2019年9月5日 星期四

Book 1 Unit 1 Do You Have Feelings for Me?

I. Words for Production
1. feeling [`filI9] n. [pl.] 感情 (someone’s emotions, especially love)
► Don’t lie to your friends. You will hurt their feelings.
hurt sb’s feelings 傷害某人的感情                 hide sb’s feelings 隱藏某人的情感
n. [C] 感覺 (what someone feels)
► I like to draw on books. It gives me a feeling of joy.
feeling of...  ……的感覺
2. nervous [`n3v1s] adj. 緊張的 (feeling worried or frightened)
  ► Daniel is nervous about riding a scooter for the first time.
be nervous about sth / doing sth 某事/做某事感到緊張
3. conversation [&kAnv2`seS1n] n. [C][U] 對話,交談 (an informal talk)
  ► The foreign student had a conversation with the clerk in Chinese.
have a conversation with sb 與某人談話                 make conversation 找話題,說應酬話
4. thus [D^s] adv. 所以,因此 SYN therefore, as a result
  (as a result of something mentioned)
  ► That Starbucks store is having a sale. Thus, it is full of people.
5. message [`mEsIdZ] n. [C] 訊息 (a piece of spoken or written information)
  Wonder Woman left a message for Superman and told him to come to the rooftop.
leave a message for sb (發話端)留言給某人
take a message for sb (接受端)給某人傳個話,為某人留言
send / give / deliver a message 傳一則訊息
text message / email message 簡訊/電郵訊息
6. hint [hInt] vt.; vi. 暗示 SYN imply
  (to say something indirectly)
  ► The ending of the movie hinted that the bad guy would be back.
hint that... 暗示……
hint [hInt] n. [C] 暗示
  ► I wanted to leave, but the salesperson didn’t get the hint. He just kept talking to me.
get / take the hint 了解暗示                              give / drop a hint 給暗示
7. offer [`Of2] vi.; vt. 提出,提供 SYN provide
  (to say what one is willing to do, or to give something)
  ► The guest house offered a free breakfast to its guests.
offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供某物給某人
offer [`Of2] n. [C] 提供
  ► Thank you for your offer of help. I really need it.
offer of sth 某事物的提議/提供
8. refuse [rI`fjuz] vt.; vi. 拒絕 SYN turn down ANT accept
(to say no)
► Linda refused to go to the beach with us during Ghost Month.
refuse to V 拒絕() ……                       refusal n. 拒絕
9. reply [rI`plaI] vi.; vt. 回答,回覆 (reply—replied—replied)
SYN respond, answer
(to say or write something as an answer)
► Don’t reply to the call. The number looks strange.
reply to... 回覆……
reply [rI`plaI] n. [C] 回答,回覆 SYN response, answer
Andy read my LINE messages but made no reply.
make no reply 不回答                             in reply to... 答覆……
10. attitude [`8t1&tjud] n. [C] 態度 (a feeling or an opinion about something or someone)
My mom’s attitude toward online games changed after she played one herself.
take a... attitude to / toward...  對……採取……的態度
11. confuse [k1n`fjuz] vt. 使困惑 (to make someone unable to understand)
This music video confuses me. I just don’t understand it.
confused adj. (某人)感到困惑的 (+ about)                confusing adj. (某事物)令人困惑的
II. Words for Recognition
1. app [8p] n. [C] 應用程式(= application)
appapplication縮寫,讀作[8p]而不是[e][pi][pi]。而mobile app則為「手機/行動應用程式」。
2. online [&An`laIn] adv. 線上,網上
反義 offline adv. 離線地                                    online adj. 線上的,網上的
online game n. [C] 網路遊戲                              online shopping ph. 網路購物
1. get along (with sb) (……) 相處融洽 SYN get on (with sb)
(to have a friendly relationship)
► My dog and cat get along well at home. They always play together.
2. carry on 進行,繼續下去 (to do or continue doing something) (+ N / V-ing)
Without enough money, the TV station cannot carry on the program.
3. to one’s surprise 令某人驚訝的是 (in a way that surprises someone)
延伸  類似用法:to one's joy 令某人開心的是                     to one’s shock 令某人震驚的是
To everyone’s surprise, the popcorn costs NT$1,000.
4. turn down 拒絕 SYN refuse, reject ANT accept
(to not accept)
turn down 關小,調低 (音量、光線、溫度等)
turn up 調高 (音量、光線、溫度等)
I can’t believe you just turned down the free trip!
( ) 1. I invited her to my birthday party, but she   . I felt disappointed. 91
(A) heard from me        (B) backed me up                     (C) turned me down       (D) put up with me
( ) 2. People all over the world show their basic emotions with similar facial expressions. 103
(A) feelings                     (B) positions                    (C) movements               (D) abilities
( ) 3. A strong typhoon is nearing Taiwan, so Tom's plan to go surfing on this weekend has been rejected by his father. 103
(A) filled out                   (B) brought up                (C) put off                        (D) turned down
May 29, at 10:30 p.m.
I went out with Joe today.
go out with + sb 「跟某人出去(約會)
Before the date, I thought there was something between us, but now I am not sure.
S + Vt + O
S + V (現在式)S + V­ed (過去式)
S + Vt + O
1. Alice loves cats.
2. Meg can dance well.
3. Kevin and Sam talked about their trip.

