The smell of
delicious bread is in the air. The bread comes from the hands of Pao-chun Wu, the winner of the “World
Cup of Baking2.” 美味麵包的氣味瀰漫在空氣之中。這麵包來自於「世界盃麵包大賽」贏家吳寶春的巧手。
1 The smell of delicious bread is in the
in the air
(1) (氣味或氣氛)瀰漫在空氣中
• Christmas is coming; the sense of joy is
in the air.
(2) 某事即將發生
• People get into a panic when they feel
that war is in the air.
2 The bread comes from the hands of Pao-chun Wu, the winner of the “World Cup of Baking.”
the winner of the “World Cup of Baking”為Pao-chun Wu的同位語,補充說明吳寶春的身分為世界盃麵包大賽的贏家。此同位語亦可改為非限定形容詞子句:
, who is the winner of the “World Cup of Baking.”。
3: N, N(P)同位語
² 當兩個名詞並列,所指的事物相同,且在句中作用相同時,兩者為同位語,後者用以補充說明前者。
² 同位語也可以是名詞片語。
The bread comes from the hands of Pao-chun Wu, the
winner of the “World Cup of Baking.”
Stephen Hawking, a famous scientist, is the author
of A Brief History of Time.
Master3 Wu was born into a poor family with eight
children in Pingtung County . His father died
when he was only 12, and his mother had to work very hard to make ends meet. At school, Wu did not perform4 well. After he finished middle school, he did
not continue5 his studies. 吳師傅出生於屏東縣的一個有八個小孩的貧困家庭。在他年僅十二歲時,他的父親就過世了,而他的母親必須非常努力地工作以維持生計。在學校,吳師傅的表現並不出色。完成國中學業後,他沒有繼續升學。
3 Master Wu was born into a poor family with eight children in Pingtung County .
• The American inventor Thomas Edison was a
man with many ideas.
4: N + with + N
Master Wu was born into a
poor family with eight children in Pingtung County .
The girl with blonde
hair and green eyes is my friend Nicole.
4 After he finished middle school, he did not continue his studies.
1. finish school 表「完成學業」。
(1) go to/attend school 上學
(2) drop out of/withdraw from
school 輟學;休學
(3) be dismissed from school 被學校退學
2. middle school 國中
3. studies n. pl. 課業;學業
When Wu was 16, he
began the next stage6 of
his life. His mother gave him 50 dollars and a train ticket to Taipei . Then, he started
to work in a small bakery in
Muzha. Wu didn’t have much education7, and this made things very hard for him. However, he didn’t give up. When others relaxed8
or dated9 girls on holidays, he put in extra10 working hours and sent
most of his money home to his mother. 十六歲時,吳師傅展開了人生的下一個階段。他的母親給了他五十元和一張到臺北的火車票。接著,他就開始在木柵的一間小麵包坊工作。吳師傅受過的教育不多,因此許多工作對他而言非常艱辛。然而,他沒有放棄。當其他人利用假日放鬆或和女孩子約會的時候,他投入額外的時間工作,並把他大部分的錢寄回家給母親。
5 His mother gave him 50 dollars and a train ticket to Taipei .
give為授與動詞,him為間接受詞(IO),50 dollars為直接受詞(DO)。授與動詞give亦可先接DO,搭配介系詞to,再接IO。故gave him 50 dollars = gave 50 dollars to
bring; give; hand; lend; mail; offer; pass;
send; sell; show; tell; pay; write
6 Wu didn’t have much education, and this made things very hard for him.
1. 此處education為不可數名詞,故用much修飾。
2. make為不完全及物動詞,可以原形動詞、過去分詞或形容詞作為受詞補語。
7 However,
he didn’t give up.
however adv.
SYN nevertheless, nonetheless
5: However, S + V.
² however為副詞,表示「然而;不過」,用於語氣轉折。
² 含有however的句子內容和前面敘述不一或相反。
Wu didn’t have much education, and this made
things very hard for him. However,
he didn’t give up.
