2020年10月7日 星期三


 Unit 1



1. considerable    2. vital       3. beneficial    4. signal      5. issued

6. financial       7. tourists   8. insulted        9. equal     10. misunderstood

II.1. B   2. B   3. D   4. C   5. A

III.1. D   2. A   3. B   4. D   5. C

IV.1. A   2. D   3. B   4. C  

V.1. C   2. C   3. B   4. D


1. The doctor gave me a suggestion that I should quit smoking.

2. No other friends of mine are as kind as Sarah.

3. No other lake in Taiwan is as big as Sun Moon Lake.


1. It; goes; without; saying

2. made; for; exit

3. take; place; violence

4. 長時間曬太陽可能引起許多皮膚問題。


1. C   2. B   3. D   4. B   5. A



1. beneficial; financial

2. insulting; desire; to

3. bumped; automatic

4. issued; violence

5. tourist; considerable


1. No other friend of mine is as kind as Kyle.

2. No other student in Tina’s class is as tall as John.

3. I have heard the news that the gas price is going up again.

4. My brother has the hope that he will become a writer one day.

5. Jane wasn’t aware of the fact that her husband had been out of work for weeks.


1. 這門課程可以給你關於經濟學的清楚概念。事實上,你只需要具備一些基礎


2. 這位畫家的作品引起了大眾對男女平權的注意。

3. It goes without saying that food safety is an important public issue.

4. After the movie ended, the audience gradually made for the exit.   

5. In Greece, people consider it insulting to make a thumbs-up gesture.


Unit 2



1. barrier           2. dawn                   3. reward    4. labor         5. enabled

6. explosion   7. complicated    8. assistant   9. applications  10. judgments

II.1. A   2. D   3. C   4. B   5. B

III.1. D   2. C   3. B   4. A   5. A

IV.1. B   2. A   3. D   4. C

V.1. D   2. B   3. A


1. Nancy never goes out without telling her parent.

2. No one is allowed to go into the laboratory without the teacher’s permission.

3. playing

4. locked


1. pros; and; cons

2. in; the; first; place

3. paid; off

4. Lucy不願意參加戶外活動。她偏愛待在家裡看書。


1. B   2. D   3. C   4. C   5. A



1. barriers; troublesome; adapted

2. adventure; exploring; attractions

3. reward; cleaning; up

4. earned; university

5. depend; assist; complicated


1. Frank left the window open for some fresh air.

2. Paul found his wallet stolen in the night market.

3. Ida never sees Alex without asking him to get himself a pair of glasses.

4. Tina cannot use the computer without finishing her homework.

5. No one can get/gets on the train without buying a ticket.


1. 在與雙親及老師們討論利弊之後,Jessica願意參加舞蹈比賽。

2. 如果你想在週末住這間熱門的飯店,事先訂房是很重要的。

3. When you go rock climbing, don’t let fear hold you back.

4. Karen didn’t want to go to the movies with George, but she didn’t reject his suggestion in the first place.

5. In my judgment, Mike’s experiment will pay off soon.



