Reading P1
When it comes to sports competitions3,
you may think of the Olympics. However, not all competitions are so serious. The following two examples
show a “healthy” sense4 of humor5.
1 When it comes to sports
competitions, you may think of the Olympics.
= Speaking of sports competitions,
the Olympics may come to your mind.
2 However, not all competitions are
so serious.
= Yet, some competitions are not so
not all 並非全部,為部分否定的句型。類似用法還有not every, not always 等。
SPP 3: Not all + N… Not all of N…
² 此為部分否定的句型,表「並非所有」。
² not all後加名詞時,all為形容詞。not all of後加名詞時,all為代名詞。兩者意思相同。
․ However, not
all competitions are so serious.
․ Not
all of us were invited
to the party.
3 The following two examples show a “healthy”
sense of humor.
1. The following (adj.) + 名詞,表下列的事物,但 the following 亦可為代名詞。此時句中動詞單複數,則視其後所代表事物的名詞來決定。
• The following is a name list.
• The following are the names of my wedding
2. healthy 在此有雙關語,故有引號。一來表示健康的運動競賽,再者表示 crazy contest 雖然瘋狂,但卻是健康幽默的。
Reading P2
The first event6
is the International7 Birdman in England. It began in 1971.
It is held in
mid-August every year and attracts8 an audience of tens
of thousands. 第一項比賽是在英格蘭的國際鳥人大賽。它在1971 年第一次舉辦。每一年在八月中舉行,吸引了數萬名觀眾前來。
4 It is
held in mid-August every year and attracts an audience of tens
of thousands.
1. be held 舉辦 = take place
2. mid-August 八月中。八月初則用
early August,八月底即 late August。
3. audience為集合名詞,要表示觀眾數量時,可用an audience of + 數量,或數量 + in the audience。
• There were 30,000 people in the audience.
4. tens of thousands 指數以萬計的,而hundreds
of thousands 指數十萬計的。
SPP 1: S + be + P.P. (+ by O)
² 此句型表示「被……、遭受到……」。
² 以I ate the sandwich.為例,原來主詞是I,受詞是the sandwich;當the
sandwich移到句首成為主詞,則動詞需改為被動,變成was eaten,最後加上by me表示動作由「我」完成。所以全句是The sandwich was eaten by me.。
² be動詞應隨時態變化,現在式用am/is/are;過去式用was/were;未來式用will
be;現在完成式用has/have been;過去完成式用had
² 若做動作的對象不重要或不明確,則by + O可省略。
² 動詞片語改為被動時,介系詞需保留。如:We will take
care of (處理) the garbage. → The garbage will be
taken care of by us.
International Birdman is held
in mid-August every year and attracts an audience of tens of thousands.
shirt I bought online was sent to me last Friday.
Focal Point 1
S + be + P.P. (+ by O)
1. 此句型為「被動語態」,是以動作的承受者作為句子的主詞,表示「被……」。
The windowswere broken by Jack.
2. 將主動語態的句子改為被動語態時,步驟如下:
(1) 將原本的受詞(即「動作的承受者」)移到句首。
(2) 動詞改為「be + P.P.」。
(3) 原本的主詞移到句尾,前面加上介系詞by。
A large number of peoplespeakEnglish.
Englishis spokenbya large number of people.
3. 當動作執行者不明確、不重要或泛指一般人時(如:someone、people、they、you),「by + O」多省略不提。
Someonebuiltthe library in 1990.
→The librarywas built in 1990 (by
․ The International Birdman is held in mid-August
every year and attracts an audience of tens of thousands.
․ Extreme Ironing was also createdby
an Englishman, Phil Shaw.
極限燙衣也是由一位英國人Phil Shaw所創立的。
․ The first Extreme Ironing World
Championships was held in Germany in 2002.
Practice A Change the active voice into the
passive voice by using the above pattern.
1. Mike fixed the
bicycle was fixed by Mike.
2. Jake
washed the car.
àThe car
was washed by Jake.
3. Someone
stole my wallet.
àMy wallet
was stolen.
