2019年9月20日 星期五

高頻單字Unit 7

Unit 7
1. mention [ˋmɛnʃən] v. n. 提及 = refer to, speak about   105 103 102 101 98 97 96 95 92 91 88
My husband has no free time on the weekend, not to mention during the week.
During her speech, Dr. Chen made no mention of her disease.
補充(1) Dont mention it. 不用客氣。                                                                                           96
(2) make a / no mention of… /沒有提及……
2. create [krɪˋet] v. 創造 = invent, make                                                       104 103 102 101 93 91 88
The new factory will create hundreds of jobs for this town.
creative [krɪˋetɪv] adj. 有創造力的;創新的 = inventive, original                                       94 93
The creative artist made this sculpture out of some recycled materials.
creativity [͵krieˋtɪvətɪ] n. 創造力                                                                                                       93
The children use their creativity to make the kite. 小孩們運用創造力來做這風箏。
creation [krɪˋeʃən] n. 創造(物)                                                                                             101 91
This painting is one of the greatest creations from the Middle Ages.
3. therefore [ˋðɛr͵for] adv. 因此                                                                             105 100 98 94 92 91
I still have a lot of work to do. Therefore, I must work overtime today.
4. decide [dɪˋsaɪd] v. 決定 = determine                                                105 102 101 99 98 95 91 90
We decided to go to Hokkaido for our honeymoon. 我們決定去北海道度蜜月。
補充decide on + N 決定採用…… decide against + N 決定不……
decision [dɪˋsɪʒən] n. 決定 = determination                                                            104 95 91 90
The committee finally came to a decision on this issue. 委員會終於在此議題上做出決定。
補充(1) decision-making 決策(的過程)
(2) make / reach a fair / final / poor / wise decision on / about + N 在……上做出公平/最終/不好/明智的決定
5. audience [ˋɔdɪəns] n. 觀眾;聽眾 = viewers, spectators                                                     97 94
The audience gave a big hand to the clown show. 觀眾給小丑表演大大的掌聲。
補充(1) audience rating 收視率
(2) audience 指一場次所有的觀眾,audiences 表示不同場次的所有觀眾。
6. discover [dɪsˋkʌvɚ] v. 發現 = uncover                                                                     104 102 99 90
I discovered some swallows building a nest on the beam of my house.
7. million [ˋmɪljən] n. 百萬                                                                                          105 101 99 98 97
Millions of refugees fled to Europe for safety. 上百萬難民為了安全逃到歐洲。
millionaire [͵mɪljənˋɛr] n. 百萬富翁
Joseph hit the jackpot and became a millionaire. 約瑟夫中了頭獎成為百萬富翁。
8. express [ɪkˋsprɛs] v. 表達 = voice n. 快遞(公司)adj. 快速的 = speedy         104 101 96 89
Please express yourself freely at the gathering. 請在聚會中盡情地表達你自己。
I want to send this letter by express. 這封信我要寄快遞。
Frank took the express train to the city to meet his client.
9. regard [rɪˋgɑrd] v. n. 認為;尊重 = consider; respect disregard                       103 99 91 90
Ms. Chen is regarded as the most humorous teacher in school.
The snob shows little regard for the feelings of others.
補充in / with regard to + N 關於……(= regarding
disregard [͵dɪsrɪˋgɑrd] v. n. 不理會;不尊重 = ignore, overlook                                               90
The teenage boy disregarded the guests and continued playing his video game.
The motorcycle gang showed total disregard for traffic rules.
regards [rɪˋgɑrdz] n. 關心;問候                                                                                                92 85
Please send/give my best regards to your family. 請代我問候你的家人。
10. perfect [pɚˋfɛkt] v. 使完美                                                                                                           105
I decided to take an advanced class to perfect my computer skills.
perfect [ˋpɝfɪkt] adj. 完美的;理想的 = ideal, flawless defective, imperfect                 105
It looks like Gino has a perfect life, but he seems rather unhappy.
11. topic [ˋtɑpɪk] n. 主題 = subject                                                                                            98 97 91
Whats the main topic of the discussion? 討論會的主題是什麼?
補充discuss / explore a current / special topic 討論/探索當今/特別的主題
12. sample [ˋsæmp!] v. 抽樣檢查;品嚐 = examine; try    n. 樣品                                                   89
The customer came to our factory and sampled the new products.
There’s a variety of food at the buffet. I’d better sample each dish first.
The boy handed out free samples of lotion on the street.
補充(1) a blood sample 抽血樣本                 (2) a urine sample 尿液樣本
13. spirit [ˋspɪrɪt] n. 靈魂;精神;情緒 = ghost; vitality; temper                                                       88
An evil spirit haunted the castle and scared all beings away.
Although the coach is out of town, he’s with the team in spirit.
The teacher always keeps our class in high spirits. 這老師教課總是讓學生興致勃勃的。
補充The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 心有餘而力不足。
(1) guiding spirit 靈魂人物                     (2) holy spirit 神祇
(3) in good/high spirits 心情愉快
14. diving [ˋdaɪvɪŋ] n. 潛水 = dive                                                                                                        105 96
It’s necessary to wear a diving suit before you dive into the water.
補充diving board 跳水板
15. drown [draʊn] v. 溺水;淹沒                                                                                                            96
