2015年9月13日 星期日


Istanbul is a unique city for it’s the only settlement in the world that sits on two continents, Asia and Europe. The Bosporus Strait divides the city in two: the western part being the European side and the eastern part being the Asian side. Because there are many monuments and other things of interest, taking a boat ride down the Bosporus Strait is the ideal way to see this city.

Catamarans can be hired for an affordable price. On these, you can travel the length of the Bosporus Strait to either the Black Sea or the Sea of Marmara, seeing all that Istanbul has to offer. Catamarans are for private hire and for tourist use. To get a taste of the local culture, however, it is recommended to take one of the many ferries that are used for public transportation. Though they don’t go as far as the catamarans do, they are more affordable and you can still see many of the highlights of Istanbul.

Ferries leave the west side of Istanbul from the main downtown port of Eminonu every 15 minutes and stop running at 6 p.m. Once you reach Anadolu Kavagi on the Asian side, you can take the ferry back to Eminonu. It’s quite an ambient experience to sit in the teashop that is located in the middle of the ferry. Waiters in embroidered velvet jackets and fezes serve cay in tulip-shaped glasses with a cube of sugar on the side. Sit at a table and sip hot cay while you float past the beauty of the Bosporus.
在伊斯坦堡西邊城鎮的主要港口埃米諾魯碼頭,每15分鐘發一班船,晚上六點停駛。到亞洲這一邊的Anadolu Kavagi的時候,就可以再搭船回去埃米諾魯碼頭。坐在渡船中的茶坊裡是很愜意的。穿著花紋刺繡的天鵝絨外套和土耳其帽的服務生,端來鬱金香形狀玻璃杯盛的土耳其熱茶,旁邊附有一塊方糖。在船上漂浮,瀏覽博斯普魯斯海峽的美景,坐著啜飲土耳其熱茶。

Jewels like the Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are best seen on the water, anyways, and there’s no other way to capture the magic of Istanbul than by traveling on the Bosporus Strait.

