Every year, hundreds of people are killed by crocodiles, lions,
and tigers. Over fifty thousand people die from snakebites. We all know how dangerous these wild
animals are, but there is one particular kind of creature that is even more dangerous. 每年,鱷魚、獅子與老虎殺死數以百計的人,超過五萬人則遭蛇咬死。我們都知道這些野生動物是多麼地危險,但是有種特定的生物甚至更危險。
1 Over fifty thousand people die from
die from 死於…
‧The soldier died from
a gunshot wound.
SPP 3: die from/of
² die from和die of皆表示「死於…、因…而死」,後接名詞或動名詞。
² 通常die of較常使用,而die of和die from可互換。
² be dying of為口語用法,表示「受不了某種令人不快的情況」,可譯為「快要…死了」。常見的有be dying of hunger/thirst/boredom(無聊)。
fifty thousand people die from snakebites each year. (每年超過五萬人因遭蛇咬而喪命。)
car crash victim died of internal bleeding.
Do you
have something to drink? I’m dying of thirst.(你有喝的嗎?我快渴死了。)
2 We all know how
dangerous these wild animals are, but there is one particular kind of
creature that is even more dangerous.
1. how + (Adj/Adv) +
S + V為名詞子句,做及物動詞know的受詞。
句型文法 how + (Adj/Adv) + S + V為名詞子句
作主詞:How the
magician made the man disappear was a mystery.
challenge is how fast we can get the job done.
作受詞:I wonder how
many people will come to the class reunion tomorrow.
2. even + 比較級,表「甚至更…」。
句型文法 常用來修飾並加強比較級的字詞
表「更…得多了」:much/a lot
‧I earn much/a lot more money than
my husband.
‧The new computer is far better than
the old one.
Reading P2
This creature kills millions of animals a year, not only for food or protection but also for profit3.
The same creature also kills thousands of its own kind every year, even when such killing is not
necessary for survival4. Are we talking about bears, sharks, or
hippos? No! The answer
may be too shocking to believe. We humans are actually the most dangerous creatures of all! 這個生物每年殺死了數以百萬計的動物,不只是為了覓食或自我保護,也為了獲取利益。這個生物每年也殺害數以千計的同類,即使這樣的殺戮並非生存所需。我們現在說的是熊、鯊魚還是河馬嗎?不是!這個答案可能會太驚人而難以置信。事實上,我們人類正是所有生物中最危險的!
3 This creature
kills millions of animals a year, not only for food or protection but
also for profit.
not only A but (also) B為對等連接詞組,表「不但……而且……」,A與B須結構、詞性對稱。延伸句型可參閱B1教師用書L7句型重點2。
4 …, even when such killing is not necessary
for survival.
1. such在此為限定詞,須置於名詞前,表「像這樣的……」。
such + a(n) +單數N,如:such a situation/thing。
such + 複數N/不可數N,如:such
2. A be necessary for B A是B所必需的
‧Patience and hard work
are necessary for achieving your goals.
SPP1: too Adj/Adv to + VR
² too Adj/Adv to + VR指「太…而不能…」。too為副詞,修飾形容詞或副詞;to後接原形動詞。
² 如果too之前出現否定的never或not,意思就變成「做…不會太…」。
² too… to…可用so… that…代換,但that後面接否定句。so… that…用法可參考L1句型II。
answer may be too shocking to believe. (這答案可能太令人震驚而難以相信。)
It’s never
too late to pursue your dreams. (追求夢想永遠不會太晚。)
offer is too good to be true. = The
offer is so good that it can’t be true.
5 We humans are actually the most
dangerous creatures of all!
1. humans為we的同位語。
2. We humans are the most
dangerous creatures of all.
→ We humans are more
dangerous than any other creature.
句型文法 以下兩個句型可以互相代換
S + beV + 最高級 + N of all. ……是N當中最……的
S + beV + 比較級 + than any other N. ……比其他的N更……
‧I think Adele is the best singer of all.
