2016年1月6日 星期三

B1U8 Reading, Grammar, & Exercises

Reading P1
Getting closer to English by learning some slang and idioms is actually fun! Many native3 speakers use these creative expressions4 to make their English more colorful. 藉由學習俚語和慣用語來更加接近英語事實上很有樂趣!許多母語人士用這些有創意的詞語使他們的英語更多采多姿。
1 Getting closer to English by learning some slang and idioms is actually fun!
1. Getting closer…idioms為動名詞作主詞用。
SPP 1: V-ing/To VR + 單數動詞
²  動詞不可作為句子的主詞,所以要改寫成動名詞(V-ing)或不定詞(to VR)。
²  動名詞(V-ing)或不定詞(to VR)當主詞時,視為單數名詞,後接「單數動詞」。
²  一個以上的動名詞或不定詞作為主詞時,則接複數動詞。
Getting closer to English by learning some slang and idioms is actually fun! (藉由學習一些俚語和慣用語來更貼近英文其實是有趣的!)
To build the enormous ice sculptures for the Sapporo Snow Festival takes a lot of time and effort. (建造札幌雪祭上的巨大冰雕需要很多時間和力氣。)
SPP 3: by + V-ing
²  by為介系詞,後面需接名詞或動名詞(V-ing),表示「藉由……(某方式)」。
²  by有多種用法,by + 時間點 請見第五課句型Vby + O請見第六課句型I
Getting closer to English by learning some slang and idioms is acutally fun! (藉由學習一些俚語和慣用語來更貼近英文其實是有趣的!)
You can change your mood by listening to music.
2. get close to
get closer to 更接近;get close to 接近
• That garbage can be smelly, so don’t get too close to it.
2 Many native speakers use these creative expressions to make their English more colorful.
1. native speaker 其後可加不同語言,例如:a native speaker of French
2. make
make + O + Adj(第6課句型)
• My father sent some flowers to my mother, and that made her very happy.
Reading P2
Slang is used in casual5 situations6 by particular7 groups of people, such as people in the army and teenagers. Some slang words die quickly, while others become fixed8 in the language. For example, “groovyž” was very popular in the 1960s. It was used to say something was cool or fashionable9. However, if you say “This song is really groovy” nowadays10, people will think that you are “uncool” and outdated11! 俚語是由特定族群的人在非正式的情況下所使用,例如軍人和青少年。有些俚語字詞會快速消失,而有些則成為語言中的固定用法。例如「groovy」在 60 年代非常受歡迎。用來表示某事物很酷或很時尚。但是如果現在說「這首歌真的很 groovy」,人們會覺得你既「不酷」又過時!
3 Slang is used in casual situations by particular groups of people, such as people in the army and teenagers.
1. “slang is used by...” 為被動語態,by 後面接動作者,此處為「使用俚語的特定族群」。
2. such as 「像……;例如」,類似 like 的用法。
• Many countries in Europe, such as Spain and Germany, use Euros.
4 Some slang words die quickly, while others become fixed in the language.
1. some..., while others...
(1) while 在此處為連接詞,意為「而;然而」。
• I like coffee while he likes tea.
(2) some... others/some... 有些……還有些……
SPP 2: S + V, while + S + V.
²  while在此句型表示「而;然而」,用以對照前後兩件事的差異。
²  while引導的子句可置於主要子句之前或之後。
²  while另一種句型用法表示「當…時」,請參考第五課句型III
  Some slang words die quickly, while others become fixed in the language.(有些俚語很快就消失,然而有些成了一個語言中的固定用語。)
  While Amy is good at math, her twin sister has trouble with the subject. Amy擅長數學,然而她的雙胞胎妹妹卻不擅長這科。)
2. die 原意為「死去」,此處為「(語言)消失」。
5 However, if you say “This song is really groovy” nowadays, people will think that you are “uncool” and outdated!
1. if 子句
此處 if 引導條件副詞子句,說明主要子句發生之條件,非假設語氣,因此動詞皆用現在式。
2. uncool cool 的相反詞,可譯成「不酷」;un- 為「相反;否定」之意,例如:unfairunableunknownunbelievableunarmed
Reading P3
 “Rock12 is another expression that means “cool,” but in more exciting situations. Saying someone or something “rocks” means that person or thing is awesome13 and incredible14. For example, you might say “cool” when somebody buys a nice phone or gets a new haircut. And you could say “Yi-Jie Lin (林義傑) rocks,” for he ran across the Sahara Desertž.rock」是另一種說「酷」的詞語,不過用在更刺激的情況。說某人或某事物「超棒」,表示那個人或事物很棒和好到令人難以置信。例如,有人買了不錯的手機或剪了新髮型時,可以說「cool」。不過你可以說林義傑「rocks」,因為他跑步穿越撒哈拉沙漠。
6 Saying someone or something “rocks” means that person or thing is awesome and incredible.
saying... “rocks”為動名詞作句子主詞,指一件事情,故其後須用單數動詞means。請參閱本課句型重點1