4. Cathy held a potluck party.
àA potluck party was held by Cathy.______________
5. People catch a lot of stray dogs every
àA lot of
stray dogs are caught every year.
Practice BFill in the blanks in the passage by using the
above pattern.
Today, we have an English writing class. Mr. Shaw wanted us to write a
letter. First, a sample letter was
to us by him. Then, wewere asked(ask) to write a
letter to anyone we liked. I wrote a letter to Auntie Jenny. I love her because
she never forgets my birthday. Last month, a new MP3 playerwas sent(send) to me by her from Canada . She is
studying in a college there. I wanted to thank her. When I finished my letter,
Mr. Shaw found a few mistakesin it and theywere corrected (correct) right away. Thanks to him, I could mail my auntie an English
letter with no mistakes.
Reading P3
In the event, people
run along a platform9,
jump off over the sea, and try to
fly. To win the
first prize of 30,000 pounds, serious contestants make machines or hang-glidersto reach10
the 100-meter mark. However, some people join the event just for fun.
They do not use anything except their own
bodies. The point is not
to “fly” a long distance, but to entertain the
audience. 比賽中,人們沿著平臺跑、跳到海面上、並試著飛起來。為了贏得三萬元英鎊的第一名獎金,認真的參賽者會製作飛機或滑翔翼來達到 100 公尺的目標。然而,有些人參加比賽只是為了好玩。除了用自己的身體,他們並未使用任何東西。重點不是「飛」得遠,而是娛樂觀眾。
5 In the event, people run along a platform, jump
off over the sea, and try to fly.
此句中含有三個動作,run, jump off 及 try to
fly,表示出比賽如何進行,給讀者清楚的進行畫面。over the sea 指在海面上。
6 To win
the first prize of 30,000 pounds, serious contestants make machines or
hang-gliders to reach the 100-meter mark.
1. To win = In order to win 為了要贏
2. machine 除了解為機械外,亦可指交通工具:如機車、汽車、自行車、飛機。
SPP 4: To + VR…, S + V…
片語in order to用法及意思和本句型相同。
To win the first prize of 30,000 pounds, serious contestants
make machines or hang-gliders to reach
the 100-meter mark.
(為了贏得首獎三萬英鎊,認真的參賽者製作機器或滑翔翼以達到 一百公尺的目標。)
quit his job and moved to Italy to learn
to make spaghetti.
order to learn the history
of that country, I borrowed some books
from the library.
7 The point is not to “fly” a long distance, but
to entertain the audience.
1. not... but...
not... but... 不是……而是……
• Regina married Max not because he was
rich, but because he loved her very much.
• Ivy wrote me a letter not in Chinese,
but in English.
2. not to fly... entertain the audience為不定詞片語,作為主詞補語。
3. a long distance 一段長的距離
SPP 5: not... but...
此句型表示「不是……而是……」,當中but為對等連接詞,所以其兩端結構需對稱,如:Adj but Adj、N but N。
only… but (also)…表「不但……而且……」,可參考第七課句型II。
The point is not
to “fly” a long distance, but to
entertain the audience.
to VR to VR
you but I am to blame for the mistake.
climate of this country is not only hot but also humid.
Reading P4
The second event, Extreme Ironing, was also created by an Englishman, Phil Shaw. He came
up with the idea one day back in 1997. Shaw wanted to go rock
climbing, but he had to iron some clothes. At that moment, he
decided to put the two activities11 together into
one event! 第二項賽事,極限燙衣,也是由一位英國人Phil Shaw所創立的。他在
1997 年某一天想出這個主意。Shaw想要去攀岩,但他必須熨些衣服。就在那時,他決定把兩項活動結合成一項比賽。
8 The
second event, Extreme Ironing, was also created by an Englishman,
Phil Shaw.
此句有2個同位語:Extreme Ironing 解釋 The second event 及 Phil Shaw
說明 an Englishman 的名字。
9 He came up with the idea one day back in 1997.
come up with 想出(主意、計劃、方法)
• The store owner couldn’t come up with a
good solution to his financial problem.
