2011年6月1日 星期三



I. 字彙題:第18題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。第915題,請選擇一個最適合的答案,以完成該句。

( C )  1.  Don’t park your car here because it is reserved for the handicapped.
(A) fascinated              (B) twisted                  (C) disabled             (D) endangered
(A) 使著迷                  (B) 扭轉                     (C) 殘障人士          (D) 危及
【解析】Don’t + V 為祈使句的否定用法,指「不要去做……」。
be reserved for … ……保留

( B )  2.  In conventional farming, chemicals are frequently used to kill insects and fight diseases.
(A) geographical          (B) traditional             (C) accidental           (D) environmental
(A) 地理的                  (B) 傳統的                 (C) 意外的              (D) 環境的
【解析】be used to + V 被用來做……                       frequently 經常地,頻繁地
fight 對抗                                                       disease 疾病

( A )  3.  In preparation for the wedding anniversary party, the couple invited an outstanding designer to remodel the interior of the house.
(A) inside                     (B) decoration             (C) invasion              (D) price
(A) 裡面                      (B) 裝飾                     (C) 入侵                  (D) 價格
【解析】in preparation for 準備                                   anniversary 週年紀念(日)
outstanding 傑出的                                        remodel 改建

( B )  4.  After sharing an apartment with a friend for two years, you should be able to recognize him by his voice.
(A) reveal                     (B) identify                 (C) allow                  (D) disturb
(A) 顯露                      (B) 認出                     (C) 允許                  (D) 打擾
【解析】After + V-ing … = After + S + V … ……之後,此句可寫為After you shared an apartment with a friend for two years, you should ....,因主詞相同,故可省略,僅保留分詞。
be able to + V 能夠

( D )  5.  There is a strong resemblance between the man and the boy. They must be father and son.
(A) liking                      (B) likelihood              (C) likewise              (D) likeness
(A) 喜好                      (B) 可能                     (C) 同樣地              (D) 相像
【解析】between A and B A B 之間
must be 一定是……(有強烈肯定的推測之意)

( D )  6.  When the potato was first brought to Europe, many people thought it was a weird vegetable.
(A) underground          (B) poisonous              (C) nutritious            (D) strange
(A) 地下的                  (B) 有毒的                 (C) 營養的              (D) 奇怪的
【解析】be + p.p. 為被動語態,be brought to 被帶到……。

( C )  7.  She was fully attracted by the novel; therefore, when her mother asked her to run an errand, she put the book down reluctantly.
(A) genuinely               (B) rapidly                   (C) unwillingly         (D) definitely
(A) 真誠地                  (B) 快速地                 (C) 不情願地          (D) 確實地
【解析】ask sb. to … 叫某人去做……                       run an errand 跑腿,辦差事

( A )  8.  In some cultures, giving someone a letter opener implies that the relationship will be cut.
(A) suggests                 (B) includes                 (C) impresses            (D) bargains
(A) 表明,暗示          (B) 包含                     (C) 使……有印象  (D) 討價還價
【解析】V-ing … + V單數 以動名詞開頭當主詞時,其後動詞要用單數型態。

( C )  9.  She wasted so much money on luxuries that she ran into ______ very soon.
(A) doubt                     (B) date                       (C) debt                    (D) dirt
(A) 懷疑                      (B) 日期                     (C) 債,負債          (D) 灰塵
【解析】so … that … 如此……以致於……              luxury 奢侈品

( D ) 10. Whenever I am in trouble, he always helps me out. I really ______ his assistance.
(A) accomplish             (B) associate                (C) achieve               (D) appreciate
(A) 完成                      (B) 關聯                     (C) 達到                  (D) 感激
【解析】whenever = no matter when 無論何時,為連接詞連接前後兩個句子。
help out(有困難時)幫助,幫忙                assistance 協助

( C ) 11. He is filling out a visa application ______ because he is going to visit South Africa next month.
(A) farm                       (B) firm                       (C) form                   (D) fame
(A) 農田                      (B) 堅定                     (C) 表格                  (D) 名譽
【解析】fill out 填寫                                                    application form 申請表