→ I think Adele is
better than any other singer.
Reading P3
One scientist says [that half of
the animal species5 living in the world today will die out within a hundred years, and the main6 cause will be human
activities]. Some
animals, like minks, are
killed for their fur in order
to make expensive clothes. Other animals, like bears, may also be hunted for
their body parts, because they can be used in
traditional Chinese medicine. Many other animals are close to extinction7 as well, because humans have destroyed8 the forests9 where they live. 一位科學家說,半數存活於目前世界上的動物物種將會在一百年內滅絕,而主要導因就是人類活動。有些動物,例如貂,被殺害是為了取得牠們的毛皮來製作昂貴的服飾。其他動物,像是熊,也可能因為牠們的身體部位而遭獵殺,因為這些部位可用來製作傳統中藥。許多其他動物也瀕臨絕種,因為人類已經摧毀牠們所棲息的森林。
6 One scientist says
that half of the animal species living in the world today will die
1. 此處使用現在簡單式says而不用過去式動詞,可知這位科學家的預言是重複發表、再三談論的,故用現在式表達這樣的概念。
2. that所引導的名詞子句的主詞為half of the animal species,動詞為will die out。
句型文法 half of + N作主詞的用法
[half of + 單數/不可數N] +單數動詞
[half of + 複數N] +複數動詞
‧Half of Mr. Hoyt’s fortune was
donated to the charity.
‧Half of my father’s books were
donated to the library.
3. 分詞片語living...
= which are living... = which live...
SPP4: within + 一段時間
² within為介系詞,表示「在某時間之內、不超過某時間」。
² 表示連續時間可用within the space of…。
² within也表「在某距離/範圍之內、不超過某距離/範圍」。
One scientist says that half of the animal
species living in the world today will die out within a hundred years.
Your report cards will be mailed today, and
please check if you receive them within the space of two days. (你們的成績單將在今天寄發,請確認你們是否在兩天之內收到。)
There are four convenience stores within
three blocks.
7 Other animals, like bears, may also be
hunted for their body parts, ….
may + VR,在此為對現在事實之肯定猜測的用法,表「很可能……」,可代換為might(可能性較低)。
句型文法 常用於現在事實肯定猜測的助動詞
must + VR 表「(現在)必定……」。
could/may/might + VR 表「(現在)可能……」
‧The principal must be
in his office now.
‧My brother
could/may/might be studying in the library.
SPP 5: as well
² as well為副詞,表示「也、和」。
² 比較as well、also、too:在很多情況下三者可互換,但其中also最正式;as well最不正式,常用於口語。too不可用於句首,also較少置於句末。有關also的其他用法可參考第一冊L3句型V。
² as well as表示「也、以及」,兩邊連接的詞性必須對等。
Many other animals are close to extinction as
well, because humans have destroyed the forests where they live.
I’d like a chicken sandwich, and a cup of
iced tea as well.(我要一份雞肉三明治和一杯冰茶。)
Brad is a writer as well as a
musician. (Brad是作家也是音樂家。)
8 …, because humans have destroyed the forests where
they live.
where為關係副詞。本句中可替換為the forests which they live in或the forests in which they live。
Reading P4
What’s worse, to make our own lives better, we are also slowly killing the planet10, even though we might
not be aware of it. The factories that make the products we
enjoy cause a lot of pollution11.
We travel in cars in order to travel around quickly, but these cars give off many gases
into the air. We cut down thousands of trees in order to make
paper, but many people throw this paper away without even trying to recycle it. All
these activities are causing a change in our climate12 that is severe13 enough to kill many animals and even humans. 更糟的是,為了讓我們的生活更好,我們也正緩慢地殘殺著地球,雖然我們或許並不自覺。製作我們享受的產品的工廠造成許多汙染。為了便捷地行動,我們搭乘汽車,但是這些車釋放許多氣體進入空氣當中。我們砍伐數以千計的樹木以製造紙張,但是許多人甚至不試著回收就把這些紙張丟棄。所有這些活動正造成我們氣候的改變,嚴重到足以殺害許多動物,甚至是人類。
9 What’s worse,
to make our own lives better we are also slowly killing the planet, even
though we might not be aware of it.
