2016年2月16日 星期二

Book 2 Unit 1: Vocabulary & Phrases

Words for Production
1. custom n. [C] 習俗  a traditional pattern of behavior followed by people in a particular society SYN habit
õ In Japan, it is a custom to take off your shoes before you enter someone’s house.   在日本,在進入某個人家裡之前脫掉你的鞋子是一項習俗。
(1) break/keep a custom 破壞/遵循習俗
(2) manners and customs 風俗習慣
(3) So many countries, so many customs. 十里不同風,百里不同俗。
(1) customs n. [pl.] 海關
• As soon as I passed through the customs, I called my parents to tell them to come to pick me up.
(2) customary adj. 習慣性的;慣性的
• It is customary for me to get up before dawn.
custom, habit, hobby, interest 的比較:
(1) custom是指風俗習慣,指社會或國家中普遍性的做法或行為。
(2) habit是指個人的行為習慣,逐漸養成而不易改掉。
(3) hobby interest 是指個人的嗜好或興趣。
2. certain adj. 某種的;確定的 particular, specific (of a thing, person or group); without a doubt  SYN some; sure
õ For certain personal reasons, Sam won’t be able to go to the meeting. 因為某特定個人因素,Sam將不會參加這場會議。
õ It is certain that I will quit my job and move overseas with my husband. 我將辭職並跟我的老公移居海外是確定的事。
certainly adv. 一定地;必然地
õ Philip will certainly pass the test because he is a hard-working student. Philip一定會通過這考試,因為他是個用功的學生。
(1) be certain of/about 確定
(2) make certain/sure (that S + V) 確定
• Make certain that you close all the windows before you go to bed.
certainty n. [U] 確定(性)
• I can’t say with absolute certainty that the boss will leave for his business trip today.
3. abroad adv. 在/到國外 in or to a foreign country
õ This summer, Jamie plans to study English abroad.  這個暑假,Jamie計畫到國外學習英文。
(1)             goods from abroad舶來品
(2)             live/travel/work abroad住在國外/到國外旅遊/在國外工作
aboard adv. 上車/船/飛機
Welcome aboard!
4. local adj. 當地的;本地的 relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about
õ The local people depend on fishing for their living.當地居民靠捕魚維生。
(1) local customs 當地的習俗
(2) local news 地方新聞
(3) local call 市內電話
(1) local n. [C] (每站都停的)慢車
• I am going to take the local because only it stops at my station.
(2) locals n. [usually pl.] 當地居民
• As locals, we have to try our best to keep our environment clean.
(3) locally adv. 在本地
• Bananas are a locally grown fruit in Chi-Shan(旗山).
5. praise vt. 讚美;讚揚 to say that you admire and approve of someone or something ANT blame
õ The coach praised his players for their great performance in the competition.   教練誇獎他的球員們在比賽中表現優異。
praise  n. [U] 讚美;讚揚
õ Although Gina failed to win a prize in the English speaking contest, her teacher gave her plenty of praise and encouragement.雖然Gina未能在英語演講比賽中獲獎,但是她的老師還是讚美與鼓勵她。
(1) praise sb. for sth. 因為某事而誇獎某人
• The teacher praised Tom for an excellent report.
(2) Every potter praises his own pot. = Every cook praises his own broth.
6. chef  n. [C] 主廚 the main and most skillful cook
õ That chef has a lot of talent. You will enjoy everything he cooks. 那位廚師相當有天分。你會喜歡他煮的所有東西。
在菜單上常見的主廚推薦通常會用chef’s recommendation, chef’s special signature dish
7. traditional  adj. 傳統的 being part of the customs that have not changed for a long time
õ Turkey is a traditional dish for Americans on Thanksgiving.火雞是美國人在感恩節的傳統餐點。
tradition  n. [C] 傳統  SYN custom
õ The Chinese have a long tradition of cleaning their houses before the Lunar New Yearj. 長久以來,華人在農曆年前有大掃除的傳統。
jLunar New Year 農曆新年
Tradition/Legend/Report/Rumor has it that + S + V.
• Tradition has it that a couple who kisses each other under this bridge will be together forever.
traditionally adv. 傳統上
• Doing housework and educating children have traditionally been regarded as women’s work, but now it’s different.
(1) tradition 傳統
(2) legend 傳說
(3) folklore 民間傳說;民俗
(4) rumor 謠言
8. elder  n. [C] 長輩;長者 an older person with a respected position in one’s family or society
   õ In Chinese society, we are taught to respect our elders and take care of the young. 在華人社會裡,我們被教育要尊重我們的長輩並照顧晚輩。
elderly  adj. 年長的
    õ In Chinese New Year, the young usually get red envelopes from the elderly. 在中國新年,晚輩通常會從長輩那兒拿到紅包。
my elder by two years 年長我兩歲的人
9. bite  n. [C] (吃、咬)一口 the act of using teeth to cut into or through something
    õ Sarah was busy doing her work this morning and didn’t eat a bite of her breakfast. Sarah這個早上忙著她的工作,沒吃她的早餐一口。
bite vi. vt. 咬(下)……
James was so hungry that he bit off a large chunk of (一大塊) the bread.
10. dine  vi. 用餐 to have a meal in a formal setting or in a restaurant
    õ I dine out with my grandparents once a month.
diner  n. [C] 用餐者;(美)快餐店
    õ This little café is often full of diners on weekends. 這個小小的咖啡廳常在週末充滿著來用餐的人。
    õI love the diner next door. It has the best comfort foodk in the city, and it is not expensive.我愛隔壁的快餐店。它有市內最好的療癒食物,而且也不貴。
kcomfort food 療癒系食物(通常為甜食或炸物)
dine out 外出用餐
• Mom’s tired of cooking. Tonight we will dine out.
dining adj. 餐飲的
• a dining room/table 家裡的餐廳/餐桌
• They have a big dining table which allows 12 people to have a meal together.
Words for Recognition
1. chopstick   n. [C] 筷子
2. crepe  n. [C] 可麗餅
3. France   n. 法國
4. Arab  adj. 阿拉伯國家的;n. [C] 來自或居住於阿拉伯國家的人 Arab countries 阿拉伯國家為一統稱,泛指阿拉伯半島上的多數國家及北非各國。)
5. ramen    n. 拉麵
6. Tokyo     n. 東京(日本首都)
7. slurp   vt. 出聲地吃或喝
8. Korea  n. 韓國
9. burger    n. [C] 漢堡(= hamburger
10. Indian n. [C] 印度人;adj. 印度的
      India  n. 印度
11.   fingertip    n. [C] 指尖
1.  dig in 開始用餐
õ Dinner is ready! Let’s dig in!
2. be regarded as    被認為是 SYN be thought of as, be viewed as
    õ Taiwan is regarded as a high-tech country.
3. keep an eye out for   留意;注意 SYN pay attention to, watch out for
    õ Please keep an eye out for the bus. We have to wait another hour if we miss it.  請留意公車。如果我們錯過這班就必須要再等一小時。
4. stay out of   避開;躲開 SYN avoid
    õ My skin tans* easily, so I try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. 我的皮膚很容易曬黑,所以我試著儘量避開太陽。* tan  vi. 曬黑

