2020年10月8日 星期四






that子句同位語:N + that-clause




1. Im sorry to hear the news that you lost the game.

N     (說明news的內容)

2. My father has a belief that hard work will finally pay off.

N         (說明belief的內容)

3. David wanted to give the Brazilian some reassurance that everything                             N     (說明reassurance


was fine.

4. Many people have the misconception that the thumbs-up gesture was

N        (說明misconception的內容)

first used when the emperor in ancient Rome wanted to spare someones life.


Let’s Try!

A. 根據句型合併下列句子。第一題為範例。

1.  I have an idea.

We can go to the movie later.

I have an idea that we can go to a movie later.                   

2.  Jessie has the hope.

She will be able to pass the exam tomorrow.


3.  It is my personal opinion.

The boy should be punished for stealing.


4.  Ray wasn’t aware of the fact.

His father had been out of work for months.


5.  I have heard the news.

My favorite American actor will visit Taiwan next month.




2. Jessie has the hope that she will be able to pass the exam tomorrow.

3. It is my personal opinion that the boy should be punished for stealing.

4. Ray wasn’t aware of the fact that his father had been out of work for months.

5. I have heard the news that my favorite American actor will visit Taiwan next month.


B. 根據句型及提示字回答下列問題。

1. A: What news did you hear? (news/a typhoon would arrive soon)
B: I heard

2. A: What idea made the businessman successful? (idea/time is money)
                                                   made him successful.

3. A: Why do you carry that cross (十字架) all the time? (belief/it can bring me good luck)

B: It’s because I have                                               


4. A: What idea do most modern women disagree with? (idea/men don’t have to share housework)

B: Most modern women disagree with                                    


5. A: What has made Jay stop smoking? (fact/smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer)


has made him stop smoking.



1. the news that a typhoon would arrive soon

2. The idea that time is money

3. the belief that it can bring me good luck

4. the idea that men don’t have to share housework

5. The fact that smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer




No other + A + be + as Adj as + B

本句型是利用形容詞原級的句型(...as Adj as...)表達出最高級的意思,作「沒有任何AB 更……」解。注意be動詞的單複數型應與A一致。



1. In Brazil, no other gesture is as offensive as the OK sign.

2. No other students in this class are as smart as Emma.

3. To the tourist, no other situation was as embarrassing as his experience in the restaurant.


Let’s Try!

A. 根據句型改寫下列句子。第一題為範例。

1. Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taiwan.

No other building in Taiwan is as tall as Taipei 101             .

2. For me, math is the most difficult subject in school.

For me, no other subjects in school                          .

3. My mom is the busiest person in my family.


4. Thomas is the funniest friend of mine.


5. The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.




2. are as difficult as math

3. No other person in my family is as busy as my mom./

No other people in my family are as busy as my mom.

4. No other friend of mine is as funny as Thomas./

No other friends of mine are as funny as Thomas.

5. No other animal in the world is as big as the blue whale./

No other animals in the world are as big as the blue whale.


B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。第一題為範例。

1. My father has a good sense of humor. In fact, no other man Ive ever met is as humorous as my father                                           

(man/Ive ever met/humorous/my father).

2. Mrs. Potter is always patient with her students. In my opinion,          

                                                                       (teacher/in the world/patient/Mrs. Potter).

3. Ryan has been the captain (隊長) of the school swim team for two years. It seems that                                                            

                                     (swimmer/in our school/fast/he is).

4. Whenever I need help, Linda always tries her best to help me out. For me,                                                                     

(girl/I know/thoughtful/Linda).

5. I have a loving and caring family. I really believe that                  

                                          (person/on earth/lucky/I am).



2. no other teacher in the world is as patient as Mrs. Potter/

no other teachers in the world are as patient as Mrs. Potter

3. no other swimmer in our school is as fast as he is/

no other swimmers in our school are as fast as he is

4. no other girl I know is as thoughtful as Linda/

no other girls I know are as thoughtful as Linda

5. no other person on earth is as lucky as I am/

no other people on earth are as lucky as I am


