2019年6月24日 星期一

B2 L5 Sentence Pattern Practice

Unit 5
1. Some.... Others....
  Some + N.... Others/Other + N....
說明 1 Some.... Others....表示「有些……。有些……。」之意,可以用來指不特定
2 此句型中,some可代換為some加上複數名詞,而others也可以代換成other
例句 1. Some secretly follow famous people and take pictures of them. Others pry into
       celebrities' personal lives.
     2. Some people were offering opinions in the meeting. Others sat in silence.
     3. Some students were playing basketball in the gym. Other students were playing  
練習 1. 有些人將在大學畢業後開始工作。有些人將就讀研究所。
        will start working after graduating from college.        will go to
                ran the marathon with their friends.               
        ran on their own.

2. S + V... + so that + S + Aux + V....
說明 1 so that為從屬連接詞,引導表「目的」的子句,表示「為了……」、「以便……
        或是「好讓……」之意。注意,so that前不可加逗點。
2 此句型中,so that也等同於in order that,不過後者較為正式。
例句 1. Lady Godiva asked her husband to lower the local people's taxes so that they
       could have time for art.
     2. Gloria turned down the radio so that she could hear what her mother was saying.
     3. My father put on his glasses so that he could read the newspaper clearly.
       → My father put on his glasses in order that he could read the newspaper clearly.
練習 1. Tiffany設了一組很長的密碼,以為了不讓駭客破解密碼。
       Tiffany chose a long password
              hackers couldn't guess it.
       Please post this notice on the wall
                     everyone can
       see it.

3. think of A as B
說明  think of A as B表示「把……視為……」之意。think亦可用consider代換,
      consider時則不用as,寫作consider A (to be) B
例句 1. The ancient Greek and Romans had thought of the human body as a work of art. 
     2. Mr. Davis thinks of Taiwan as his home.
     3. Peggy considers finishing the marathon to be a great achievement.
練習 1. 學生們視Brown先生為一位很優秀的老師。
       The students
       Mr. Brown               a great teacher.
       You should
              your mistakes        a chance of learning.

說明  as作為連接詞時可以用來表示「當……時」之意,類似語意的連接詞有when
例句 1. The locals stayed at home as Lady Godiva passed by.
     2. As I was about to leave, Jennifer came into my office.
     3. The phone rang as I was having dinner.
練習 1. Bob看到有人試著偷竊一部車子的時候,他打了電話報警。
       Bob called the police
       he saw someone trying to        a car.
     2. Emily
       a picture on Facebook        she enjoyed her afternoon tea.

5. as soon as
說明 1 as soon as為一從屬連接詞,表示「一…………,一……立刻……」之意,
2 as soon as所引導的附屬子句要表示未來會發生的事情時,多用現在簡單式
例句 1. As soon as we post something online or just send an e­mail, other people can see         
       it and pass it along.
     2. The students went into the classroom as soon as the bell rang.
     3. Andy will call his mother as soon as he gets off the plane.
練習 1. Tina一看到車禍就立刻打電話叫救護車。
       Tina called an ambulance
                     she saw the car accident.
     2. Larry
       Larry will visit his friend in the hospital
                     he gets
       off work.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1. Some were reading quietly in the library.    were playing games on their cell  
      (A) The other      (B) Another         (C) Other           (D) Others
(  ) 2. Some of the students started talking to each other    the teacher left the
      (A) as soon as      (B) even if           (C) so as to          (D) such that
(  ) 3. Christina woke up early    she wouldn't be late for school.
      (A) that           (B) so that           (C) in order         (D) for
(  ) 4. Some children were running in the park.    children were sitting under the
      (A) Others       (B) The other       (C) Other         (D) Another
(  ) 5. The teacher    his students    friends rather than students.
      (A) thinks; of      (B) considers; of     (C) thinks of; as      (D) considers of; as
(  ) 6. Grace is going to save some money    she can travel abroad.
      (A) so that       (B) that            (C) because of     (D) because
(  ) 7. Everyone started to dance    the music played.
      (A) as           (B) at               (C) for             (D) of
(  ) 8. Steve considers himself    a successful businessman.
      (A) to be          (B) be              (C) for             (D) of
(  ) 9. Patrick put down his heavy bag    he got home.
      (A) so that     (B) in order to     (C) as soon as         (D) instead of
(  ) 10. Mandy ate popcorn    she watched the movie.
      (A) to          (B) for             (C) of              (D) as

II. 回答問題:依據提示字回答以下問題。
1. What are these tables made of? (made of glass/made of wood)
Some.... Others....回答)
2. Why did Helen go to the library? (focus on her homework)
so that回答)
3. What does Lucy consider her best friend? (sister)
4. What happened when Ray was talking to his friend? (someone/steal his wallet)
S + V... as S + V...回答)
5. When will Jamie come to the party? (finish his homework)
as soon as回答)
III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 有些同學決定夏天要去海灘。有些同學決定要去爬山。
              decided to go to the beach in summer.              
   decided to go
   mountain climbing.
2. 爲了不讓人認出她,這位名人戴了帽子和墨鏡。
   The celebrity wore a hat and sunglasses
              no one would recognize
3. 我把父親視為我最好的朋友。
              my father        my best friend.
4. 我在公園慢跑時遇見了一位老朋友。
   I ran into an old friend
       I was jogging in the park.
5. 所有的粉絲一看見這位電影明星下車就開始尖叫。
   All the fans screamed
                     they saw the movie star getting
   out of the car.

