Words for Production
1. owner n. [C] 擁有者 someone who owns
õ The owner
of the big house moved to Canada two years ago.這間大房子的主人兩年前移民到加拿大。
own adj. 自己的
õ I usually take the bus, but I hope someday I can have my own car. 我通常都搭公車,但希望有一天我能有一輛自己的車。
own vt. 擁有 SYN have
õ Mr. Jones is very rich, and he owns two houses in the city. Jones先生很有錢,他在城市裡擁有兩棟房子。
(1) jointly/legally own... 共同/合法擁有⋯⋯
(2) partly/wholly own... 部分/全部擁有⋯⋯
(3) directly/indirectly own... 直接/間接擁有⋯⋯
詞類變化:own pron. 自己
(1) on one’s own 單獨;獨自(不靠任何協助)SYN alone
• The old couple lives in the old house on their own.
• Little Jenny finished the meal on her own.
(2) of one’s own 某人自己的
• The teenage boy dreamed of having a motorcycle of his own.
(1) owe vt. 欠(錢)
(2) won vi. 贏
2. former adj. 前任的;從前的 of or in an earlier time SYN previous,
õ One year ago, I bought this house from the former owner, Ms. Kim. 一年前,我向前屋主Kim女士,買了這間房子。
õ There was a little park next to our school in former days. 以前我們學校旁邊有一個小公園。
former days/times 從前 SYN
before; in the past
(1) former n. 前者;前面所提的第一個人或事物
• Both Nick and Larry are my older
brothers. The former is an engineer; the latter is a college student.
(2) formerly adv. 從前
SYN once; previously
• Fanny formerly worked as a server in Lulu’s Café.
字詞辨異:form n. [C]
• Please fill out the form.
3. mess n. [C] 一團亂;混亂 someone or something that looks
dirty or untidy
õ Mary’s house was in a terrible mess after the party.
mess vt.
õ Jane and Julie messed
up the kitchen when they baked a cake. Jane和Julie在烤蛋糕時,把廚房弄得一團糟。
messy adj.
凌亂的 ANT tidy
õ The wind was blowing
very strongly, so my hair became messy. 風很強勁地吹,因此我的頭髮變得好凌亂。
(1) What a mess! 真是亂七八糟!
(2) in a mess 一團糟
(3) make a mess of... 把⋯⋯弄髒、弄亂SYN mess sth. up;
mess up sth.
• Jay’s crazy drunken dancing made a mess of his sister’s wedding
(4) create/clean up a mess 製造/清理混亂
• Since you created a terrible mess, you had to clean it up.
(5) mess up sb. 使某人精神痛苦;痛打、傷害某人SYN mess sb. up
• The loss of her only son has really messed up Mrs. Lee.
• The robbers messed up the old taxi driver.
詞類變化:messily adv. 亂糟糟地
• The baby eats the food messily.
(1) mass n. [C] 一大團、塊;大量
(2) moss n. [U,C] 青苔
(3) miss vt. 想念;錯過
4. chew vi. 咀嚼 to keep biting
something with one’s teeth
õ My mother made the potatoes very soft, so I didn’t have to chew
much. 媽媽把馬鈴薯煮得很軟,我根本不太需要咀嚼。
(1) chew up 仔細咀嚼;咬爛
(2) chew sb. out 生氣地指責某人的錯誤
• Our boss chewed us out for making the mistake.
(3) chew over... 仔細深思⋯⋯
• Kate spent much time chewing over meanings of life.
chewy adj. 需咀嚼的;軟而黏牙的
• Kevin ordered a chewy chocolate cookie and a cup of coffee.
(1) bite vi. 咬;啃
(2) grind vt.(用牙)磨碎
(3) nibble vi. 一點點地咬(或吃)
5. terrify vt. 使驚嚇 to frighten SYN scare
õ Last night, the loud thunder(n. [U] 打雷聲) terrified the baby girl, and she cried for more than one hour.
terrified adj. 受到驚嚇的
õ When a snake tried
to bite the chickens, they became terrified
and started to run around. 當蛇試著咬噬雞群時,牠們嚇壞了並開始到處亂跑。
terrifying adj. 令人害怕的
õ Getting lost at the night
market was a terrifying experience for
little Jenny. 對 little Jenny來說,在夜市迷路是個令人害怕的經驗。
字詞搭配:feel/appear/seem terrified of/(up)on/by...