Fifteen people in the village were drowned in the flood. 村落中有15 人在洪水中溺斃。
Mom drowned the pork chop in soy sauce. 媽媽把豬排浸在醬油裡面。
16. degree [dɪˋgri] n. 度數;等級;學位 = grade; diploma                                                               92
Temperatures are expected to reach a high of 25 degrees Celsius today.
今天高溫預期可達攝氏25 度。
What you said may be truthful to a degree. 你所說的話有某些程度的真實性。
補充(1) by degrees 逐漸地(= gradually, little by little
(2) earn / receive a bachelor’s / master’s / doctoral degree 取得學士/碩士/博士學位
17. delay [dɪˋle] v. n. 延遲;延期 = postpone, put off                                                 105 101 99 95
The storm delayed the flight a whole day. 暴風雨延遲了班機一整天。
An unexpected delay in shipment was caused by the airport strike.
補充without delay 沒有延遲地,立即地(= immediately, instantly, at once
18. former [ˋfɔrmɚ] adj. 前者的;從前的 = previous; past latter; later                                      93
My family love to keep dogs and cats; however, I prefer the former to the latter.
The park was actually a landfill in former days. 這個公園之前其實是座垃圾掩埋場。
19. explain [ɪkˋsplen] v. 解釋 = illuminate, interpret                                                                            102
Ted clearly explained to us why he made such a choice.
explanation [͵ɛkspləˋneʃən] n. 解釋                                                                                          101
My boyfriend owed me an explanation for his absence from my birthday party.
20. hint [hɪnt] v. n. 暗示                                                                                                                          96
The teacher hinted that someone was cheating on the exam. 老師暗示考試中有人作弊。
Can you give me the slightest hint about the riddle? 可否給我關於此謎語一點點提示?
補充drop / give an obvious / a subtle hint about N / of N / that 子句 給予關於某事明顯/隱約的暗示
21. paint [pent] v. 油漆;繪畫 = brush; portray   n. 油漆;顏料                                 102 100 99 89
Dad painted the bicycle blue. 爸爸把腳踏車漆成藍色。
The little boy is painting a picture on the whiteboard. 那小男孩正在白板上畫畫。
Lindamixed the paints to create the color she wants. 琳達混合顏料來創造出她要的顏色。
painting ['pent ] n.                                                                                                                          96
The gallery has an exhibition of oil paintings. 藝廊舉辦一個油畫展。
22. lobby [ˋlɑbɪ] v. 對議員等遊說 n. 大廳;遊說                                                                        104 100 92
They lobbied for the bill for Gender Equality in Employment Law.
We met the client in the hotel lobby. 我們在飯店大廳和客戶會面。
23. local [ˋlok!] adj. 當地的;局部的 = regional           n. 本地人                               105 102 101 88
Mr. Sun has worked at a local school for twenty years. 孫老師在當地學校已服務20 年。
The tour group hired a local to be their guide. 旅行團僱用當地人當嚮導。
補充(1) local government / time 當地政府/時間   (2) local paper / radio station 地方報紙/廣播電台
24. proud [praʊd] adj. 驕傲的 humble, modest                                                                             97
We are proud of our school’s well-equipped labs. 我們以學校設備完善的實驗室為傲。
I am proud that my son was admitted to a medical school. 我很驕傲我兒子考上了醫學院。
25. symbol [ˋsɪmb!] n. 象徵 = sign                                                                                              102 98
A skull is often used as a symbol of Death. 骷髏頭常被用來當成是死神的象徵。
26. raise [rez] v. 養育;舉起;提高 = breed; elevate; lift           n. 提高;加薪                         98 93
My parents raised us to respect others. 我的父母教養我們要尊敬他人。
Raise your glass and lets make a toast. 舉杯讓我們來乾杯吧!
Dad got a raise last month. 爸爸上個月加薪了。
27. repeat [rɪˋpit] v. n. 重複                                                                                                      104 100 94
The three-year-old kid often repeats what she has heard. 這三歲娃兒常重複她所聽到的話。
Mom watches Korean drama repeats in the daytime. 媽媽白天看韓劇的重播。
補充(1) repeat a year 留級                             (2) repeat oneself 重複做/說
repeatedly [rɪˋpitɪdlɪ] adv. 重複地 = again and again                                                                 103 96
The little girl wants to hear the story repeatedly at bedtime.
28. tour [tʊr] n. 旅遊 = trip, travel                                                                                                    104 90
My parents went on a tour of Europe last week. 我的父母上星期去歐洲旅遊了。
補充(1) a study / package tour 遊學團/套裝行程的旅遊
(2) a city / sightseeing tour 市內/觀光旅遊
(3) a concert / speaking tour 巡迴演唱會/演講
tourist [ˋtʊrɪst] n. 遊客                                                                                                                 101 96
A party of tourists is visiting the Lungshan Temple. 一群觀光客在參訪龍山寺。
29. race [res] v. 賽跑;全速行進 = hurry, dash            n. 種族;比賽                                               92
The firefighters raced against the clock to put out the burning cinema.
The boys raced the sheep down the hill. 男孩們追著羊跑下山坡。
Do you think that the human race was created by God? 你認為人類是上帝創造的嗎?
Twelve of our classmates entered the relay race. 我們班有12 個同學參加大隊接力賽。
補充(1) a race car 賽車                                   (2) a horse race 賽馬
30. slide [slaɪd] v. 滑動;偷偷移動(三態:slide, slid, slid n. 滑落;幻燈片;溜滑梯       101
The boys slid on the waxed floor in socks. 男孩穿著襪子在打了蠟的地板上滑行。
Jack gave us a slide show of his trip to Europe. 傑克讓我們看他到歐洲旅遊的幻燈片。
補充slide phone 滑蓋手機
31. palm [pɑm] n. 手掌;棕櫚樹(= palm tree
The old man earns a living by reading palms.
補充(1) palm oil 棕櫚油                                  (2) palm reader 看手相的人
Unit 7 小試身手

