2019年6月25日 星期二

FQV: U5 Test

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
A. 碰巧    B. 暗示    C. 傳輸    D. 目標    E. 想知道

1.      transportation      
2.      wonder      
3.      chance      
4.      clue      
5.      aim      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    It’s a clear reminder of the risks you have to take.
(A) sharp             (B) civil                    (C) normal               (D) skillful
(   ) 2.    The problem of how the robber had broken into my house really confused me.
(A) struggled       (B) puzzled              (C) reviewed            (D) omitted
(   ) 3.    Life is back to usual now that my parents have made up after a terrible quarrel.
                    (A) valuable         (B) social                 (C) wonderful          (D) normal
(   ) 4.    I’m too busy to go to Joey’s wedding.
                    (A) wound           (B) cause                  (C) attend                (D) choose
(   ) 5.    Fiona tried to escape through the window of the tower, but a dragon was watching her.
                    (A) advertised     (B) attempted          (C) celebrated          (D) introduced
(   ) 6.    The college entrance exam is coming near.  I’m getting more and more nervous.
                    (A) approaching  (B) transporting       (C) performing         (D) exchanging
(   ) 7.    It’s said that rose tea can heal an upset stomach.
                    (A) exist              (B) chase                  (C) cure                    (D) value
(   ) 8.    The family has been       with poverty for years since the father became handicapped.
                    (A) advertised     (B) allowed              (C) wounded           (D) struggled

(   ) 9.    I       my old comic books for Betty’s Barbie doll.
                    (A) existed          (B) viewed               (C) exchanged         (D) puzzled
(   ) 10.  The department store put a half-page       in today’s newspaper.
                    (A) collection                                       (B) introduction
(C) transportation                                (D) advertisement
(   ) 11.  The man who was just hit by the motorcycle is badly       and bleeding.
                    (A) cured             (B) wounded           (C) denied               (D) puzzled
(   ) 12.  Grandma is watering       in the back yard.
                    (A) planes            (B) planets               (C) plants                 (D) plains
(   ) 13.  Mr. Moa is very unfriendly, and he’s not       to his workers, either.
                    (A) wonderful     (B) eager                  (C) plain                   (D) civil
(   ) 14.  English and History are my favorite      .
(A) puzzles          (B) subjects              (C) clues                  (D) wonders
(   ) 15.  Although Morris is very ill, he takes a positive       toward his future.
                    (A) account         (B) attempt              (C) average              (D) attitude
(   ) 16.  When we did       experiments in class, the teacher always wanted us to follow his standard procedures carefully.
                    (A) wonderful     (B) attractive           (C) charming            (D) chemical
(   ) 17.  I       my friendship with Samantha very much.  She’s a lifetime friend.
                    (A) plant              (B) relax                   (C) value                  (D) omit

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   護士量我的體溫。
The nurse
       my       .
2.   老師把班上分成六組。
The teacher
       our class        six groups.

3.   我跟表妹Sue分享我的故事書。
       my storybooks        my cousin Sue.