( A ) 12. Studying should be the ______ of a student, not working part-time.
(A) priority                   (B) resume                   (C) margin                (D) variation
(A) 優先的事物          (B) 履歷                     (C) 邊,邊緣          (D) 變化
【解析】…, not + N/V-ing ……,而非……

( B ) 13. A university president has a high social ______, and (s)he is highly respected by the people.
(A) stage                      (B) status                     (C) statue                 (D) station
(A) 舞台                      (B) 地位                     (C) 雕像                  (D) 車站
【解析】social 社會的                                                  respect 尊敬

( C ) 14. Since water shortage in many regions is getting worse, it is predictable that the world will be facing water ______ soon.
(A) level                       (B) energy                   (C) crisis                   (D) sink
(A) 階級                      (B) 能量                     (C) 危機                  (D) 下沉
【解析】shortage 不足,缺乏                                      predictable 可預言的,可預料的

( B ) 15. The ______ between the government and the general people of Egypt led to an eighteen-day demonstration, which caused the President to step down.
(A) cabinet                   (B) conflict                  (C) captain               (D) company
(A) 政府內閣              (B) 衝突                     (C) 船長                  (D) 公司
【解析】lead to 導致                                                    step down 下臺

II. 對話題:第1625題,請依對話內容,選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。

( C ) 16. Paul: Hi, I wonder if you could help me. I have a fever and a sore throat. Can you give me something for it?
Pharmacist: _______________
Paul: Thank you.
(A) Did you want to try our delicious doughnuts?
(B) Smoking or nonsmoking?
(C) OK. You can take these medicines twice a day.
(D) That’s very kind of you.
(A) 你想試試看我們好吃的甜甜圈嗎?
(B) 吸煙還是非吸煙?
(C) 好的。你可以服用這些藥,一天兩次。
(D) 你真好心。
【解析】I wonder + if/whether … 我不知道是否……
pharmacist 藥劑師                                          doughnut 甜甜圈
twice 兩次
It/That + be + adj. of you. 你真……adj. 為修飾人格特質的形容詞)

( D ) 17. Jenny: So, how was your first date with Mark?
Tina: Terrible! Can you believe he asked me how much I weighed?
Jenny: _______________
(A) He doesn’t know your age?
(B) Exercise could help him keep in shape.
(C) Why don’t you wear that pink dress?
(D) Hmm. That’s a little personal.
(A) 他不知道妳幾歲嗎?
(B) 運動能幫他保持健康。
(C) 妳怎麼不穿那件粉紅色的洋裝?
(D) 嗯。那有點人身攻擊了。
【解析】so (用於句首)那麼                                    weigh 重量達……
in shape 身體狀況良好的,健康的              personal 涉及私事的,攻擊個人的

( C ) 18. Daniel: Are you ready to play tennis?
Andy: _______________ And you’re not going to win today!
Daniel: Don’t say things you’re not sure about. You might have to eat your words.
(A) What’s the matter with you?
(B) No, I’m still thinking.
(C) You bet!
(D) Sorry, but I’ve got other plans.
安迪:_______________ 你今天是贏不了的!
(A) 你怎麼了?
(B) 不,我還在想。
(C) 當然!
(D) 抱歉,但我有其他的計畫了。
【解析】sure + of/about + sth. 確信的
句中的you’re not sure about是形容詞子句,修飾先行詞things
eat one’s words 承認自己的錯誤,收回說過的話
You bet! 當然,一定

( A ) 19. Rita: Hello. What time do you close today?
Tony: We close at 10:00 p.m. every day. And we open at 9:00 in the morning.
Rita: Oh, OK. _______________
Tony: Yeah, same hours as on the weekdays.
(A) And are you open on the weekends?
(B) I’ll come down tonight. Thanks.
(C) Your sale is still on, isn’t it?
(D) How long does it take?
(A) 你們週末有營業嗎?
(B) 我今天晚上過去。謝謝。
(C) 你們的特價拍賣還在持續,對嗎?
(D) 要花多久的時間?
【解析】hours 工作/值勤時間
come down 來到
your sale is still on 即是on sale,指「特價中」。

