2020年4月23日 星期四

2.1 文法句型翻譯 (英文加強班)

  Unit 1
1. make/let/have + O + V
說明 1 makelet以及have皆為使役動詞,表示「驅使他人做……」之意。當其受詞為「主動做出動作者」,後面須接原形動詞。
2 另外,使役動詞get在接上受詞之後則必須以不定詞 (to V) 或動名詞 (V­ing) 來表示,即“get + O + to V/V­ing,受詞亦為「主動做出動作者」。
例句 1. Tonight was my chance to make our friendship become a relationship!
2. Mr. Laurence had his daughter decorate the Christmas tree.
3. Gina made me wash the car for her.
→ Gina got me to wash/washing the car for her.  (Gina叫我幫她洗車。)
練習 1. 老師使Peter修理電腦。
The teacher m made  Peter  fix/repair  the computer.
2. 這個故事的結局使我猜想接下來發生什麼。
The ending of the story g gets  me t thinking  what happens next.

2. S + had + Vpp
說明 1 此句型為「過去完成式」,用來表示「某過去時間點以前已完成的動作或狀態」或「比發生在過去某一時間點之動作更早完成的動作或狀態」,常與「by + 時間」或whenbeforeafterby the time等連用。
2 使用過去完成式時,較早發生或完成的動作須用「過去完成式」,而較晚的動作則用「過去簡單式」。
例句 1. I had planned this day for such a long time! (我計畫這一天已經好久了!)
2. Before James found an apartment, he had stayed in a hotel.
3. Clark had already found a job by the time he graduated from college.
練習 1. 日出景色比我想像中的美麗多了。
The sunrise  was  much more beautiful than I  had   imagined .
2. 我沒有意識到我讓Mandy難過了。
I  didnt     that I  had   upset  Mandy.

3. S + tell + sb (+ that) + S + V....
說明 1 tell為授與動詞,故應有直接受詞和間接受詞的存在。其中,間接受詞 sb為主詞S告訴的對象,直接受詞that子句則為主詞告訴的內容。
2 直接受詞that子句在此做名詞用,且that可以省略。
例句 1. I finally found the courage to tell Sally that I liked her.
2. Nobody told me that the class had been cancelled for the day.
3. Ariel told the police there was a thief in her house.
練習 1. Carrie沒有告訴她的母親她考試不及格。
Carrie  didn’t   tell  her mother  that  she failed the test.
2. Jim告訴我他決定要去醫院當志工。
 told   me  he had decided to volunteer in the hospital.

4. S + be + Adj (+ that) + S + V....
說明 1 表感受的形容詞後接that子句可以用來表示「對某事感到……」之意。that子句為人感受的事件,that可被省略。
2 常用以表示感受的形容詞有delighted (高興)disappointed (失望)satisfied (滿意)sorry (愧疚)surprised (驚訝)touched (感動)upset (難過)worried (擔心)等。
例句 1. I wasn’t surprised that she accepted my invitation.
2. Miranda was disappointed I couldn’t go to her party.
3. My mother was satisfied that I had finished my homework.
練習 1. Sarah很感動Mike在情人節為她煮了晚餐。
 was   touched   that  Mike cooked dinner for her on Valentine’s Day.
2. Kevin很難過他的狗死了。
Kevin  was   upset/sad   that  his dog had died.

5. S + V...after/before/when/while + V­ing
說明 afterbeforewhenwhile等表「時間」的連接詞用來引導從屬子句。從屬子句的主詞與主要子句的主詞相同時,可將從屬子句的主詞省略,並將之後的主動動詞轉為現在分詞 (V­ing)
例句 1. She took the rose before walking away. (她在離開之前拿走了玫瑰。)
2. After returning from Russia, Julia shared her pictures excitedly.
3. Karl likes to listen to music when reading magazines.
練習 1. David在說出真相後感到放心多了。
David felt much more relieved
 after   telling  the  truth .
2. Greg在打籃球時傷了他的腳踝。
Greg hurt his ankle
 while/when   playing  basketball.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( B ) 1. Mrs. Jackson made the students    themselves in front of the class.
(A) introducing            (B) introduce             (C) introduced     (D) introduces
( A ) 2. Andy    the classroom before I arrived.
(A) had left                  (B) has left                (C) had leave       (D) has to leave
( C ) 3. I’m sorry    I broke your mug. Let me buy you a new one.
(A) what                       (B) which                  (C) ×            (D) where
( A ) 4. Maria gave her mother a call after    in Australia.
(A) arriving                   (B) arrived                 (C) arrives          (D) arrive
( D ) 5. The singer’s excellent performance got everyone    their hands.
(A) clap                        (B) clapped               (C) claps           (D) clapping
( A ) 6. When I arrived at the theater, the movie   .
(A) had already started                    (B) has already started
(C) has already start                   (D) had already start
( D ) 7. Eric is    he may fail the math test.
(A) worry                     (B) worries                (C) worrying that (D) worried that
( B ) 8. Grace ran into her high school friend while    lunch in the café.
(A) have                       (B) having                 (C) has         (D) had
( A ) 9. My teacher    me    I did well on the English test.
(A) told; ×                    (B) told; which          (C) tells; where    (D) tells; then
( D ) 10. I never found the courage    Victor    I liked him.
(A) to tell; what          (B) tell; ×                   (C) tell; where      (D) to tell; that

II. 句型練習:依據提示字改寫或合併句子。
1. My sister allowed me to use her smartphone. (用使役動詞let改寫)
  My sister let me use her smartphone.                                         
2. When I went back to my seat, my purse was already stolen.
(用過去完成式had +Vpp改寫)
When I went back to my seat, my purse had already been stolen.                    
3. Lydia told me something.
She had a great time in Japan.  (tell + sb (+ that) + S + V....合併改寫)
Lydia told me (that) she had a great time in Japan.                              
4. Leo was upset.
Wendy rejected Leo’s invitation.   (S + be + Adj (+ that) + S + V合併改寫)
Leo was upset (that) Wendy rejected his invitation.                              
5. Lucas saved a lot of money before he retired from his job.
(S + V...before + V­ing改寫)
Lucas saved a lot of money before retiring from his job.                         

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Bryan的母親叫他打掃他的房間。
Bryan’s mother
 made  him  clean   up  his room.
2. 我醒來時我的姐姐已經去上班了。
When I
 woke   up , my sister  had   gone  to work.
3. Helen很驚訝我和George分手了。
 was   surprised   that  George and I broke up.
4. 等候看診的同時你可以閱讀雜誌。
You can read the magazines
 while/when   waiting  to see the doctor.
5. 你有沒有告訴服務生地板上有碎玻璃?
Did you
 tell  the waiter  that  there’s broken glass on the floor?

