2020年12月28日 星期一


 11.7000(填充題) 18011900,挑90

題號        題 目    語音        答案

2      弱點 (n) weakness

14    大部分 主要地 (adv) mostly

16    隱藏 (v) hide

21    卡片 (n) card

30    以外 旁邊 (prep) besides

39    爵士樂 (n) jazz

56    等級 年級 分數 (n) grade

58    領導 引導 帶領 (v) lea

59    你自己 (pron)        yourself

63    大人物 重要人物 (n) somebody

64    電影 (n) movie

65    下雪 (v) snow

67    姐妹 (n) sister

72    座位 (n) seat

86    仇恨 憎恨 (v) hate

89    持續 (v) last



1      隨風飄動 (v) blow

4      影子 陰暗處 陰影 (n) shadow

6      踱步 來回走動 (v) pace

8      胸膛 (n) chest

10    刻度 規模 等級 (n) scale

11    炸彈 (n) bomb

12    控制板 (n) panel

17    明亮的 燦爛的 傑出的 (adj) brilliant

23    純粹的 道地的 (adj) pure

24    不幸 精神上的打擊 衝擊 (n) blow

29    轉換 轉變 (v) shift

32    野生的 瘋狂的 (adj) wild

34    步槍 來福槍 (n) rifle

35    牛群 (n) cattle

36    (n) steel

37    配備傢俱 供給 (v) furnish

46    貴族 統治者 主人 (n) lord

47    總數 合計 (n) total

49    流動 (v) flow

51    () (v) row

54    螢幕 屏風 簾帳 (n) screen

61    骨頭 (n) bone

62    片語 詞組 (n) phrase

68    用言語表達 用字遣詞 (v) phrase

75    一列 一排 (n) row

77    管絃樂團 (n) orchestra

82    步伐 速度 (n) pace

85    (v) bind





1. b / p / m / f / v ///

2. d / t / n / / l / r / z / s / ʒ / ʃ / θ / ð //////

3. g / k / h / dʒ / tʃ / ŋ / j //////

4. u / v / w字母對應

5. h / s字母對應


3      智力的 聰明的 (adj) intellectual (choose; gather; speak; read)

1 collect / select / selection / collection / elect / election / intellectual / lecture / neglect / collective / dialect / intellect / elegant / eligible / intelligence / legend / allege / legendary / electorate / elite

&®【記助】intel= inter 在…之間〕+ lect 選擇;收集 從一堆人中選出的〔人才〕→ 智者intellect 智慧;智者 + ual 有…性質的 聰明的


5      任命 指定 (v) appoint (point)

1 point / pointed / punch / appoint / appointment / disappoint / punctual // appearance / appreciate / arrange / arrest / attract / acceptance / accompany / appoint / associate / assure / attach / accelerate / aggression / applause / assault / abbreviate / accumulate / attain / aggravate / assimilate

&®【記助】ap 加強 + point 點;變尖 將尖點對準某人 指派


7      贊成 同意 (v) approve (test; prove)

1 prove / improve / improvement / proof / approve / probable / probably / approval / disapprove / probe / probability

&®【記助】ap 加強 + prov 誠實,正直;證明 + e 證明可行 贊成


9      嫌疑犯 (n) suspect (look; see)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect // suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain

&®【記助】sus + pect=spect〕看 在下麵偷偷看 嫌疑犯


66    懷疑 (v) suspect (look; see)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect // suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain

&®【記助】sus + pect=spect〕看 在下麵偷偷看 懷疑


69    盼望的事物 前景 前途 (n) prospect (look; see)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect / retrospective ///// progress / project / protect / promote / pronounce / prominent / proclaim / profile / prohibit / prolong / prospect / provoke / propel / prosecute / prospective / conspicuous / proficient / pronoun /

&®記助】pro 向前,在前 + spect 向前看 前景


71    懷疑 (v) suspect (look; see)

1 expect / respect / expectation / inspect / inspector / suspect / suspicion / aspect / inspection / respectable / respectful / suspicious / perspective / prospect / spectacular / spectator / spectrum / speculate / despise / prospective / respective / respectively / spectacle / conspicuous / despite / retrospect // suspend / suspense / suspension / susceptible / sustain

&®記助】sus + pect=spect〕看 在下麵偷偷看 懷疑


13    維持 保持 維修 (n) maintenance (hold)

1 tennis / contain / continue / maintain / container / content / continuous / entertain / obtain / retain / maintenance / sustain / attain / attainment / detain / tenant / pertain / pertinent / retention

&®【記助】main 主要的(留下的都是精華 主要的)+ ten 拿住 + ancemaintain 的名詞 維護;堅持


15    比喻 (n) comparison (bring birth; come in sight; get ready; equal)

1 pair / parent / prepare / appear / compare / comparison / repair / separate / separately / parade / preparation / apparent / apparently / comparable / transparent / transparency / comparative / comparatively / apparatus // correct / complete / conclude / comfort / compete / conflict / confirm / connect / comment / concept / consist / correspond / compassion / combat / compact / compel / component / comprehend / conduct / confront / contemporary / corrupt / concise / condense / consonant / commemorate / compress / correlate

