2019年1月15日 星期二

B5 U5* U6 Answers

Review (III)  Units Five & Six
I. 文意字彙與詞類變化
1. displayed                2. demonstrated    3. enhances                 4. alternative
5. improbable              6. ensure                   7. blow                   8. factor 
9. hired                    10. recommend        11. graduation             12. organization
13. statement              14. concluded       15. photographer

II. 文法選擇
16. B   17. A  18. D  19. C    20. B  

III. 綜合測驗
21. B   22. A  23. B  24. B  25. C  
26. A  27. B  28. C  29. D  30. C  

IV. 對話
31. D  32. B    33. A  34. B  35. C  

V. 閱讀測驗
36. C  37. C    38. D   39. B   40. A  

VI. 重組句子
41. The doctor ordered that the medicine not be taken with tea.
42. Walking for a long time, Gary became extremely tired.

VII. 改寫句子
43. Being offended/Offended by her classmates, Elaine left the classroom without saying a word.
44. Hearing the good news, Nancy jumped for joy.

VIII. 中譯英
45. Dealing with the children’s argument, you should treat them as fairly as possible.
IX. 英譯中

46. Sally自行支付去日本旅行的費用。