• The little deer is terrified of the big tiger.
• Ray seemed really terrified (up)on seeing his homeroom teacher.
• Amy seemed terrified by the sudden appearance of her ex-husband.
(1) terrible adj. 恐怖的;可怕的
• Some Westerners think the taste of stinky tofu is terrible.
(2) terror n. [U,C] 恐懼;驚怕SYN fear, fright,
• The poor girl’s cries were filled with real terror.
• Peggy watched the scary movie in terror.
(3) terrorist n. [C] 恐怖分子
• It’s reported that the bombing was done by several terrorists.
詞根: terr 1. =earth,表示"土地";
2. =frighten,可怕,恐懼; 3. =frighten,表示"恐,怕"
[outside the earth]
extra外+terrestrial[adj.地球的,地球上的]→adj.[comeing from]地球外的, 宇宙的[outside the earth]
mediterranean而來→n.地中海 adj.地中海的
subterrane[n.下層; 洞穴, 地下室]+ean→adj.地下的
mediterranean而來→n.地中海 adj.地中海的
sub下麵+terr土地+ane→n.下層; 洞穴, 地下室
terr恐,怕+or表名詞→n.恐怖, 可怕的人, 恐怖時期, 恐怖行動
6. scary adj. 嚇人的 frightening, terrifying
õ After Jane listened to a scary ghost
story, she couldn’t sleep at night. Jane在聽過可怕的鬼故事後,整晚睡不著。
scare vt. 使驚嚇 SYN frighten, terrify
õ The poor old couple
were scared
to death by the gunman. 這對可憐的老夫婦被持槍男子嚇壞了。
(1) 形容某事物把某人嚇壞了有下列說法:
scare... out of one’s wits; scare... stiff; scare the life/hell out
of...; scare the pants off...
• The horrible movie scared me stiff.
(2) scare... away/off 把⋯⋯嚇跑
• Mary’s dog scared the thief off.
(1) scare n. [C] 害怕
• When I saw the car hit my dog, it gave me a real scare.
(2) scared adj. 感到害怕的(+ to VR/of N)
• The little boy is scared of dogs.
7. entire adj. 完整的 whole, complete
õ The big guy ate the entire pizza and didn’t leave any for other people. 那個大個子吃掉一整個披薩,一點也沒留給別人。
adv. 徹底地;完全地
• I entirely understand your problem and would like to help you.
詞根: tir =draw,表示"拉"
retire[v.退休,引退;退卻,撤退;就寢]+ed……的→adj.退役的 v.退休
entire[adj.完全的,全部的,完整的]+ly表副詞→adv.完全地, 全然地, 一概地
retire[v.退休,引退;退卻,撤退;就寢]+ed……的→adj.退役的 v.退休
8. smelly adj. 臭的 having an unpleasant smell ANT fragrant
õ It is kind of embarrassing for people who have smelly feet to eat in that Japanese
restaurant, because all the customers have
to take off their shoes. 對於有腳臭的人,在那間日本料理店用餐是有點尷尬的,因為所有的客人都必須脫下鞋子。
詞類變化:smell vi. 聞起來;n. [U,C] 味道
• The strawberries smell sweet.
• The smell of bread drew a lot of customers into the bakery.
(1) smell 多指某物特有、被大家所知的味道。
(2) odor 多指令人不悅的味道。
(3) aroma 多指令人喜愛的香味,尤指食物。
9. speed vi. 疾行;超速 to move fast; to be
driving faster than the speed that is legally allowed
õ Taiwan High Speed Rail
trains speed along at around 300 km per
hour. 臺灣高鐵每小時以大約300公里 速度行駛。
õ My brother was caught speeding on the highway yesterday and received
a fine. 我哥哥昨天在公路超速被抓,收到罰單。
speed n.