SPP 4: S + V..., for S + V....
²  在此句型中,for為連接詞,解釋為「因為;由於」。
²  注意for只能置於句中,且前面通常會加逗號。
  You could say “Yi-Jie Lin rocks,” for he ran across the Sahara Desert. (你可以說「林義傑超棒」,因為他跑步穿越撒哈拉沙漠。
  The employee was sick, for he hadn’t got enough sleep. (那個員工因為睡眠不足而生病了。)
Reading P4
While slang is usually heard in conversations, idioms are widely used in both the spoken and written language. These expressions don’t make sense when they are read word by word. Instead, they have to be treated as a whole. For instance, you’re a “back seat driver” if you try to tell the driver how to drive. If you keep annoying15 the driver, you will “drive him up the wall.” If the driver then asks you to shut up, you should “bite your tongue.” Otherwise16, you may “be kicked out of” the car! 俚語通常在人們的對話中聽得到,而慣用語在口語和書寫中都被廣泛使用。當這些慣用語一個字一個字看時並沒有什麼意義。相反的,它們必須被視為一個整體。舉例來說,如果你試圖告訴司機如何開車,那你便是個「後座司機」。如果你持續惹惱司機,那你將會「讓他抓狂」。如果這司機接著要你閉嘴,你就應該「咬著舌頭不說話」。不然你可能會「被踢出」車外!
7 While slang is usually heard in conversations, idioms are widely used in both the spoken and written language.
1. while 在此處為連接詞,意為「然而」,用來讓slangidioms做對比。
2. spoken written 兩字為 speak write的過去分詞,此處當形容詞用,修飾其後的 language
8 These expressions don’t make sense when they are read word by word.
1. these expressions 指的是上一句的 idioms。子句中的 they 指的也是 idioms
2. 本句中 read 是過去分詞,為被動語態,唸法為[rɛd]
3. word by word 意為「一個字一個字分開看」。
9 Instead, they have to be treated as a whole.
be treated as 原為「被……處理」,此處當「被視為……」。
10 此段四、五、六句皆為由連接詞 if 所引導的「條件副詞子句」,說明主要子句發生之條件,非假設語氣,因此相關動詞皆用現在式。
SPP 5: S + V + wh- + to VR
²  wh-疑問詞後接不定詞為名詞片語,作主要子句中的受詞。
²  此句型源於名詞子句作主要子句中的受詞,簡化後只保留疑問詞和動詞。例如:I don’t know what I should say. 簡化成I don’t know what to say.
  You are a “back seat driver” if you try to tell the driver how to drive. (如果你試圖告訴駕駛如何開車,那你就是「後座司機」。)
  Don’t worry. The waiter will tell us where to park our car. (別擔心。服務生會告訴我們去哪裡停車。)
Reading P5
Slang and idioms are common in daily17 conversations. They might seem difficult to understand at first, but in fact, they are easy and fun. Try using your imagination, and you will understand the humor in them. 俚語和慣用語在日常會話中很常見。它們可能一開始看起來難以理解,但事實上它們容易學而且很有趣。試著運用你的想像力,你將會了解它們之中的幽默。
11 They might seem difficult to understand at first, but in fact, they are easy and fun.
1. 其中 they 為代名詞,指的是前一句的 slang and idioms
2. seem
seem + Adj
• This dress seems very expensive, but it is actually a bargain.
12 Try using your imagination, and you will understand the humor in them.
(1)肯定祈使句, and...
• Hit the road now, and you will be at the party on time.
(2)否定祈使句, or...
• Don’t tell him the truth, or he will have a breakdown.
SPP 6: try + V-ing
²  try表示「試試看」時後接動名詞,用於測試某事是否可行。
²  try表示「努力嘗試」時後接不定詞,用於為達成目的而做某事。
  Try using your imagination, and you will understand the humor in them. (試著運用你的想像力,你就會了解其中的幽默。)
  Billy tried to control the situation, but he failed. Billy試圖控制情況,但他失敗了。)
Main Idea  Choose the best answer to the question.
___C _ What is the main idea of “Language Charm: Slang and Idioms”?
(A) How to drive a car and be a good driver.
(B) Teenagers and their language.
(C) Slang expressions and idioms.
(D) Popular language expressions in the 1960s.
Details  Write a T (True) or an F (False) for each sentence.
___F _ 1. Both slang and idioms are used in the spoken and written language.
___T _ 2. Slang may be difficult to understand at first, but it can be easy and fun.
___T _ 3. Slang and idioms are often used by many native speakers of English.
___F _ 4. Some slang expressions stay around for a long time, such as the word “groovy.”
Focal Point 1
V-ing/To VR + 單數動詞
1. 英文的動詞不可作句子的主詞,必須改為動名詞(V-ing)或不定詞(to VR),才可作主詞。
2. 動名詞或不定詞作句子主詞時,指一件事情,其後須用單數動詞。
S                  V
  Learning foreign languages makes me happy.

