Words for Production
1. escape n. [U] 逃脫 the act of getting away from a place, or from a
dangerous or bad situation
õ The police are waiting outside
the bank, so the robbers (n. [C] 強盜;搶劫者) have no chance of escape. 警方在銀行外面守候,因此搶匪沒有機會逃跑。
escape vi. 逃脫
õ The
pet dog was lucky to escape from the burning house.
(1) escape punishment/reality/the
summer heat 逃避懲罰/現實/暑氣(避暑)
(2) escape + V-ing 逃避⋯
The boy escaped being punished by telling his mother lies. However, he was
caught after all.
2. artist n. [C] 藝術家 a person who creates works of art
õ Julia is good at
finger painting; she wants to be an artist
in the future.
a talented/sidewalk artist 天才/街頭藝術家
(1) art n. [U]
• Linda chooses art as her
job. She is a painter.
(2) artistic adj.
• Emily is far from
being artistic (毫無藝術細胞). She can’t even paint a house well.
art 指「藝術」時為不可數名詞,如:a work of art一件藝術作品;指「學科」時,則為可數名詞,如:fine
arts 美術。
3. tank n. [C] (貯水、油、氣等的)箱;槽 a large container for holding liquid or gas
õ Smith enjoys watching the fish swimming around in the tank.
a fuel/water tank 油/水箱
4. lock n. [C] 鎖 a device that keeps something shut, usually needing a key to open
The thief [broke the lock of the safe]
and [stole all the money in it]. 小偷破壞了保險箱的鎖,偷走裡面所有的錢。
lock vt. 上鎖 ANT unlock
Jane forgot to lock the door when she left the
house. Jane離家時忘了鎖門。
(1) lock sth./sb. away/up 將某物鎖起來;將某人關起來
• I lock my diary away/up
because I don’t want anyone to read it.
• The criminal should be
locked away/up or he may do something terrible again.
(2) lock oneself in... 某人把自己關在⋯裡面
• The child locked himself
in the kitchen by mistake.
5. discover vt. 發現 to find out something that you did not know about
I finally discovered the photo at
the back of the drawer. 我終於在抽屜的深處找到這張相片。
discovery n.
õ Newton made many wonderful discoveries which have changed the lives of human beings.
(1) discover (that) + S + V 發現⋯
• Kelly discovered that the
dog wouldn’t bark at her if she had food in her hand.
(2) make a great discovery 做出重大發現
(3) the latest discovery 最新發現
(4) a discovery of/about...
• There are many
discoveries about our planet. You should check these books out.
(1) cover vt.
• Be frank with your
teacher; never try to cover up your errors.
(2) recover vi.
• The patient has recovered
from his illness/sickness.
6. ordinary adj. 普通的 not unusual or different SYN common
ANT special,
õ The foundation helps disabled people [get ordinary jobs]
and [support themselves]. 這基金會幫助身心障礙人士找到普通工作來養活自己。
(1) in the ordinary way 像平時一樣;按常規
(2) out of the ordinary 不尋常的;異常的
7. wire n. [U,C] 金屬絲 metal in the form of a thin thread
õ We built a model ship with sticks and wire.
(1) copper wire 銅線;wire rope 鋼索
(2) send off a wire 發電報;by wire 用電報
(3) wireless communication 無線通訊
8. clever adj. 巧妙的;聰明的 used in a smart way; smart
õ The clever
use of color in
van Gogh’s paintings is incredible. 在梵谷的畫中,色彩的巧妙運用令人嘆為觀止。
õ Susan is very clever
and does well at school.
(1) make a clever reply 機智回答
(2) be clever with one’s
hands 某人手很靈巧
• My sister is clever with
her hands; she made this birthday card all by herself.
9. wrap vt. 包;裹 to cover something completely in paper or another
õ Before you put fish and meat in
the refrigerator, you should wrap
them up. 把魚和肉放進冰箱前,你應該先把它們給包起來。
(1) sb. be wrapped up in...
• Tom is completely wrapped
up in his new job.
