2015年9月13日 星期日


Carnival is a four-day celebration before the start of Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of Christian Lent. The idea behind Carnival is to enjoy life to the fullest by feasting, drinking, and dancing before the fasting period. It takes place during the first or second week of February and is celebrated around the world.

The biggest carnival happens in Rio where parades take place and turn the city into a big street party. Hundreds of elaborate floats glide down the streets, with costumed people on top throwing plastic beaded necklaces down to the people below.

Alongside the floats are marching samba bands playing traditional Brazilian Carnival songs whose fast beats get everyone in the streets dancing. Every samba band and float must choose a theme that is taken from history or literature and decorate their floats according to this theme. The result is samba bands and floats trying to outdo each other in wild, ornate costumes and intense music. Balls also occur where people attend dressed in lavish costumes and masks. Many consider Carnival to be the world’s biggest and best party.

In 1840, a hotel owner changed the carnival celebration forever by hiring musicians and dancers and throwing a lavish masked ball. Only the rich could afford to go, so the poorer people partied in the streets. This celebration escalated into the huge street party that Rio is today.

The climax of this four-day celebration is Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras, when the biggest floats and loudest samba bands take to the streets. Carnival is a lot of fun, but caution must be taken. It gets very crowded and hot, and there are some people who drink too much alcohol which can lead to fighting and other dangerous behavior. Still, with a little common sense, Carnival is an event to be enjoyed and if attended, can be one of life’s best memories.

連續四天的慶祝高潮在「肥胖星期二」,又叫做Mardi Gras,這時候街道上會有最大型的花車和最熱鬧的森巴樂團。嘉年華會很有趣,但也要謹慎小心,因為街道上擁擠又炎熱,有些人喝了太多酒,很容易打架滋事,或做出其他危險的舉動。但要知道,嘉年華會讓你盡情狂歡,一旦參加過,將令人終生難忘。

