2021年2月18日 星期四

Section 2---Unit 02 Museums for Love

 Section 2---Unit 02 Culture and Customs

Museums for Love

What does love mean to you? Is it that special feeling in your heart when you see someone you like? Is it the warm glow you get when you hold hands? Love seems to be everywhere, and at some museums around the world, love is in the air all year round.

The Palazzo Filomela in Venice is better known as the Museum of Love. This museum was once the private home of a famous 16th-century singer. On the walls, you can see paintings of legendary lovers, such as the god Cupid and his lover, Psyche.

For many, love and chocolate go hand in hand, so a visit to the Chocolate Museum in Cologne, Germany, makes sense. There, visitors can learn about the history of chocolate and watch chocolate bars being made. The museum also gives out wafers that were dipped in chocolate from a three-meter-high chocolate fountain.

Love isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes things can go wrong, and the Museum of Broken Relationships in Croatia is dedicated to this. It has a collection of objects that people donated from their failed relationships, and each item has a story that goes along with it. Visitors will see letters, photographs, dolls, and clothing from broken hearts all over the world.

On the brighter side, the Diamond Museum Amsterdam in Holland is the place to go when you're ready to take your love to the next level. At this museum, you can learn about diamonds, including how to tell a real one from a fake one. You may also get some ideas about which diamond to buy when you're getting engaged.

Shakespeare once wrote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." Thanks to these special museums, we can all open our minds to---and fill our hearts with---love.

 clothing第三級[動詞] clothe(給...穿衣;為...提供衣服) 的現在分詞
 collection第三級[名詞] 收集
 customs第五級[名詞] 關稅;報關手續;海關出入境口
 dedicated第五級[動詞] dedicate(奉獻;獻身於;舉行落成典禮) 的過去式及過去分詞
 dipped第三級[動詞] dip(浸;泡) 的過去式及過去分詞
 donated第五級[動詞] donate(捐獻,捐贈) 的過去式及過去分詞
 engaged第三級[動詞] engage(使訂婚;使忙於) 的過去式及過去分詞
 fake第三級[形容詞] 假的;冒充的; [動詞] 偽造;捏造;欺騙,迷惑; [名詞] 冒牌貨;仿造品
 fountain第三級[名詞] 泉水;噴泉;水源
 glow第三級[動詞] 發白熱光,灼熱; [名詞] 灼熱;光輝
 including第四級[介系詞] 包括
 legendary第五級[形容詞] 傳說的;傳奇的
 lover第三級[名詞] 情人
 lovers第三級[名詞] lover(情人) 的複數

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. Why is the author writing about a chocolate museum in this article?

(A) Because people dip heart-shaped wafers in the chocolate there

(B) Because many believe that love and chocolate are closely connected

(C) Because people love to learn the history of chocolate and watch chocolate bars being made

(D) Because handmade chocolate is the best way to express love

(   ) 2. What does "Love isn't always sunshine and rainbows" mean in paragraph four?

(A) Sometimes love can make you feel bad.

(B) You can't always see sunshine when you are in love.

(C) There is always failure in relationships.

(D) Love is like a colorful rainbow.

(   ) 3. Which of the following statements is true about the Museum of Broken Relationships?

(A) It has sunshine and rainbows painted on the walls.

(B) It has pictures of people with broken hearts on the walls.

(C) It has many dolls and photographs that visitors can see.

(D) It has a collection of objects from successful relationships.

(   ) 4. According to the article, where would you go if you were to ask someone to marry you?

(A) Palazzo Filomela                          (B) Chocolate Museum

(C) Museum of Broken Relationships (D) Diamond Museum Amsterdam

 according第五級[動詞] accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
 collection第三級[名詞] 收集
 colorful第三級[形容詞] 富有色彩的
 connected第三級[動詞] connect(連接,連結) 的過去式及過去分詞
 dip第三級[動詞] 浸;泡; [名詞] (價格的)下跌
 paragraph第四級[名詞] (文章的)段,節

