2021年2月20日 星期六



1. abandon      放棄 v.

  = desert = forsake = discard

2. ability  能力 n.

= competence = capacity = capability

= faculty

3. abolish 廢除 v.

= cancel = do away with = put an end to = nullify

= annul = abrogate

4. aboriginal  土著的;原始的 adj.

  = native = indigenous

4. abridge 縮短 v.

= abbreviate = shorten       

5. absurd  荒謬的 adj.

= ridiculous = ludicrous = hilarious

5. abundance  充裕;豐富 n.

  = sufficiency

5. abuse  虐待;濫用;辱罵 v.

  = maltreat = ill-use = scold = curse

5. adherent  追隨者、擁護者 n. 黏著的;附著的

  = supporter = believer = advocate = fanatic

5. advertisement  廣告 n.

  = commercial

6. academic  學術的 adj.

  = scholarly

6. academy  學院;學會 n.

  = college

6. accelerate  加速 v.

= speed up = hasten = quicken = hurry

7. accessory  附加物 n.

= addition = supplement    

8. accompany  陪伴;伴隨;使附帶 v.

  = go with = follow = co-exist = occur with

8. accomplish 實現、完成 v.

 = achieve = realize = fulfill = carry out = finish

 = complete

9. accord  一致 n.

= harmony = agreement     

10. accomplishment       成就 n.

= achievement = feat

11. accumulate  累積;聚積物 n.

   = collection = gathering

11. accurate  正確的 adj.

= correct = right = exact = truthful          

12. acquire      獲得 v.

= gain = obtain = get = earn = secure

13. acronym  首字母縮寫字 n.

   = short form = ellipsis

13. acronymic  首字母縮寫的 adj.

   = acronymous

13. admit  承認 v.

= recognize = acknowledge

13. act  行動;表演 v.

   = conduct oneself = behave = perform = play

14. active  活躍的 adj.

= energetic = lively   = dynamic

15. admire  讚美;欽佩 v.

   = praise = compliment = respect = adore

15. admirable  優秀的,令人敬佩的 adj.

= excellent = outstanding = praiseworthy

16. adopt  領養;採用 v.

   = foster = accept

16. alter  變化,調整;使適合於 v.

   = change    = vary = adjust = adapt

17. adult  成年人 n.

   = grown-up

17. adventure  冒險 n.

   = venture

17. adventurous  冒險的 adj.

   = risky = dangerous

17. advise  勸告;建議 v.

   = urge = counsel = direct = recommend

 = suggest

13. adviser = advisor  忠告者 n.

   = consultant

17. affect  影響 n.

   = influence = have an impact on

18. affirm  斷言 v.

   = assert             

19. afraid  害怕的 adj.

   = scared = fearful = frightened

20. agree  同意 v.

   = assent = consent = approve of = match

 = correspond    

21. aid  協助 n.

   = support = help = assistance   

22. aim    目標 n. 瞄準;專心於 v.

   = goal = target = objective = purpose

   = focus

23. alert  警覺的 adj.

   = cautious = watchful = wary

24. alien   外來的 adj. (~ + to)

   = foreign

24. alienation  疏遠、分離 n.

   = isolation = separation

25. alternate  交替、替換 v. 交替的;替代的 adj.

   = take turns = rotate = replace

   = every other = substitute

25. alternative  二者擇一的;替代的 adj.

   = choice = option = substitute

25. allow  允許 v.       

   = let = permit = grant = authorize = consent

26. almost  幾乎 adv.

   = nearly

27. alternative  二者選一 n.

   = choice = option

27. ambition  雄心、野心 n.

   = aspiration = hoping = desire = longing

   = craving = enterprise = motivation = resolution

27. ambitious  有雄心的、野心勃勃的 adj.

   = aspiring = enterprising = desirous = energetic

28. amuse  娛樂 v.

   = entertain = please = delight

29. amusement       娛樂 n.  

   = entertainment = recreation = pastime

 = relaxation

30. anger  忿怒 n.

   = fury = rage = irritation

31. apparent  明顯的 adj.

   = clear = obvious = plain = evident = distinct

31. appeal  吸引 v. (~ + to + sb/sth)

   = attract = fascinate

31. appointment  約會;約診 n.

   = engagement = date

32. approximately  大約 adv.

   = about = roughly

33. area  地區 n.

   = district = section = zone = region

34. army    軍隊 n.

   = forces = troops = military

35. aroma 味道 n.

   = odor = smell = scent

35. arrangement  處理;處置;排列 n.

   = disposal = settlement = adjustment = removal

   = management = elimination

35. attraction  吸引;誘惑 n.

   = fascination = obsession = temptation = lure

36. attractive  吸引人的;迷人的 adj.

   = enchanting = fascinating = charming

 = inviting = tempting = appealing = pleasing

37. arrogant  傲慢的 adj.

   = haughty = too proud = conceited

38. assault  攻擊 v.

   = attack = offend = beat = hit = strike = assail

   = harass

39. assume      假設 v.

   = presume = suppose

40. assure  保證、擔保 v.

   = guarantee = ensure = insure = pledge

 = promise

41. attach  , , 連接;固定 v.

   = fasten = connect

42. attachment 附屬;附屬物 n.

   = accessory

42. attempt  試圖 v.

   = try = endeavor = undertake = strive

42. arouse  喚起 v.

   = provoke  = awaken = evoke = remind = stir up

43. authentic  真正的 adj.

   = real = genuine = actual = true = valid

44. available  可得到的,可馬上使用的adj.

   = ready = at hand = obtainable = free

45. avoid  避免、逃避、躲避 v.

   = escape = evade

46. avoidable  可避免的 adj.

   = preventable = stoppable = evitable

47. award  獎賞 n.

   = prize = reward = medal 獎牌 = trophy 獎杯

48. awe  畏怯;敬畏 n.

   = fear = dread = fright

49. awaken  使醒;使覺醒 v.

   = wake = awake = waken

50. awkward  笨拙的 adj.

   = clumsy    = slow

51. access  接近管道 n.

   = admission = entrance


1. balance  平衡 n. v.

  = equilibrium = poise = stability = steadiness

  = stabilize = stay poised

1. barren  貧脊的;無成果的 adj.

  = fruitless

1. benefit  利益 n.

  = profit = advantage

2. bothered  不安的 adj.

  = disturbed = troubled = worried = uneasy

= restless = annoyed

3. ban  禁止 v.

  = prohibit = inhibit = hinder = block = forbid

  = prevent = bar

4. banquet  盛宴 n.

  = feast

5. barbarian  野蠻人 n.

  = savage

6. bare  赤裸的 adj.

  = naked = nude

7. basic  基本的 adj.

  = essential = fundamental = primary  = elementary

  = main

8. beat  打敗 v.

  = defeat = punch = pound

9. beautiful  美麗的 adj.

  = pretty = good-looking = lovely

10. before  早先,以前 adv.

   = previously = formerly = earlier             

11. begin  開始 v.

   = start = commence = initiate

12. behavior  行為 n.

   = conduct = acts = manners = performance

13. behold  v.

   = see  = view = observe = sight = notice        

13. believe  相信 v.

   = trust = consider

14. belly  腹部 n.

   = stomach = abdomen

15. belongings   財產 n.

   = possessions = property = asset              

16. below          之下 prep.

   = under             

17. bend  彎曲 v.

   = curve = turn = twist              

18. beneficial   有益的 adj.

   = advantageous = profitable = favorable 

19. besides  除此之外 adv.

   = moreover = furthermore = also = in addition

20. beware  小心 v.

   = be careful = look out = watch out

21. bias  偏見 n.

   = prejudice

22. bind  v.

   = tie

23. blaze  火焰 n.

   = flame = flare

24. blend  混合 v.

   = mix = mingle

25. bliss  福氣 n.

   = blessing = happiness = fortune = luck

 = destiny

26. barrier  障礙物 n.

   = blockade        = hardship = obstacle

27. boast  自誇 v.

   = brag

28. boost 提高,改善 v.

   = improve = promote = enhance = make better

 = make progress = elevate = advance = better 

29. brave  勇敢的 adj.

   = courageous

30. brief  簡短的 adj.

   = short = concise

31. browse  瀏覽 v.

   = scan

32. bruise  瘀青;水果碰傷 n.

   = blemish

32. build  建造 v.

   = construct        = establish = set up = erect

33. burglar  夜賊;破門竊盜者 n.

   = robber = thief = housebreaker


1. calculate  計算 v.

  = count = figure = reckon

2. calling  職業 n.

  = job = occupation = vocation = profession

 = business = career = work

3. calamity  災難 n.

  = disaster = tragedy = catastrophe = adversity  

4. capture          逮捕 v.

  = arrest = seize = catch              

5. car  汽車 n.

  = automobile = vehicle

6. careful  小心的謹慎的 adj.(~ + of/about/with)

  = watchful = alert = cautious = wary

7. careless  粗心的疏忽的 adj.

= reckless

8. carnival  嘉年華會 n.

= fair = festival = celebration = festivity

9. carpenter  木匠 n.

  = woodworker = cabinetmaker = harmerer

  = builder = contractor

9. case  情況 n.

= condition  = situation

10. cease  停止 v.

= stop        = end = quit = halt        = discontinue       

11. celebrity  名人 n.

= somebody = famous person  

12. cemetery    墓地 n.

= graveyard      

13. ceramics  窯業;陶瓷 n.

   = porcelain = pottery

13. ceremonial  禮儀的;儀式的;正式的 adj.

   = formal = ritual = solemn = sacramental

   = ceremonious = ritualistic

13. ceremonial  禮俗;儀式;典禮 n.

   = rite = ritual = ceremony = observance

 = custom

13. certain  確定的 adj.

= sure        = positive     

14. certificate  證明書 n.

   = certification = license

14. certificated  合格的 adj.

   = certified

14. certify  證明 v.

   = confirm = verify

14. chain  鏈;連鎖店;一連串 n.

   = a series of = string

14. chamber  房間 n.

= room              

15. champion   冠軍 n.

= winner = victor             

16. chance  機會 n.

   = opportunity = opening  

17. channel  海峽;路徑;頻道 n.