Janet and her friends are planning to take a
trip around the island. However, there is a typhoon coming toward
Taiwan.(Janet 和朋友們計畫要環島旅行,不過有一個颱風正朝著臺灣來。)
8 …, he put
in extra working hours and sent most of his money home to his mother.
1. put in 投注時間或精力(做某事)
• To win the U.S. Women’s Open, Ya-ni Tseng
put in lots of time and effort.
2. send為授與動詞,先接直接受詞most
of his money,搭配介系詞to,再接間接受詞his
After years of
practice, Wu finally became a baker. At first he did well, but his success11 did not last for long. Customers12 wanted higher-quality13 bread. Luckily, Wu met a true master, Fu-guang
Chen. Chen made him change
his attitude14 toward
baking, so he started using special ingredients, such as red wine,
roses, and lychees. Because he wanted
to get better at baking, he even went to Japan to learn more. Over time, his hard work paid off. He finally became
an international master of baking. 經過多年的練習之後,吳師傅終於成為一位麵包烘焙師。起初他表現得很好,但他的成功並沒有持續很久。顧客們要的是更高品質的麵包。幸運地,吳師傅遇見了一位真正的大師 ,陳撫光。陳師傅使他改變了他對烘焙的態度,所以他開始使用特殊的烘焙原料,如紅酒、玫瑰及荔枝。為了精進烘焙技術,他甚至遠赴日本深造。逐漸地,他的努力得到了回報。最後,他終於成為一位國際級的烘焙大師。
9 …, but his success did not last for long.
for long為片語,等同for a
long time之意。
10 Customers wanted higher-quality bread.
high-quality adj. 高品質的
low-quality adj. 品質低劣的
(1) Adj-N
• a high-profile politician 高調的政治人物
• a long-distance call 長途電話
(2) Adj-N-ed
• a kind-hearted man 心地善良的男人
• a narrow-minded person 心胸狹窄的人
(3) Adj-Adj
• a bitter-sweet feeling 苦樂參半的感覺
• a red-hot plate 滾燙的盤子
(4) Adj-V-ing
• a strange-looking man 看來奇怪的男子
• a sweet-smelling rose 氣味芳香的玫瑰
(5) Adj-P.P.
• new-found confidence 新獲得的信心
• ready-made curry sauce 現成的咖哩醬
11 Wu met a true master, Fu-guang
Fu-guang Chen為a true
12 Chen made
him change his attitude toward baking, so he started using special ingredients, such as red wine,
roses, and lychees.
1. make為不完全及物動詞,其受詞him後接原形動詞change,作受詞補語,表示主動用法,即change為受詞him所做之動作。請參閱本課句型重點1。
1: S + make/have/let + O + VR
² make、have、let在此稱為「使役動詞」,為不完全及物動詞。受詞後面接「原形動詞」作為受詞補語,表示「使/讓……做某事」。
Chen made him change his
attitude toward baking.(陳師傅使他改變了他對烘焙的態度。)
George had the waitress bring
him a glass of water.(George請女服務生為他端來一杯水。)
Focal Point 1
S +
make/have/let + O +
That joke always makes the girl laugh.
My parents often have me wash the
dishes after dinner.
Jenny’s father doesn’t let her go out alone at night.
● Chen made him change his attitude
toward baking.
Practice Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern
1. Wesley’s mistake caused his team to
lose the game. (make)
à Wesley’s mistake
made his team lose the game.
2. The police officer asked Tim to show his driver’s
license(執照). (have)
à The police officer had Tim show his
driver’s license.
3. My parents don’t allow me to use the
Internet after 10 p.m. (let)
à My parents don’t let me use the Internet
after 10 p.m.
4. Mrs. Smith asked the waiter to bring her some coffee. (have)
à Mrs. Smith had the waiter bring her some
5. The impolite customer caused the clerk to shake
with anger. (make)
à The impolite customer made the clerk shake with anger.
2. such as 用於舉例,其後接名詞。亦可用介系詞like代換。
(1) S + V, such as/like N (,
N..., and N).