S               V
To play the piano well is not easy.

Getting closer to English by learning some slang and idioms is actually fun!
Saying someone or something “rocks” means that person or thing is awesome and incredible.
Practice A Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the key word. Make   
        necessary changes.
1. _________ (speak) English well helps us communicate with Americans better.
2. _________ (watch) the great shows in Sea World was a wonderful experience for  me.
Being polite
3. _________ (be polite) means being nice to other people.
4. Expressing one’s ideas clearly _________ (be) important for every speaker.
5. Getting enough sleep _________ (make) you smarter.
Practice B Put the parts in the correct order to form a sentence.
1. is/our health/good for/Going to bed/early
à Going to bed early is good for our health.
2. a teacher’s job/part of/is/Correcting students’ mistakes
à Correcting students’ mistakes is part of a teacher’s job.   訂正學生的錯誤是老師工作的一部分。
3. makes/Being honest/trust you/other people
à Being honest makes other people trust you.
4. To prepare for/lots of fun/is/a potluck party
à To prepare for a potluck party is lots of fun.
5. Jeremy/helps/Practicing soccer every day/become/a great player
à Practicing soccer every day helps Jeremy become a great player.
Focal Point 2
S + V…, while + S + V….
Betty loves seafood, while her husband never eats fish.

While some of my friends like rock n’ roll, others prefer hip-hop.
Some slang words die quickly, while others become fixed in the language.
While slang is usually heard in conversations, idioms are widely used in both the spoken and written language.
Practice  Look at the pictures, and make a sentence by using the words given.
1. Peter likes/while/I prefer
       (play tennis )          (play soccer )
à Peter likes to play tennis, while I prefer to play soccer.                  
2. while/she is good at/I am good at
(science)   (English)
à While she is good at science, I am good at English.
3. some foreigners/while/others
(love stinky tofu) (hate stinky tofu)
à Some foreigners love stinky tofu, while others hate it (stinky tofu).
4. while/some people like/others like
(go to bed early)      (stay up late)
à While some people like to go to bed early, others like to stay up late.
5.  I prefer/while/my sister likes
 (go out to see movies)    (watch videos at home)
à I prefer to go out to see movies, while my sister likes to watch videos at home.
Focal Point 1
V-ing/To VR + 單數動詞
  本單元介紹「動名詞(V-ing)和不定詞(To VR)」的語法。老師可先教學生「動詞    動名詞/不定詞」的概念;之後可視學生需求補充動名詞和不定詞的改寫句型。
(1) 課文句型:動名詞或不定詞作主詞
V-ing/To VR + 單數V
說明:中文的動詞可以作句子的主詞,但英文必須用動名詞(V-ing)或不定詞(to VR)才能當主詞。動名詞或不定詞作主詞是指「一件事情」,其後應接單數動詞
Gardening is a good hobby.
Taking a walk after meals is good for our health.
Being honest makes Kevin well-liked by his friends.
• A proverb goes, “To say is one thing; to do is another.”
(2) 補充句型:動名詞作主詞之改寫
V-ing + is + Adj/N = It is + Adj/N + to VR
說明:動名詞(V-ing)作主詞可改寫成 It is + Adj/N + to VR之句型;It為虛主詞,不定詞(to VR)為真正主詞。
Reading is important.
  = It is important to read.
Learning English slang is interesting.
  = It is interesting to learn English slang.
Making good use of our time is necessary.
  = It is necessary to make good use of our time.
Collecting stamps is my favorite hobby.
  = It is my favorite hobby to collect stamps.
(3) 補充句型:不定詞片語作主詞用
To VR + is + Adj/N = It is + Adj/N + to VR
說明:不定詞(to VR)作主詞可改寫成 It is + Adj/N + to VR之句型;It為虛主詞,不定詞(to VR)為真正主詞。
To get up at 5 o’clock in the morning is hard for Gina.