[C,U] 速度
õ The racers are driving
their race cars at unbelievablek (adj. 難以置信的) speeds
on the track.
õ Drivers have to reducel (vt. 減低) their
speed when they come near schools. 駕駛人在行駛靠近學校時必須減速。
(1) speed up 加速 ANT
slow down
(2) at full speed 以全速(前進)
(3) pick up/increase/gather speed 加速
(4) control/lose the flying speed 控制/失去飛行速度
(1) speeding n. [U] 超速;adj. 高速行駛的
• Jason was fined for speeding last week.
(2) speedy adj. 快速的
• We made a speedy decision about the field trip.
(3) speedily adv. 迅速地
• The couple’s argument was speedily settled.
10. broken adj. 斷裂的 damaged
õ Kevin’s right arm got broken when he fell from
the tree. Kevin的右手臂在從樹上摔下來時斷了。
(1) broken-down adj. 故障的
a broken-down radio
(2) broken-hearted adj. 心碎的
• William felt broken-hearted when his factory closed down.
(1) broken adj. 不完整的;未遵守的
• Julia came from a broken home.
• I’m sorry to break your heart due to my broken promise.
(2) break vt. 使⋯⋯碎裂;打破;未遵守
• Zack broke the glass door with a stone.
• Ben broke the world record for the high jump.
• Victor is a good driver and never breaks the traffic rules.
11. stray adj. 流浪的 (of an animal) having
no home
õ There are several stray dogs in the park near my house, and they always look hungry. 我家附近的公園裡有幾隻流浪狗,牠們總是看起來很餓。
詞類變化:stray vi. 走失;偏離;不由自主的移動
• Vivian strayed from her fellow travelers when they visited the huge
• Hey, let’s get to the point. Don’t stray from the subject.(離題)
• The old lady’s mind strayed off while she was looking at the photo
• Hank’s mind strayed back to the good old days.
12. shelter n. [C] 庇護所;避難所 a place giving
protection from danger
õ The rich man opened a shelter for homeless people, so they wouldn’t have
to sleep on the streets on cold nights. 那位有錢人為無家可歸的人開設了庇護所,使他們在寒冷的夜晚裡不需露宿街頭。
(1) find/take shelter 找到庇護
• The stray dog took shelter under a bench at the park.
(2) bus-shelter 公車亭
(3) women’s shelter (refuge) 受暴婦女庇護所
vt. 遮蔽;庇護 SYN protect
• The pavilion (涼亭) sheltered us from the rain.
13. within prep. 在⋯期間 inside a period of time
õ The basketball game
tickets were all sold out within
two days. 這場籃球賽的票在兩天內銷售一空。
adv. 在裡面;在心中
• Jack appeared calm after his father’s death, but was very sad within.
(1) within limits 適度地
• Mom said I could use the money from my
red envelopes to buy anything I wanted, within limits.
(2) within the law 合法地
• The government was within the law in tearing down the old building.
(3) within living memory 在當今世人的記憶中
• To many Taiwanese, the 9/21 earthquake
was the most terrible one within living memory.
(4) within one’s rights 在權益之內
• The customer said he was within his rights to return the damaged
(5) live within one’s means 收支平衡地過活
• As a street vendor, Mr. Huang tried to live within his means.
(6) within shouting/spitting distance 相近咫尺
• David lives within shouting distance of the market.
14. asleep adj. 睡著的 sleeping ANT awake
õ When I got up to answer the phone, I
was still half asleep. 我起床接電話時,還是半睡半醒的狀態。
sleepy adj.
想睡的 wanting to sleep SYN drowsy
õ Jerry felt sleepy as he watched the
boring movie with his wife. Jerry跟他老婆看那部無聊的電影時,他感到想睡。
(1) sleep vi. 睡著;n. [U] 睡眠
• Kevin used to sleep late and miss breakfast.
• Because I took care of my sick grandpa all night, I did not get enough
(2) sleepily adv. 想睡地
• Carl read the novel sleepily.
(3) sleepless adj. 失眠的;不眠的
• I had a sleepless night because of drinking too much coffee.