• I love watching American TV shows, such
as/like CSI and Ugly Betty.
(2) S + V. For example/instance, S + V.
• I love watching American TV shows. For
example, CSI and Ugly Betty are among my favorites.
(3) S + V. Take N for example/instance. S +
• I love watching American TV shows. Take CSI and Ugly Betty for example. They are among my favorites.
13 Because he wanted to get better at baking, he even went to Japan to learn more.

get better at (doing) sth. 變得更加善於(做)某事
2. more在此為代名詞,指吳寶春師傅要去日本學更多(有關於烘焙的知識)。
Master Wu’s
early life was not smooth15.
Although he started out
on a bumpy road, he still found the path16 to success. He is not only the pride17 of Taiwan but also a living legend. 吳師傅的早年生活並不順遂。雖然他在崎嶇不平的路途上開始他的人生,但他仍然找到了成功之道。他不僅是臺灣之光,也是位活生生的傳奇人物。
14 Master Wu’s early life was not smooth.

later life 晚年生活
• My grandfather spent much of his time
helping the poor in his later life.
15 Although he started out on a bumpy road, ….
start out 表「開始(生活、職業、某重要階段)」
• Bill Gates started out as a Harvard
university dropout but ended up as one of the richest men on earth.
6: Although + S + V, S + V.
² although為連接詞,表示「雖然;儘管」。
² although引導的子句可置於主要子句之前或之後。
² 中文有「雖然…但是…」的說法,但英文中although和but只能擇一使用。
Although Master Wu
started out on a bumpy road, he still found the path to success.
Although Jesse is
busy at work, he tries to take care of his family well.
(雖然 Jesse 忙於工作,但他仍試著照顧好他的家庭。)
SPP 2: not
only... but also...
² 表示「不但……而且……」。
² 此為對等連接詞,連接對等的單字、片語或子句,如not only + N(P) but also + N(P) 或not only +
Adj but also + Adj。
² 若以此連接詞連接主詞,動詞變化需配合but also後的名詞。
Master Wu is not
only the pride of Taiwan
but also a living legend.(吳師傅不但是臺灣的驕傲,而且也是一個傳奇人物。)
Not only Linda but also her parents are excited
about their trip to Tokyo.(不只是Linda,她的爸媽也對東京之行感到興奮。)
Focal Point 2
only... but also...
1.「not only… but also…」是對等連接詞,表示「不但……而且……」,語意強調後者。
2. 前後須連接兩個詞性相同的單字、片語或子句。
The man’s speech was
not only interesting but also powerful.
The artist is
famous not only for his paintings but also for his poems.
That was a wonderful trip not only because the scenery was beautiful but also
3. 當連接兩個不同主詞時,動詞須與後者一致。
● Master Wu is not only the pride of Taiwan
but also a living legend.
Practice Combine the following sentences by using the
pattern “not only... but also...”

Julia is friendly.
à Julia is not only outgoing but also friendly.

Claire is a
successful businesswoman.
à Claire is not only a great mother but also a
successful businesswoman.

My brother’s words gave me courage.
à My brother’s words not only taught me a
lesson but also gave me courage.

You are responsible
for the car accident.
à Not only I but also you are responsible for the car accident. 不僅是我,你對車禍也有責任。

I enjoy going to the history museum because I can learn a
lot from it.
à I enjoy going to the history museum not only
because it is fun but also because
I can learn a lot from it.
I can learn a lot from it.
Main Idea Choose the best answer to the question.
___C _ What is the main idea of “Pao-chun Wu: A Living Legend”?
(A) Family is the most important thing in life.
(B) Family backgroundj often decides a person’s future.
(C) It takes hard work to become a true master.
(D) It is difficult to win the “World Cup of Baking.”
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
___C _ 1. Master Wu was born in .
吳師傅出生於 。
(A) Kaohsiung
(B) Taipei (C)
Pingtung (D) Muzha
高雄 臺北 屏東 木柵
___B _ 2. Master Wu went to Japan to .
吳師傅去日本 。
(A) relax and date girls
(B) learn to be a better baker
(C) earn more money for his family
(D) enter an international competition
___A _ 3. According to the reading, which is the best word to
describe Master Wu?
