Reading P1
1 Asia
is the world’s largest continent and has billions of people.
billions of + N 數十億的…
2 It was home to several ancient
civilizations and religions.
1. home在此句中解釋為「發源地」,其中be home to + N需要特別留意。例如:
‧The city of New
Orleans is home to jazz.
2. ancient civilizations意思是「古文明」。
3 Asian cultures thus are very different
from one another.
1. thus = therefore,「因此」的意思,通常可放置於句首或句中。
2. be different from... 意思是「與……不同」,等同於differ from...;本句亦可改為Asian cultures thus differ
greatly from one another.。
‧My favorite sport is
different from my sister’s. I love cycling while she likes swimming.
3. one another是「彼此之間」。
‧True friends always help one another when they have problems.
4 One way to experience the various
cultures of Asia is to visit its
句型文法 One way to + VR + be + to + VR
‧One way to keep fair skin is to have plenty of water and
5 If you
think that is bizarre, you’ll probably be even more surprised by the following
two unusual festivals.
句型文法 If + S + 現在式V, S + will + VR….
‧If it rains, our outdoor party will be cancelled.
‧If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
Reading P2
One is the Rocket8
Festival (Bun Bang Fai), which takes place in Thailand
in the middle of May. It is a three-day-long holiday which includes music and
dance performances, parades9
with beautiful floats, and
the firing of homemade rockets. Since each rocket is packed with 25 kilograms of gunpowder, the
Rocket Festival is considered one of Asia ’s
loudest celebrations. It is held just
before farmers plant10 their crops11 at the beginning
of the rainy season. The rockets are fired into the sky
to worship12 the rain god Vassakan. It is believed that Vassakan
loves the loud sound of huge rockets. People hope that he will be pleased13 and
send down rain to water the fields. 一個是五月中旬在泰國舉行的火箭節(泰文叫Bun Bang Fai)。它是個為期三天的節慶,其中包含音樂及舞蹈表演、美麗的花車遊行和發射自製火箭炮。因為每支火箭都裝載25公斤 的火藥粉,火箭節被認為是亞洲最大聲的慶典之一。慶典在雨季剛開始時、農夫種植農作物前舉行。火箭被發射升空敬拜雨神瓦薩岡。據說瓦薩岡喜愛巨大火箭發出的巨響。人們希望藉此取悅他,降雨灌溉農田。
6 One is the Rocket
Festival (Bun Bang Fai), which takes place in Thailand in the middle of May.
SPP3: One…. The other (one)….
² 代名詞one和the other用於指稱明確的兩個人、事或物,表示「一個……,另一個……。」
² one和the other都接單數動詞。
² 如果要指稱的人、事或物只是該群體中任兩項,則用one和another。用法可參考第二冊L8句型III。
One is the Rocket Festival. The other one
is the Crying Sumo Festival.
following two unusual festivals。)
I have
two brothers. One is five years old, and the other is seven years
in Taiwan
celebrate many Western holidays. Christmas is one. Valentine’s day is another.
1. which前加逗點,是「非限定用法」。先行詞the Rocket Festival為專有名詞,不可用限定用法。
2. take place「發生;舉行」, 類似的字有occur和 happen,但take place、occur、happen不用被動語態,只有hold這個字可以用被動語態。
‧The meeting took place last Friday. (○)
‧Something bad happened last night. (○)
‧The meeting was taken place/was occurred/was happened
last Friday. (×)
‧The meeting was held (by us) last Friday. (○)
7 It is a three-day-long
holiday which includes music and dance performances, parades with beautiful
floats, and the firing of homemade rockets.