10 Shaw wanted to go rock climbing, but he had to
iron some clothes.
go + N + V-ing 可更詳述活動情況,如
go mountain climbing, go sea fishing, go
shopping, go white-water rafting(急流泛舟)
11 At that moment, he decided to put the two activities
together into one event!
put A and B together into C 把 A 和 B 結合成 C,另衍生的片語是 put A and B together 結合 A 和
Focal Point 1
S + be + P.P. (+ by O)
本句型主要是介紹被動用法:S + be + P.P.(+ by...)的句型與其他相關句型用法。老師可以從主動與被動的觀念分析開始,接下來再講解本課句型:S + be + P.P. (+ by...)的用法;學生觀念清楚後再延伸到助動詞的被動用法,不定詞、動名詞的被動用法。
(1) 課文句型:現在式與過去式被動
S + is/am/are/was/were + P.P. (+ by...)
①英文的被動式是將主詞與受詞互相交換位置而形成的,「by + 動作者」常在某些情況下被省略。
• People use cellphones all over the world.(主動)
→ Cellphones are used all over the world.(被動)
• Someone took out a dictionary.(主動)
→ A dictionary was taken out.(被動)
(2) 補充句型:完成式被動
①S + has/have + P.P.(主動)
②S + has/have + been + P.P.(被動)
• Many rivers in Taiwan have been polluted.
• The Picasso painting has been stolen from
the museum.
(3) 補充句型:語氣助動詞被動
S + aux + be + P.P. (+ by...)
說明:助動詞(will/can/must/have to/should...)是依句意需要而添加;助動詞的被動用原形動詞 be + P.P.。
• We must protect our beautiful world.
→ Our beautiful world must be protected.
• A typhoon will hit southern Taiwan next
→ Southern Taiwan will be hit by a typhoon next week.
(4) 延伸句型:不定詞與動名詞被動
S + V... + to be + P.P.
說明:有些動詞之後必須接不定詞 to + VR(表主動);to be
+ P.P.(表被動)。
• We all hope to be given another
• Children like to be treated
S + V... + being + P.P.
+ P.P.(表被動)。
• Tommy enjoys being praised by his
• We must protect children from being
1. Italians
to have invented pizza.
(A) believe (B)
are believing
(C) are to believe (D) are believed
2. The top
of the mountain often
with snow in winter.
(A) is; covered (B) has; covered
(C) is; covering (D) ╳; covers
3. Many
animals to work for humans.
(A) can train (B)
have trained
(C) can be trained (D) are training
1. The workers pulled down the building.(用被動式)
2. People have used computers for decades.(用被動式)
3. The employee should finish the job on
A. 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C)
1. The building was pulled down by the
2. Computers have been used for decades.
3. The job should be finished by the
employee on time.
Reading P5
Extreme Ironing now takes
place in a
number of places around
the world. Contestants bring an iron, an ironing board, and
clothes to different kinds of places. They iron their clothes on cliffs, under the water, and at the tops of trees. Some people even
do it together with other risky12 activities, such
as skiing, bungee jumping, or parachuting!極限燙衣目前在全世界一些地方舉辦。參賽者帶熨斗、燙衣板及衣服到不同的地方去。他們在懸崖、水中、樹上燙衣服。有些人甚至一邊做其他冒險性活動,比如滑雪、高空彈跳、或跳傘!
6: a number of + N
number of表「一些」,等於several,後接複數名詞。
number of後加複數名詞,表示「……的數目」。如:The number of pandas in this area has
increased.,當中主詞為the number,表示「熊貓的數目」,所以動詞應用單數動詞。
Ironing now takes place in a number of
places around the world.
A number of people had no place to live after the
powerful earthquake.
12 Some people
even do it together with other risky activities, such as skiing,
bungee jumping, or parachuting!