1. Alice loves cats.
          V     O
2. Meg can dance well.
3. Kevin and Sam talked about their trip.
                V     Prep    O

S+Vi (+ Prep + O)
1. 句子中,有主詞和動詞就可以表達完整的意思,這樣的動詞稱為「不及物動詞」(Vi)
¿ George smiles.
           S          Vi
2. Vi若要接受詞,必須先加上適當的介系詞。
¿ George smiles at Stacy.
           S          Vi  Prep O
S + Vt + O
¿ Justin took a photo.
        S      Vt      O
¿ Sam sees Justin’s photo.
      S     Vt            O
¿ I politely refused his offer.
    S                 Vt         O
¿ Joy asked Tony to leave, but he refused.
        S     Vi

2. ________________________________________________________________

1. Joe and I met on an app.
2. We met at a restaurant.
3. Joe just offered to walk me home.
4. How should I reply to him?
5. I asked to walk her home.

1. Didn’t he like me?
2. I politely refused his offer.
3. He sent a message to ask me out on another date!
4. His attitude really confused me.
5. Today, I finally met my Net pal, Ivy.
6. After dinner, Ivy mentioned a movie.
7. After we said goodbye, I sent her a message to ask her out again.

Let’s Try!


Every morning, I           a love letter.
Nora           at my hair.
A rainbow           in the sky.
My dad can           my mind.
Mark just           at the National Taichung Theater.

1. get
2. laughed
3. appears
4. read
5. arrived
1. Claire reads comic books every day.
2. The brothers were on the baseball team two years ago.
3. We will hold a party for Amanda tomorrow.
4. I am going to visit my grandparents next week.

1. Claire reads comic books every day.
2. The brothers were on the baseball team two years ago.
3. We will hold a party for Amanda tomorrow.
4. I am going to visit my grandparents next week.

S + V

1. 敘述「現在」的狀態、習慣或事實。
► I live with my family.
► The store opens at 10 a.m. every day.(習慣)
► The earth is round.(事實)
2. 常搭配的詞:alwaysusuallyoftensometimesevery day
S + V-ed

1. 敘述「過去」的事件、情況。
► This app was free last week.
► I had hotpot yesterday.
2. 常搭配的詞:yesterdaylastagoin the past
S + will / be going to + V
1. 敘述「未來」會發生的事件、情況。
► The story will appear on TV next month.
► The school is going to hold a sports day tomorrow.
2. be going to表達的語氣較肯定。
3. 常搭配的詞:tomorrownextin the future

1. (現在) __________________________________________________________
2. (過去) __________________________________________________________
3. (未來) __________________________________________________________