(2) sth. be wrapped in... 某事被隱藏、覆蓋
• What happened there is
wrapped in mystery, and no one will ever know.
wrapper n. [C] 包裝紙 SYN wrapping paper
• The wrapper can be used
to hold your gum after you finish chewing it.
tightly adv. 緊緊地 closely and firmly ANT loosely
õ The mother feared
that her children might get lost in
the crowd, so she held their hands tightly. 這位母親很害怕孩子們可能會在人群中走失,因此她緊緊地抓住他們的手。
(1) tight adj.
• The screw is too tight.
Even a strong man like Vincent can’t loose it.
• The CEO maintains tight
control of the company.
(2) tighten vi.
• The performer tightened
the guitar strings to make the notes (音符) higher.
11. lower vt. 降低 to
let or make something or somebody go down ANT raise
õ At the end of
the magic show, the curtain
was slowly lowered. 魔術表演終了時,幕緩緩地降下。
(1) lower expenses 降低開支
• Why don’t we lower our
expenses by cooking dinner ourselves? In this way, we may save more money every
(2) lower one’s voice/eyes
(head) 某人降低音量/往下看
• Amanda lowered her voice
when she found out there was someone else in the room.
lower adj. 下部的;下游的
• the lower part of the
body 下半身
• the lower Nile 尼羅河下游
12. silence n. [U] 沉默;寂靜 a state of not speaking or making a noise ANT noise
õ A famous proverb goes, “Speech is silver; silence is gold.”
Sometimes saying nothing is better than speaking.
silent adj. 寂靜的 SYN quiet
ANT noisy
õ Students
should keep silent while their teachers are talking. 老師在說話時,學生應該保持安靜。
(1) in silence 靜靜地
SYN silently
• We didn’t know what to
say, so we just looked at each other in silence/silently.
(2) keep silent 保持沉默
(3) be silent about/on sth.
• Why is Lynn silent about/on this matter? Isn’t it
important to her ?
13. drown vi. 溺死 to die from being under water for too long
õ Without a second thought, the
woman [jumped into the river] and [saved the boy from drowning]. 這婦女毫不考慮就跳入河裡,解救男孩免遭溺死。
be drowned in 沉溺於;淹沒於
• Joey is drowned in love;
he doesn’t do anything but misses his girlfriend all day long.
14. surface n. [U] 表面 the outer or top part or layer of something
õ About 71 percent(n. [C] 百分之一) of the Earth’s
surface is covered
by water. 約有百分之71的地球表面被水覆蓋著。
(1) the earth’s surface 地球表面
(2) beneath/below/under
surface 表面之下;實際上
(3) on the surface 表面上;外表上
• The teacher was calm on
the surface but angry inside.
15. explain vt. 解釋;說明 to
tell in a way that helps people understand better; to give a reason for
õ Sometimes even science can’t explain the strange
things we find in nature.
explanation n. [C] 解釋;說明
õ In the interview, Miss Williams gave an explanation of why she had decided to
come to Taiwan
to study. 在面談中,Williams小姐解釋她為何決定來臺灣念書。
(1) explain oneself 說明某人自己的意思
• Explain yourself! Why did
you lie to me?
(2) in explanation of 作為⋯的說明
• Do you have anything to
say in explanation of your behavior?
explanatory adj.
• You need more explanatory
sentences in this paragraph. It’s not very clear.
16. ability n. [C] 能力 the state of being able to do something SYN skill
õ Cats have the ability to see in the dark. 貓有能力在黑暗中看見東西。
(1) to the best of one’s
ability 某人盡力地⋯
• Teddy tried to do the
research to the best of his ability.
(2) make use of one’s
ability in 利用某人⋯的才能
• Kevin made use of his
ability in writing and wrote a touching letter to Ann.
(3) develop one’s ability
in... 發展某人在⋯方面的才能
Judy wants to be a teacher in the future, so she takes classes to develop her
ability in teaching.
(1) able adj.
After many years of working and saving money, Ken was finally able to buy a
house for his family.
(2) enable vt.
• Honesty enables us to win
the respect of others.
illness n. [C] 疾病 a disease of the body or mind
SYN disease
õ Jordon has been in bed for a month because of a very serious illness. Jordon因為一場重病已臥床一個月。
ill adj. 生病的
• My dog hasn’t eaten
anything for two days. I think he is ill.