1. together with = along with = as well as 連同,和
2. such as (= like) 比如
Reading P6
The first Extreme
Ironing World Championships13 was held in Germanyin 2002. The prizes included14
washing machines and other household goods. People from ten nations came to take
part in this contest. Some now hope to make Extreme Ironing an Olympic event. This
would certainly be difficult to achieve15. However, the contestants’ fighting spirit16 shows that nothing is impossible. 第一屆極限燙衣服世界錦標賽在2002年於德國舉辦。獎品包括洗衣機和其他家庭用品。來自十個不同國家來的人們參與這場比賽。現在有些人希望使極限燙衣成為奧運的比賽項目。這當然不易達成。但這些參賽者的戰鬥精神顯現出沒有什麼事是不可能的。
13 The prizes included washing machines and other
household goods.
14 People from ten nations came to take part in this
People from ten nations 為主詞,from ten nations 為介系詞片語修飾
SPP 2: make + O + Adj/N
² make在此為不完全及物動詞,表示「使……變成……」。
² 受詞補語為形容詞或名詞,用來修飾或補充說明受詞的狀態。
people now hope to make Extreme Ironing an Olympic event.
Going on a working
holiday in Australia has made David more open-minded.
15 This would certainly be difficult to achieve.
1. This指前一個句子,想要極限燙衣可以成為奧運比賽項目的夢想。
2. achieve = realize = accomplish 實現(夢想);達成(目標)
16 However, the contestants’ fighting spirit
shows that nothing is impossible.
1. fighting spirit 戰鬥精神為主詞。
2. Nothing is impossible 可能的出處是聖經verse Luke 1:37 “For with God, nothing shall be
impossible”,而知名運動鞋 Adidas,在 2006 年曾有句廣告 slogan為
“Impossible is Nothing”(一切皆可能)。
Focal Point 2
make + O + Adj/N
Flowers can makemy sister happy.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
․Some now hope to make
Extreme Ironing an Olympic event.
PracticePut the parts in the correct order to form a
1. made me/sad/The movie's ending
àThe movie's ending
made me sad.
2. very angry/My brother's poor
grades/made my father
àMy brother’s poor
grades made my father very angry.
3. Let's/a better place/do
something/to make our earth
àLet’s do something to make our
earth a better place.
4. made Josh/the class leader/Our
àOur teacher made Josh the class
5. every day/Larry/to make
himself/stronger/does exercise
àLarry does exercise every day to
make himself stronger.
Focal Point 2
make + O + Adj/N
(1) 課文句型:形容詞作受詞補語(OC)
make + O + Adj (OC)
• Tina’s leg was hurt, which makes walking
painful for her.
• George’s success in business made his
family members happy.
• The science fiction film’s special
effects made it exciting.
(2) 課文句型:名詞作受詞補語(OC)
make + O + N (OC)
• Ruby likes the arts. She wants to make painting
her career.
• The boss made Newton the
manager for overseas business.
• The mayor promises to make the city
a better place to live in.
(3) 補充句型:名詞作主詞補語(SC)
S + Vi + N (SC)
• On leaving school Jack became a
car salesman.
• Bill will make a good husband,
as he is helpful and thoughtful.
1. The/makes/mountain
climbing/dangerous/falling snow
2. The/contest/all the
players/crazy/made/very excited
3. Modern/inventions/made/much
4. They/the game/to make/are trying hard/a
national event
5. The beauty/makes it/of/a popular/Taroko
Gorge/tourist spot
1. 在多年的追求後,Tony終於使Lucy變成他的女朋友。
After years of courtship, Tony finally ____
Lucy his ____.
2. 你必須使你自己健康且強壯。
You have to ____ ____ healthy and ____.
3. 資訊科技快速的發展已經使得電腦成為生活必需品。
The rapid development of information technology ____ ____ computers a
____ of life.
4. 勤勉使萬事容易,而怠惰則使萬事困難。
Diligence ____ everything ____, while
idleness makes everything ____.
5. 以堅強的意志力,我們可使不可能成為可能。
With strong willpower, we can ____ the ____
1. The falling snow makes mountain climbing
2. The crazy contest made all the players
very excited.
3. Modern inventions have made life much
more convenient.
4. They are trying hard to make the game a
national event.