(A) Hard-working. (B)
勤奮的。 溫和的。
(C) Old-fashioned. (D)
守舊的。 活潑外向的。
___D _ 4. According to the reading, Master Wu is a living example
of the sayin g “ .”
依本文可知,吳師傅是個活生生的例子,說明了俗話「 」。
(A) Honestyk is the best policy
(B) Blood is thicker than water
(C) Knowledge is power
(D)Where there is a will, there is a
j background n. [C] 背景 k honesty n. [U] 誠實
Focal Point 1
S + make/have/let + O + VR
(1) 複習句型:形容詞作受詞補語
make + O + Adj/N
•Jeremy’s success makes his parents very proud.
•Tom’s laziness makes the teachers disappointed.
•The movie The
Hunger Games has made Jennifer Lawrence a superstar.
•Life in the army made John a strong man.
(2) 課文句型:原形動詞作受詞補語
S + make/have/let + O + VR (表主動)
•The funny story made readers laugh
•The teacher made me rewrite my report.
•We should have someone paint the wall.
•Sally had her students gather in a
•Mom let John watch TV for half an hour
before dinner.
•If you really love him, don’t let him go.
(3) 補充句型:過去分詞作受詞補語
S + make/have + O + P.P. (表被動)
•I cannot make myself understood in
government ought to make it known to its people when the country
is facing a national security threat.
•You had better have that tooth pulled out.
•Michael had his bicycle fixed.
•I will have the assignment done by this
(4) 補充句型:感官動詞(事實/進行/被動用法)
S + see/hear/watch/feel/look at/listen to +
O + OC (VR/V-ing/P.P.)
•We saw Tom jump into the river
•We can hear the dog barking all the
•We felt the house shaking during the
•I have never seen Jane punished by the
teacher before.
•Jessie kept me waiting for more than one
•The teacher caught Sam cheating on the exam.
•The man left all his money locked up in
the safe.
•Please leave me alone.
1. Mandy
feels sorry to find many dogs on
the streets.
(A) deserting (B)
to desert
(C) be deserted (D) deserted
2. Last
winter, we saw a fish in the pond.
(A) freezing (B)
to freeze
(C) frozen (D)
be frozen
3. With hard
work, he made his dream .
(A) coming true (B) come true
(C) came true (D)
to come true
4. What Joe
said made his parents .
(A) were angry (B) felt angry
(C) feel angrily (D) angry
5. When
Steve took a bath, we heard him in the
(A) is singing (B) singing
(C) to sing (D)
1. Tina把眼睛閉上,聆聽著音樂。
Tina kept her eyes
and listened to the music.
2. Lydia的媽媽不讓她晚上去派對。
Lydia’s mother
doesn’t let her to parties at night.
3. 使用有禮貌的措詞能使別人感覺更好。
Using polite expressions can make others better.
4. 明天我要去牙醫那裡拔牙。
I’m going to the dentist tomorrow to my tooth
A. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B
B. 1. closed 2. go 3. feel 4. have;
Focal Point 2
not only... but also...
本句型介紹not only... but also...「不但……,而且……」的對稱結構。老師可先從課文句型not only... but also...的對稱結構用法教起;再補充not only... but also...連接句中主詞之主動詞一致用法;若學生程度許可,再補充Not only...置於句首之倒裝句構。
(1) 課文句型:對稱結構
... not only A but also B
→ ... not only A but B as well
•My father likes not only music but also fine
→ My father likes not only music but fine
art as well.
•The book is not only interesting but also educational.
→ The book is not only interesting but educational
as well.
teachers praise Allen not only because he is polite but also because
he is humble.(子句對稱)
→ The teachers praise Allen not only because he is
polite but because he is humble as well.
(2) 補充句型:主詞動詞一致
Not only + S1 + but also + S2
+ V.