18. technology n. [U] 科技;工業技術 new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on
modern knowledge about science and computers
õ Modern technology makes communication
easier and cheaper than
before. 現代科技使得通訊比以前更容易、更便宜。
(1) apply/employ advanced
technology 運用先進科技
(2) the technology of
computers 電腦科技
(3) a new kind of
technology 新的科學技術
technological adj.
• Great technological
advances have brought many changes in our lives.
Words for Recognition
1. handcuffs n. [always pl.] 手銬
put sb. in handcuffs 把某人銬起來
2. chain n. [C] 鏈子
(1) food chain 食物鏈
(2) supply
chain 供應鏈
chain vt. 用鍊子鎖住;束縛住
• A dangerous dog should be
kept chained.
• My mother always complains
of being chained to her housework.
3. poker card n. [C] 撲克牌
poker face 撲克臉;無表情的臉
To be good at poker you must know how to keep a poker face, so the other
players won’t know what you are thinking about.
(1) 黑桃:spades (2) 紅心:hearts
(3) 方塊:diamonds (4) 梅花:clubs
4. Pavarotti n. 帕華洛帝(義大利音樂家,世界三大男高音之一)
Pavarotti(1935~2007)是義大利歌劇三大男高音之一。他父親是麵包師,母親是雪茄菸廠女工,他們都熱愛音樂。他於1961年開始職業演唱生涯,並到世界各地的歌劇院演唱。1990年在義大利為世界盃足球賽高歌,2006年也為冬季奧運高歌。Pavarotti常為難民及紅十字會歌唱募款,悲天憫人的胸懷令世人敬佩。他於2007年9月6日 因胰臟癌去世。
5. Ehrich Weiss n. 艾瑞克‧魏斯(胡迪尼的本名)
6. Hungary n. 匈牙利(歐洲國家)
hungry adj. 飢餓的;渴求的
• Babies cry when they are
• Todd was hungry for
caring from his family.
7. mechanic n. [C] 技工
8. workshop n. [C] 廠房;工作坊
9. superhuman adj. 優於常人的
1. run away 逃走
õ The child ran away when he saw
a big dog coming. 小孩看到大狗來時就跑掉了。
(1) run away from + 地方 從⋯⋯(地方)逃跑
• Customers ran away from
the burning restaurant.
(2) run away with + sb. 與、帶著某人一起逃跑
Because Judy’s parents didn’t agree with her marrying John, she decided to run
away with him.
run + Adv
(away/down/up/...) 後不接名詞,需先接介系詞 (from/with/into/...) 後才可接名詞。
• The children ran away
from the playground when they played hide-and-seek.
2. get rid of 擺脫;除去
õ Because the final exam is coming soon, I hope I can get rid of this cold as soon as possible. 因為期末考快到了,我希望我能儘快擺脫這場感冒。
3. take a deep
breath 深呼吸
õ Don’t worry. Take a deep breath,
and try to relax. 不用擔心。深呼吸,然後試著放輕鬆。
(1) save one’s breath某人不必費口舌
• Save your breath, Tina.
John won’t listen to a word you say.
(2) be out of breath 上氣不接下氣
• After miles of running,
Teddy was out of breath and had to stop for a rest.
vi. 呼吸

• Breathe deeply when you
are nervous; you may feel better after a while.
4. hold one’s breath 某人屏息;某人屏住呼吸
õ The audience held their breath
while the escape artist performed a dangerous act. 這位脫逃藝術家表演危險動作時,觀眾屏息以待。
5. and so on 等等;諸如此類 SYN and so
õ On weekends, I would relax by going to a movie, show, and so on. 週末時我會看電影、看表演等等來放鬆自己。
...and so on/forth 可寫成 ..., etc.(et cetera 縮寫;etc前面不可用and)。
• Jimmy does all the
housework at home. He has to do the dishes, mop the floor, clean the windows, and
so on/and so forth/etc.
6. to this day 至今
SYN up to now
õ To this day, people all over the world still remember Mother Teresa’s love
for poor people. 至今,全世界的人仍記得德雷莎修女對窮人的愛。
to the day 恰好;一天都不差
• We were married twenty
years ago to the day.