   = strait = path

18. chaos 混亂 n.

   = disorder = confusion

19. charming  迷人的 adj.

   = attractive = appealing = enchanting

   = fascinating

19. chat  閒談 v.

   = gossip            

20. charming   迷人的 adj.

   = enchanting = fascinating = appealing

21. chase  v.

   = pursue = run after = follow = go after

   = in pursuit of

22. cheat  欺騙 v.

   = deceive = trick = ploy = trap = hoax = swindle

23. chilly  寒冷的 adj.

   = cold               

24. choke   使窒息 v.

   = suffocate       

25. chief  領導 n.

   = leader = head        

26. cherish  珍惜 v.     

   = treasure = value = appreciate

27. chorus  合唱團 n.

   = choir                      

28. chronic  慢性的,長期的 adj.

   = lasting = constant          

28. chubby  肥胖的、過胖的 adj.

   = obese = fat

28. circulate  循環;流傳 v.

   = flow = circle = pass around

28. circulation  循環;流傳;發行量 n.

   = circling

29. cite  引言、引用、引證 v.  

   = quote = refer                 

30. citizen  居民 n.      

   = resident = inhabitant = dweller             

31. clap  鼓掌 v.  

   = applaud         

32. classification  分類 n.

   = categorization = gradation

32. climb  v.

   = crawl = creep

32. clue  線索 n.  

   = hint = sign = cue                  

33. colleague   同事 n.  

   = co-worker = associate           

34. collide  衝撞 v.     

   = clash = conflict = bump = bang = smash

   = crash

35. comfort     安慰 v.

   = console  

35. commit  委託、交付 v.

   = entrust

35. compare  比較;對比 v.

   = contrast

35. completion  完成 n.

   = achievement = accomplishment

36. contagious   可傳染的 adj.

   = infectious = catching = communicable 

36. communicate  溝通、傳播、聯繫、通知 v.

   = keep in touch with = stay in touch with

 = contact

37. compassion  同情 n.

   = pity = sympathy  

37. compatible  能共處的、適合的、相容的 adj.

   = agreeing = harmonious = fitting

38. compel  強迫 v.

   = force = bully = pressurize = coerce

39. competent 有能力的 adj.

   = able        = capable = qualified = eligible    

40. complete    完成 v. 完成的;完整的 adj.

   = finish = conclude = fulfill = accomplish

= achieve

= intact

41. complicated  複雜的 v.

   = complex

42. compliment  稱讚,恭維 v. n.

   = praise

42. compose  作詞、曲;組成 v.

   = create = write = invent = make = arrange

43. compound  合成物 n.  合成的 adj.  混合合成.

   = mixture = combination

   = synthetic

   = mix = blend = mingle

43. comprehend  了解 v.

   = realize = understand     

44. comprise  包含 v.  

   = contain = consist of = be composed of  被組成

   = be made up of        = involve = include

 = comprise = embrace

45. compulsory  強迫的,必修的 adj.

   = required = necessary             

46. conceal  隱藏 v.    

   = hide

47. conceited  自負的 adj.

   = proud                    

48. concept  概念 n.    

   = idea        = notion = thought               

49. concrete  具體的 adj.

   = tangible = solid                     

50. condense  壓縮,濃縮 v.

   = compress = concentrate        

51. confess  坦承,承認 v.

   = admit = acknowledge = recognize        

52. confident  確信的 adj.

   = sure        = certain = convinced          

53. confidential  秘密的 adj.

   = secret             

54. congested  擁擠的 adj.

   = crowded = jammed = packed        = high-populated

   = populous

55. connect  連結 v.

   = join = combine = link = unite        

56. conquer   戰勝、征服 v.

   = conquest = vanquish = overtake = defeat

 = win = occupy = triumph = overcome

 = overwhelm = outdo = beat = surmount

57. considerate  體貼的 adj.

   = thoughtful = sensible = understanding

58. constant  穩定的;不間斷的 adj.

   = stable = steady = ceaseless = continual

58. constantly  常常 adv.

   = always = often = all the time

59. contaminate  污染 v.

   = pollute = stain = taint            

60. consider     考慮思考 v.

   = think of = ponder = evaluate = contemplate

60. consolidation  鞏固;加強;聯合;統一;合併n.

   = synthesis = coherence = coalition = connection

   = conjuction = fusion = reinforcement

61. constitute  構成 v.

   = form = erect = create = establish = build up

 = construct = compose = comprise

61. constitution  構成;憲法 n.

   = composition = construction

61. contain  容納 v.

   = hold = accommodate

61. contemporary  同時代的;現代的 adj.

   = modern = current

61. contend  爭取;奮鬥;辯稱 v.

   = fight = compete = contest = struggle = assert

   = claim

61. continual  連續的 adj.

   = consecutive = constant = incessant

   = continuous

61. continue  繼續 v.

   = last = prolong = maintain = proceed = resume

61. continuous  無間斷的 adj.

   = lasting = unceasing = ceaseless

61. contradictory  矛盾的 adj.

   = opposite

61. controversy  爭論;辯論 n.

   = dispute = quarrel = argue = debate

61. conventional  傳統的 adj.

   = traditional = customary  = conservative

 = unadventurous

61. convincing  有說服力的 adj.

   = persuasive = believable = credible

62. cooperate  合作 v. 

   = collaborate

63. copy  模仿,仿製 v.

   = imitate = duplicate = mimic                  

64. corporation  公司 n.      

   = company        = firm = enterprise = business

65. correct  改正 v.

   = fix = rectify = amend = adjust = remedy

65. corrupt  腐化的;不道德的 adj.

   = dishonest = crooked = fraudulent

65. costume  服裝 n.   

   = outfit = dress                

65. courage  勇氣 n.

   = bravery

66. crazy  發瘋的 adj.

   = mad = insane  = lunatic                 

67. cruel  殘忍的 adj.

   = brutal                     

68. cure  治療 v. n.

   = heal        = remedy              

69. currency    錢,通貨 n.

   = money = cash                

70. current  n. 流;電流;潮流 n.

   = flow = trend = fashion = tendency

70. character  性格;個性;品德;人物 n.

   = personality = morality = figure = feature

70. characteristic     特質 n.

   = trait = feature

71. confused   感到困惑的 adj.

   = puzzled = bewildered = perplexed       


1. dazzling  耀眼的;令人驚嘆的 adj.

  = shining = bright = stunning = amazing

  = marvelous = impressive

1. deadly  致命的();極度的() adj. adv.

  = fatal = deathful = lethal = extreme

  = extremely = dreadfully

1. decorate  裝飾 v.

  = ornament = beautify = adorn = embellish

2. disaster  災難 n.

  = calamity = devastation = catastrophe

3. distribute  分配 v.

  = divide = allot = assign = allocate = deal

  = apportion

4. distress          痛苦 n.

  = pain = torture = torment = suffering = grief   = agony

5. declare   宣佈 v.

  = proclaim = broadcast = announce = state

 = assert

6. describe  描繪、描寫 v.

  = portray = illustrate = depict

6. desire  渴望 v.

  = be eager = be keen = be dying = be in hunger

  = be anxious = crave = yearn = long = aspire

7. determined  決心的 adj.

  = bent = resolved       

8. destroy          破壞 v.

  = ruin = spoil = devastate = wreck = damage

  = demolish 

9. damage  傷害、使受傷 v.

   = hurt        = harm   = injure = spoil = wound

10. damp  潮濕的 adj.

   = wet = humid = moist = watery

11. dangerous  危險的 adj.

   = risky = hazardous = perilous = unsafe

   = death-defying

12. daring  大膽的 adj.       

   = bold = fearless

13. dawn  破曉 n.       

   = daybreak        = sunrise

14. decease  死亡 v.    

   = die = pass away = perish = expire

 = kick the bucket

15. decide  決定 v.     

   = resolve = determine = make up one's mind

15. decompose  分解;使腐爛 v.

   = decay = rot = crumble = disintegrate

15. decoration  裝飾() n.

   = adornment = embellishment = ornamental

16. decrease  減少 v.  

   = reduce = lessen = diminish = cut = curtail

   = decline

16. dedicate  致力、奉獻 v.

   = devote = commit

16. dedicated  致力的 adj.

   = devoted = committed

16. dedication  致力、奉獻 n.

   = devotion = commitment

17. defend  保護,防禦 v.

   = protect = safeguard = look after = guard

18. defect          缺點 n.

   = shortcoming = weakness = drawback = flaw

   = disadvantage

19. defer  延期 v.

   = put off = delay = postpone

19. definite  明確的 adj.

   = distinct = clear = specific      

20. dense  濃密的;密集的 adj.

   = intensive = thick = opaque = impenetrable

20. depressed  沮喪的 adj.

   = dejected = discouraged = disappointed = sad

   = melancholy =blue          

21. delegate  代表 n.

   = representative

22. delicious  可口的好吃的 adj.

   = tasty = yummy      

23. deluge  洪水豪雨 n.

   = flood             

24. demand  要求;詢問 v.

   = require = request = ask = inquire = question

 = claim

25. demon  惡魔 n.

   = devil = monster = evil spirit  

26. demonstrate  示範,展示 v.

   = show = exhibit = display              

27. depart          離開 v.

   = leave = go away    

28. depend on 信賴 v.

   = rely on = count on = trust             

29. depression   不景氣 n.

   = recession       

30. descendant          子孫,後裔 n.

   = offspring        = child          

31. designate  指定;任命 v.

   = appoint = assign

31. despise  輕視 v.

   = scorn = contempt = ignore = belittle     

   = think little of  = make little of       

32. deter  使斷念;威慑住 (~ from)

   = discourage = dissuade

32. detergent  清潔劑 n.

   = cleanser

32. determined  堅決的;意志堅定的 v.

   = firm = resolute

32. device  裝置 n.

   = apparatus = implement = instrument = tool

   = equipment = utensil      

33. devise  設計出;想出 v.

   = design = contrive = invent = come up with

33. devour  v.

   = swallow 

34. dialogue  對話 n.

   = conversation  

35. difficult  困難的 adj.

   = sticky = tough = demanding  = hard = harsh

36. dim  微暗的 adj.

