2021年2月18日 星期四

Section 2---Unit 01 The Best Dads of the Water

 Section 2: Putting the Skills to Practice

Section 2---Unit 01 Animals

The Best Dads of the Water

In the animal world, the mother is usually the parent that does the most for the child. She gives birth to it and often raises it on her own. However, there are several aquatic animals that are turning this idea upside down.

One of the most interesting examples of an excellent ocean dad is the sea horse. The female lays her eggs in a pouch on the front of a male sea horse. As the eggs grow, so does his belly. When the eggs finally hatch, the dad gives birth by pushing the tiny new sea horses from the pouch.

Another father with a pouch is the Darwin's frog. The female lays eggs and the male guards them for about two weeks. When the tadpoles come out of their eggs, the father puts them in the big pouch of skin under his chin, where they stay until they are ready to hop out into the dangerous world.

The clown fish was made famous by the Disney film Finding Nemo. After the female clown fish lays eggs, the male protects them until they hatch. That's not all. If the mother fish dies, the dad can turn into a female and be the new mom of the family. Now that's real dedication!

Another great ocean dad is the emperor penguin. These dads keep the eggs on top of their feet under a thick fold of warm skin. During the next two months of the Antarctic winter, these fantastic fathers without food as they keep their precious eggs warm.

While each of these fathers is very different, they all take responsibility for their children. These dads of the water make sure their kids have a safe place to grow so they will have a good life in the future.

 chin第三級[名詞] 下巴
 clown第三級[動詞] 開玩笑;裝傻; [名詞] 小丑,丑角
 dedication第六級[名詞] 奉獻;揭幕儀式;獻身
 emperor第三級[名詞] 皇帝
 fantastic第四級[形容詞] 奇妙的
 fold第三級[動詞] 摺疊;對摺; [名詞] 摺疊
 hatch第三級[動詞] 孵出; [名詞] (船的)艙口
 penguin第三級[名詞] 企鵝
 precious第三級[形容詞] 寶貴的
 responsibility第三級[名詞] 責任

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?

(A) How the male sea horse takes care of the eggs

(B) How the female sea horse hatches the eggs

(C) How the male sea horse lays eggs in a pouch

(D) How the female sea horse grows the eggs in her belly

(   ) 2. How does the Darwin's frog father protect his tadpoles?

(A) He keeps them inside his belly.

(B) He puts them under his chin.

(C) He turns into a female to be the mom.

(D) He doesn't eat for two months.

(   ) 3. According to the writer, what is real dedication?

(A) Protecting the mother after she lays eggs

(B) Taking responsibility for your children

(C) Turning into a female if the mother dies

(D) Eating nothing to keep eggs warm

(   ) 4. Which of the following statements would the writer NOT agree with?

(A) It is usually the mother who does the most for the child.

(B) The clown fish was made famous by a Disney movie.

(C) The emperor penguin is an example of a great ocean dad.

(D) The fathers in the passage all protect their children in the same way.

 according第五級[動詞] accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
 chin第三級[名詞] 下巴
 clown第三級[動詞] 開玩笑;裝傻; [名詞] 小丑,丑角
 dedication第六級[名詞] 奉獻;揭幕儀式;獻身
 emperor第三級[名詞] 皇帝
 hatches第三級[動詞] hatch(孵出) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] hatch((船的)艙口) 的複數
 paragraph第四級[名詞] (文章的)段,節
 passage第三級[名詞] 通行;走廊,過道
 penguin第三級[名詞] 企鵝
 responsibility第三級[名詞] 責任

