2020年10月8日 星期四





雙重否定句:no/not/never...without + N/V-ing




1. No one is allowed to apply for the program without the necessary paperwork.

2. You cannot attend the party without an invitation.

3. It is never a good idea to take a job without finding out enough information about it in advance.


Let’s Try!

A. 根據句型及中文填入最適當的字詞以完成下列英文句子。每格限填一字。

1. 小寶寶沒有媽媽在身邊就無法入睡。
The baby _____________ fall asleep _____________ his mother by his side.

2. Irene每次跟我聊天一定會抱怨她的工作。

Irene _____________ chats with me without _____________ about her job.

3. Miranda每次出門一定會帶她的手機。

Miranda _____________ goes out _____________ her cell phone.

4. 沒有人可以不努力就成功。

_____________ one can succeed _____________ hard.



1. cannot/can’t... without

2. never... complaining

3. never... without

4. No... without working


B. Jessie的父母即將離家旅行五天,他們寫了一張紙條叮嚀Jessie


Dear Jessie,

Your dad and I are going on a trip for five days. So, there are a few things that we want you to keep in mind. First, 1                                                                                                        

                                   (never/go out/lock/the door). And 2                                                             (never/leave/a room/turn off/the lights). As for your schoolwork, 3      

                                                       (you/should/not/watch TV/finish/your homework/first). In addition, 4    

                                      (you/can/not/bring/your friends/home/our permission). We’ll be back on Monday night, and you can be sure that 5                                                                             

               (we/will/not/return home/some nice presents/for you)! Remember to take good care of yourself. We’ll miss you every day.



Mom and Dad



1. never go out without locking the door

2. never leave a room without turning off the lights

3. you should not/shouldn’t watch TV without finishing your homework first

4. you cannot/can’t bring your friends home without our permission

5. we will not/won’t return home without some nice presents for you




S + leave/keep/find + O + OC (Adj/V-ing/Vpp)

leavekeepfind不完全及物動詞,其接受詞 (O) 後須再接受詞補語 (OC) 以表達完整意思。常見的受詞補語為形容詞 (Adj)、表主動的現在分詞 (V­ing) 及表被動的過去分詞 (Vpp)leavekeep在此表示「使某人/某物保持……狀態」;find表示「發現某人/某物處於……狀態」。



1. You may find the work boring or backbreaking.


2. Mark kept Rachel waiting for almost an hour.


3. David left his bedroom door closed when he went out.



Let’s Try!

A. 圈選出正確的答案以完成下列句子。

1. Steve found the experience (newly, new) to him.

2. The kindergarten teacher left the child (cry, crying) alone.

3. Nicole cried when she found her bike (stealing, stolen).

4. Ben often keeps the water (run, running) while he brushes his teeth.



1. new

2. crying

3. stolen

4. running


B. 以下為一份綠豆湯 (mung bean soup) 的食譜,根據句型及提示字完成食譜的各個步驟。


300g mung beans ◆ sugar ◆ 1.5L water 

(g = gram克,L = liter公升)


1. Wash the mung beans. If you 1                                

             (find/any mung beans/float/on the top), remove them.

2. Put the beans and the water into a pot. 2                        

                    (leave/a lid/cover/the pot) when cooking the beans.

3. Bring the water to a boil and 3                                

            (keep/the beans/boil) for ten minutes.

4. Turn off the gas for ten minutes.

5. Turn on the gas again and cook for another three minutes.

6. Add some sugar to the mung bean soup and taste it. Continue to add sugar until you 4                                                               (find/it/sweet enough).

7. Cover the pot with the lid again and 5                           

                  (keep/the lid/shut) for another ten minutes.

8. Turn off the gas. It’s time to enjoy your mung bean soup!



1. find any mung beans floating on the top

2. Leave a lid covering the pot

3. keep the beans boiling

4. find it sweet enough

5. keep the lid shut