   = faint = darkish = gloomy = indistinct = vague

   = obscure  

37. desperate  不顧一切的、瘋狂的 adj.

   = frantic           

38. directly  直接地 adv.

   = straight = forthright = undeviatingly = pronto

 = instantly = immediately = promptly

38. disappear   消失 v.

   = vanish = become invisible

 = become out of sight

39. disapprove of    不贊成、反對 v.

   = be against = disagree = be opposed to = resist

 = protest = oppose = object to  = demur = balk

40. disciple  信徒 n.

= follower

41. discipline  訓練,紀律 n.

= training = drill               

42. disease  疾病 n.

= illness = sickness   

43. display  展示 v.

= exhibit = show

43. dispose  處置;配置;處理 v.

   = arrange = manage

44. dispute  爭論 v.

= argue = quarrel = debate               

45. disastrous  災難的;不幸的 adj.

   = catastrophic = devastating = ruinous

45. distinction  區別;差異 n.

   = difference = excellence

45. diverse  不同的 adj.

= different

46. disturb  惱人,干擾 v.

= bother = trouble = annoy              

47. doctrine  教條 n.

= creed             

48. domain  領域 n.

= field = sphere        

49. dominant  支配的;優勢的 adj.

   = ruling = commanding = prominent

49. dominate   宰制,統治 v.

   = rule = control = lead = govern = command

50. decease      死亡 v.

   = perish = expire                      

51. doubt  懷疑 v.

   = suspect

51. drag  v.     

   = draw = pull = haul = tow = tug

52. dread 害怕 v.

   = fear = be afraid             

53. drift  飄浮 v. 

   = float                      

54. dump 丟棄 v.

   = discard = throw away           

55. durable  持久的 adj.

   = enduring = lasting = perdurable                    

56. dwell in  居住 v.   

   = live in = reside in = inhabit = populate

   = settle down = exist = rest

57. dynamic    精力充沛的,活躍的 adj.

   = active = energetic = lively = animated  

   = spirited   = dynamic


1. enthusiastic 熱心的 adj.

  = ardent = zealous = earnest      

2. empty  空的 adj.

  = blank = vacant        

3. eccentric  古怪的 adj.

  = strange = odd = weird = queer        = unusual      

  = abnormal 

4. edible  可食用的 adj.

  = ripe = cooked

4. educate  教育,教導 v.

  = teach = instruct        = direct = tutor = edify

4. educated  有教養的 adj.

  = uneducated = reckless

4. effective  有效果的 adj.

  = effectual

5. effort  努力 n.

  = pains = endeavor

6. elaborate  精細的;精密的 adj.  詳述 v.

  = sophisticated = complicated = complex

  = specify = detail

6. election  選舉 n.

  = voting

6. elegant  優雅的 adj.

  = refined = graceful = polished 

7. elementary  基本的 adj.

  = basic = fundamental = primary = essential     

8. eloquent  口才好的 adj.

  = expressive = rhetorical

8. elevate  提高 v.       

  = lift = raise = boost = heighten        = enhance

  = intensify = aggravate      

9. eliminate  除去 v.    

  = get rid of = remove         

10. embrace  擁抱 v.   

   = hug = hold … tight               

11. emerge  突然出現 v.

   = appear suddenly            

12. emotion  情感 n.   

   = passion = sentiment = strong feelings           

13. emphasize  強調 v.

   = stress = make much of = put emphasis on

  = put stress on = put premium on    

14. employ  僱用 v.    

   = hire                

15. enchant  著迷 v.    

   = charm = fascinate          

16. enchanted  著迷的 adj.

   = charmed = fascinated

16. encounter  偶遇 v.

   = run into = come across = meet = face

17. endless  不停的,永久的 adj.

   = nonstop = incessant = everlasting  = continuous

= constant = eternal = perpetual = infinite

   = permanent

18. endorse  支持;贊同;背書於

   = support = back up = agree

18. endure  忍受 v.

   = bear = tolerate = stand = put up with

19. enemy  敵人 n.      

   = opponent = rival = foe                  

19. engaged  忙碌的 adj.

   = busy = occupied

20. environment  環境 n.

   = atmosphere = surroundings = circumstances

   = setting

21. envy  嫉妒,羡慕 v.

   = be jealous of          

22. ear  時代,紀元 n.

   = age = epoch                  

23. erect  建立 v.

   = build = establish = set up = construct           

24. error  錯誤 n. 

   = mistake = fault                      

25. especially  特別地 adv.

   = particularly = in particular = above all          

27. estate  財產 n.

   = property = possessions = belongings            

28. estimate  估價;評價 v.

   = calculate = evaluate = appraise = rate

28. etiquette  禮節 n.  

   = manners         

29. event  事件 n.       

   = incident = occurrence = happening               

30. eventually  最後 adv.    

   = finally = ultimately = at last = in time          

31. evidence    證據 n.  

   = proof                     

32. evident  明白的,清楚的 adj.

   = apparent = clear = obvious = plain = explicit

   = overt

33. evil  邪惡的 adj.

   = vicious = wicked           

34. excellent    優秀的 adj.

   = outstanding = great                       

26. executive  執行的 adj.

   = managing = directing            

35. exist  存在;發生 v.

   = happen = occur = live = survive = subsist

35. expand  擴張;膨脹;延伸 v.    

   = broaden = extend = spread = lengthen

 = enlarge = swell = stretch

35. expect  預期、期望 v.

   = look forward to + Ving = anticipate = hope

   = wish

35. expectation  預期、期望 n.

   = anticipation

36. expend  花費 v.    

   = spend = consume = use up = exhaust = devour

   = guzzle    

37. expensive  昂貴的 adj.

   = costly = dear                 

38. expert  專家;內行人 n.

   = specialist

38. explain  解釋、闡述 v. 

   = clarify = account for = illustrate = depict = tell

   = express = portray = utter = expound

 = interpret

39. explode  爆炸 v.   

   = burst = blow up = blast

40. extensive  廣大的;大量的 adj.

   = extended = broad = large amount of

40. exterior  外部的 adj.

   = outside = outer = external

41. exterminate  消除,除去 v.

   = eliminate = get rid of

42. extra  額外的 adj.

   = additional

43. extreme  非常的;極度的 adj.

   = great = tremendous = sever = intense


1. factor  因素要素 n.

  = element = feature = aspect = cause = reason

  = occasion = part = ingredient = basis

1. fake  假冒的,假冒品 adj. / n.

   = counterfeit    

2. famous          有名的 adj.

  = well-known = noted = notable = celebrated

  = distinguished = renowned = prominent

= eminent = outstanding = remarkable

3. fabric  織物 n. 

   = textile                    

4. fad  時尚 n.     

   = fashion = vogue = trend = tendency

5. fair  公平的 adj.

   = just = impartial

6. faith  信仰 n.   

   = belief ( ~ + in)

7. false  錯的 adj.

   = wrong = incorrect         

8. fame  名聲 n.  

   = reputation = repute = prestige               

9. famine  鐖荒 n.       

   = starvation              

10. fancy  想像 v.       

   = imagine = picture = dream = assume

11. fancy  精緻的 adj.

   = delicate = elaborate

12. fantasy  幻想 n.

   = imagination = illusion = vision

13. fashion  時尚 n.

   = style = vogue = trend = tendency

14. fast  快的 adj.       

   = quick = rapid  =swift = prompt = speedy

 = instant

14. favorite  最喜歡的 adj.

   = preferred = beloved = desired

15. flourish  繁榮,茂盛 v.

   = thrive = prosper = bloom = blossom

16. fate  命運 n.  

   = destiny = lot = fortune

17. fatigue  使疲勞 v. 

   = tire = exhaust = wear out

18. favor  喜歡 v.

   = like = prefer = go in for = be fond of = desire

19. fee  費用 n.

   = charge = dues = toll = fare

19. feasible  可行的 adj.

   = workable = practicable = attainable              

20. feat  功績 n.  

   = accomplishment = achievement = exploit

21. female  女性() n. adj.

   = feminine        

22. fertile   肥沃的,多產的 adj.

   = productive = fruitful

22. fetch  拿、取、帶 v.

   = bring = take = get = carry

22. field  原野、田徑場、野外 n.

   = land = space = region = tract = plot = ground

= pasture = sphere = range = domain = area

23. fierce   兇猛 adj.

   = violent = forceful

24. fight  打鬥 n.

   = battle = combat = contest = conflict = struggle

   = war = attack = duel

25. finance  供給經費 v.

   = sponsor = subsidize = support

26. fine  罰金 n.

   = penalty

27. fix  修理 v.

   = repair

28. flat  平的 adj.

   = even

29. fling  投、拋 v.

   = throw = toss = pitch = cast

30. flower  n.

   = blossom = bloom

31. focus  集中 v. (~ on)

   = concentrate (on) = zoom (in)

32. foolish  笨的 adj.

   = stupid = silly         

33. forecast  預言 v.

   = prophesy = foretell

34. forefather  祖先 n.

   = ancestor 

35. forest  森林 n.

   = woods           

36. forever  永遠地 adv.

   = permanently = eternally

37. forgive  寬恕 v.

   = pardon = excuse = free

38. forsake  拋棄 v.    

   = desert = abandon = give up          

39. forthcoming  即將來臨的 adj.

   = upcoming = approaching              

40. fortunate  幸運的 adj.

   = lucky                     

41. fountain  泉源 n.   

   = spring                    

42. fraction  部分 n.    

   = part = portion = section = fragment = segment

 = division         

42. fractional  部分的;少量的 adj.

   = partial = half

43. fracture  破裂碎裂 n.

   = break = crack = rupture = burst = chip 

44. fragile  易碎的,脆弱的 adj.

   = frail        = delicate = breakable          

45. fragrance  芬芳;香味;香氣 n.

   = aroma = redolence = balm = odor = smell

 = incense

45. fragrant  香的 adj.

   = perfumed = aromatic = sweet-smelling

 = odorous

46. frank  坦白的 adj.

   = honest = candid = straightforward               

47. freight  貨物 n.     

   = goods = cargo = shipment            

48. frontier  邊界 n.    