1. what’s worse為副詞片語轉折語,表「更糟的是……」
ANT what’s better「更棒的是…」
2. make表「使、讓…」,make our own lives better
為make + O + OC之用法。
3. even though為連接詞,表「儘管…」。
句型文法 even though與even if之區別
even though + 表事實子句 「雖然某事發生了」
even if + 表條件子句 「即使某事有可能發生」
‧Rita keeps studying even though she is tired.
‧We will go camping even if it rains tomorrow.
SPP 6: Even though
S + V, S + V.
² even though為連接詞,連接兩個完整子句,表示「儘管、雖然」。
² even though引導的子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,中間用逗點隔開。
² 用法與although同,皆不可再加連接詞but。
We are also slowly killing the planet, even
though we might not be aware of it.
James is never late for school, even
though he has to spend two hours getting there every day.
Even though the chances were slim, but the doctor tried
hard to save the patient.
4. might not + VR,在此為對現在事實之否定猜測的用法,表「或許不…」,可代換為may not。
句型文法 常用於現在事實否定猜測的助動詞
can’t/couldn’t + VR 表「(現在)不可能……」。
may/might not + VR 表「(現在)或許不……」。
‧My husband can’t/couldn’t be lying. I believe
‧Rita looks pale. She may/might not be feeling
well now.
10 The factories [that make the products we
enjoy] cause a lot of pollution.
S 關係子句修飾 關係子句修飾 V O
factories products
11 We cut down
thousands of trees in order to make paper, but many people throw this paper
away without even trying to recycle it.
1. cut down在此指「砍伐」,亦可改為chop down。
2. paper為不可數名詞,this paper指前文所提砍伐樹木所製造出來的紙張。
3. 副詞even可置於否定詞後,表「甚至不……」。
‧My son didn’t even take a look at me when I
returned home.
12 All these
activities are causing a change in our climate that is severe enough
to kill many animals and even humans.
1. in在此指「在(某方面)……」。
2. severe enough to kill運用了Adj/Adv enough to VR之句型,表「嚴重到足以殺害……」,請參閱本課句型重點1。
3. 副詞even可置於動詞、副詞、形容詞或名詞前,表「甚至……」,表強調或表某事令人驚訝之意。
‧Even a child can answer this question.
SPP 1-2: Adj/Adv enough to + VR
² Adj/Adv enough to + VR意思是「……足以……;……足夠……」。enough為副詞,修飾形容詞或副詞;to後接原形動詞。
² 如果用否定not Adj/Adv
enough to則表示「不足以……;不夠……」。
these activities are causing a change in our climate that is severe enough
to kill many animals and even humans. (所有這些活動正造成嚴重到足以害死許多動物甚至人類的氣候改變。)
box is not large enough to hold 20 CDs. (要裝下20片CD,這個盒子不夠大。)
Reading P5
Now that we know we human
beings are the most dangerous creatures in the world, we must try to put an
end to our destructive actions and save other creatures. We must remember
that we share the planet with them. It is necessary that we respect other
creatures and understand that they also have the right to live. In addition, it
is important that we take action right now
to treat our environment more
responsibly14. If we begin to truly cherish15 and protect our planet, we can save many
animals from extinction. 既然我們知道人類正是世界上最危險的生物,我們必須試著停止我們毀滅性的行為並拯救其他生物。我們必須記得我們與其他生物共享這個星球。我們必須尊重其他生物,並了解牠們也有活下去的權利。此外,我們務必要立刻採取行動,以更負責任的態度來對待我們的環境。如果我們開始真正地珍惜且保護地球,我們就能夠拯救許多動物免於絕種的厄運。
13 Now that we
know we human beings are the most dangerous creatures in the world, we must
try to put an end to our destructive actions and save other creatures.