1. three-day-long中間day不可加s,數量詞中間加上連字號(hyphen)相連就變成複合形容詞。
句型文法 複合形容詞(數量詞 + 單數N + Adj)
‧an eight-year-old boy 一位八歲的男孩
‧a six-foot-wide box 一個六呎寬的箱子
2. which includes... =
including... 包含
SPP4: 複合形容詞:number-N-Adj
² 複合形容詞是由兩個、三個或多個字組成的形容詞,字與字之間用連字號(-)連接。
² 此複合形容詞結構:數字-單位-形容詞,用來表示連續時間的長度、人的年紀、人/物高度、面積長寬、容器深度、物品厚度等。
² 不論數字為何,單位都維持單數形式。
² 常用形容詞有long, old, tall, high, wide, deep, thick等。
² 如果不特別描述「程度」,可將形容詞刪去,成為「number-N」。用字精簡,卻仍保有大部分此複合形容詞的含意。
Rocket Festival is a three-day-long holiday which includes music and
dance performances, parades with beautiful floats, and the firing of homemade
brought a two-hundred-centimeter-tall Christmas tree home last night,
and that really surprised me.
(爸爸昨晚帶一棵200公分 高的聖誕樹回家,那真讓我吃驚。)
Let’s take a five-minute break. (我們休息五分鐘吧。)
8 Since each
rocket is packed with 25 kilograms of gunpowder, the Rocket Festival is
considered one of Asia ’s loudest
1. since為「由於」的意思,後面陳述顯而易見的事實,口氣比because弱。請參閱句型重點1。
2. be packed with = be loaded
with = be filled with = be full of「裝載;裝滿」
3. A is considered (to be) B「A被認為是B」
‧Sally is considered (to be) an excellent ballet dancer.
Everyone loved her performance tonight.
SPP 1: Since + S +
V, S + V.
² since為連接詞,後接「說明原因」的副詞子句,表示「因為、由於、既然」。
² since引導的子句置於主要子句前必須用逗點隔開,置於主要子句後則可不用。
² 有關since的其他用法可參考第二冊L4句型II。
Since each rocket is packed with 25 kilograms of
gunpowder, the Rocket Festival is considered one of Asia ’s
loudest celebrations.(因為每支火箭裝有25公斤 的火藥粉,所以火箭節被認為是亞洲最大聲的慶典之一。)
have to put off all outdoor activities since a typhoon is coming.(由於颱風即將來襲,所以我們必須延後所有戶外活動。)
Since the weather is not so hot, let’s
turn off the air conditioner and open the window to let some fresh air in. (既然天氣沒那麼熱,我們關掉冷氣並打開窗戶讓新鮮空氣進來吧。)
Focal Point 1
Since + S + V, S + V.
since 為從屬連接詞,引導表「原因」的副詞子句,意指「由於……」。
● Since each
rocket is packed with 25 kilograms of gunpowder, the Rocket
Festival is considered one of Asia ’s
loudest celebrations. 因為每支火箭都裝載25公斤 的火藥粉,火箭節被認為是亞洲最大聲的慶典之一。
● Since winter
vacation starts next month, let’s plan to do something together. 既然寒假下個月就開始了,讓我們來計畫一起做些什麼。
● We can
talk about it another day since you look tired.
Practice Rewrite the following sentences by using the
pattern above.
since/Our school/a typhoon/canceled the field
trip/struck Taiwan
è Our school canceled the field trip since a
typhoon struck Taiwan .
go to college/Curt studied very hard/he
really/since/wanted to
è Curt studied very hard
since he really wanted to go to college.
Since/a vegetarian①/she/Carol is/doesn’t eat meat
è Since Carol is a
vegetarian, she doesn’t eat meat.
it is/since/rain/with you/Please bring/it
looks like/an umbrella/going to
è Please bring an
umbrella with you since it looks like it is going to rain.
she couldn’t/in that kind of/see any future/Betty
quit her job/since/work
è Betty quit her job
since she couldn’t see any future in that kind
of work.
①vegetarian n.
[C] 素食者
9 It is believed that Vassakan loves the
loud sound of huge rockets.