5. The beauty of Taroko Gorge makes it a
popular tourist spot.
1. made; girlfriend
2. make yourself; strong
3. has made; necessity
4. makes; easy; hard/difficult
5. make; impossible possible
Main Idea Choose the
best answer to the question.
B What is the main idea of “Crazy Contests: Birdman Flying
& Extreme Ironing”?
(A) The crazy
contests are too crazy for normal people to join.
(B) The crazy
contests show a humorous side of sports competitions.
(C) The crazy
contests attract more players and crowds than the Olympics.
(D) The Extreme
Ironing World Championships are more exciting than the International Birdman.
Details Choose the best
answer to each question.
B 1. The first International Birdman took place in
第一次國際鳥人比賽在 年舉行。
(A) 1992 (B) 1971 (C) 1925 (D) 1930
C 2. What is the point of the International Birdman?
(A) To attract many people.
(B) To iron clothes under the water.
(C) It’s just for fun.
(D) To fly to other countries.
D 3. The first Extreme Ironing World Championships was held
in .
第一次極限燙衣服大賽在 舉辦。
(A) America (B) Finland (C)
England (D) Germany
美國。 芬蘭。 英國。 德國。
D 4. What prize may the winner of the Extreme Ironing
WorldChampionships get?
(A) A flying machine. (B)
30,000 pounds.
飛行器。 3萬英鎊。
(C) Some clothes to iron. (D) A washing machine.
一些衣服可以燙。 洗衣機。
I VocabularyFill in each blank
with an appropriate word.
includes 1. The price of dinner i es dessert, and the total is
NT$1500. 晚餐的價格包括甜點,總共是新臺幣1,500元。
activities 2. Visitors can enjoy many
different a ties which provide
them with a lot of fun.遊客可以享受提供許多樂趣的各種活動。
contest 3. Larry won the speech c t and received NT$500. Larry贏得演講比賽,得到新臺幣500元。
attracts 4. The beautiful garden a ts a large number of visitors. 這座美麗的花園吸引眾多參觀的人。
reach 5. A: When did you r hTaipei last night? 你昨晚何時抵達臺北?
B: I got there at
about 7 p.m.我大約7點到。
II PhrasesChoose the correct phrase for each blank.
Make necessary changes.
when it comes to take
place a number of take part in
1. A: Will you take part in the singing contest?
B: Of course I’ll be there. 我當然會去。
2. There are a number of spelling mistakes in
your writing. Please correct them. 你的作文裡有一些拼字錯誤。請更正它們。
3. When it comes to beautiful beaches,
Kenting is one of the best. 說到美麗的沙灘,墾丁是最棒的其中之一。
4. The singer’s first concert
will take place this month. 這位歌手的第一場演唱會將在這個月舉行。
IVGuided TranslationTranslate
the following Chinese sentences into English.
1. 數千名群眾被網球比賽所吸引。
Thousands of people are/were attracted by the tennis game.
2. 為了贏得獎金,所有隊員努力練習。
To win the prize , all the team members
practiced hard.
3. 大家喜歡Wayne,並非因為他功課好,而是因為他有幽默感。
People like Wayne not because of his good grades, but because of his sense of humor .
V Cloze Fill
in the blanks with the correct choices from among the words given.
Extreme sports are exciting,
and Extreme Ironing is one of the best. People from 10 countries 1. the first Extreme Ironing World Championships. The
2. ironed clothes in strange places. Some of them did it
at the tops oftrees or on cliffs. Some even did it while they were doing
other 3. , such as bungee
jumping or parachuting. Actually, they took great 4. in doing these things at the same time. However, their
fighting spirit showed that nothing is impossible to
5. .
__B _ 1. (A) came up with (B)
took part in (C) made of (D) came across
__B _ 2. (A) competitions (B)
contestants (C) platforms (D) audiences
__A _ 3. (A) activities (B) contests (C) championships (D) machines
__A _ 4. (A) risks (B) risked (C) risky (D)
__B _ 5. (A) compete (B) achieve (C) attract (D)