1. now that為連接詞片語,表「既然」。
2. 助動詞must在此表「必須……」,可代換為have to。
14 We must remember that we share the
planet with them.
share A with B 與B分享A
15 It is necessary that we respect other creatures and understand
that they also have the right to live.
1. It is necessary
2. have the right to
+ N/VR 有權利(享有╱做)……
‧Everyone has the right to the freedom of
SPP 2: It is
important/necessary/essential… that + S + (should) VR.
² 此句型意為「……是很重要的/必要的/不可或缺的」。it為虛主詞,後接單數be動詞is,that引導的名詞子句為真主詞。
² 此句型有「希望人照做」的意味,所以that引導的名詞子句中,動詞為should
+ VR,should常被省略。因此,不論that後的主詞是第幾人稱、是單數複數,都一律接原形動詞。
² 此句型常用的形容詞還有urgent(緊急的)、proper(適當的)、vital(至關重要的)。
is necessary that
we respect other creatures and understand that they also have the right
to live.
is important that a
passenger (should) stand behind the yellow line while he or she is
waiting for a train.
1. in addition為副詞片語轉折語,表「此外」。
SYN what’s more, besides,
furthermore, moreover
2. It is important
17 If we begin to
truly cherish and protect our planet, we can save many animals from
save A from B 拯救A使免於B
SYN rescue A
from B
Main Idea Choose the best answer to the question.
C What is the main idea of “The World’s Most Dangerous
Some wild animals are extremely dangerous to
(B) Some
creatures kill for food or safety; others kill for profit.
(C) The planet
and many creatures are in danger because of humans.
Pollution has led to many environmental problems.
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
B 1. According to the passage, which animals cause
around fifty thousand human deaths every year?
(A) Hippos. (B)
Snakes. (C) Tigers. (D) Crocodiles.
河馬。 蛇。 老虎。
B 2. According to one scientist, by when will half
of today’s animal species probably have died out?
(A) Within
a decade. (B) Within a century.
(C) A few
centuries later. (D) A thousand years
(A) 在十年內。 (B) 在一個世紀內。
(C) 在幾世紀後。 (D) 在一千年後。
C 3. For what purpose do humans kill minks?
(A) To
protect farmers’ land. (B) To save other
animals in the forest.
(C) To
make fancy clothes. (D) To make traditional Chinese medicine.
(A) 為了保護農夫的土地。 (B) 為了拯救森林裡的其他動物。
(C) 為了製作昂貴的衣裳。 (D) 為了製作傳統中藥。
A 4. According to the author, what is the main
reason for climate change?
(A) Human activities. 人類活動。
(B) Dangerous wild
animals. 危險的野生動物。
(C) The gas that
trees give off. 樹木釋放的氣體。
(D) The production of
commercial products. 商品的製造。
Point 1
( I ) too Adj/Adv to + VR
(II) Adj/Adv enough to + VR
(1) 第一個句型解釋為「太…,而不能…」。
(2) 第二個句型解釋為「…足以…;…足夠…」。
(3) too... to 及... enough to 的用法中,to 為不定詞,其後應接原形動詞。
● The answer may be too
shocking to believe.
● No one is too old to
learn. Learning is a lifelong* journey. 活到老,學到老。學習是一輩子的事。
● I got to the bus stop too
late to
catch the bus.
● All these activities are causing a change in our climate that is severe
to kill many animals and even humans. 所有這些活動正造成我們氣候的改變,嚴重到足以殺害許多動物,甚至是人類。
● My sister is old enough to
go to kindergarten now.
● Luffy can stretch his arm far enough to reach the
lock, while Chopper is too short to reach it. 魯夫可以伸長他的手臂碰到門鎖,而喬巴太矮了搆不著。
Practice A Choose from the words below and
complete the sentences by using the patterns above.
nervous strong
tired short smart
1. My brother can’t reach the top
è My younger
brother is too short to reach the top
shelf. 我的弟弟太矮了碰不到書櫃的頂層。
2. Amy couldn’t finish her
è Amy was too tired to
finish her homework.