It is believed (that) ... 「據說…」,複習此句型請見本冊第四課句型重點1。
SPP 5-2: (2) S + believe + O / that + S + V…
² believe為及物動詞時,表示「認為……是真的、相信……是事實、推測可能發生或已發生的事件」。用法可參考L4句型I:It is believed that…。
² believe後接人當受詞表示「相信某人的話」。
It is believed that Vassakan loves the loud sound of huge
rockets. (人們相信瓦薩岡神喜歡巨型火箭的聲音。)
The priest told us that those who believe
will go to heaven.(那牧師告訴我們信教的人將上天堂。)
I know you may not agree with me, but I
choose to believe Alison.(我知道你可能不同意我的看法,但我選擇相信Alison。)
10 People hope that he will be pleased and
send down rain to water the fields.
1. be pleased = be delighted = be
happy 被取悅
2. water在此句中為動詞,「灌溉;澆水」的意思。
Reading P3
The other one is the
Crying Sumo Festival, which is a contest held in Japan in April.
Most parents around the world would do anything to make sure
that their children do not cry, but the opposite14
is true in Japan .
At this annual15
festival, sumo wrestlers hold babies high in
the air and try to make them cry. They even make ugly faces to scare the babies into crying more loudly. The baby who cries the loudest
is the winner of the contest. People in Japan think that this crying helps to scare
away evil16 ghosts, bring blessings17, and keep babies healthy. Therefore, no matter how cruel18
it might seem to people in other countries, the Japanese firmly19 believe in this tradition. 另一個節慶是日本的哭聲相撲節,那是四月在日本舉行的一項比賽。世上大多數父母都會盡力確保小孩不哭,但在日本剛好相反。在這一年一度的節慶中,相撲選手把小寶寶高高舉起到空中,試著弄哭他們。他們甚至扮醜陋的鬼臉把嬰孩嚇到哭得更大聲,哭最大聲的寶寶就贏得比賽。日本人認為哭聲可以嚇走惡鬼、帶來祝福和讓小寶寶健康。因此,不論這麼做在外國人眼裡有多殘忍,日本人還是堅決地相信這個傳統。
11 The other one
is the Crying Sumo Festival, which is a contest held in Japan
in April.
1.第一段最後一句話限定了課文要介紹two unusual festivals,第二段一開始提到其中一個用One is...,這裡介紹剩下的那一個,因為已經被限定了,所以要用定冠詞The other...。
2.held是過去分詞,從which is held簡化而來,修飾contest。複習此句型請見本冊第二課句型重點2。
12 Most parents
around the world would do anything to make sure that their children do
not cry, but the opposite is true in Japan .
1.make sure = ensure = guarantee,「確保」的意思,後面加that子句。
2.the opposite is true是指「相反的才對」,也就是在日本,他們會刻意把孩子弄哭的意思。
13 At this annual
festival, sumo wrestlers hold babies high in the air and
try to make them cry.
1. hold... high 高舉;in the air 在半空中。
2. make是使役動詞,後面加原形動詞cry。
‧Father made me clean my room.
14 People in Japan
think that this crying helps to scare away evil ghosts, bring blessings,
and keep babies healthy.
1. that子句做think的受詞。
2. keep是「保持;維持」的意思。
keep + O + OC (Adj/P.P.) 保持……的狀態
‧You should keep your smartphone dry so you don’t damage
‧Keep this door closed so mosquitos don’t come inside the
15 Therefore, no
matter how cruel it might seem to people in other countries, the
Japanese firmly believe in this tradition.
1. No matter how cruel... =
However cruel...「無論多麼殘忍」,請參閱句型重點2。
SPP 2: No matter
how/what/who/when/where/which + … + S + V, S + V.
² no matter + wh-疑問詞當作連接詞,後接副詞子句,表示「不論……」。
² no matter wh-引導的子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,置於之前必須用逗點隔開。
² no matter how指「不論如何」,no
matter what指「不論什麼」,no matter who指「不論是誰」,no
matter when指「不論何時」,no matter where指「不論何處」,no matter which指「不論哪個」。
² 如果no matter wh-引導的子句,其動作發生在未來,則動詞用現在式代替未來式。
no matter wh- = wh-ever,兩者可互相代換。
No matter how cruel it might seem to people in other countries,
the Japanese firmly believe in this tradition.