( B ) 20. Jessica: Could you call me a taxi, please?
Bell Captain: Yes, ma’am. _______________
Jessica: The airport.
Bell Captain: Sure, take a seat in the lobby. I’ll let you know when it’s here.
(A) What model do you like?
(B) Where are you going?
(C) Let me get your car.
(D) When are you going to leave?
(A) 您喜歡哪一種車款?
(B) 您要去哪裡?
(C) 我幫您叫車。
(D) 您什麼時候離開?
【解析】bell captain(旅館的)領班                           ma’am 太太,小姐
take a seat 就座,坐下                                  lobby 大廳

( B ) 21. Lucy: You’ll never guess what happened downtown.
Brian: What?
Lucy: While I was driving home, a man ran out in front of me… with a gun!
Brian: He had a gun? It’s really scary.
Lucy: _______________
(A) I’m a real fan of scary movies.
(B) You’re telling me.
(C) Good for you.
(D) That’s why he is worried.
(A) 我很迷恐怖片。
(B) 一點都沒錯。
(C) 幹得好。
(D) 那就是他為何會擔心的原因。
【解析】guess 猜出,猜對                                          downtown 市中心
scary 可怕的                                                   scary movie 恐怖片
You’re telling me. 我同意你的說法。           Good for you! 做得好!
that’s why + 子句 那就是……的緣故

( C ) 22. Albert: Has the 5:30 showing of the movie started yet?
Clerk: _______________
Albert: Then I’ll come back for the eight o’clock showing. I hate to miss the beginning of a film.
(A) I don’t think so.
(B) No, not yet.
(C) Yes, sir, about ten minutes ago.
(D) You can hardly wait?
(A) 我不這麼認為。
(B) 不,還沒。
(C) 是的,先生,大概十分鐘之前。
(D) 你等不及了嗎?
【解析】showing 上映,上演

( A ) 23. Terry: What kind of a seat do you request when you fly?
Susie: I prefer an aisle seat.
Terry: Why?
Susie: _______________
(A) So I can stretch my legs.
(B) Sitting in the back of the plane is exciting.
(C) It doesn’t usually take much time.
(D) I like to sleep, and I need something to lean against.
(A) 這樣我就可以伸展我的腿。
(B) 坐在機尾很刺激。
(C) 通常不會費時太久。
(D) 我喜歡睡覺,而且我要有東西讓我靠著。
【解析】request 要求                                                    prefer 比較喜歡……
aisle seat(交通工具)通道兩側的座位 ←→ window seat 靠窗的座位
stretch 伸展,伸長                                        sth. + take + time 某事花……時間
lean against/on 倚靠著

( A ) 24. Amy: Are there any interesting jobs in the paper today?
Peter: Well, here’s one for salesperson.
Amy: _______________
Peter: You have to make an appointment for an interview.
(A) What are the qualifications?
(B) What’s the salary?
(C) Is it expensive?
(D) How can I apply for the job?
(A) 有哪些條件限制?
(B) 待遇怎樣?
(C) 貴嗎?
(D) 我要怎麼申請這份工作?
【解析】paper = newspaper 報紙                                 salesperson 業務員
make an appointment 預約                             interview 面談
qualification 資格                                           apply 申請

( A ) 25. Mary: Hello. Steve?
David: I’m sorry, but Steve is out right now. _______________
Mary: Mary, his friend from work.
David: May I take a message?
(A) Who is calling?
(B) Thanks for calling.
(C) Why don’t you call his office?
(D) He will be back in ten minutes.
(A) 妳是哪位?
(B) 謝謝來電。
(C) 妳怎麼不打去他的公司呢?
(D) 他十分鐘後回來。
【解析】take a message 記錄留言 ←→ leave a message 留話給某人
Who’s calling? (用於電話)您哪位?