I. 單字選填題
(A) raise         (B) decision           (C) diving               (D) painting           (E) mention
(  ) 1. You should think very cautiously before you make an important _____.                              95
(  ) 2. A: What do you think of this _____?  B: It’s colorful and lively.                                             96
(  ) 3. This concert was held in order to _____ money for handicapped children.
(  ) 4. Both coral and fish allow businessmen on the island to earn much money from scuba _____ each year.                                                                                                                                         96
(  ) 5. A: Thank you for your timely help. B: Don’t _____ it.                                                                 90

. 字彙選擇題
(  ) 1. The famous singer’s wonderful voice made a deep impression on the viewers.
(A) dessert                 (B) creation                   (C) degree                     (D) audience                 97
(  ) 2. J. K. Rowling invented a child who escapes from the boundaries of the adult world and goes to a place where he has magic power.
(A) created         (B) insisted             (C) raced                 (D) decided                  91
(  ) 3. Many of the drivers ignored traffic rules and made life difficult for other drivers and people walking in the street.
(A) drowned       (B) discovered       (C) expressed        (D) disregarded            90
(  ) 4. I heard you’ve just come back from Australia. Was it a nice study _____?
(A) hint                (B) slide                  (C) race                   (D) tour                           90
(  ) 5. Due to heavy snow on the runway, all the flights were _____ for nearly eight hours.
(A) disregarded (B) delayed             (C) dived                 (D) divided                     95

. 填空式翻譯題
1. 在臺灣,某些高中學校的制服是優秀及榮譽的象徵。                                                                       98
In Taiwan, some high school uniforms are (s)__________ __________ excellence and honor.
2. 一度被視為無可救藥的病有可能在後來找到治療的方法。                                                               91
A disease which is (r)__________ __________ incurable at one time may later respond to treatment.
3. 覺得累壞了,瑪莉莎無精打采地吃完她的晚餐。

Feeling tired out, Melissa finished her dinner __________ very low (s)__________.

