2019年9月2日 星期一

B3L1 Vocabulary

I. Words for Production
1. neighborhood [`neb2&h5d] n. [C] an area of a particular place, or the people who live there 鄰近區域
 ► There are a few nice restaurants in this neighborhood.
2. appreciate [1`priSI&et] vt. to recognize the special or good qualities of something or someone 欣賞
 After reading some books about poetry, I gradually learn to appreciate the beauty of poetry.
3. cultural [`k^ltS1r1l] adj. relating to the customs, beliefs, and ways of life that are shared by a group of people 文化的
 ► We paid a visit to the museum to know more about the country’s rich cultural history. 
culture [`k^ltS2] n. [C][U]  文化
 ► In some cultures, asking how much money someone makes is not polite. 
4. humorous [`hjum1r1s]      adj. funny 滑稽的,幽默的
 ► This is a very humorous story. I always laugh when I read it. 
humor [`hjum2] n. [U]  幽默 ()
 ► Mr. Norman has a great sense of humor, and he always makes us laugh a lot with his jokes.
5. observation [&Abz2`veS1n] n. [C] a comment about something that someone has seen or noticed (觀察到的) 意見,評論 SYN remark
 ► Ivy made some personal observations about love and life on her website. 
n. [U] the act of watching someone or something carefully in order to get information 觀察
 ► The sick boy will be kept under observation in the hospital overnight. 
observe [1b`z3v] vt. (formal) 觀察到,注意到
 ► My father observed a strange man entering our neighbor’s house. 我父親注意到一位陌生男子進入我們鄰居的房子。 
6. view [vju] n. [C] a person’s way of thinking about something 
觀點,見解 SYN opinion
 In my view, having a lot of money does not always make people happy. 
view [vju] vt. 看作,看待 SYN see
 ► A successful person views every challenge as a chance of learning. 成功的人會將每一次的挑戰看作是學習的機會。 
7. society [s1`saI1tI] n. [U][C] people living together in organized communities with shared values and traditions 社會
 ► In modern society, it is common for people to carry their cell phones with them all the time.
social [`soS1l] adj. 社會的
 ► When a country’s economy is bad, more social problems are likely to occur. 
8. note [not] vt. (formal) to notice or observe something with careful attention 注意到,留意 SYN notice
 ► Please note that the art museum is not open on Mondays. 
9. express [Ik`sprEs] vt. to tell or show a feeling or an opinion by using words, looks, or actions 表達
 ► Ron usually expresses his anger by shouting.
expression [Ik`sprES1n] n. [C][U] 表達
► Bill sometimes cooks for his wife as an expression of his love for her. 
10. praise [prez] vt. to express open admiration or strong approval of someone or something 稱讚,讚美 ANT criticize
  ► The cook felt proud when the customers praised her for her cooking. 
praise [prez] n. [U] 稱讚,讚美 ANT criticism
  ► Laura was full of praise for the movie and strongly suggested that we see it. 