= However cruel it might seem to people in
other countries, the Japanese firmly believe in this tradition.(不論這對其他國家的人來說有多殘酷,日本人堅信這項傳統。)
No matter when I see Amanda, she is very energetic.
= Whenever I see Amanda, she is
very energetic.
No matter which camp your child chooses, she will surely enjoy
it! = Whichever camp your child
chooses, she will surely enjoy it!
2. it might seem這裡的it指的是把小孩嚇哭這件事。
3. believe in = have faith in 信仰
Focal Point 2
No matter how/what/who/when/where/which + … + S + V, S
+ V.
“No matter + wh-”為從屬連接詞,連接兩個子句,意指「無論……」。
wh- 疑問詞可於字尾加上 -ever,成為:
no matter how = however no
matter what = whatever
no matter who = whoever no
matter when = whenever
no matter where = wherever no matter which = whichever
● No matter how cruel it
might seem to people in other countries, the Japanese firmly believe
in this tradition.
è However cruel it
might seem to people in other countries, the Japanese firmly believe
in this tradition.
● No matter when I visited
my grandfather, he was always busy in the kitchen.
è Whenever I visited
my grandfather, he was always busy in the kitchen.
● No matter which way the
prince chooses, he will end up in trouble.
è Whichever way the
prince chooses, he will end up in trouble.
Practice A Fill in the blanks by using the phrase “no
matter + wh-.”
Olivia and Isabel are talking about their ideal husbands.
Olivia: What kind of man do you
want to marry in the future?
Isabel: Mm… You know… tall,
handsome, and rich. No matter
where I am, he’ll be willing to pick me up. And no matter when I
need him, he will be there at once.
Olivia: Don’t you think that’s
unrealistic②? 你不覺得那樣不切實際嗎?
Isabel: No, it’s romantic. It
would be better if my husband would listen to me no matter what I
say. Most important of all, no
matter what I do, he’ll support me.
Olivia: Wake up, Isabel. There’s
no such man on Earth. No matter how hard you try, it will be impossible to find
the man that you’ve just described.
Isabel: I don’t agree with you.
My father is the ideal husband in my mind.
②unrealistic adj. 不切實際的
Practice B Combine the two sentences by using the
pattern “Wh-ever....”

è Wherever you go, I will follow you.

è However tired you are,
you still have to finish your homework tonight.

è Whenever Teresa pays a
visit, the door will be open for her.

è However late it is, my
mother always waits up until I come home.

è Whatever pet I get, I
will take good care of it.
SPP 5-1: (1) believe in
² believe in為動詞片語,後接名詞或動名詞,表示「相信……存在、信仰、認為……有效或有價值、肯定(人或機構)是好的或可靠的」。believe為不及物動詞時,表示「有宗教信仰」。
² believe in後接人當受詞,表示「相信某人有優秀能力可以達成目標、對某人有信心」。
No matter how cruel it might seem to people
in other countries, the Japanese firmly believe in this tradition.
I don’t believe that this photo is
real. It could have been altered with image software.
I would like to thank my family for always believing
in me.
Reading P4
All bizarre festivals have their hidden meanings. They
might seem strange to foreigners, but they make sense to the local people. If
you have the opportunity20
to participate in one of these festivals, you will experience something that is
unique to Asia , a land of many beautiful
cultures! 所有怪異的節慶都有它們隱藏的意義。它們或許對外國人而言顯得奇怪,但對當地人而言是很有意義的。如果有機會參與這樣的活動,你將能體驗獨一無二的亞洲,一塊充滿美好文化的陸地。
16 They might seem
strange to foreigners, but they make sense to the local people.
1. They指的是前句提到的all bizarre festivals。
2. seem為連綴動詞,表示「似乎、看起來好像」。
句型文法 S + seem + (to be) + Adj/N
‧Mom seemed (to be) tired, so I helped her do the housework.