1. Now I am not sure.
2. Joe is a good guy.
3. Girls are so hard to understand!
4. I am not sure if Ivy likes me or not, but I want to see her again.
5. I am really nervous now.
1. I went out with Joe today.
2. Before the date, I thought there was something between us.
3. Joe and I met on an app, and we really got along with each other online.
4. I was so excited when he finally asked me out.
5. We met at a restaurant.
6. Joe was friendly, but I felt very nervous.
7. I couldn’t even carry on a conversation with him.
8. Thus, I sent messages to Lisa and asked her for help.
9. With Lisa’s help, everything went well.
10. Joe didn’t treat me to dinner.
11. Didn’t he like me?
12. After dinner, I hinted that I wanted to see a movie, but Joe just offered to walk me home.
13. I politely refused his offer, just because I thought he would ask me again.
14. When I began to lose hope, he sent a message to ask me out on another date!
15. His attitude really confused me.
16. Today, I finally met my Net pal, Ivy.
17. I felt so happy when she accepted my invitation to go out with me.
18. She was pretty and friendly.
19. During our date, she kept sending messages on her phone.
20. Perhaps she got bored with me.
21. After dinner, Ivy mentioned a movie.
22. Great idea, but it was already late.
23. I thought I could take her to the movies next time!
24. I asked to walk her home, but she turned me down.
25. I guessed this was too much for the first date, so I just walked her to the station.
26. Thus, after we said goodbye, I sent her a message to ask her out again.
1. I hope I will get a positive answer soon!
Let’s Try!
1. My name is Rebecca.
2. I                 (be) an American girl.
3. I                 (love) movies, history, and sports.
4. I                 (celebrate) my 14th birthday next week.
5. I                 (come) to Taiwan two days ago with my parents.
6. I                 (eat) a lot of Taiwanese snacks over the next few days.

2. am
3. love
4. will/am going to celebrate
5. came
6. will/am going to eat
1. 完全不及物動詞:S + Vi (+ Prep + O)
完全及物動詞:S + Vt + O

詞可分為實詞 (content word) 和虛詞 (function word)。實詞是指有意義的詞,能夠表達具體的概念,如名詞 (noun)、動詞 (verb)、形容詞 (adjective) 等。虛詞則為語法詞,一般沒有具體的意義,僅有文法功能,如冠詞 (article)、介系詞 (preposition)、連接詞 (conjunction) 等。
英文句子的基本組成要素包含主詞 (subject)、動詞 (verb)、受詞 (object)、補語 (complement) 、修飾語 (modifier) 等。可請學生根據單字在句中的擺放位置做簡單的句構分析,例如同樣的名詞,放在動詞前為主詞,放在動詞後則為受詞。
This book     is     my favorite.
    (主詞)     (動詞)     (補語)
I      bought    this book    yesterday.
(主詞)    (動詞)     (受詞)     (修飾語)
動詞可分為五大類:(1) 完全不及物動詞、 (2) 不完全不及物動詞、(3) 完全及物動詞、(4) 不完全及物動詞、(5) 授與動詞。
1. 完全不及物動詞:S + Vi (+ Prep + O)
2. 不完全不及物動詞:S + Vi + SC
3. 完全及物動詞:S + Vt + O
4. 不完全及物動詞:S + Vt + O + OC
5. 授與動詞:
(1) S + Vt + IO + DO
(2) S + Vt + DO + Prep + IO