   = border = boundary        

49. frugal  節儉的 adj.

   = thrifty = economical             

50. furnace  火爐;爐 n.

   = stove = cooker

50. furnish  供給 v.

   = supply = provide = equip = offer


1. gather  收集;聚集;累積 v.

  = collect = crowd = accumulate = compile

  = assemble   = congregate

2. gain  得到 v.   

  = get = obtain = acquire = receive = earn

3. garbage  垃圾 n.

  = rubbish = trash = waste = junk       

4. gaze  凝視 v.   

  = stare

5. gem  寶石 n.

  = jewel = precious stone            

6. general  一般的;普遍的 adj. 將軍 n.

  = common = widespread = broad = universal

 = overall = ordinary

 = commander = officer

6. generally  一般地;普遍地 adv.

  = usually = mainly

6. generate  產生 v.     

  = product = create = yield                 

7. genius  天份 n.

  = gift = talent                     

8. gentle  溫和的 adj.

  = tender = mild                  

9. genuine  真正的 adj.

  = real = true = authentic             

10. germ  細菌 n.

   = bacteria         

11. ghost  鬼魂 n.       

   = spirit = phantom            

12. giggle  咯咯的笑 v. n.

   = titter = chuckle = laugh = smile = grin  

13. glance  一瞥 n.      

   = glimpse = look                      

14. glare  閃閃發光;使眼花;怒視 v.

   = shine = glitter = dazzle = stare

14. gleam  發光 v. n.   

   = glow = beam = shine                     

15. gloomy  幽暗的 adj.

   = dark = dim                    

16. gloomy  悲傷的 adj.

   = sad = depressing           

17. glorious  燦爛輝煌的 adj.

   = splendid = magnificent = grand = gorgeous

   = brilliant = dazzling = stunning            

18. govern  治理 v.     

   = rule = manage = command = control

   = administer             

19. grasp  捉住,把握 v.

   = grip = hold = clasp = seize = snatch = clutch

   = grab = catch

20. grateful  感謝的 adj.

   = thankful = obliged = appreciative         

21. gratitude  感謝 n.  

   = thanks = appreciation = admiration = approval

22. grease  油脂 n.      

   = oil                  

23. greed  貪心;貪婪 n.

   = desire = avarice = thirst

23. greedy  貪吃的;貪婪的 adj.

   = avaricious = grasping

23. groan 呻吟,嘆息 v.

   = moan = mourn = grieve                 


1. habitual  習慣的;慣常的 adj.

  = adapted = accustomed = adjusted = used

1. hardly  幾乎不 adv.

  = scarcely = rarely = barely

2. happy  快樂的  adj.

  = glad = pleased = delighted = cheerful = joyful

  = merry = gay

3. huge  巨大的 adj.

  = great = giant = gigantic = vast = tremendous

  = large = enormous = immense = marvelous

  = terrifying

4. harmony  和諧 n.

  = concord = peace = agreement

5. hard-working  勤勞的 adj.

  = diligent = industrious              

6. halt  停止 v.    

  = stop = cease = end

7. handle  處理 v.       

  = manage = deal with = cope with            

8. handsome  英俊的,好看的 adj.

  = attractive = good-looking               

9. happen   發生 v.      

  = occur = take place           

10. harass          侵擾 v.      

   = disturb = trouble = bother

11. hardship  艱困 n.  

   = difficulty = trouble       

12. harm  傷害 v.

   = hurt = damage = injure = wound

13. harness  控制 v.    

   = control

14. harvest  收成 v. n. 

   = reap

15. heap  v. n. 

   = pile = stack

16. heritage  文化遺產 n.

   = tradition = inheritance

16. hesitate  猶豫 v.

   = vacillate = falter = wane

16. hind  後部的 adj.

   = back = rear

17. hinder  阻礙 v.

   = impede = curb = prevent = stop = hold back

   = block = blockade = hamper = delay = inhibit

   = encumber = obstruct = bar

18. hit  打擊 v.    

   = strike = blow

18. hoard  儲藏、囤積 v.

   = save = store = collect = gather = put aside

19. holy  神聖的 adj.

   = sacred = godly

20. homework  作業 n.       

   = exercise = assignment

21. hop  v.      

   = jump = leap = vault

22. horrible  可怕的 adj.

   = terrible = awful = frightening

23. hostile  有敵意的;反對的 adj.

   = aggressive = opposing = disagreeable

23. housekeeper  主婦 n.    

   = homemaker = housewife

24. however  然而 adv.      

   = nevertheless = nonetheless = still = yet

25. human  人類 n.     

   = human being = mankind = mankind

26. humble  謙卑的,卑微的 adj.

   = modest

27. hurricane  颶風 n.

   typhoon     颱風        cyclone  暴風

   tornado      龍捲風  storm  暴風雨      


1. identical  完全相同的 adj.

  = the same

2. idle  懶惰的 adj.

  = lazy

3. idol  偶像 n.    

  = icon

4. ignore  忽視、忽略 v.    

  = neglect = overlook = disregard

5. illuminate  照明 v.  

  = lighten = brighten           

5. imaginable  可想到的 adj.

  = conceivable = thinkable

5. imaginary  虛構的 adj.

  = fictional = unreal = fictitious

5. imaginative  富創意的  adj.

  = creative = innovative = inventive

6. imbed  埋入;牢記 v.

  = embed

6. imitate  模仿 v.       

  = mimic                      

7. immediately          立即,馬上 adv.

  = instantly = at once = right away = swiftly

  = instantaneously = promptly = rapidly = quickly

8. impact  衝擊,影響 n. v.

  = shock = strong effect = strong influence

  = affect

8. imperiously  專橫地;傲慢地;迫切地

  = domineeringly = authoritatively = arrogantly

  = commandingly = bossily

9. imply  暗示,引申 v.

  = infer = suggest

10. impolite  沒有禮貌的 adj.

   = rude = ill-mannered              

11. improper  不適當的 adj.

   = inappropriate = unsuitable = unbecoming

12. improve  改善 v.   

   = better = get better = perfect = make progress

   = ameliorate

12. incentive  刺激;鼓勵;動機;誘因 n.

   = inducement = enticement = motivation = spur

   = encouragement

12. include  包括 v.

   = comprise = embrace = contain

   用法:…, including + N. = …, N + included.

   = …, inclusive of + N

12. income  收入 n.

   = earnings = salary = wage = payment = pay

13. incorporate  合併,整合 v.

   = integrate = merge                  

14. incredible  難以置信的 adj.

   = unbelievable

15. indeed  真地 adv. 

   = really                     

16. indicate  指出,顯示 v.

   = show = reveal = point out  

17. indifferent  漠不關心的 adj.

   = cold = disinterested

18. indignant  憤慨的;憤怒的 adj.

   = angry = offended = resentful

18. indispensable  不可缺少的 adj.

   = necessary = essential = required = crucial

 = vital = requisite = obligatory = key = needed

19. individual  個人的 adj.

   = personal = single

20. inevitable  不可避免的 adj.

   = unavoidable

 = destined = doomed  命定的

21. infamous  惡名昭彰的 adj.

   = notorious

22. infect  感染 v.

   = contaminate

22. infection  感染 n.

   = contagion = contamination

22. infectious  感染的 adj.

   = contagious

22. ingenious  精巧的;足智多謀的;善創造的 adj.

   = clever = creative = inventive

22. ingredient  成份 n.

   = component

23. initiate  創始 v.

   = start = begin = originate = pioneer = launch

23. insist  堅持;強迫 v.

   = demand = require = command = enforce

 = force = compel = persist = persevere

24. inspect  檢查 v.

   = examine carefully = look into = investigate

   = scrutinize

25. instance  例子 n.

   = example

25. instantaneous  即刻的;瞬間的 adj.

   = immediate = instant = direct

25. instinctive  天生的;本能的;直覺的 adj.

   = inborn = inbred = innate = inherent = natural

   = unconscious

26. instruct  教導 v.

   = teach

27. intrinsic  內在的;本來的;真正的 adj.

   = native = real = genuine = natural = inherent

27. isolate  隔離 v.

   = separate = segregate = alienate

28. insulate  隔離;隔熱;隔音 v.

   = separate = isolate = protect = shield

28. insult  侮辱,冒犯 v.

   = offend

29. intend  打算、意預 v.

   = propose = mean

29. intense  激烈的、強烈的 adj.

   = strong = fierce = powerful = acute = mighty

29. intensify  加強、提高、增加、使變強烈 v.

   = increase = magnify = aggravate = heighten

   = enhance = augment = enlarge = multiply

30. interior  內部() n. adj.

   = inside = inner = internal

31. interpret  闡釋,解釋,翻譯 v.

   = explain = translate

32. interrupt  妨礙、打斷、制止 v.  

   = interfere with = arrest = check      

33. intervene  插進;介入;干涉;調停 v.

   = interfere = intrude = arbitrate = mediate

   = intercede = invade

33. interview  會見;面談;訪問 n.

   = meeting = consultation

33. intimate  親密的;精通的;私下的 adj.

   = close = proficient = expert = skilled = private

 = confidential

33. intimacy  親密;熟悉 n.

   = familiarity

33. intrude  擠進;闖進;打擾;入侵 v.

   = encroach = infringe = interrupt = interfere

   = impose = invade

33. invalid  無效的 adj.

   = void = ineffective

34. invaluable  無價的 adj.

   = priceless = precious

34. invention  創造;發明() n.

   = idea = creation = innovation

34. inverse  反轉;顛倒 v.

   = reverse = upturn = capsize

34. investigation  調查 n.

   = survey

35. invincible  無敵的 adj.

   = unbeatable

36. irrelevant  不相關的 adj.

   = unrelated

37. irritate  激怒 v.      

   = provoke = annoy = stimulate

38. irritation  激怒 n.

   = annoyance


1. jail  監獄 n.     

  = prison

2. journey  旅行 n.      

  = trip = travel = tour = vacation = itinerary

  = voyage

3. juvenile  青少年的 n.

  = young

4. jumbo  粗大的 adj.

  = huge = giant


1. know  知曉 v. 