3. The man can carry the heavy box.
è The man is strong
enough to carry the heavy box.
4. The girl can solve the math
è The girl is smart
enough to solve the math problem .
5. Jessica couldn’t speak on stage.
è Jessica was too
nervous to speak on stage.
Practice B Complete the following dialogues by using
“too… to…” or “enough to….”
1. Mom: What have you been doing? Why is your room
still so messy?
Bill: I am too busy to clean my room. (busy/clean my room)
I have to prepare for a test tomorrow.
2. Tim: What
did your girlfriend say when you asked her to marry you?
Ben: When she saw me kneel down with a ring in
my hand, she was too shocked to say a word(shocked/say a word).
But then she said yes
with happy tears rolling down her cheeks!
3. Rita: Mom said she forgot to pick you up at school today. How did you get
home? 媽媽說她今天忘記去學校接你了。那你是怎麼回家的啊?
Rina: I bumped
into our neighbor Mr. Willis. He was kind
enough to give me a ride home.(kind/give me a ride
4. Joy: Dad, can I go to the
store? I want to buy some snacks. 爸,我可不可以去商店?我想要買點零食。
Dad: It’s
almost midnight. It’s too dangerous to go out at this hour by yourself.
(dangerous/go out at
this hour by yourself )
5. John: Who do you think
will become the new manager? 你覺得誰會成為新的經理?
Dave: I think
it will be Mr. Freeman. He is experienced enough to take on the
responsibility of leading the other employees.
(experienced/take on
the responsibility of leading the other employees)
* lifelong adj. 一輩子的
Point 2
It is important/necessary/essential... that + S + (should) VR.
(1) 本句型表「…是很重要的/必要的/不可或缺的」。
(2) 句型中的助動詞 should(應該)通常省略,其後接原形動詞。
(3) 句型中的 It 為虛主詞,真正的主詞為後面的 that 子句。
● It is
important that we respect other creatures and understand that they
also have the right to live. 我們必須尊重其他生物,並了解牠們也有活下去的權利。
● It is
necessary that the sick old man be sent to the hospital right
away. 這名病重的老翁得馬上送進醫院。
● It is
important that the government take action to fight crime and maintain social order.
Practice A Rewrite the underlined sentences or clauses
by using the pattern above.
1. This is a very important
question. You need to think twice before you make a decision.
è This is a very
important question. It is
necessary/important/essential that you think twice before you make a decision.
2. If Mary wants to win the
competition, she has to practice more.
è If Mary wants to win
the competition, it is necessary/important/essential that she practice more.
3. The weather is worse than I
expected. We should leave for the airport earlier.
è The weather is worse
than I expected. It is necessary/important/essential that we leave for the
airport earlier.
4. To save the patient’s life, the
doctor has to perform the surgery right away.
è To save the patient’s
life, it is necessary/important/essential that the doctor perform the
surgery right away.
5. This project is too large to be
completed by one person only. We need to work together to finish it on time.
è This project is too
large to be completed by one person only. It is necessary/important/essential
that we work together to finish it on time.
Practice B Complete the following sentences by using
the pattern above.
1. Alison seldom eats fruit and
vegetables, so she is in poor health.
è To improve her health,
it is important/necessary/essential
that Alison eat more fruit and vegetables. 為了改善Alison的健康狀況,她必須要多吃些蔬菜水果。
2. Brad seldom reviews the lessons
before exams. That’s why he often gets poor grades.
è To get better grades, it
is necessary/important/essential that Brad review the lessons before exams. 為了得到更佳的成績,Brad必須在考前將課程內容複習一遍。
3. Few people are taking action to
reduce pollution and protect the environment. Now our beautiful planet is in
great danger.
è To save our beautiful
planet, it is necessary/important/essential that people take action to
reduce pollution and protect the environment .