→ 動詞的單複數應配合S2
說明:not only... but also... 連接兩個不同主詞時,應注意動詞隨but also之後的主詞變化。
•Not only you but also I am responsible for the
•Not only hard work but also honesty is the key
to success.(動詞配合honesty)
(3) 補充句型:倒裝句構
Not only + 倒裝句 + but +
S + also + V/be + also
說明:Not only置於句首接子句時要用倒裝結構;but also之後的子句則不倒裝。
•Not only did he offer the beggar some food but
he also gave him some money.
•Not only can Linda speak French, but she is
also familiar with French cuisine.
1. I passed the test
and I also got an A.
= I passed the test
got an A .
2. These people are
doctors, and they are social workers, too.
= These people are doctors,
they are social workers.
1. 你不但可以搭公車也可以走路去學校。
You can go to school not only but also
2. 不只是我的朋友們,還有我哥也會去參加舞會。
Not only my friends but also my brother going to the party.
3. Buck不僅許下諾言,而且也做到了。
Not only
Buck make a promise, but he also
A. 1. not only; but; as well 2. not only; but; also
B. 1. by bus; on foot 2. is 3. did; kept/made
I Vocabulary Fill in each blank with an appropriate word.
1. Let’s take a break. We will
c e the meeting 20 minutes
smooth 2. To enjoy a s h trip, you should plan well before
you set off.
3. The shop sells only top-q
y shoes. Customers may have to
pay high prices, but they are sure to get the best.
4. Edward’s s s
in leading his team to victory shows that he is a good leader.
5. Don’t hold such a negative a e
toward life and you will be happier.
II Phrases Choose the correct phrase for each blank. Make necessary
give up at first pay off
make ends meet be born into
1. To make
ends meet , Ted decided to get a part-time
job after work.
2. After months of
practice, Amanda’s hard work has finally paid off .
3. The man was
born into a poor family, but
later he became very rich.
4. At
first , I thought the speech would be
boring, but then I found it very interesting.
5. Never give up hope, and you will get through these difficulties.
III Grammar Choose the best answer to each question.
B 1. Our new teacher is not only friendly but
also ________.
humor (B)
humorous (C) humorless (D) humorously
C 2. Joan started ________ English at four. That
is why she speaks perfect
English now.
learned (B) learn (C) learning (D)
to learning
A 3. The pictures in the book make the story ________
to understand.
(A) easy (B)
easily (C) ease (D) with ease
D 4. Rita not only finished the difficult exam
in time but also ________ a
perfect score.
(A) gets (B)
getting (C) to get (D) got
A 5. Mr. Jones decided to have a designer ________
his house so that he could
sell it for a higher price.
(A) decorate (B) to decorate (C)
decorated (D) decorating
IV Guided Translation Translate
the following Chinese sentences into English.
1. 其他人假日在和女生約會時,吳寶春卻投入額外的時間工作。
When others dated girls on holidays, Wu put in extra working hours.
2. 吳寶春開始了人生的下一個階段,並在木柵的一間小麵包店工作。
Wu began the next stage of his life, and he worked in a small
bakery in Muzha.
3. 空氣中瀰漫著咖啡的氣息。
The smell of coffee is in the air .
V Cloze Fill in the blanks with the correct choices from among the words given.
People call
Pao-chun Wu a living legend. Wu’s family was very poor 1. he was a child. He began to work
as a baker at a young age. In the bakery he was a slow learner, because he did
not have much experience. That 2. things very hard for him. 3. , Wu kept trying and worked harder
than all the others. He also learned from different masters. They helped him
get better and better 4. baking. 5. time, he became a master himself.
Finally, in 2010, he won the “World Cup of Baking” and became famous around
the world.
C 1. (A) though (B)
because (C) when (D) if
B 2. (A) let (B)
made (C) caused (D) allowed
D 3. (A) In addition (B) At least (C)
Besides (D) However
D 4. (A) in (B)
on (C) with (D) at
A 5. (A) Over (B)
On (C) About (D) Out of