15. hopefully adv. 但願;滿懷希望地 saying what you want
to happen
õ I probably have to work late today. Hopefully, I can get home in time
for dinner. 我今天可能必須加班。但願我能及時回家吃晚餐。
(1) hopeful adj. 抱有希望的;充滿希望的
• I’m hopeful of getting the visa within a
week. = I’m hopeful that I can get the visa within a week.
• His company’s latest sales report is a hopeful sign that George can
be successful.
(2) hopeless adj. 絕望的
• The lost sailors felt hopeless on the ocean.
Words for
101 Dalmatians 《101忠狗》(由迪士尼於 1996 年拍攝的電影)
1. take care of 照顧 SYN look after, care for
õ The mother took good care of her sick son, and he became well again very
soon. 母親對她生病的兒子細心照顧,因此他很快就康復了。
care 小心;保重
• Take care not to break any dishes while you are washing them.
• Good-bye and take care. See you next week.
2. make a mess 弄得一團亂
õ The boys played with water and clay* and made a real mess. 男孩們玩水和黏土,弄得一團亂。
字詞搭配:make a
mess of... 把⋯弄得一團亂
• The approaching typhoon has made a mess of the flight schedule.
• My pet dog is naughty and often makes a mess of the yard.
3. as a result 因此 SYN therefore, thus
õ Nick played online games all night; as a result, he fell asleep in
class today. Nick整晚玩線上遊戲,因此他今天上課時睡著了。
as a result of 因為⋯SYN because of,
due to, owing to
• Ian’s friends left him as a result of his dishonesty.
• Amy would never be able to go back to work as a result of her long
4. be crazy about 很喜歡
õ My brother is crazy about football, and he enjoys watching the World Cup. 我弟弟很喜歡足球,他喜愛收看世界盃。
be crazy about
• Joanna is crazy about Korean TV dramas and actors.
• I don’t want any dessert. I’m not that crazy about sweet foods.

(1) be crazy
for/about + N
• You were so crazy to take off your clothes and jump into the icy
• Laura is crazy for adventure novels.
(2) drive sb. crazy 令某人抓狂
• My cat made a mess of my apartment. It really drove me crazy.
5. what is/was worse
õ Harry lost his job. What was worse, his car was stolen. Harry丟了工作。更糟的是,他的車也被偷了。
more 此外 SYN
in addition
• Benson will get married next month. What’s more, he and his wife will
set up a computer store of their own.
6. look for 尋找 SYN search for
õ Dad looked for his car key for an hour and finally found it in Mom’s
bag. 爸爸找他的車鑰匙找了一小時,最後在媽媽的皮包裡找到了。
(1) look for trouble 找麻煩
• You are looking for trouble if you ask Mary this personal question.
(2) look into 調查
• The police have been looking into the murder case for half a year.
(3) look down on 輕視
• The rich man looks down on the poor.
(4) look over 瀏覽
• Dad looked over the newspaper while he was having breakfast.
(5) look up 查詢
• You can look up Dr. Du’s address in the phone book.
7. as… as possible 盡可能…;愈…愈好 SYN as… as one can
õ Try to talk about
yourself as much as possible because we want to know you
better. 試著盡可能多講一些關於你自己的事,因為我們想要更了解你。
補充資料:沒有as possible as one can的用法。
8. put... to sleep 將⋯安樂死;讓⋯入睡
õ The old tiger which had a serious heart
problem was put to sleep by the animal doctor. 有嚴重心臟病的年邁老虎被獸醫施予安樂死。
õ The soft music helps put the
baby to sleep. 輕音樂幫助嬰兒入睡。
(1) put... to a/the test 測試⋯
• My kid’s constant loud cries have put my patience to a test.
(2) put... to use 運用⋯
• Watson put his computer skills to use and fixed his teacher’s
9. all of a sudden 突然 SYN quickly, suddenly
õ All of a sudden, the truck turned left and hit the traffic light. 突然間,卡車向左轉,然後撞上了紅綠燈。
* clay n. [C] 黏土