2017年1月16日 星期一


Lesson 6  Exercises 課後練習簡答
1. species         2. survival        3. destroy                4. severe          5. responsible
6. climate         7. mainly         8. cause           9. forest           10. pollution

1. C         2. B         3. A

1.      B       2. D         3. C         4. B         5. A

1. gives; off
2. taken; action
3. aware; of
4. dying; out
5. is; close; to

è  It is time that we made a decision.

è  Mr. Presley is too ill to get out of bed.

1.   This answer may be too shocking to believe.
2.   更糟的是,為了讓我們的生活更好,我們也正緩慢地殘殺著地球。