&®【記助】com 共同 + par 平等 + ison 平等地放在一起 比較


88    消失 不見 (v) disappear (come in sight)

1 appear / appearance // disagree / disappear / discover / discuss / display / dishonest / dislike / disadvantage / discourage / disgust / dismiss / disorder / discourse / discriminate / distract / disable / dismay / dispense / discern / disgraceful / displace / distrust

&®記助】dis 不,沒有 + appear 出現 不出現 消失


18    起源於 衍生出 得到 (v) derive (run; flow)

1 arrive / river / derive

&®【記助】de 使… + riv 河流 + e 使…如河流般延伸 派生,得出


19    複雜的 (adj) complex (fold)

1 complex / reply / complicate / imply / complexity / complication / comply / explicit implication / complexion / implicit / perplex / perplexed

&®記助】com 加強 + plex 重疊,折疊 全部重疊起來 複雜的


20    決心 決定 (n) resolution (loosen)

1 solution / solve / absolute / absolutely / resolution / resolve / dissolve / soluble

&®記助】re + solut 鬆開 + ion 表名詞 決心;溶解


22    科學家 (n) scientist (know)

1 science / scientific / scientist / conscious / conscience / conscientious / unconscious

&®記助】scient[adj.有知識的, 有技巧的]+ist專家或人→n.科學家


25    廣告 宣傳 (v) advertise (turn)

1 advertise / advertisement / controversy / convert / converted / divert / vertical / advert / avert / convertible / invert / // publicize / criticize / realize / authorize / memorize



26    家庭的 國內的 (adj) domestic (house; rule; tame; control)

1 domestic / dominant / dominate / domain / dome / predominant

&®記助】dom 房屋 + estic …的 在房子裡的 家裡的


27    使混淆 使困惑 (v) confuse (pour; melt)

1 refuse / confuse / confusion / refute / diffuse

&®記助】con 共同 + fus 流,瀉;融化 + e 流到一起 使混亂


70    混亂 困惑 (n) confusion (pour; melt)

1 refuse / confuse / confusion / refute / diffuse

&®記助】con 共同 + fus 流,瀉;融化 + ion 表名詞 流到一起 混亂


28    連接 聯絡 (v) connect (bind)

1 connection / connect / disconnect

&®記助】con 共同 + nect 連接 連接;聯合


31    接受 承認 (n) acceptance (take; seize; hold)

1 except / accept / principal / principle / receive / participate / participant / captain / capture / capacity / occupation / occupy / recipe / anticipate / conceive / conception / deceive / municipal / perceive / anticipation / caption / captive / susceptible // importance / appearance / balance / guidance / acceptance / allowance / assistance / ignorance / appliance / resemblance / disturbance / reliance / disturbance / perseverance

&®記助】ac 加強 + cept 一再拿 接受accept接受,承諾+ance物品,性質,狀況→n.接受,承諾,容忍,贊同,相信


33    外形 輪廓 人影 數字 (n) figure (make; do)

1 figure / configuration / fashion / office / efficient / sacrifice / proficient / proficiency / sufficient / fact / factor / factory / manufacture / faction / perfect / affect / effect / effective / perfection / infection / infect / affection / infectious / affectionate / defect / feature / feat / profit / fiction / facial / facility / facilitate / feasible / facsimile



38@ 插入 堅持 (v) stick (thorn; prick)

1 chopsticks / sting / distinct / distinctly / distinguish / distinguished / instinct / stingy / distinction / distinctive / extinct / stimulate / instinctive / stimulation / extinguish

45@        棍棒 (n) stick (thorn; prick)

1 chopsticks / sting / distinct / distinctly / distinguish / distinguished / instinct / stingy / distinction / distinctive / extinct / stimulate / instinctive / stimulation / extinguish


40    問候 致意 關心 (n) regard (watch; supervise)

1 regard / regarding



41    防禦 保衛 保護 (v) defend (strike)

1 defend / defense / defenseless / offend / offensive

&®記助】de 加強 + fend 打擊 保衛


42    擁有 持有 (v) possess (fix; located; place)

1 possess / session



43    (詩曲文章等) () 組成 (v) compose (put)

1 propose / proposal / pose / pause / purpose / position / positive / pound / opposite / suppose / postpone / deposit / impose / oppose / compose / composer / composition / expose / compound / component / opponent / dispose / disposed / composite / disposition / exposition

&®記助】com 共同 + pos 放,放置 + e 放到一起 組成


60    使---暴露 接觸 (v) expose (put)

1 propose / proposal / pose / pause / purpose / position / positive / pound / opposite / suppose / postpone / deposit / impose / oppose / compose / composer / composition / expose / compound / component / opponent / dispose / disposed / composite / disposition / exposition

&®記助】ex + pos 放,放置 + e 放出來 暴露


74    成分 零件 (n) component (put)