  = be aware of = be conscious of

2. knock  敲打 v.

  = hit = beat = strike = bat = clout = crack

3. kid  小孩 n.     

  = child


1. lash  鞭子;鞭打 n. v.

  = whip

1. lavatory  盥洗室 n. 

  = bathroom = toilet = washroom = restroom

2. lead  領導;引導;領先 v.

  = guide = navigate = excel

2. league  聯盟 n.  結盟 v.

  = alliance

  = unite

2. lease  出租 v.  

  = rent

3. least  最少的;最小的 adj.

  = slightest = smallest

3. lecture  演說 n.       

  = speech = address = discourse

4. legal  合法的 adj.

  = lawful

5. legend  n. 傳奇;傳說;傳奇人物 n.

  = story = myth

5. legible  易讀的 adj.

  = readable

6. leisure  空閒 n.

  = free time = spare time

7. lend  v.      

  = loan

8. liberty  自由 n.

  = freedom

9. license  執照,許可證 n.

  = permit = document = certification

 = authorization

10. life  生命 n.   

   = being = existence

11. likely  有可能的 adj.

   = possible = probable = expected

11. likewise  同樣地 adv.

   = similarly

12. limit  限制 v.  限制;限速;界線 n.

   = confine = restrict

   =border = edge

13. liquor  烈酒 n.      

   = alcohol = spirits

14. literally  事實上地 adv.

   = exactly = actually

15. local  當地的,局部的 adj.

   = regional

16. location  位置 n.   

   = place = position             

17. logical  合理的 adj.

   = reasonable

18. longevity  長壽;壽命  n.

   = long life = life span

18. loose  鬆的 adj.

   = slack = wobbly = baggy

18. loosen  放鬆 v.

   = relax = slacken

18. loyal  忠貞的 adj.

   = faithful

19. lucky  幸運的 adj.

   = fortunate

20. luggage  行李 n.    

   = baggage

21. lumber  木材 n.     

   = timber = logs = wood                   

22. luxury  奢華 n.      

   = extravagance


1. murder  謀殺 v.       

  = kill

2. magazine  雜誌 n.   

  = journal

3. magnetic  有磁性的,吸引人的 adj.

  = attractive

4. magnify  放大 v.     

  = enlarge = expand

5. main  主要的 adj.  主修 v. (~ in)

  = major = chief = principal = leading = primary

  = specialize

6. maintain  維持 v.    

  = keep = stay = sustain = retain

7. male  男性() n. adj.

  = masculine

8. man-made  人造的 adj.

  = artificial

9. manipulate  巧妙地操作 v.

  = operate = handle = manage = control

9. manipulation  巧妙地操作操作 n.

  = operation

9. manner  方法 n.

  = way = means = method = approach = fashion

  = scheme = process = technique

10. manufacture  (大量)製造 v.

   = produce = make

11. margin  邊緣 n.     

   = edge = rim = border

11. marine  海洋的、航運的 adj.

   = oceanic = maritime

12. marriage  婚禮 n.  

   = wedding                

13. martial  軍事的;好戰的 adj.

   = military = armed

14. marvelous  奇妙的,很棒的 adj.

   = great = wonderful = terrific = extraordinary

15. material  物質;資料;素材 n.

   = substance = stuff = information = idea

16. mature  成熟的 adj.

   = ripe = developed = mellow = adult

 = full-grown

17. maxim  格言 n.     

   = saying = motto = proverb

18. maybe  可能 adv.  

   = perhaps = probably

19. meadow  草地 n.  

   = pasture

20. mediocre  平庸的 adj.

   = average = ordinary = common

21. meek  溫順的 adj.

   = tame = mild = gentle = domesticated = docile

 = subdued = insipid = obedient = temperate

 = obliging

22. melt  融合 v.

   = dissolve

23. memorize  記住 v.

   = remember = keep ~ in mind = learn ~ by heart

24. menace  威脅 v.

   = threaten

25. merchandise 商品 (不可數) n.

   = goods () = product = commodity

26. merely  adv.

   = only = just = simply

27. merge  合併 v.

   = unite = combine = blend = mix

28. mighty  有力的 adj.

   = powerful        = strong

29. mingle  混合 v.     

   = mix = blend

30. miniature  微小的 adj.

   = small = tiny = minute = slight

31. minister  牧師 n.   

   = pastor = clergyman

32. minor   未成年人 n.

   = underage        = junior

33. miraculous   奇蹟的神奇的 adj.

   = incredible = marvelous          

34. mischievous  頑皮的 adj.

   = naughty

35. miserable  可憐的;悲慘的 adj.

   = poor = wretched = unfortunate

36. misery  悲慘 n.

   = sorrow = hardship = misfortune

36. missing  失蹤的 adj.

   = lost

37. mist  n.     

   = fog = haze

38. mistake  錯誤 n.    

   = error = fault = blunder

39. mobile phone  行動電話 n.

   = cell phone

40. moderate  適度的,溫和的 adj.

   = mild = medium = gentle        = temperate

 = modest = ordinary = considerate

41. modify  修正 v.    

   = alter = adjust = amend = revise                    

42. moment  片刻,剎那 n.

   = instant = minute

43. monotonous  單調的 adj.

   = boring = tedious = dreary = dull

44. monument  紀念碑;遺跡 n.

   = tombstone = memorial

44. must  必須 aux.     

   = should = need to = ought to = have to

45. mutate  變化 v.

   = change

45. mute  無聲的 adj.

   = silent = dumb

46. murmur  喃喃而言 v.

   = mutter = mumble          

47. mutual  彼此的 adj.

   = common

48. mysterious   神祕的 adj.

   = mystical = secret

49. multiply     乘,增加 v.

   = increase

50. mount  上升 v.      

   = rise = ascend = go up

51. motive  動機;誘因 n.

   = motivation = cause = causation = reason

   = incitement = purpose

52. mystery  奧秘;神秘 n.

   = puzzle = secret

53. mysterious  奧秘的;神秘的 adj.

   = secret = unknown


1. naïve  天真的;易受騙的 adj.

  = deceivable = gullible

1. narrate  口述 v.       

   = describe

2. nasty  令人討厭的 adj.

   = disgusting = lousy

3. nation  國家 n.

   = country = state      

4. neat  整齊乾淨的 adj.

   = tidy = orderly and clean

5. need  需要,缺乏 v.

   = want = lack = require

6. nervous  緊張的 adj.

   = tense = strained

7. neutral  中立的,中性的 adj.

   = impartial

8. notice  注意 v.

   = observe = heed = pay attention to

9. notify  通知 v.

   = inform = remind = bring to mind

= let sb. know

10. notion  概念 n.      

   = concept = idea = thought

11. nourish  滋養 v.    

   = rear = foster = feed        = nurture = raise

   = bring up

12. nuisance  討厭的人或物 n.

   = pest       

13. number  數字 n.    

   = figure = digit

14. numerous  很多的 adj.

   = many = plenty of = a great number of

15. nutrient  營養的 adj.

   = nourishing = nutritious

15. nutrition  營養 n.  

   = nourishment

16. now  現在 adv.     

   = presently = at present = currently         


1. oath  誓約 n.

  = vow = promise = pledge = agreement

2. obedience  服從 n.

  = submission

2. obey  服從 v.

  = follow = abide by = comply with = observe

3. object  物體 n.

  = thing = article

4. obstacle  障礙 n.     

  = hardship = barrier = block = hindrance

= obstruction

5. obstinate  頑固的,僵化的 adj.

  = stubborn = inflexible = stiff = rigid

6. occasionally   有時 adv.  

  = sometimes = from time to time = at times

  = once in a while = (every) now and then 

  = on and off

7. odor  氣味 n.   

  = smell = scent = aroma

8. often  常常 adv.      

  = frequently = usually

9. omen  徵兆 n. 

  = sign = indication

10. omit  遺漏 v. 

   = miss = skip = leave out

11. opponent  競爭對手 n.

   = rival = foe = competitor

12. optimistic  樂觀的 adj.

   = cheerful = positive

13. optional  可選擇性的 adj.

   = elective

14. order  命令 v.

   = command

15. ordinary  普通的 adj.

   = usual = common = popular = average

 = regular = standard 

16. origin  開端,起源 n.

   = beginning = start = birth

17. outcome    結果 n.  

   = result = consequence

18. outdated  過時的 adj.

   = old-fashioned = outmoded = old

19. outdo  超越 v.       

   = surpass = excel = defeat = beat

20. outing  遠足 n.      

   = excursion = trip

21. outlaw  罪犯  n.   

   = criminal

22. outnumber 數目超過 v.

   = exceed

23. output  產量,輸出 n.

   = production

24. overcome  克服,征服 v.

   = conquer

25. overdo  過份 v.     

   = exaggerate = go too far

26. overthrow  推翻、顛覆 v.    

   = overturn = upset

27. own  擁有 v. 

   = possess = have


1. polite  有禮貌的 adj.

  = courteous = well-mannered

2. pace  速度,步伐 n.

  = rate = speed = step

3. pain  n.       

  = suffering = ache = hurt

4. pal  同伴,夥伴 n.

  = mate = companion = partner = friend

5. pamphlet  小冊子 n.

  = brochure = leaflet

6. panic  驚慌 n.  

  = alarm = fright = terror

7. paradise  天堂,樂園 n.

  = heaven

8. parcel  包裏 n. 

  = pack = package

9. parade  遊行 n.

  = march

9. participate in  參與 v.     

  = take part in = attend = join

10. passive  消極的 adj.

   = inactive

11. past  過去的 adj.

   = former = previous

12. pat  輕拍 v.   

   = tap

13. path  小徑 n. 

   = trail = route

14. patience  容忍 n.   

   = endurance = tolerance

15. patriotic  愛國的 adj.

   = loyal

16. postpone    延期 v.  

   = delay = put off

17. pattern  形式 n.

   = style = type = form = way = manner

18. pavement   人行道 n.

   = sidewalk

19. peaceful     安靜的 adj.

   = silent = quiet = tranquil = calm = serene

19. peace  和平、寧靜、安寧

   = tranquility = serenity = calmness = silence

20. peak  頂端,山峰 n.