‧David seems (to be) a nice older brother. He is teaching
Mark how to ride a bicycle.
除seem外,其他連綴動詞包括look, taste, smell, feel, sound, become, get等。
3. make sense 有意義;有道理
17 If you have
the opportunity to participate in one of these festivals, you will experience
something that is unique to Asia , a
land of many beautiful cultures!
1. 這裡的if與課文第一段第五行的if一樣,表示未來可能實現的條件。
2. that is unique to Asia = which is unique to Asia是關係子句,修飾前面的something。
3. a land of many beautiful
Main Idea Choose the best answer to the question.
B What is “Bizarre Festivals in Asia ”
mainly about?
It describes the New Year’s Day celebrations
in Thailand .
It introduces two unusual festivals in Asia .
It explains the traditions of sumo culture in
Japan .
It examines the relationship between religion
and culture in Asia .
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
C 1. When does Thailand ’s Rocket Festival take place
every year?
(A) In January. (B)
In March. (C) In May. (D) In September.
一月。 三月。 五月。 九月。
B 2. Why do Thai people fire rockets into the sky?
They want to scare away evil spirits.
They are trying to please the rain god.
They are celebrating the year’s harvest.
They hope that there won’t be any typhoons.
A 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true
about the Crying Sumo Festival?
The babies who don’t cry are the bravest.
The sumo wrestlers try their best to make the
babies cry.
The evil spirits might be scared away by the
babies’ crying.
The louder their crying, the more blessings
the babies will receive.
D 4. How do the sumo wrestlers make the babies cry?
They feed the babies bitter food.
They put the babies in a dark place.
They clap their hands and make loud noises.
They make ugly faces.
Focal Point 1
Since + S + V, S + V.
補充since then與ever since的用法。
(1) 複習句型(I):現在完成式
S + have/has + P.P.... + for + 一段時間
S + have/has + P.P.... +
S + have/has + P.P.... +
‧Larry has studied classical music for many years.
‧Rogan has visited many scenic spots already.
‧Adam has moved into a new apartment recently.
‧I have warned him to give up smoking many times.
(2) 複習句型(II):since表「自從」,當「介系詞」用。
S + have/has + P.P.... + since
+ 時間點
S + have/has + been + V-ing...
+ since + 時間點
‧My mom has worked as a volunteer in a hospital since
‧Due to a bad cold, Ray has been in bed since
yesterday morning.
‧Tim told me that his wife has been ill since
‧Kelly has been studying in England since last year.
‧Emily has been waiting for me since eight
(3) 複習句型(III):since表「自從」,當「連接詞」用。
S + have/has + P.P.... + since
+ S + V-ed
S + have/has + been + V-ing...
+ since + S + V-ed
‧I haven’t seen Kate since she moved to the city.
‧I haven’t heard from Joe since I saw him last
night at the train station.
‧I haven’t gotten in touch with Lily since she
got married.
‧It has been five years since Jane went to Europe for advanced study.
‧Sue has been working in a foreign company since
she graduated from college.
(4) 課本句型:since表「既然……;由於……」
Since + S + V, S + V.
‧Since the traffic is heavy, you have to be careful while riding
a bike to school.
‧Since the water shortage
problem is so serious, we must save as much water as possible.
‧Since we don’t know the answer, let’s search for it online.
‧Since knowledge is power,
students must acquire as much knowledge as possible while they are in school.
(5) 補充:ever since/since then
S + have/has + P.P.... + ever since/since
S + have/has + P.P.... + ever since + S + V-ed
說明:ever since是since用法的加強,之後可接時間副詞或子句。而since then放句尾,常配合完成式,表「從那時起」。
‧Ken went to Japan in 1990 and has lived
there ever since.
‧I have known him ever since he was a child.
‧I met Peggy at a party two weeks ago, and we have been
good friends since then.
‧The theater was burned down last year, and has been deserted
since then.
A. 配合題(請在空格內填入代號):
1. Let’s have some ice cream _______.
2. Since Tom had lots of
homework, _______.