1. 在句子中,「不及物動詞」(Vi) 的動作本身與其他人事物無關,後面不需要接受詞即可表達完整句意,而「及物動詞」(Vt) 後面則須接一個受詞接受其動作,使語意完整。
2. 有些動詞本身的意思有很多種,可能作某種解釋時是不及物動詞,作另一種解釋時是及物動詞。
Jimmy woke up late today. (vi. 醒來)
The loud voice of the radio woke me up. (vt. 喚醒)
完全不及物動詞句型:S + Vi
1. 完全不及物動詞本身意思完整,可單獨存在。
Birds fly.
The boy laughed.
2. Vi後面接受詞:S + Vi + Prep + O
完全不及物動詞後面若要接受詞,須用介系詞連接。如:look atsmile atlaugh atlisten totalk to等。
Children laughed at the joke.
Please look at the picture.
Don't talk to me now.
完全及物動詞句型:S + Vt + O
1. 完全及物動詞因涉及接受動作的對象,後面須加受詞才能完整表達語意。
I love you.
Michelle opened the window.
Harry fixed the computer.
例句中,loveopenfix為完全及物動詞,youthe windowthe computer為接受動作的受詞。
2. 完全及物動詞後面所接的受詞通常為名詞,包括一般名詞、代名詞、動名詞、不定詞、wh­不定詞片語、名詞子句等。
Laura cleaned her room.
I like him. (O:代名詞)
We enjoy learning English.
I want to read the story.
Sara doesn't know what to do.
Kevin forgot that he should finish the work by Friday. (O:名詞子句)

A. 找出各句中的主詞 (S)、完全不及物動詞(Vi) 或完全及物動詞 (Vt) 以及受詞 (O),分別在其下方畫上底線,並標示其代號。
1. My sister usually exercises right after she wakes up.
2. Amber wrote a popular story about her and her pet dog.
3. The test will end at 11:30 a.m.
4. We saw a car accident yesterday.
5. Carter and his sister built a tree house in the backyard.
B. 將下列句子中屬於S + Vi (+ Prep + O)用法者寫I,屬於S + Vt + O用法者寫T
( ) 1. We read the story of the famous singer on the newspaper.
( ) 2. It usually rains heavily in the afternoon this month.
( ) 3. My brother always goes to school by bus.
( ) 4. Penny lost the ball game
( ) 5. We will celebrate Christmas together at home this year.
1. My sister (S) usually exercises (Vi) right after she wakes (Vi) up.
2. Amber (S) wrote (Vt) a popular story (O) about her and her pet dog.
3. The test (S) will end (Vi) at 11:30 a.m.
4. We (S) saw (Vt) a car accident (O) yesterday.
5. Carter and his sister (S) built (Vt) a tree house (O) in the backyard.
1. T 2. I 3. I 4. T 5. T

Joe and I met on an app, and we really got along with each other online.
S + Vi (+ Prep + O)
each other (兩者之間) 彼此,互相」
I was so excited when he finally asked me out.
We met at a restaurant.
☆ 某個特定地點 (如餐廳、商店) 用介系詞at某個空間 (如城市、房間) 用介系詞in
Joe was friendly, but I felt very nervous.
I couldn’t even carry on a conversation

 with him.
Thus, I sent messages

 to Lisa and asked her for help.
ask sb for help 「向某人求助」
With Lisa’s help, everything went well.
with sb's help = with the help of sb「有了/因為某人的幫忙」
原句可改為:With the help of Lisa....
However, to my surprise, Joe didn’t treat me to dinner.
treat sb to sth 「以某物招待某人」
Didn’t he like me?
After dinner, I hinted that I wanted to see a movie, but Joe just offered

 to walk me home.
walk sb home 「走路送某人回家」
walk sb out 「走路送某人出去」常用於主人要送客人離開時
drive sb home 「開/騎車送某人回家」
I politely refused his offer, just because I thought he would ask me again.
Word Smart
slow + ly → slowly 緩慢地
polite + ly → politely 有禮貌地
simple + y → simply 簡單地
easy + ily → easily 容易地
usually → ____________ 通常
angrily → ____________ 生氣地
1. 直接在形容詞字尾加上­ly
real → really 真正地
beautiful → beautifully 美麗地
dangerous → dangerously 危險地
safe → safely 安全地
legal → legally 合法地
special → specially 特別地
true → truly 真實地
2. 形容詞字尾為子音 + y,先去掉y,再加ily
happy → happily 快樂地
lucky → luckily 幸運地
busy → busily 忙碌地
lazy → lazily 懶惰地
shy → shyly 害羞地
3. 形容詞字尾為pleble,先去掉字尾e,再加 y
simple → simply 簡單地
possible → possibly 可能地
comfortable → comfortably 舒服地
terrible → terribly 可怕地
4. 形容詞結尾為ll,直接加y
full → fully 完全地
注意:有些字雖然是­ly結尾,但不是副詞,而是形容詞。例:friendly (友善的)lovely (可愛的)lonely (寂寞的)only (唯一的)ugly (醜陋的)