III. 綜合測驗:以下三篇短文,共有15個空格,為第2640題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。

Strolling1 through the streets in Taiwan, people often see a convenience store within a short walking distance. Taiwan is __26__ first in the world for having the greatest number of convenience stores, which reflects2 Taiwanese’s craze3 __27__ immediacy4 and convenience. The shelves in the stores are fully stocked for consumers to pick up __28__ day or night. City life is seen carrying on at the convenience store when day ends and night starts, making the store a standardized5 image of the city that never __29__. Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, __30__ as a metaphor6 for the non-stop7 working pattern. Convenience stores are not only a source of wonder to foreign visitors but also one of the things that Taiwanese who go abroad miss most about hometown.

1.      stroll v. 漫步
2.      reflect v. 反映
3.      craze n. 狂熱,熱衷
4.      immediacy n. 即時性
5.      standardize v. 使……標準化
6.      metaphor n. 暗喻
7.      non-stop adj. 中途不停的,不休息的

( A ) 26. (A) ranked                    (B) famous                  (C) popular               (D) favored
【翻譯】(A) 排名的                  (B) 出名的                 (C) 受歡迎的          (D) 偏好的
【解析】從空格後面的first以及for having the greatest number …,可知是因便利商店密度最高而「排名」第一,故答案選 (A)

( D ) 27. (A) at                            (B) in                           (C) of                       (D) for
【解析】與渴望、熱衷有關的片語,均是加介系詞for,如long forbe crazy forhunger for等,故知答案選 (D)

( B ) 28. (A) even so                   (B) no matter               (C) because of          (D) at best
【翻譯】(A) 即便如此              (B) 不論                     (C) 由於                  (D) 最好

( D ) 29. (A) sleep                       (B) had slept               (C) slept                   (D) sleeps
【解析】that 子句修飾前面先行詞city,此句是在說明一種現在的事實,因此全句均用現在簡單式,故答案選 (D)

( C ) 30. (A) used                       (B) uses                       (C) is used                (D) is using
【解析】the name of a convenience store是主詞同位語,真正的主詞是the term 7-Eleven,故主詞是「物」而非「人」,與use連用時,句型應為:sth. be used as 「某物被用來作為……」,答案選 (C)

The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove1. A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and __31__ the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived. One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse in flames2. They dragged3 the unconscious4 little boy out of the building more dead than __32__. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die—which was for the best, really—for the terrible fire had destroyed the __33__ half of his body. But the brave boy didn’t want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive5. Ultimately6 through his daily massages7, his iron persistence8, __34__ his resolute9 determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk with others’ help, then to walk by himself—and then—to run. He began to walk to school, then to run to school, and to run for the sheer10 joy of running. __35__ in college he made the track11 team. This determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile!

1.      coal stove 煤油爐
2.      flame n. 火燄
3.      drag v.
4.      unconscious adj. 昏迷的
5.      survive v. 存活
6.      ultimately adv. 最後地
7.      massage n. 按摩
8.      persistence n. 堅忍不拔
9.      resolute adj. 堅決的
10.  sheer adj. 純粹的
11.  track n. 徑賽

( B ) 31. (A) paint                       (B) warm                     (C) tear down           (D) design
【翻譯】(A) 油漆                      (B) 使溫暖                 (C) 拆除                  (D) 設計
【解析】從第一句得知這個煤油爐是用來提供暖氣使用的 (… heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.),故知小男孩早來學校生火是為了讓教室變得暖和,所以and連接的兩個動詞片語應為start the firewarm the roomwarm在此當動詞用。

( D ) 32. (A) live                         (B) lively                     (C) livable                (D) alive
【翻譯】(A) 居住,生活          (B) 活潑的                 (C) 適合居住的      (D) 活著的
【解析】more A than B「與其說是B,勿寧說是A」,AB是性質相同的字詞,由於dead是形容詞,故知空格也應填形容詞,所以 (A) 錯,而此句是指小男孩雖還活著,但離死不遠,故 (B) (C) 意思不符,所以答案選 (D)