  = summit = hilltop = top = zenith

21. pedestrian  行人 n.

   = walker = hiker

21. penalty  懲罰;罰款;損失 n.

   = punishment = fine = sentence = consequence

22. perceive  查覺 v.   

   = feel = sense = observe

23. percentage 比率 n.  

   = proportion = rate = ratio       

24. perceptible  可以察覺的 adj.

   = discernable

24. perception  知覺 n.

   = sense = insight = conception = feeling

   = sensation

24. perceptive  知覺敏銳的 adj.

   = sharp = keen = sensitive = insightful = aware

   = penetrating

24. perch  棲息 v.       

   = rest = settle

24. perfectly  完美地、最適合地、極好地

   = quite = very = extremely = exceedingly

25. peril  危險 n.

   = danger = hazard = risk

26. permanent 永恆的 adj.

   = eternal = everlasting = enduring = unchanging

   = perdurable

27. permission  允許;許可 n.

   = consent = authorization = agreement

27. permit  允許;承認 v.  許可證 n.

   = allow = consent = admit = authorize

 = sanction = confess = acknowledge

 = license = document = certification

27. personality  性格、個性

   = character = individuality = feature = trait

28. perspire  排汗 v.

   = sweat

28. persuade  說服、使確信 v.

   = convince = prevail

29. pessimistic  悲觀的 adj.

   = gloomy = negative = cynical

29. pharmacist   葯劑師 n.

   = druggist = chemist

30. phase  階段 n.      

   = stage

31. photograph  照片 n.

   = photo = picture

32. pick (up)   挑選 v.  

   = choose = select = scheme = elect

33. picky  挑剔的 adj.

   = critical = demanding

34. pier  碼頭 n.

   = dock

35. pioneer  先鋒;拓荒者 n.

   = vanguard

35. pipe  管子 n.

   = tube

36. pitiful  慈悲的;同情的 adj.

   = sympathetic = disgraceful = pathetic

 = deplorable = contemptible

36. place  v.

   = put = lay = locate = set

37. plague  苦惱;瘟疫;災禍 v. n.

   = bother = trouble = worry = torture = pester

   = annoy = torment

   = epidemic = disaster = catastrophe

38. plane  飛機 n.

   = airplane = aircraft

39. plant  種植;播種 v.

   = grow = sow

39. plentiful  豐盛的 adj.

   = ample = abundant = lavish = sufficient

   = plenty

40. plight  困境 n.

   = difficulty = dilemma

41. plot 計畫 v.

   = plan

42. plow  耕種 v.

   = cultivate

43. poisonous  有毒的 adj.

   = toxic

44. pollute  污染 v.

   = contaminate

45. ponder  思考 v.

   = consider = meditate = think over

46. port  港口;避難所 n.

   = harbor = shelter

47. position  職位 n.

   = post        = office

48. potential  潛力;有可能性 n.  潛在的

   = ability = capability = possibility

   = likely = possible

48. power          力量 n.

   = strength = force = might = vigor

48. practical  實用的、實際的

   = feasible = useful

48. practice  練習、實行 n. v.

   = drill = exercise = training

49. praise  讚美 v.

   = compliment = flatter = speak well of

50. preach  說教 v.      

   = lecture

51. precious     珍貴的 adj.

   = valuable = treasured = cherished =priceless

   = invaluable

52. precise  精確的 adj.

   = accurate = exact = definite

53. predict  預測;預言;預料 v.

   = forecast = foresee = foretell = envisage

 = prophesy

53. presence  出席 n.

   = attendance = appearance

54. present  提出、獻出 v.

   = offer = submit = put forth

55. present  禮物 n.

   = gift

56. present  目前的 adj.

   = current = circulating

57. preserve     保護,保存 v.

   = conserve = maintain = reserve = set aside

   = prearrange

58. pressing  緊迫的 adj.

   = urgent

59. pretend  假裝、裝作 v.

   = make believe = assume

60. previous  先前的 adj.

   = earlier = former = preceding

61. prevalent  普遍的 adj.

   = popular = widespread

62. primitive    原始的 adj.

   = original = ancient

63. principal  重要的 adj.

   = important = vital = crucial = capital = critical

= essential = major = of great importance

64. procedure  程序;步驟;手續;事情的進行 n.

   = process = approach

64. profession  職業;專業 n.

   = occupation = vocation = specialty

64. professional  專業的;職業的 adj.

   = occupational = vocational

64. proficient  精通的 adj.

   = skilled = expert = adept

65. profound  極深的;深奧的;深層的 adj.

   = deep = thoughtful = reflective = weighty

   = insightful

65. progress     進行,進步 v.

   = proceed = advance

66. project  計畫 n.

   = plan = scheme

67. prolong  延長;加長 v.

   = elongate = lengthen = extend = stretch

 = increase

68. pronounce  發音;發聲;發表意見;宣佈 v.

   = articulate = utter = speak = declare = say

   = announce

69. propel  驅使 v.

   = drive = motivate = push

70. prosperous   繁榮的,成功的 adj.

   = successful = flourishing = thriving

71. protest  抗議 v.

   = dispute

72. prudent  謹慎的 adj.

   = careful = cautious

73. publish  出版;發表 v.

   = print = issue

73. punish  懲罰 v.

   = fine = penalize = reprimand = castigate

74. pseudonymous  匿名的;使用筆名的adj.

 = anonymous

75. puzzle  使困惑不解 v.

   = confuse = perplex = bewilder = embarrass


1. quench  熄滅;平息;冷卻;壓抑

  = extinguish = smother = douse = stifle

1. quit  放棄,停止 v.

= stop = give up


1. radiant  明亮燦爛的 adj.

  = bright = shining

2. radiate  發射;輻射;流露;顯出 v.

  = exude = emit

2. raid  襲擊 v. n.

  = attack = assault       

3. raise  提高 v.

  = lift = increase = elevate

4. raise  撫養 v.

  = rear = breed = foster        = bring up

5. rank  階級 n.   

  = grade = class = rate

6. rapidly  快速地 adv.

  = swiftly = promptly = quickly = immediately

6. rational  理性的,合理的 adj.

  = reasonable = logical

6. refuge  保護;避難;避難所 n.

  = protection = retreat = shelter

7. respond  反應 v.

  = react

8. ready  準備好了 adj.

  = prepared

9. realize  了解 v.

  = understand = follow

10. realize  實現、執行 v.

   = accomplish = reach = fulfill = execute

 = perform

11. recall  回憶 v.

   = remember = recollect

11. recently  最近地 adv.

   = lately

12. recipe   秘訣,處方 n.

   = formula

13. reckless  鹵莽的 adj.

   = rash        = careless = thoughtless

14. recognition  辨識;認出;肯定 n.

   = identification

14. recognize  辨識;辨認 v.

   = identify

14. recommend  推薦,建議 v.

   = suggest = advise = counsel = propose

15. reduce  減少 v.     

   = decrease = diminish = lessen

16. recover from +   復原;恢復;取回

   = get over + = restore = regain = retrieve

17. referee  裁判 n.     

   = umpire

18. refuse  拒絕 v.      

   = reject = decline = turn down

19. refuse          廢物 n.      

   = waste = garbage

20. regal  王室的 adj.

   = royal

21. refrigerate  冷凍 v.

   = freeze

22. regardless of  不顧,不管 prep.

   = despite = in spite of

   = notwithstanding

23. reign  統治 v.

   = rule = govern

24. reincarnate  再生;使化身;使轉世 v.

   = revive = reawaken = rejuvenate = restore

   = renew = recover

24. reinforce  增強,確實實施 v.

   = enforce

25. rejoice  使高興 v.  

   = delight = excite

26. relate  使有關聯 v.

   = associate with = be relevant

26. related  相關的 adj.

   = connected = associated = relevant

26. relation  關係 n. (~ + to)

   = relationship

27. release  釋放 v.

   = let go = set free

28. relentless  殘忍的,嚴厲的 adj.

   = cruel = merciless = stern = harsh

29. reliable  可信賴的 adj.

   = dependable = trustworthy

30. relieve  減輕、減緩 v.

   = alleviate = lighten

30. reluctant  不情願的 adj.

   = unwilling

31. remain  依舊是;保留;逗留;留下 v.

   = stay = keep = linger = hang about

31. remark  評論 v. n.

   = comment

32. remarkable 顯著的,不平凡的 adj.     

   = unusual = outstanding = extraordinary = great = marvelous = special =distinctive = unique

 = peculiar

33. remedy  治療 v. n.

   = cure = heal = treat

34. remorse  悔恨 v.

   = regret = repent

35. remote  遙遠的 adj.

   = far = distant

36. remove  除去 v.

   = take away = get rid of = eliminate

37. reply  回答 v.

   = answer = respond

38. repeat  重述、重做 v.

   = reiterate

38. represent  代表 v.

   = stand for       

39. reproach  責備 v.

   = reprove = denounce = condemn = blame

   = scold = censure = criticize

40. reputational  名聲的;聲望的 adj.

   = prestigious = reputable = prominent

40. require  需要 v.

   = need = take = want = call for

41. require  要求 v.

   = demand = ask        = request = beg

42. rescue  拯救 v. n.

   = save = deliver

43. resemble    長得像 v.

   = look like

43. residence  居住 n.

   = dwelling

43. resolution  決心 n.

   = determination = will

44. resort  訴諸於 v.  遊覽地;手段

   = apply = use = take = adopt

   = means

44. respect  尊敬 v. n.

   = honor = regard = esteem = admire = homage

   = value = defer to

45. respective  個別的 adj.

   = individual = personal

46. rest  休息 v.

   = repose = recess = lounge

47. restless  不安的 adj.

   = uneasy = disturbed        = anxious = troubled

48. restrain  抑制,壓抑 v.

   = refrain = restrict

49. retreat  撤退 v.

   = withdraw = draw back = evacuate

50. return   歸還 v.      

   = give back

51. revenge  復仇、報復 v.

   = get even with = avenge

52. revive          使復原,使甦醒 v.

   = bring back

53. revive          自行甦醒 v.

   = come to = regain conscious

54. revoke  取消 v.     