When I began to lose hope, he sent a message to ask me out on another date!miss
begin + to V / V­ing 「開始……
ask sb out (on a date) 「約某人出去(約會)
ask在此處為「邀請」的意思,date意為 「約會」,搭配介系詞on
How should I reply

 to him?
Joe is a good guy, but his attitude really confused


12. accept [1k`sEpt] vt.; vi. 接受 ANT refuse, reject, turn down
(to say yes)
► The singer refused all of the gifts from his fans. He only accepted their cards.
accept sth from sb 接受某人給的某物
13. invitation [&Inv1`teS1n] n. [C] 邀請 (a request asking someone to join an activity or event)
► Megan did not accept her ex­boyfriend’s invitation to dinner.
invitation to...  ……的邀請                      invite vt. 邀請
invite sb to sth 邀請某人去……               invite sb to V 邀請某人() ……
invite sb over 邀請某人到家中
14. mention [`mEnS1n] vt. 提到 (to briefly talk or write about someone or something)
► Josh mentioned his plan to me, but I can’t remember.
mention... to sb 對某人提起……
15. positive [`pAz1tIv] adj. 正面的,肯定的 ANT negative
(supporting or saying yes to something)
► Most people are positive about the new traffic rules because they think the rules are helpful.
be positive about... 對……感到樂觀                 on the positive side 從好的方面看
II. Words for Recognition
3. Net pal [`nEt&p8l] n. [C] 網友
Net pal為在手機app、網路遊戲、社群網站等平臺交到的朋友,也可稱為 Internet friend / net friend / online friend
netizen n. [C] 網民,鄉民
netizen是由網路 (net / Internet) 和公民(citizen) 拼綴而成,指網路上的群眾。
pal n. [C] (口語)好友,夥伴
其他例子:old pal (老友)pen pal (筆友)
May 29, at 10:45 p.m.
Girls are so hard to understand!
Today, I finally met my Net pal, Ivy.
同位語為名詞或名詞片語,放在另一個名詞或名詞片語後面補充說明。此處Ivy放在my Net pal後面來補充說明網友的名字,中間以逗點隔開。
I felt so happy when she accepted my invitation to go out with me.
She was pretty and friendly.
However, during our date, she kept sending messages on her phone.
keep 「一直……」,後接動名詞V­ing
Perhaps she got bored with me,
perhaps adv. 或許,可能  同義 maybe
be / get bored with... 「對……感到厭倦」
連綴動詞get + Adj表示「變得……」的意思,詳細用法可參考Unit 2文法句型1
After dinner, Ivy mentioned a movie.
perhaps adv. 或許,可能  同義 maybe
be / get bored with... 「對……感到厭倦」
連綴動詞get + Adj表示「變得……」的意思,詳細用法可參考Unit 2文法句型1
Great idea, but it was already late.
I thought I could ask her to the movies next time!
I asked to walk her home, but she turned me down.
ask to V 「請求允許() ……
I guessed this was too much for the first date, so I just walked her to the station.
S + Vt + O
指示代名詞 this
I am not sure if Ivy likes me or not, but I want to see her again.
if...or not 「是否」
Thus, after we said goodbye, I sent her a message to ask her out again.
I am really nervous now. I hope I will get a positive answer soon!
S + Vt + OS + will + V (未來式)
get an answer 「得到回答/回覆」

類似用法:receive an answer

