2017年1月16日 星期一


Lesson 8  Exercises 課後練習簡答
1. recommend         2. schedule      3. concentrate          4. comfort       5. support
6. effort                   7. offered                8. introduced           9. degrees        10. normal

1. D         2. C         3. C

1.      C       2. A         3. D         4. C         5. B

1. reached; out
2. pick; up
3. set; up
4. turning; to
5. leave; for

è  The students discussed the questions in groups instead of studying independently.

è  Mark did not go to see a doctor until he was seriously sick.

1.   It’s cold outside, so don’t forget to put on a jacket/coat.
2.   LeilaAnnie的朋友,了解她的每個需求。