4. Mrs. Watson rarely goes to the
office on time. She may lose her job because of this.
è To keep her job, it
is necessary/important/essential that Mrs. Watson go to the office on time .
5. Judy never smiles or talks to
other people first. That’s why she has few friends.
è To make more friends, it
is necessary/important/essential that Judy smile or talk to other people first .
Focal Point 1
(I) too Adj/Adv to + VR
(II) Adj/Adv enough to +
to VR” 與“... enough to VR”都是不定詞片語,用以修飾一般動詞。
(1) too... to VR與 ... enough to VR
(2) too... to VR... = so...
that + S + not VR
(3) not/never too... to VR
(4) too Adj to sb.與only too Adj to VR
(1) 課文句型(I):too Adj/Adv to + VR
too Adj/Adv to + VR
說明:若有指涉「某人」時,可加上 “for + sb.”。
‧My income is too low to support my family.
‧Tina is too shy to speak up.
‧The weather is too cold for me to sleep.
‧This coffee is too hot for me to drink.
‧The foreigner spoke too quickly for me to understand.
(2) 課文句型(II):Adj/Adv enough to + VR
Adj/Adv enough to + VR
說明:若有指涉「某人」時,可加上 “for + sb.”。
‧Tim was foolish enough to believe the salesman.
‧Tommy was kind enough to give me some good advice.
‧We got up early enough to see the first ray of the rising sun.
‧Those math problems are easy enough for Jack to figure out
in a minute.
(3) 補充句型:too...
to... 與so... that...
too + Adj/Adv + to VR
= so + Adj/Adv + that + S
+ not VR
‧It is too dark for me to see.
= It is so dark that I cannot
‧The news is too good to be true.
= The news is so good that
it cannot be true.
‧Our youth is too valuable for us to waste.
= Our youth is so valuable that
we shouldn’t waste it.
‧The English book is too difficult for a ten-year-old child to
= The English book is so
difficult that a ten-year-old child couldn’t read it.
‧James is too selfish to win trust from his boss.
= James is so selfish that
he can’t win trust from his boss.
(4) 補充句型:not/never
too... to
not/never + too Adj/Adv
to + VR
說明:利用 “too... to....”「太……而不……」的句型,加上否定詞not或never成為雙重否定來表示肯定,用於強調語氣。
‧A proverb goes, “One is never too old to learn.”
‧A saying goes, “It is never too late to mend.”
(5) 補充句型:only
too... to VR
only too + Adj + to VR
‧I am only too pleased to accept your invitation.
‧I shall be only too delighted to help you solve the problem.
A. 依提示改寫下列各句:
1. The patient is so weak
that he can’t walk.
(用too... to... 改寫)
2. Bruce is so poor that he
can’t buy a house.
(用too... to... 改寫)
3. Tom is so lucky that he
won the lottery.
(用... enough to... 改寫)
4. It is too cold for us to
go swimming.
(用so... that... 改寫)
5. Bella types too slowly
to be a secretary.
(用so... that... 改寫)
B. 翻譯填充&引導式翻譯:
1. Jerry因忙碌而忽略他的孩子。
Jerry is ________ busy ________ pay
attention to his children.
2. 這小孩餓到可以吃下一匹馬(= 非常飢餓)。
The child is hungry ________ ________
eat a horse.
3. Johnny很好心,及時助我一臂之力。
Johnny is ________ ________ ________
give me a hand in time.
4. 這個家庭作業太難了,小學生無法作。
The homework is too_________________________________________________ .
= The homework is so________________________________________________ .
5. Neil太忙而無法與家人共進晚餐。
Neil is too_________________________________________________________ .
= Neil is so________________________________________________________ .
1. The patient is too weak
to walk.
2. Bruce is too poor to buy
a house.
3. Tom is lucky enough to
win the lottery.
4. It is so cold that we
can’t go swimming.
5. Bella types so slowly
that she can’t be a secretary.