( B ) 33. (A) first                        (B) lower                     (C) other                   (D) one
【翻譯】(A) 第一                      (B) 下面的                 (C) 其他的              (D)
【解析】從全文得知,這個小男孩在火災過後幾乎無法行走,後來靠著堅定意志才慢慢站起來,甚至行走與跑步,故知他受傷應是在身體的下半部,答案選 (B)。答案 (A) 錯是因first half是用來分成前後兩半,而非上下兩半。

( A ) 34. (A) and                         (B) next to                   (C) then                    (D) or
【翻譯】(A) 以及                      (B) 緊鄰                     (C) 接著                  (D) 或是
【解析】daily massagesiron persistence以及resolute determination都是名詞,應用對等連接詞連接,(B) (C) 均錯,而此三者都是讓小男孩最後能站起來行走,甚至跑步的關鍵,故 (D) 錯,答案為 (A) and

( C ) 35. (A) Otherwise              (B) Sadly                     (C) Later                  (D) Rarely
【翻譯】(A) 否則                      (B) 可悲的是             (C) 後來                  (D) 很少
解析】前面均在說明小男孩在唸小學時因大火受傷,後來靠意志力再站起來行走,甚至跑步。空格後面則是提到他在大學加入田徑隊,即知空格應與時間先後的表達有關,故答案選 (C)

For years scientists suspected1 that people with strong emotional ties2 to families, friends and community enjoy longer lives than loners3 do. But this had __36__ influence on cancer care until 1989, when Dr. David Spiegel published a study involving two groups of women with breast cancer4. __37__ groups received standard5 medical care. Patients in one group also attended a weekly support-group meeting for one year. Those women, Dr. Spiegel found, fought cancer better and __38__ an average6 of 18 months longer. __39__, a study showed that skin cancer patients who participated __40__ a support group survived significantly7 longer than those who had received only standard care.

1.      suspect v. 懷疑
2.      emotional ties 情份,感情關係
3.      loner n. 獨來獨往的人
4.      breast cancer 乳癌
5.      standard adj. 標準的
6.      average n. 平均
7.      significantly adv. 明顯地

( A ) 36. (A) little                       (B) much                     (C) any                     (D) great
【翻譯】(A) 幾乎沒有              (B) 很多                     (C) 任何                  (D) 很大
【解析】根據文意得知,應是在1989年後,科學家們的這個懷疑才有所發揮,故應用not … until「直到…………」的句型,選項裡只有little「少到幾乎沒有」有否定的意思,故答案選 (A)

( C ) 37. (A) Each                       (B) One                       (C) Both                   (D) None
【翻譯】(A) 每一                      (B)                          (C) 兩者                  (D)
【解析】(A) Each (B) One,如果後面接group,應該用單數,故錯。而 (D) None只能當代名詞,不能直接放在groups前面當形容詞修飾,再加上none是指「三者或以上」的無,故也不合,因為前一句提到共有兩組病人,所以正確答案應選 (C) Both

( D ) 38. (A) survive                   (B) surviving               (C) to survive           (D) survived
【解析】此句主詞是those womenDr. Spiegel found是插入句,主要動詞則是and所連接的兩個動詞,一個是fought,故知另外一個亦應使用過去簡單式,答案選(D)

( B ) 39. (A) To our surprise       (B) Similarly                (C) Nonetheless       (D) Ridiculously
【翻譯】(A) 讓我們吃驚的是(B) 類似地                  (C) 不過                  (D) 荒謬地
【解析】前面說明針對乳癌病人的研究,最後則提到針對皮膚癌病人的研究,由於兩者研究結果均顯示,有參加互助會的癌症病人平均壽命較長,故知兩個研究是「類似地」,答案選 (B)

( D ) 40. (A) for                          (B) at                           (C) on                       (D) in
【解析】participate in是動詞片語,意指「參加」,答案選 (D)

IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有三篇短文,共有10個題目,為第4150題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。

Everywhere we look there is color, from the blue sky to the green grass, from the gray concrete1 of a city to the black of a moonless2 night. Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. When we decorate our homes, we choose colors that welcome us and make us feel good. Some colors excite us while others soothe3 and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide4 jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors and in general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response.