  = It is hard for Gina to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning.
To become a fireman is Mark’s greatest wish.
  = It is Mark’s greatest wish to become a fireman.
To lose 10 pounds is my New Year’s resolution(新年新希望).
  = It is my New Year’s resolution to lose 10 pounds.
1. It is a bad habit to go to school late.(用V-ing...改寫)
2. It is easy to speak, but it is difficult to act.(用V-ing...改寫)
3. It is impossible to learn English well in a short time.(用V-ing...改寫)
4. To love and be loved is a great blessing.(用It is...to VR改寫)
5. Studying as hard as possible is important for students.(用It is...to VR改寫)
1. 說別人的壞話是不好的習慣。
      is a bad habit to     ill of other people.
2. 早起有益我們的健康。
       (keep) early hours     good for our health.
3. 花錢比賺錢容易多了。
       (spend) money is much easier than     (earn) it.
4. 教就是學;教學相長。
       is    ; they go together.
5. 住在火星上在未來是有可能的。
           on Mars may be possible in the future.
1. Going to school late is a bad habit.
2. Speaking is easy, but acting is difficult.
3. Learning English well in a short time is impossible.
4. It is a great blessing to love and be loved.
5. It is important for students to study as hard as possible.
1. It; speak 2. Keeping; is 3. Spending; earning
4. Teaching; learning 5. To live
Focal Point 2
S + V…, while + S + V….
  本句型主要是介紹由連接詞while引導的表「對比、對照」副詞子句。老師可先複習 while 引導的時間副詞子句「當……時」,再切入本課句型「……而/然而…」及其相關句型。
(1) 複習句型:時間副詞子句
While + S + be V-ing, S + V
= S + V + while + S + be V-ing
• While John was reading the letter, Mary listened very closely.
• Tony fell asleep while he was doing his English exercises.
(2) 課文句型:對照副詞子句
S + V…, + while + S + V….
說明:連接詞 while 引導表「對比、對照」副詞子句,譯為「而;然而」。
• Some people respect him, while others don’t.
• Lily was dressed in brown, while Mary was dressed in blue.
(3) 補充句型:表反意之轉折副詞
S + V; however, S + V
= S + V. However, S + V
however 亦可置於句首(= nevertheless, nonetheless),獨立成一句。
• Joseph is talented; however, he is too proud.
• It’s raining hard. However, I think we should go out.
1. Alice was robbed of her purse     she was doing some shopping.
  (A) during    (B) while (C) though (D) despite
2.     some of my friends like horror movies, others prefer action movies.
(A) While (B) In spite of (C) Regardless of (D) However
3. Some students are interested in language,     others are interested in science.
  (A) however     (B) still
  (C) though    (D) while
4. My friend Jack is smart;    , he has a bad temper.
  (A) while       (B) moreover
  (C) however     (D) whereas
1. Cathy搭公車上班,而我則搭捷運。
Cathy takes the bus to work,          .
2. 沿著河流散步時,Carl看見一大群鳥。
         , Carl saw a large flock of birds.
3. 有些人很懶惰,而有些人很努力工作。
Some people are lazy,          .
4. 有些人喝茶時喜歡加檸檬,而有些人則喜歡加牛奶。
Some people like to drink tea with lemon,          .
1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (C)
1. while I take the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)
2. While (he was) walking along the river
3. while some (people)/others/other people are hard-working
4. while others like to drink it with milk
I Vocabulary  Fill in each blank with an appropriate word.
 outdated        1. This dress is really ou   d; you should get a new one.
 charm         2. Lisa’s warm personalityj is her greatest c   m.
 fixed           3. That store sells things at f   d prices; they never have things on sale.
 fashionable       4. Jessica is a supermodel, and she always wears f   e clothes.
               Jessica 是個超模,她總是穿時尚的衣物。
 annoyed          5. That little boy asked his father for the toy robot several times, and that really a   yed his dad.
j personality  n. [C] 個性

