2020年4月30日 星期四

2.2 文法句型翻譯 (英文加強班)

1. wh­ + S + V → wh­ + to V
說明  疑問詞wh­ (whomwhatwhenwherewhichhow)引導的名詞子句中,
       若句意為「應該……」或「可以……」,通常可簡化成名詞片語(wh­ + to V)
例句 1. Many household objects can be a great help to us, as long as we know how we can use them.
→ Many household objects can be a great help to us, as long as we know how to use them.
2. Tom is thinking about where he should go on the weekend.
→ Tom is thinking about where to go on the weekend.
3. Jeff will tell you what you should do when you’re ready.
→ Jeff will tell you what to do when you’re ready.
練習 1. Rachel不知道如何拒絕Charlie又不使他心碎。
Rachel doesn’t know   how    to    reject  Charlie without breaking his heart.
2. Daniel問我他應該什麼時候採取行動。
Daniel asked me   when    to    make  his move.
2. S + seem(s) to + V....
  → It seems (that) + S + V....
說明 1 此句型有推測的意味,用來表達「不確定的看法或推論」,意思為
        「似   ……,好像……」。句子中以人或具體的事物作主詞,後面則 
        seem(s) to加上原形動詞來表示。注意seem不能為進行式。
     2 另外,此句型也能以第二個句型替換。句子中的it為虛主詞,用以代替
例句 1. Cola seems to be the same as any other beverage.
       → It seems that Cola is the same as any other beverage.
     2. William seems to prefer tea to coffee.
       → It seems that William prefers tea to coffee.
     3. Tracy and Mike seem to fall in love with each other.
       → It seems Tracy and Mike fall in love with each other.
練習 1. 一張DVD對電影迷來說似乎是最完美的禮物。
        A DVD
  seem   to    be  the perfect gift for a movie fan.
     2. Larry說的話似乎傷了他女朋友的心。
      It      seems     that    Larry’s words have broken his girlfriend’s heart.
3. in fact 其實
說明  in fact可以用來表示「其實,事實上」,其他類似的用法有actually, in truth     
      as a matter of fact
例句 1. In fact, many household objects can be a great help to us in our daily lives.
     2. Nancy let Ron believe she enjoyed the movie, but in truth she thought it
       was boring.
     3. I don’t know what Jack looks like. As a matter of fact, I have never met him.
練習 1. Charlie也許看起來很安靜,但其實他是個非常友善和有創意的人。
       Charlie may seem quiet, but
  in     fact   he is a very friendly
       and creative person.
     2. 我對於我的演講不是感到很緊張。事實上,我相當放鬆。
        I’m not very nervous about my speech.
          As      a      matter      of      fact  , I’m quite relaxed.

4. S + make + it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....
說明 1此用法表示「使……變得……,使……成為……」的意思。make為不完
     2此句型中真正的受詞為後面的不定詞片語(to V),爲避免頭重腳輕,故用
例句 1. The acid in the soda will eat away at the rust and make it easy to wipe away.
     2. The coffee stains on the letter made it difficult for me to read.
     3. These online lessons make it possible for people to learn Japanese at home.
練習 1. 這個裝置將使得偷竊這輛車變得更困難。
        The device will
  make      it      harder   to steal this car.
     2. 交通堵塞使得Billy不可能準時到學校。
        The traffic jam
  made      it      impossible      for   Billy to get
        to school on time.

5. a few/few + N
說明  few用在複數可數名詞,a few表示「一些,幾個」,few則表示「不多,
例句 1. If you put a few sugar cubes into a container of cookies, the cookies will
       stay fresh and crisp. 
     2. Nina bought a few dresses in the department store.
     3. Few people know how to speak Greek in Taiwan.
練習 1. 很少學生通過這個很難的考試。
      Few      students   passed the difficult test.
     2. 製作蛋糕,你需要一些烹調原料:麵粉、雞蛋和奶油。
        To make a cake, you will need
  a      few      ingredients  : flour, eggs  
        and butter.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(   ) 1. There are so many clubs in school, and Ken doesn’t know    join.
      (A) which to          (B) that to       (C) who to           (D) whom to
(   ) 2. The restaurant wasn’t as good as I had imagined   , the service there
      was awful.
      (A) However         (B) In fact       (C) Therefore      (D) At first
(   )3.    Zack is interested in designing clothes.
      (A) It seeming                     (B) It seems      
      (C) That seems                    (D) That seeming
(   ) 4. The noise of the TV    for Kelly to concentrate on her homework.
      (A) making hard                  (B) it made hard
      (C) made it hard                  (D) making it hard
(   ) 5. Ted    enjoy acting.
      (A) seems          (B) it seems     (C) seems to         (D) seems that
(   ) 6. Melissa is thinking about    wear to her job interview.
      (A) who she              (B) what she        (C) who to           (D) what to
(   ) 7. I made    while studying in the United States.
      (A) a few friends  (B) few friend     (C) a few friend      (D) few of friends
(   ) 8. Chris is a close friend of mine.   , we have known each other for 20 years.
      (A) As a result                     (B) Every once in a while
      (C) As long as                     (D) As a matter of fact
(   ) 9.    know about Howard’s family because he is a private person.
      (A) Few person     (B) Few people   (C) A few person     (D) Few of people
(   ) 10. This website    easier for students to look for part­time jobs.
      (A) makes          (B) making      (C) it makes         (D) makes it

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. Paul/his girlfriend’s/to/for/doesn’t know/what/buy/birthday
2. seems/Susan/to/a baseball fan/be
3. rejected Will/Yvonne/she/In fact,/seeing someone/is already
4. my friends/a/postcards/I/received/few/from
5. Smartphones/anytime/make/possible/it/to talk to friends
III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
  The director will tell you  ______
  __________ __________  filming.
2. Watson先生似乎喜歡夜市的臺灣小吃。
______  __________ __________  Mr. Watson enjoys the Taiwanese snacks at
  night markets.
3. 大家都認為Ben應該成為科學家,但其實他想當一名廚師。
  Everyone thought Ben should become a scientist, but  
______  __________ he
  wanted to be a chef.
  John has 
______ __________  because of his busy lifestyle.
5. Patrick不知道如何擺脫推銷員。
  Patrick doesn’t know
______  __________ __________   ______  __________
  the salesman.

