2017年1月16日 星期一


Lesson 7  Exercises 課後練習簡答
1. religion        2. worship       3. cruel            4. bizarre         5. billionaire
6. evil              7. pour             8. parade         9. unusual        10. opposite

1. B         2. A         3. C

1.      A       2. B         3. D         4. C         5. A

1. is; packed; with
2. scare; away
3. made; faces
4. in; the; middle; of
5. no; matter; how

è  The more efficiently you work, the earlier you can leave your office.

è  It is said that Marvin will move to Canada.

1.   One way to experience the various cultures of Asia is to visit its festivals.
2.   亞洲是世界最大洲,擁有數十億人口。