   = cancel = recall = call off

55. rebel  抵抗;反叛;造反 v.

   = revolt = resist = defy = dissent

56. revolution  革命 n.

   = rebellion

56. revolutionary  革命性的 adj.

   = innovative = radical

56. revolve  旋轉 v.    

   = circle = move around = go around = turn

 = rotate

57.riddle   n.

   = puzzle

58. ritual  儀式 n.

   = service = ceremony

59. rock  搖晃 v.

   = sway = swing

60. rotate   自轉 v.

   = spin        = turn = revolve

61. rouse  激起,引起 v.

   = arouse = stir = provoke  = stimulate = induce

   = motivate = prompt = bring about

62. route  路線 n.

   = course

63. rude  粗魯的,不禮貌的 adj.

   = impolite = ill-mannered = ill-behaved = rough

64. ruin  損毀;遺跡;紀念碑 n.

   = destruction = monument = remains

64. rule  管理,統治 v.

   = govern = control = reign = dominate

   = command

65. rule  規則 n.  

   = regulation              

66. rural  鄉村的 adj.

   = of the country        = rustic

67. rush  衝進、蜂擁而至 v. n.

   = dash = hurry

68. ruthless  無情的 adj.

   = merciless = heartless = inexorable = pitiless


1. seek  尋找 v.

  = look for = find = search for = hunt

1. skillful  熟練的 adj.

  = proficient = adept = expert

2. sufficient  足夠的 adj.

  = enough = adequate  = ample

3. surprised  感到驚訝的 adj.

  = amazed = astonished = astounded

4. summit          頂端 n.

  = top = peak

5. suitable  適合的 adj.

  = proper = appropriate = fitting = becoming

6. strict  嚴厲的 adj.

  = stern = harsh = severe = tough = demanding

  = grueling = rigorous

7. smart  聰明的 adj.

  = clever = intelligent   = bright = quick = brilliant

8. sleepy  想睡的 adj.

   = drowsy

9. sunset  傍晚 n.

   = dusk = twilight = evening

10. strength  力量 n.   

   = power = force        = energy = vitality

11. solemn  嚴肅的;清醒的;誠懇的 adj.

   = grave = serious = earnest = severe = stern

   = sober = sincere = awe-inspiring

12. safe  安全的 adj.

   = secure

13. safeguard  保護 v.

   = protect

14. sage  聖人 n. 

   = wise man

15. salary  薪水 n.       

   = pay = paycheck = wages

16. sane  頭腦清楚的;明智的 adj.

   = sensible = sound = reasonable

17. sanitary  衛生的 adj.

   = hygienic = healthful

18. save  貯存 v. 

   = store = stock

19. save  v.     

   = rescue

20. scare  驚嚇 v.

   = frighten = startle = terrify = horrify = shock

 = stun = alarm

21. scatter  撒播 v.

   = spread = distribute

22. sight  景色 n.

   = scene = view

23. scope   範圍 n.      

   = extent = range

24. scrape  磨擦;削() v. 

   = rub  = graze = scratch

   = peel

25. season  調味品 n.  

   = spice = flavor

26. seem  似乎 v.

   = appear = look

27. segment  部分 n.   

   = section = part = portion = ratio = proportion

28. selfish  自私的 adj.

   = self-centered

29. sell  v.

   = vend = peddle       

30. senior   年長的 n.  

   = elder

31. sense  理解 v.

   = feel = understand = perceive = comprehend

   = cognize = discern

32. sentimental  多愁善感的 adj.

   = emotional = tender = affectionate

33. separate  分開 v.

   = segregate = divide = part = sever

34. serene  寧靜的 adj.

   = quiet = peaceful = calm = tranquil = silent

35. serve  供應 v.

   = supply = furnish = provide = offer = equip

36. setting  環境 n.     

   = surroundings

37. shabby  衣衫襤褸的 adj.

   = ragged

38. shallow  淺的,膚淺的 adj.

   = superficial

39. shameful  可恥的 adj.

   = disgraceful

40. sharp  急劇的;明顯的;機伶的 adj.

   = sudden = abrupt = distinct = clear = clever

   = bright

40. sharpen  使尖銳 v.

   = grind

40. shatter  毀壞,粉碎 v.

   = smash = destroy = break

41. sheer  純綷的 adj.

   = pure = plain = simple

42. shelter  保護 v.      

   = protect = shield = defend = guard

43. shift  轉變 v.

   = change = alter        = vary

44. shop  購物 v. 

   = buy = purchase

45. shore  海岸 n.

   = coast = beach = bank

46. shortage  缺乏 n.   

   = lack        = want = need =deficiency

47. shortcoming  缺點 n.    

   = drawback = flaw = weakness       

48. shout  喊叫 v.       

   = yell = cry = howl = bellow = roar

49. shrink          退縮 v.      

   = withdraw = retreat = pull back

50. shut  關閉 v. 

   = close

51. shy  害羞的 adj.

   = timid

52. significant   重要的意義,深遠的 v.

   = important = meaningful = vital = essential

   = critical

53. sin  n.

   = crime = guilt = wrongdoing

54. sink  下降、落下、下沉 v.

   = fall = drop = descend

54. site  位置,地點 n.

   = location = place = situation = position

55. size  尺寸大小 n.

   = measurement = dimension

55. skeleton  骨骼;骨架 n.

   = framework = bones = structure

56. skinny  很瘦的,皮包骨的 adj.

   = lean        = bony

57. slant  傾斜 v. 

   = tilt = lean

58. slender  苗條的 adj.

   = thin = slim

59. slide  滑行 v. 

   = glide = slip

60. slogan  標語,口號 n.

   = motto = mantra

61. sloppy  邋遢的 adj.

   = careless = messy

62. sluggish  懶的,遲緩的 adj.

   = lazy        = slow = inactive

63. sly  狡詐的 adj.

   = cunning = crafty = tricky

64. smog  煙霧 n.

   = smoke = fog

65. smooth  平順的 adj.

   = even

66. sob  啜泣 v.

   = weep

67. sober  清醒的 adj.

   = sound = sensible

68. soft  柔軟的,溫和的 adj.

   = tender = mild = gentle

69. sole  單一的,唯一的 adj.

   = only = single = solitary

70. solid  牢固的 adj.

   = firm = sturdy = stable = steady = strong

71. solution  解答、解決方法 n.

   = answer = resolution = key

71. solve  解決 v.

   = resolve = work out

71. somehow  以某種方式、不知怎麼地 adv.

   = one way or another = in some way

   = by some means

72. soothe  安撫,撫慰 v.

   = comfort = ease = calm

73. sore  疼痛的 adj.

   = painful = aching

74. sorrow  受傷 n.

   = grief = sadness

75. sort  分類 v.  

   = classify = separate = group = divide = grade

76. sound          健康的;健全的;穩固的 adj.

   = healthy = fit = wholesome = stable

77. spacious  寬敞的 adj.

   = roomy = vast = capacious

78. span  時期;間距;全長;距離 n.     

   = period = interval = length = distance

79. spare  額外的 adj.

   = extra = additional = surplus

80. sparkle  閃耀 v.

   = twinkle = glitter = glimmer = shine = flash

81. spear  v.

   = pierce = puncture

82. special  特別的 adj.

   = particular = unusual = extraordinary

83. spectacular          壯觀的 adj.

   = magnificent = amazing

84. spell  魔力 n.

   = charm = fascination = enchantment = magic

85. sphere  球體 n.

   = ball = globe

86. spill  v.

   = pour = overflow

87. spit  唾液 n.

   = saliva

88. split  分,劈開 v.

   = break = separate

89. spoil  毀壞 v.

   = damage = destroy = ruin = injure = harm

90. spouse  配偶 n.

   = husband or wife

91. spray  噴灑 v.

   = splash = sprinkle = scatter = send out

92. spread  擴展 v.

   = extend = stretch out

93. squad  隊,組 n.

   = group = team = crew

94. squander  浪費、揮霍 v.

   = waste = lavish = misspend = dissipate

94. squeeze  v.

   = press = crush

95. solemnity  莊嚴 n.

   = majesty

95. staff  全體員工,教職人員 n.

   = faculty

96. standard  標準 n.

   = criterion = level = model = example

97. stare  凝視 v.

   = gaze = glare = gape = watch

98. state  狀態 n. 

   = condition = situation = circumstance

99. statement  敘述 n. 

   = speech = words = account = report

100. status  身份,地位 n.

    = position

101. steer  駕馭 v.

    = drive = handle

102. stick to  黏,執著於 v.

    = attach to = adhere to = cling to

103. stimulate  刺激 v.

    = spur = motivate = activate = pep up

104. stingy  吝嗇的 adj.

    = miserly = cheap

105. stinky  臭的 adj.

    = smelly

106. stout  雄壯高大的 adj.

    = strong and tall

107. straight    誠實,直接的 adj.

    = frank = honest = upright = square = direct

108. strategy  策略;戰略 n.

    = policy = tactics

108. stream  水溪 n.

    = brook = creek = rill

109. stream  v.

    = flow

110. strenuous  費力的 adj.

    = difficult = hard = arduous = laborious

  = pains-taking

111. stress  壓力 n.     

    = pressure = strain = tension

112. strive  奮鬥,努力 v. n.

    = struggle = fight = effort = endeavor = resist

113. stroll  散步 v. n.  

    = walk = stride

114. stunning  令人吃驚的;出色的 adj.

    = astonishing = astounding = striking

 = fabulous = fantastic

114. stutter  口吃 v. n.

    = stammer

115. stylish  流行的 adj.

    = fashionable = modern

116. subject  主題,話題 n.

    = topic = title = theme

117. subordinate  下屬 n.   

    = inferior

118. substance   物質 n.      

    = matter = material

119. subtle  精緻的,細微的 adj.

    = delicate = fine

120. subtract   減去 v.  

    = deduct = discount = withhold

121. successful  成功的,繁盛的 adj.

    = prosperous = flourishing = thriving

    = triumphant = booming = well-off

122. sufficient 足夠的,充分的 adj.

    = enough = ample = adequate

123. suffocate  使窒息 v.

    = choke

123. suggestion  建議 n.