II Phrases  Choose the correct phrase for each blank. Make necessary changes.
drive sb. up the wall        as a whole       bite one’s tongue
  make sense               for instance
1. I love all kinds of fruit,  for instance , apples, oranges, bananas, and so on.
2. She asked if I liked her speech. I just  bit my tongue  and nodded.
3. It  makes sense  to exercise and take care of your own health.
4. This contestant’s singing sounds awful to me. It’s  driving me up the wall .
5. We should always look at things  as a whole  to get a better picture.

III Grammar  Choose the best answer to each question.
  C  1. Some people like to eat out in a restaurant,     others like to eat at home.
        (A) so                 (B) for     (C) while     (D) because
  A   2. The poor boy was     badly by his classmates.
        (A) treated            (B) treat     (C) treating       (D) to treat
  B   3. Having lunch at a BBQ party     an interesting experience.
        (A) has                 (B) is    (C) are      (D) have
  C   4.     out with the boy I like makes me excited and nervous.
        (A) Go                 (B) Goes    (C) Going        (D) To going
  D   5. You should really study harder;     , you will not be able to pass the  test.
        (A) although          (B) however    (C) further (D) otherwise

IV Guided Translation  Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.
1. 俚語和慣用語在日常生活會話很常見。
Slang and idioms are  common  in  daily   conversations .
2. 你可以說某人「超棒」,表示那個人很棒和好到令人難以置信。
You can say someone “ rocks ” to mean that person is  awesome  and
 incredible .
3. 當慣用語一個字、一個字看時,並沒有什麼意義。
Idioms don’t make sense when they are read  word   by   word .

V Cloze  Fill in the blanks with the correct choices from among the words given.
    Slang and idioms are used by many people.   1.  slang is usually heard in conversations, idioms are widely used in both spoken and written language. A good way to learn about  2.  is by watching American TV programs and movies. Many dramas and sitcomsk have a lot of slang and idioms.  3. , you can find them in the popular teen dramal “Gossip Girl” and the sitcom “Modern Family.” Slang and idioms can be difficult to understand  4. , but learning them can be a lot of fun. Try using your  5. , and you should be able to understand the humor in them!
 A  1.       (A) While (B) When (C) Most  (D) If
 C  2.       (A) it        (B) they  (C) them    (D) him
 A  3.       (A) For instance      (B) Such as   (C) Even though              (D) In case
 B  4.       (A) firstly (B) at first    (C) first   (D) first of all
 D  5.       (A) situation            (B) conversation   (C) expression        (D) imagination
k sitcom  n. [C] 情境喜劇         l teen drama  n. [C] 青少年劇

