國流行歌手,於2008年發行首張專輯《19》,獲得當年水星音樂獎提名,並在全球取得了超過900萬的銷售量。其中的單曲《Chasing
Pavements》使她獲得最佳新人和最佳流行女歌手兩座大獎。此後愛黛兒獲獎無數,獎項除葛萊美獎外,另包括金球獎、奧斯卡金像獎、全美音樂獎及全英音樂獎。 |
聽力腳本中譯 哈囉 是我 我在想 事過境遷數年後 你會想與我再見,重溫往事 人們都說時間是癒傷良藥 我卻感覺不到任何療效 哈囉 你有聽見我嗎? 我在加州夢見我們倆曾經的模樣 那時的青春年華 瀟灑自在 早已記不起 我們完美如初的世界 我們兩人天差地遠 像是有百萬里的距離 *我想打給你 即使遠在天邊 即使已經打了上千通電話 想告訴你 我很抱歉 為我曾對你做的所有事 但你似乎從來不在家 **但這相隔千里的來電 至少說明我已經試過要告訴你 我真的很抱歉 抱歉自己傷了你的心 但道歉似乎沒什麼意義了 很明顯那再也不會令你心痛 你好 最近如何? 我知道我總是只想到自己 我很抱歉 我希望你一切安好 你是否成功離開那個 我們都不願承認發生任何事的城鎮? 這早已不是秘密 我們的時間所剩不多 (*,
**) 噢 你早已不再心痛 噢 你早已忘了我吧 噢 回憶全都抹去吧 全忘掉吧 (*,
**) |
課本習題參考解答 I. 2. younger 3.
difference 4. thousand 5. home
6. tried 7. matter 8. myself 9.
happened 10. time II.
略 |