1. too ; to
2. enough to
3. kind enough to
4. difficult for elementary
students to do / difficult that elementary students can’t do it
5. busy to have dinner with
his family / busy that he can’t have dinner with his family
Focal Point 2
It is
important/necessary/essential that S + (should) + VR.
本句型是用一些形容詞(如important, vital,
essential, necessary, significant等)來強調that子句中所提到的事件或行為是重要的或必要的,同時that子句中的動詞用
(should) + VR形式,期許聽者能照指示行事。
(1) It is + Adj + (for sb.)
to-VR/that + S + V.
(2) It is + Adj + that + S +
(should) + VR.
(3) S + insist/suggest...
that + S + (should) + VR. 可依教學需要補充。
(1) 複習句型:
It is +
possible/necessary/convenient/important/difficult/easy... + for sb. + to VR...
‧It is necessary for students to study hard.
‧It is difficult for us to learn English well in a short
‧It is convenient for us to get in touch with friends by
‧It is easy for us to buy expensive things using a
credit card.
(2) 複習句型:無助動詞should
It is +
possible/convenient/right/easy/difficult/true... + that + S + V...
‧It is useless that we keep thinking about past failures.
‧It is pitiful that you didn’t win the scholarship.
‧It is true that Tim is young, but he is very
experienced in this field.
‧It is evident that money is important, but it is not
(3) 課文句型:助動詞should省略
It is +
important/necessary/essential/vital + that S (should) VR...
‧It is important that you have a definite goal in life.
‧It is necessary that students pay attention to their
teachers in class.
‧It is essential that all drivers follow traffic rules.
‧It is vital that you not carry too much cash when
traveling abroad.
(4) 補充句型:其他should省略句型
S1 + ask/command/insist/move/order/suggest...+
that S2 + (should) + VR
‧Father asked that I tell the truth.
‧The doctor insisted that I quit smoking.
‧We moved that the meeting be put off.
‧The boss ordered that the workers come to work on time.
‧The doctor suggested that I lose weight.
(5) 補充句型:
①... lest + S + (should) + VR
②... for fear that + S +
should/might/may + VR
②在for fear that子句中,助動詞可用should/might/may。
‧I got up early lest
I (should) miss the school bus.
‧We talked in a low
voice lest we (should) wake up the baby.
‧Joseph left early for
fear that he should miss the last train.
‧I am very careful
when playing basketball for fear that I might get injured.
‧I work hard every
day for fear that I may lose my job.
A. 用“It is... that + S (should) V...”改寫或合併下列句子:
1. It is vital for people to protect
wild animals.
2. It is essential for students to give
their seats to the elderly.
3. It is necessary for Jack to learn
from the lesson.

B. 引導式翻譯:
1. 每個人都必須守法。
It is necessary______________________________________________________ .
2. 父母關心子女是很重要的。
It is important_______________________________________________________ .
3. 人人擁有均衡飲食是很重要的。
It is vital___________________________________________________________ .
4. 我抄下電話號碼,以免忘了。(… lest…)
I copied down______________________________________________________ .
5. 老師要求學生考試時要保持安靜。
The teacher demanded________________________________________________ .
1. It is vital that people
protect wild animals.
2. It is essential that
students give their seats to the elderly.
3. It is necessary that
Jack learn from the lesson.
4. It is important that
students respect their teachers.
5. It is necessary that we
cherish natural resources.
1. that everyone obey the
2. that parents care about
their children
3. that everyone have a
balanced diet
4. the phone number lest I
forget it
5. that students keep quiet
while taking an exam
Ⅰ Vocabulary Fill in each blank with the appropriate
species 1. Sam has been a nature lover and
a bird watcher for years, so he has seen many different s s of birds in the wild.
survival 2. Air and water are essential to our s l.