3. It has been a year _______.
4. Since you’re unable to help
me, _______.
5. John left Taiwan three years ago, _______.
(a) he went to bed very late last
(b) since it’s so hot
(c) maybe I should ask someone
(d) and I haven’t heard from him
since then
(e) since I graduated from
B. 翻譯題:
1. 自從他大學畢業之後,到過許多地方旅行。
He _______ (d) a lot of traveling since he (g) from college.
2. 從國中開始我就一直在學跳街舞。
I _______ _______ learning street dance _______ junior high school.
1. (b)
2. (a)
3. (e)
4. (c)
5. (d)
1. has; done; graduated
2. have; been; since
3. Since life is short, we should
make good use of it.
4. Jason has been in a bad mood
ever since he lost his job.
5. Molly has been sick since last
Focal Point 2
No matter
how/what/who/when/where/which + …+ S + V, S + V.
No matter wh-的句型也可代換為Wh- + ever的句子,其中又以however及whatever最常見。本單元的教學建議可分成三大項,老師可依實際教學需求做調整。
講解No matter how與No matter what的句型。
講解No matter
who/when/where... 的句型。
補充Richard Marx的Right Here Waiting這首歌。
(1) 課本句型(I):No matter how...
No matter how + Adj/Adv + S +
V, S + V.
= However + Adj/Adv + S + V, S
+ V.
說明:No matter how...與However...兩者相通,意思為「無論多麼……;無論如何地……」,引導副詞子句。
‧No matter how (= However) famous a man may be,
he should be humble.
‧No matter how (= However) hard I try, I cannot
get up early.
‧No matter how (= However) people criticize
Jason, he never gives up.
‧No matter how (= However) cold the
weather is, he gets up early to go jogging every day.
‧No matter how (= However) rich a man is, he
cannot be happy unless he is healthy.
(2) 課本句型(II):No matter what...
No matter what + (N) + S + V, S
+ V.
= Whatever + (N) + S + V, S +
說明:No matter what...與Whatever...兩者相通,意思為「無論什麼……」,引導副詞子句。
‧No matter what (= Whatever) we say, he won’t
change his mind.
‧No matter what (= Whatever)
information you need, you can always find it on the Web.
‧No matter what (= Whatever)
difficulties you have, you should find a way to deal with it.
‧No matter what (= Whatever) choice you make,
you should be responsible for it.
‧No matter what (= Whatever) my parents said, I insisted
on studying music abroad.
(3) 課本句型(III):No matter
No matter who + (S) + V, S + V.
= Whoever
+ (S) + V, S + V.
No matter when/where + S + V, S
+ V.
= Whenever/Wherever + S + V, S
+ V.
說明:No matter
who/when/where...與Whoever/Whenever/Wherever...兩者相通,意思為「無論是誰……/無論何時……/無論何地……」。其中No matter who的who和whoever視句意可當主詞使用。
‧No matter who (= Whoever) you are, you should
obey the law.
‧No matter who (= Whoever) did this, he or she
must be punished by law.
‧No matter when (= Whenever) you come
to visit me, I will give you my warmest welcome.
‧No matter when (= Whenever) you leave, don’t
forget to turn off the lights.
‧No matter where (= Wherever) you go, you’ll find
that human nature is the same.
A. 填空題(請在空格內填入whatever/whoever/whenever/however/whichever):
1. _________ poor you are, you
should not ask for pity from others.
2. _________ wins the speech
contest, it will be fine with me.
3. _________ I see these
pictures, I think of those good old days.
4. _________ road you take, it
will lead you to the train station.
5. _________ you do for a living,
you should take it seriously.
B. 請依提示字完成句子(請用Wh- ever):
1. _________________ (Henry/go),
he carries an umbrella with him in case of rain.
2. _________________ (your opinion/be), I have made up my mind, and I
won’t back down.
3. _________________ (the
job/is/hard), I will finish it.
4. _________________ (I/go/soccer
game), the stadium is crowded with people.