1 propose / proposal / pose / pause / purpose / position / positive / pound / opposite / suppose / postpone / deposit / impose / oppose / compose / composer / composition / expose / compound / component / opponent / dispose / disposed / composite / disposition / exposition

&®記助】com 共同 + pon 放,放置 + ent 關於…的 共同放到一起 組成的


44@跟蹤 追蹤 (v) track (draw; drag)

1 train / track / entire / entirely / retire / retired / attract / attractive / attraction / contract / subtract / abstract / distract / distracted / extract / tract / tractor / retract / detract

&®記助】draw or drag on the ground 在地上拖拉 形成足跡 軌道→引申為跟蹤 追蹤

48@足跡 軌道 (n) track (draw; drag)

1 train / track / entire / entirely / retire / retired / attract / attractive / attraction / contract / subtract / abstract / distract / distracted / extract / tract / tractor / retract / detract

&®記助】draw or drag on the ground 在地上拖拉 形成足跡 軌道


50    誠實的 正直的 (adj) honest (glory)

1 honest / honor / honorable

&®記助】hon=honor榮譽,光榮+est實質→adj.誠實的, 正直的


52    實質的 實在的 (adj) substantial (stand)

1 stand / station / distance / distant / instant / state / statement / constant / stable / statue / substance / obstacle / status / circumstance / substantial / estate / stability / obstinate / stabilize / stationary / stationery / stature / statute / instantaneous / static / withstand

&®記助】sub + stant 站,立 + ial … 本質的;實在的


84@餐廳 (n) restaurant (store)

1 store / stand / state / station / stable / static

&®記助】re+staur貯藏+antn.餐館, 飯店


53@祕密 (n) secret (sure; separate)

1 secretary / secret / certain / concert / concern / discern / discreet / discrete / discretion



55    安慰 慰問 (v) comfort (strong; force)

1 comfortable / effort / force / comfort / enforce / fort / reinforce / fortify /// correct / complete / conclude / comfort / compare / comparison / compete / confirm / connect / comment / concept / conflict / consist / correspond / combat / compact / compassion / compel / component / comprehend / conduct / confront / contemporary / corrupt / concise / condense / consonant / combat / commemorate / compress / correlate

&®記助】com 表加強 + fort 強壯的 使〔精神〕強大 安慰


57    發現 (n) discovery (cover)

1 cover / discover / discovery / recovery / coverage / uncover / covering /// crazy / rainy / difficulty / delivery / sleepy / windy / greedy / steady / battery / guilty / harmony / jealousy / muddy / inquiry / mastery / fatty / faulty / mastery / tardy

&®記助】dis 除去 + cover 遮,蓋;蓋子 除去覆蓋物 發現discover 發現 + y 行為 發現


73    次要的 (adj) minor (small)

1 menu / minute / minor / minority / minus / prominent / diminish / miniature / minimize / imminent

&®記助】min + or 表情況 較小的;較少的


76    文化的 人文的 (adj) cultural (till)

1 culture / cultural / agriculture / cultivate / colony / cult /// personal / national / natural / historical / cultural / traditional / regional / criminal / educational / emotional / continual / economical / mechanical / memorial / occasional / rural / continental / exceptional / agricultural / clinical / horizontal / aboriginal / cynical / marginal / incidental / systematical / empirical // animal / hospital / cereal / survival / refusal / rival / appraisal / dismissal / withdrawal

&®記助】cult 耕種;培養 + ure 表行為 →〔對心靈的〕培養 文化culture文化+al……的→adj.文化的


78    建造 構成 (v) construct (build)

1 1 instrument / industry / industrial / instruction / structure / destroy / instruct / instructor / destruction / construct / construction / destructive / instrumental

&®記助】con 共同 + struct 建造,建立 共同建立 建築


79    處在之前 優先於 (v) precede (go)

1 succeed / success / process / access / ancestor / procedure / proceed / concede / exceed / recession / unprecedented / precede / precedent / procession /// prepare / prefer / precise / predict / precaution / preclude / preposition /

&®記助】pre 前;預先 + ced + e 走在〔時間〕前面 先於


80    工程師 (n) engineer (person)

1 engine / engineer / pioneer / volunteer

&®記助】engine 發動機 + eer 人(專做某種工作或從事某種職業)→ 工程師


87    引擎 (n)  engine (birth; produce)

1 engine / engineer / pioneer / volunteer

&®記助】en 使… + gin (gen) 出生 生產 + e 引擎 發動機


81    紳士 (n) gentleman (birth; produce)

1 gentle / gentleman / generous / gene / generation / generosity / genius / genuine / generate / generator / degenerate / homogeneous / ingenious



83    開明的 自由主義的 (adj) liberal (free; weigh; consider)

1 liberal / liberty / deliberate / liberate / liberation

&®記助】liber 自由 + al …的 自由的;慷慨的


90    極好的 精彩的 (adj) wonderful (full)

1 beautiful / successful / wonderful / powerful / cheerful / handful / hopeful / faithful / graceful / grateful / shameful / thoughtful