No creature can live without them.
destroy 3. Never lie to me again, or you
will d y the small amount of trust I still have
in you.
severe 4. Luckily my family got through
the s e typhoon without too
many problems.
responsibly 5. If you want to win your employees’ respect,
always do your work r y, and never mix your personal life with
your job.
climate 6. Humans are facing the problems
of c e change and a rapidly rising
sea level because of global warming.
main 7. The most effective way to fix
the mistake is to figure out what the m
n problem is and deal with it
right away.
cause 8. To find out the c e of the fire, a police officer is
examining every corner of the house.
forest 9. The mountain is covered with a
thick f t that is home to a
lot of wildlife.
pollution 10. Smoke from factories is bad not only for our
health but also for the environment, because it is one of the things that leads
to air
p n.
p n.
Ⅱ Grammar Fill in
each blank with the correct word or phrase.
C 1. Everyone was surprised that the little boy was
____ to fight off the bad guy and save his own life.
(A) enough brave (B) too brave (C) brave enough (D) too bravely
B 2. We
don’t have much time left, so it is important that the job ____ done as soon as
(A) is (B) be (C) has (D)
will be
A 3. The
police are searching the building ____ the bank robbers are hiding.
(A) where (B) that (C) which (D)
Ⅲ Cloze Fill in each blank
with the correct choice from among the words given.
When we
talk about dangerous animals, most people think of lions or tigers. In fact,
there is one creature that is 1. more dangerous: man. Every year, 2.
animals die because of human activities. Humans kill these animals not
only for food or their own safety but also 3. .
Take minks for example. Hunters kill them for their fur, which is used to
make expensive clothes. Bears are hunted by hunters 4. ,
because their body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Today,
many animals are facing 5. because of man’s selfishness. It’s time for
people to stop killing and start respecting other creatures on Earth.
B 1. (A)
very (B) even (C) pretty (D) great
D 2. (A)
million (B) millions (C) million of (D) millions of
C 3. (A)
making profit (B) earn profit (C) for profit (D) at a huge profit
B 4. (A)
after all (B) as well (C) for a while (D) and so on
A 5. (A)
extinction (B) situation (C) competition (D) reservation
Ⅳ Guided Translation Fill in each blank by translating the Chinese into
1. 這香皂散發出甜美的清香,讓我感覺十分放鬆。
The soap gives off a
sweet smell that makes me feel relaxed.
2. Jenny 在浪費時間抱怨的時候,Miranda 已經採取行動,並想出問題的解決方法。
While Jenny was wasting her time complaining,
Miranda had taken action
and come up with a solution to the
3. Ken 沒有意識到電話在響,因為他已經熟睡了。
Ken was not aware of the
fact that the telephone was ringing because he had fallen into a deep sleep.
4. 臺灣黑熊正面臨絕種的危險。那就是為什麼政府立法保護黑熊免於被獵捕的威脅。
The Formosan Black Bear is in danger of dying out .
That’s why laws have been passed to protect this creature from being hunted.
5. 橋梁的建造工程已接近完工。很快地我們就能夠享受新橋所帶來的便利。
The bridge construction project is close
to completion.
Soon we will be able to enjoy the convenience of a new bridge.
Ⅴ Sentence
Rearrangement Put the
parts in the correct order to form a sentence.
that/now/we/It/essential/make a decision/is
è It is essential that
we make a decision now.
Sentence Combination Combine the two
sentences to make one complete sentence.

è Mr. Presley is too ill
to get out of bed.
Ⅶ Translation
Translate the Chinese sentence into English and the
English sentence into Chinese.
1. 我們都知道野生動物有多危險。(how + Adj
+ S + V)
è We all know how
dangerous wild animals are.
2. What’s worse, to make our own lives better,
we are also slowly killing the planet.
è 更糟的是,為了讓我們的生活更好,我們也正緩慢地殘殺著地球。
Ⅷ Question and Answer Write a possible answer.
Jack: Hi, Rose! Long time no see!
What have you been doing lately?
Rose: Nothing much. I spent the
whole summer reading my favorite novel, The
Hunger Games.