1.      concrete n. 混凝土
2.      moonless adj. 沒有月亮的
3.      soothe v. 安撫
4.      suicide n. 自殺

( A ) 41. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Emotional Responses to Color                  (B) Color and Decoration
(C) Suicide Jumps and Color                           (D) The Importance of Color
(A) 對於顏色的情緒反應                              (B) 色彩與裝潢
(C) 為自殺而跳與顏色                                  (D) 顏色的重要性
【解析】全文均在探討顏色如何影響我們的情緒,裝潢與自殺不過是顏色影響情緒的例子,故最適合的標題應選 (A)

( C ) 42. According to the passage, what color has a soothing effect on people?
(A) Red                        (B) Blue                      (C) Green                 (D) Gray
(A) 紅色                      (B) 藍色                     (C) 綠色                  (D) 灰色
【解析】根據第五句 (For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34 %.) 得知黑修士橋因為漆成綠色後,從橋上跳河自殺的人就減少了,暗示綠色有安撫人心的作用,故答案選 (C)

( D ) 43. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Colors have an impact on how people react to the surroundings.
(B) Some colors excite people while others soothe and calm them.
(C) The brighter the color, the stronger the response to it.
(D) People’s emotional responses to specific colors are different.
(A) 顏色會影響人們對於周遭環境的反應方式。
(B) 有些顏色會使人興奮,有些則有安撫與緩和的效果。
(C) 顏色愈鮮艷,反應就愈強烈。
(D) 人類對於某些特定顏色的情緒反應皆有不同。
【解析】第二句即提到顏色影響我們對周遭環境的反應方式,故 (A) 對。第四句則說明有些顏色會令人感到興奮,有些則是安撫人心的效果,故 (B) 對。最後一句則說明對於某些特定顏色,一般人的情緒反應都很類似,而且顏色愈鮮艷反應就愈強 (… people have similar emotional responses to specific colors and in general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response.),故 (C) 對而 (D) 錯。正確答案為 (D)

In my science and math classes, I always have to memorize1 lists of things for science and all kinds of math formulas2. Since my memory is not that great, I’ve had to learn ways to improve my memory. Maybe you could benefit3 from some of the tips4 that I’ve picked up5 for memorizing things. Or maybe you already do these things anyway. Of course, the first rule of memorizing something is to repeat it in your mind. For example, the first day of class, sometimes the teacher will ask all the students to introduce themselves. I use this class time as a chance to exercise6 my memory skills. As we go around the room, I try to memorize each student’s name by repeating his or her name to myself. Most of the time, by the end of the class, I’ve memorized everyone’s name. Another trick I have learned for memorizing things is to build on7 small pieces in order to learn longer things. This idea comes from the fact that a person’s short term memory8 can only hold9 eight or nine pieces of information at a time. So those pieces of information in short term memory have to be moved to long term memory10 by repeating them again and again before more information can go into short term memory.

1.      memorize v. 記住
2.      formula n. 公式
3.      benefit v. 獲益
4.      tip n. 訣竅
5.      pick up 零零星星地自然學會
6.      exercise v. 練習,發揮
7.      build on ……為基礎
8.      short term memory 短期記憶
9.      hold v. 留在記憶中
10.  long term memory 長期記憶

( A ) 44. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Ways of memorizing things
(B) Learning experiences in science classes
(C) The importance of short term memory
(D) The importance of memorizing names
(A) 記憶東西的方法                                      (B) 科學課堂上的學習經驗
(C) 短期記憶的重要性                                  (D) 記住名字的重要性
【解析】作者於第三句即表示,他想要與讀者分享的是他為了記東西所領悟到的一些竅門(Maybe you could benefit from some of the tips that I’ve picked up for memorizing things.),之後再說明訣竅為哪些,故主旨應為 (A)