5. _________________ (the next president/be), the country’s economy won’t improve
1. However
2. Whoever
3. Whenever
4. Whichever
5. Whatever
1. Wherever Henry goes
2. Whatever your opinion is/may
3. However hard the job is
4. Whenever I go to a soccer game
5. Whoever the next president is
Ⅰ Vocabulary Fill in each blank with the
appropriate word.
religion 1. Samia doesn’t eat
pork because her family’s r n is Islam①.
worship 2. Chinese people
usually w p their ancestors on
Tomb Sweeping Day②.
cruel 3. It is c l
to take the baby bears away from the mother bear.
bizarre 4. Taiwanese
foods, such as snake meat, stinky tofu, and duck’s tongue, seem b e
to many foreigners. They are afraid of trying
billionaire 5. A lucky man from Taichung won the big
lottery prize and became a b e last night.
evil 6. Snow
White was sent to the forest by the e
l queen, who was actually a
blessing 7. The child was a real b
g for the couple, who had been
trying to have a baby for ten years.
parade 8. On
Double Tenth Day, everyone holds a little flag and happily joins the p e.
unusual 9. Dad is very busy,
and it’s u l for him to be
home for dinner. We were all surprised when he was tonight.
opposite 10. The building is on
the o e side of the street. You might need to make
a U-turn at the next traffic light.
①Islam n. 伊斯蘭教
②Tomb Sweeping Day 清明節
Ⅱ Grammar Fill in
each blank with the correct word or phrase.
B 1. _____ Kelly was not having fun at the party,
she decided to go home early.
(A) After (B)
Since (C) When (D) Although
C 2. No matter _____ hard the situation may be, we
will keep on trying.
(A) what (B)
where (C) how (D) when
A 3. Jacob and Jaxon are twin brothers, but they
have totally different characters. One is sweet and gentle. _____ is naughty
and short-tempered.
(A) The other (B)
Other (C) Another (D) One
Ⅲ Cloze Fill in each blank
with the correct choice from among the words given.
The world’s largest
3. crying. It is thought that the crying helps to keep the babies 4. . Another strange celebration in Asia is the Rocket Festival in |
A 1. (A) take
place (B) hold (C) are occurred (D) are
B 2. (A)
which (B) who (C) where (D) when
D 3. (A) with (B) at (C) from (D) into
C 4. (A) be
healthy (B) be health (C) healthy (D) health
A 5. (A) Thais (B) Thai (C) Thailand (D) Thailands
Ⅳ Guided Translation Fill in each blank by translating the
Chinese into English.
Every evening, the night market is packed with street vendors and tourists, and
they bring traffic jams, garbage, and noise.
The owner of the villa uses lights and alarms around his
doorways to scare
away thieves and burglars.
away thieves and burglars.
My younger sister made faces in almost every
photo we took for her at her third birthday party.
My school’s graduation ceremony took place in the middle of
June. It marked the end of my senior high school days and the beginning of a new stage in my life.
June. It marked the end of my senior high school days and the beginning of a new stage in my life.
I will try my best to
complete the task, no matter how difficult it may be.
Ⅴ Sentence
Rearrangement Put the
parts in the correct order to form a sentence.
hold your hand/No
matter/I will always/and stand on your side/what happens in the future
è No matter what happens
in the future, I will always hold your hand and stand on your side.

è Since Selina is coming
to Taipei for
the first time, she wants to visit as many places as possible.
Ⅶ Translation
Translate the Chinese sentence into English and the
English sentence into Chinese.
1. 體驗亞洲多元文化的方法之一就是去造訪它的節慶。(One way to....)
è One way to experience
the various cultures of Asia is to visit its
2. Whenever I visited my
grandfather, he was always busy in the kitchen.
è 不論我何時拜訪爺爺,他總是在廚房裡忙著。
Ⅷ Question and Answer Write a possible answer.
Q: Does any festival in Taiwan
seem strange to you? Why?
A: I think the Yanshui
Beehive Fireworks Festival is strange because it is very dangerous.