Celebrated the Black Nazarene Parade in Grand Style
This January a huge parade in Manilla attracted over one and a half million people, and most
of them walked barefoot to show their respect. The focus of the religious celebration is a
life-sized statue of Jesus wearing a crown
of thorns and carrying a wooden cross. What makes this statue special is that
it shows Jesus as a black man, with dark skin. The faithful pray to the “Black
Nazarene,” as the statue is called, in the hope that their
wishes for miracles will be granted. The majority of Filipinos are Catholics, many of whom
believe the Black Nazarene has the power to cure disease.
In Philippines, the Black Nazarene Parade is celebrated on January 9th every year. On that
day, the Black Nazarene statue is placed on a carriage.
The carriage is then paraded through the streets of Manilla, the capital of the Philippines, by volunteers who take it in turns to push and pull it with long ropes.
Meanwhile, the excited crowd presses close around the carriage every step of
the way, trying desperately to touch the statue to receive a blessing. Such sincere religious devotion can be dangerous, however. Injuries and even occasional deaths can
occur as people fall and get crushed underfoot by others in the mad rush.
The parade usually lasts around twenty hours non-stop. Since it is
impossible for so many people to actually get close enough to physically lay a
hand on the statue, the hopeful devotees
throw their towels and cloths in its direction
instead. Volunteers riding on the carriage with the Black Nazarene catch these
cloths, wipe them quickly on the surface of the statue, and throw them back
into the crowd. Those lucky enough to catch one can take the holy object home,
which is considered to be the next best thing to touching the statue itself.
With the streets so crowded, the parade brings the traffic
to a standstill in the Manilla neighborhoods. Vehicles are forced to take different
routes, leading to long transportation delays and challenges for emergency
services. Since large public events can make tempting targets for terrorists, the Black Nazarene parade has
thousands of soldiers and police deployed by the government of the Philippines to ensure order and public
safety. Fortunately, this year’s event sees no serious
problems. When the parade finishes, the Black Nazarene is returned to its
home in a church in
the Quiapo district of Manilla, where
it will await next year’s parade.
Reading Comprehension
( ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?
Emergency services face a
tough challenge during the parade.
The Black Nazarene parade is an important event to many Filipinos.
The Philippine government cares about public safety and order.
The route of the Black Nazarene parade is crowded with people and cars.
( ) 2. What does the Black Nazarene statue
look like?
It is dark-skinned, wearing a crown of thorns, and carrying a wooden cross.
It is fair-skinned, wearing a crown of gold, and carrying a wooden cross.
It is dark-skinned, wearing a towel, and carrying long ropes.
It is fair-skinned, wearing a towel, and carrying long ropes.
( ) 3. Why do the faithful want to touch the
Black Nazarene statue?
They want to receive a blessing.
They hope it can cure their disease.
They expect a miracle from it.
All of the above.
( ) 4. According to the passage, what do
people who cannot physically touch the statue do during the parade?
They throw towels and cloths in the parade’s direction.
They drive and take different routes.
They push and pull the carriage with long ropes.
They ask soldiers and police to let them get closer.
( ) 5. According to the passage, which of the
following is NOT true?
The parade usually lasts around twenty hours.
The parade usually stops for a long break around halfway.
The parade is held every year on January 9th in Philippines.
(D) The
parade brings the traffic in Manilla to a standstill.
Vocabulary and Phrases
parade [p1`red] n. [C] 遊行
parade [p1`red] vt. 展示
Many cities in the United States usually have parades on Independence Day.
The basketball team winning the NBA Finals paraded the championship trophy.
barefoot [`bEr&f5t] adv. 光著腳地
Amber took off her shoes and socks so that she could walk barefoot on the sandy beach.
3. thorn [TOrn] n. [C] 荊棘
There is a deserted country mansion
behind the hedge of thorns.
4. grant [Gr8nt] vt. 賜與,准予
The journalist was granted
permission to take pictures at the museum.
majority [m1`dZOr1tK] n. sing. 大多數
The majority of students find it quite difficult to learn trigonometric functions.
capital [`k8p1tL] n. [C] 首都
The White House is located
in Washington, D.C. , which is the capital of the United States.
volunteer [&vAl1n`tIr] n. [C] 志願者,志工
Jamie is one of the volunteers
who help take care of elderly people living alone.
8. desperately [`dEsp1rItlI] adv. 拼命地
Having eaten nothing since yesterday, the homeless man looked desperately for something to eat.
blessing [`blEsI9] n. [C] 祝福,祝頌
The bishop gave God’s blessing to the people in the church.
10. devotion [dI`voS1n] n. [U] 忠誠,奉獻
I am impressed with Mother Teresa’s devotion to the poor and the sick in
11. occasional [1`keZ1nL] adj.
Ben makes occasional visits
to the public library. He goes there once a month.
12. underfoot [&^nd2`f5t] adv. 在腳下
Grasses and flowers are frequently trampled underfoot.
13. hopeful [`hopf1l] adj. 懷抱希望的
Mrs. Chen is hopeful about her husband’s future. She
believes that he will be successful as a photographer one day.
14. standstill [`st8nd&stIl] n. sing. 停頓,停止
Traffic in the downtown
area almost came to a standstill during
the rush hour.
15. route [rut] n.
[C] 路線,路徑
The taxi driver had to
take another route because the
bridge to the village was blocked.
16. tempting [`tEmptI9] adj. 吸引人的,誘人的
I couldn’t resist the tempting smell of a hot chocolate
17. deploy
[dI`plOI] vt. 部署,調度
The United
Nations deployed troops to keep the
peace between the two neighboring countries.
Words for
the Black Nazarene [D1 bl8k &n8z1`rin] n. 黑拿撒勒人節
2. Manilla [m1`nIl1] n. 馬尼拉
3. Jesus [`dZiz1s] n. 耶穌
4. the faithful [D1 `feTf1l] n. pl. (宗教的)信徒,信眾
Catholic [`k8T1lIk] n. [C] 天主教徒
devotee [&dev1`ti] n. [C] 虔誠的宗教信徒
7. Quiapo [`kwI1&pO] n. 奎阿坡
閱讀測驗解答:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B