    = advice = recommendation = counsel

 = proposal

124. suit  適合 v.

    = fit

124. sum  總數 n.

    = amount = total = lot = volume

125. superb  一流的,最棒的 adj.

    = excellent = splendid = best = marvelous

126. supplement  補充 v. n.

    = addition

127. support    輔助 v.  

    = help = aid

128. suppose  推測 v. 

    = think = imagine = presume = assume = guess

    = surmise

129. suppress  鎮壓 v. 

    = repress = restrain = keep down = control

 = conceal

130. supreme  至高無上的 adj.

    = highest = greatest = utmost = foremost = top

    = paramount

131. surgery  外科手術 n.

    = operation

132. surplus     剩餘 n.  

    = excess = extra

133. surrender  投降 v.       

    = yield = give in

134. surround  包圍 v.

    = envelop        = encircle = enclose

135. swap  交換 v.

    = exchange = trade = switch

136. symbolize  象徵,代表 v.

    = represent = stand for = embody = exemplify

    = typify = epitomize

137. synthetic  人工合成的 adj.

    = artificial = man-made

126. supplement  補充 v.n. 

    = addition

127. support    輔助 v.

    = help = aid

128. suppose   推測 v.  

    = think = imagine = presume = assume

 = surmise

129. suppress   鎮壓 v.  

    = repress = restrain = keep down

130. supreme  至高無上的 adj.

    = highest = greatest = utmost = foremost = top

    = paramount

131. surgery    外科手術 n.

    = operation

132. surplus     剩餘 n.  

    = excess = extra

133. surrender  投降 v.       

    = yield = give in

134. surround  包圍 v.

    = envelop        = encircle = enclose

135. swap  交換 v.      

   = exchange = trade = switch

136. symbolize 象徵,代表 v.

   = represent        = stand for

137. synthetic  人工合成的 adj.

   = artificial = man-made


1. totally  完全地 adv.

  = completely = entirely = wholly = thoroughly

  = altogether

2. table  n.

  = chart = diagram

3. tablet  葯片 n.

  = pill  葯丸 = capsule 膠囊

4. tale  故事 n.

  = story

5. talent  才能 n. 

  = ability = capability

6. tangible  具體的,可觸知的 adj.

  = concrete = practicable

7. tangle  纏結 v.

  = twist

8. target  目標 n.

  = goal = aim = objective = purpose = intention

9. task  工作,任務 n.

   = work = job = duty

10. tedious  冗長,無聊的 adj.

   = boring = dull = monotonous

11. temporary  暫時的 adj.

   = momentary = tentative

12. tempt  誘惑;使著迷 v.

   = attract = seduce = allure        = lure = charm

   = fascinate = enchant

13. tend  易於;傾向於 v. (tend + to/toward…)

   = be inclined = be prone to = have tendency to

13. thrive   繁盛,茂盛 v.

   = prosper = flourish

14. therefore  因此 adv.

   = thus        = hence = accordingly = consequently

   = as a result

15. timetable  時間表 n.

   = schedule

16. tired  疲倦的 adj.

   = exhausted = fatigued

17. token 代表物,表徵 n.

   = sign = mark

18. tolerable  可容忍的;尚可的 adj.

   = endurable

18. tomb  墳墓 n.

   = grave

19. torment  使痛苦 v.

   = torture = distress = plague = bother

20. tournament  競賽錦標賽 n.

   = contest = competition

21. trace  追蹤 v.

   = track = follow

22. tradition  傳統習俗 n.

   = custom

23. trait  特性 n.  

   = feature = characteristic = quality

24. transfer  轉移;運送;調送;傳送 v.

   = shift = divert = convey = deliver = transmit

   = move = remove = transport = bear = carry

24. transport  運輸、傳送 v.

   = take = carry = deliver = fetch = tote

24. tendency   趨勢 n.  

   = trend = fashion = vogue

25. trickle  滴流;細細地流 v.

   = drip = dribble = drop

25. trigger  引起、導致 v.

   = cause = result from = lead to = contribute to

   = bring about

26. trim  修剪 v.  

   = cut = shave

27. trip  絆倒 v.   

   = stumble = tumble = fall

28. trip  旅行 n.   

   = travel = tour = journey = excursion = outing

29. triumph  勝利 n.    

   = victory = winning = success

30. trivial   不重要的,瑣碎的 adj.

   = trifling = unimportant = slight

31. tumult  喧鬧 n.      

   = turmoil = turbulence = calamity = noise

   = uproar

32. tutor  教師 n.

   = teacher = instructor

32. type  類型;典範 n.

   = kind = sort = model = example

33. typical  典型的;特點的 adj.

   = standard = characteristic = distinctive

   = representative = symbolic

33. tyrant  暴君 n.

   = dictator  獨裁者


1. ugly  難看的 adj.

   = bad-looking = unattractive

   = homely   平庸的 = plain  平庸的

2. ultimate  最後的 adj.

   = final = eventual

3. unaware  不知的 adj.

  = unconscious = ignorant

4. unbearable  無法忍受的 adj.

  = intolerable

5. under  之下 prep.

  = below = beneath

6. undergo  經歷 v.

  = experience = encounter = go through = suffer

7. undo  解開 v.

  = unfasten = untie

8. unemployed        失業的 adj.

  = jobless = unoccupied = out of work

9. unexpected  意外的 adj.

  = accidental

10. unfair   不公平的 adj.

   = unjust

11. unfaithful  不忠心的 adj.

   = untrue = disloyal

12. unforgettable  難忘的 adj.

   = remarkable

13. unfortunate  不幸的 adj.

   = unlucky

14. uniform  相同的 adj.

   = the same

15. unparalleled  無與倫比的 adj.

   = unmatched = unequaled        = the best

 = second to none

16. unselfish  不自私的,大方的 adj.

   = generous = liberal = kind = liberal = plentiful

   = ample = benevolent = charitable = merciful

   = kind-hearted

17. uncover  揭露 v.

   = unveil = discover = disclose = reveal = expose

18. uphold  舉起;支持;贊成 v.

   = support = sustain = defend = advocate

18. utter  完全的 adj.

   = complete        = pure

19. utter  說話,表達 v.

   = speak = express = explain = tell = portray

 = illustrate


1. vague  模糊的 adj.

  = unclear = faint = dim = blurred = obscure

 = gloomy = indistinct

2. vacant  空的 adj.

  = empty = blank

3. value  價值 n.  

  = worth

4. value  重視;評價 v.

  = think much = evaluate = price = cherish

  = treasure

5. vanish  消失 v.

  = disappear = fade

6. various   各式各樣的 adj.

  = different = diverse

7. vary  變化 v.

  = differ = change       

8. vast  巨大的 adj.

  = huge = giant = large = enormous = tremendous

9. vending machine 自動販賣機 n.

   = dispenser

10. vent  n.

   = hole = opening = outlet

11. vertical  垂直的 adj.

   = upright = perpendicular

12. vessel   容器 n.

   = container

13. vessel   船隻 n.

   = ship        = boat                   

14. vicious  邪惡的 adj.

   = evil = wicked = sinful = mean

15. vulnerable  易受傷害的、脆弱的 adj.

   = fragile = susceptible = defenseless = helpless

   = weak

16. view  觀點 n.

   = viewpoint = point of view = opinion = idea

17. vigorous  精力充沛的 adj.

   = energetic        = active

18. violate  違反 v.

   = break

19. virtual  實質上的;虛擬的 adj.

   = essential = substantial

19. virtually  實際上地幾乎 adv.

   = actually = in fact = in reality = in practice

   = practically = almost

20. vision   視力視野 n.

   = sight

21. visit  拜訪 v. 

   = call on (+) = call at (+) = drop in

22. vulgar  粗俗的 adj.

   = earthly = coarse


1. wagon  貨車 n.       

  = carriage

2. wait for  等待 v.     

  = await

3. wane  減弱 v.  

  = diminish = lessen = decline = fade = die away

4. war  戰爭 n.    

  = battle = fight

5. warehouse   倉庫 n.  

  = storehouse

6. warm  熱忱的,友善的 adj.

  = friendly

7. wealth  財富 n.       

  = riches

8. weary  疲倦的 adj.

  = tired = fatigued

9. wed  嫁;結婚 v.   

  = marry

10. weigh  斟酌 v.      

   = measure

11. weighty  重的 adj.

   = heavy

12. weird  奇怪的 adj.

   = strange = odd = queer

13. welcome  歡迎 v.  

   = greet

14. whack  重擊 v.

   = hit = strike = blow

15. wholehearted    全心的 adj.

   = earnest = sincere = hearty = cordial

16. wholesome  健全的 adj.

   = sound = healthy

17. wide 寬的 adj.       

   = broad

17. widen  使寬廣 v.

   = broaden = expand

17. width  寬度;廣博 n.

   = wideness = broadness

17. wild  野生的;野蠻的;猛烈的 adj.

   = untamed = barbarian = savage = furious

 = violent = vicious

17. wire  拍電報;裝電線 v. 電線;電報 n.

   = cable = telegraph

   = electric cable = cable = telegraph

17. wise  智慧的 adj.

   = clever = intelligent = sensible = shrewd

   = judicious

18. wither  枯萎 v.

   = dry up = fade

19. wind  蜿蜒 v.

   = turn        = bend

20. wink  眨眼 v.

   = blink

21. withstand  抵抗 v.  

   = resist

22. witness  目擊 v.    

   = see = view = behold = sight

23. woe  悲痛 n. 

   = grief

24. worship  崇拜 v.   

   = respect = admire = adore

25. wound  傷害 v.     

   = injure = impair = hurt = damage


1. yield  生產 v.

  = produce

2. yield  屈服 v.

  = give in = surrender = submit to

3. young  年輕的 adj.

  = youthful = juvenile

4. yearn  渴望(~ + for/to) v.

  = desire = long = crave = hunger = thrust


1. zeal  熱心 n.    

  = enthusiasm = eagerness = passion   

2. zealous          熱忱的 adj.

  = enthusiastic

3. zero  n.       

  = naught

4. zone  地區 n.   

  = region = area = territory = district = section   

  = part   