( B ) 45. According to the passage, how many pieces of information can a person’s short term memory hold at most?
(A) Four or five            (B) Eight or nine         (C) Eleven or twelve   (D) Six or seven
(A) 四或五                  (B) 八或九                 (C) 十一或十二         (D) 六或七
【解析】根據倒數第二句 (This idea comes from the fact that a person’s short term memory can only hold eight or nine pieces of information at a time.) 即知答案為 (B)

( B ) 46. Based on the passage, how many ways has the author learned to improve his memory?
(A) One                        (B) Two                       (C) Three                  (D) Four
(A)                           (B)                          (C)                       (D)
【解析】根據文中出現的the first rule another trick,即可推測作者總共提出兩種方法。或根據文意,第一種即是在心中覆述 (repeat it in your mind),第二種則是先記小東西 (build on small pieces),故知答案為 (B)

( D ) 47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) People memorize things by repeating them in their minds.
(B) Memorizing things is to build on small pieces in order to learn longer things.
(C) The information in short term memory has to be moved to long term memory.
(D) People’s capacity for memorizing things is usually unlimited.
(A) 人們藉由在心中覆述來記憶。
(B) 記憶東西就是要從記住小東西開始,再記住較長的東西。
(C) 短期記憶的東西必須要移到長期記憶才行。
(D) 人們的記憶所能容納的東西通常是無限的。
【解析】第五句即提到記東西的第一條規則就是在心中覆述,故敘述 (A) 正確。倒數第三句則是作者提出的另外一項訣竅,那就是先從小東西開始記,故敘述 (B) 正確。根據最後二句得知,短期記憶裡一次只能記八到九樣東西 (… a person’s short term memory can only hold eight or nine pieces of information at a time.),故需先將其移到長期記憶裡,才能再去記新的東西 (So those pieces of information in short term memory have to be moved to long term memory …),所以並非無限量,因此 (C) 正確而 (D) 錯誤。正確答案選 (D)

Have you ever thought of making a family album1? The first thing to do is to find an album. A nice, big, and strong album is the best. Make sure that the album has pages made of paper, not plastic2. It’s hard to paste3 things onto plastic. The next thing to do is to collect family treasures4 to paste in the album. Some treasures you might collect are photographs, tickets, programs5 from special events, or postcards. After that, you’ll want to organize the treasures. You could give each family member one page, or try to put things in time order. Finally, label6 each treasure and write something about it. Ask a family member to help you finish it.

1.      album n. 相簿
2.      plastic n. 塑膠
3.      paste v.
4.      treasure n. 寶物
5.      program n.  節目表
6.      label v. 貼標籤

( B ) 48. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Taking a Family Picture                             (B) Making a Family Album
(C) Planning a Family Trip                               (D) Making a Family Dinner
(A) 拍攝家庭照片                                          (B) 製作家庭相簿
(C) 計畫家庭旅遊                                          (D) 烹煮家庭晚餐
【解析】第一句即已破題得知本文主題是製作家庭相簿 (Have you ever thought of making a family album?),故最適合的標題應選 (B)

( D ) 49. What is the first step in the process of making a family album?
(A) Putting things in order                               (B) Talking to the family
(C) Pasting things onto paper                          (D) Finding an album
(A) 將東西依序放好                                      (B) 跟家人說話
(C) 把東西黏到紙上                                      (D) 找一本相簿
【解析】根據第二句即知製作家庭相簿的第一步就是先找一本適合的相簿 (The first thing to do is to find an album.)。故答案選 (D)

( A ) 50. What is the third step in the process?
(A) Organizing the treasures                            (B) Asking for treasures
(C) Collecting treasures                                   (D) Labeling each treasure
(A) 整理排列寶物                                          (B) 要求寶物
(C) 收集寶物                                                  (D) 將每樣寶物貼上標籤

【解析】第一步是找一本相簿 (The first thing to do is to find an album.),第二步是收集家中的寶物 (The next thing to do is to collect family treasures to paste in the album.),第三步是將這些寶物整理排列一下 (After that, you’ll want to organize the treasures.),最後是貼上標籤 (Finally, label each treasure and write something about it.),故知答案應選 (A)

