2017年6月26日 星期一

B2 Unit 6 課後 Do It Yourself 解答

───────────────Do It Yourself─────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________   1. If you do not want to climb the stairs, you can take the e______r.
__________   2. I have only met Ivy once, so I cannot clearly d______e the way she looks.
__________   3. Because of the serious water p______n, there are no more fish in the river now.
__________   4. My brother was cleaning the kitchen. M______e, my dad was washing his car.
__________   5. After a short break, the man was full of e______y again and continued to work.
__________   6. The new tax law is widely welcomed because it b______ts not only the rich but also the poor.
__________   7. The apartment is not expensive. M______r, it is in a good location.
__________   8. The economic t______m “bear market” means a time when stock (股票) prices are falling.
__________   9. As Betty grew older, she g______y realized the importance of eating healthy foods.
__________   10. Without e______c power, these machines won’t work.

1. elevator 2. describe     3. pollution 4. Meanwhile   5. energy
6. benefits 7. Moreover   8. term          9. gradually      10. electric

II. Cloze Test
In recent years, more and more people have realized the importance of caring for the earth. Thus, they are starting to focus  1  not only their own health but also the earth’s health. Many of the people  2  to become more eco-friendly are now leading a LOHAS lifestyle. The meaning of LOHAS is to  3  the earth by thinking carefully about everything people do in their daily lives. For example, LOHAS followers eat organic food because  4 . They prefer to walk or ride bicycles  5  drive cars or ride scooters. If they go shopping, they buy eco-friendly  6  and carry their own shopping bags  7  them. When  8  out, they use their own chopsticks. In addition, recycling and reusing things  9  two more things that LOHAS followers usually do.  10  what these people are doing, our planet is becoming a better place.
(   ) 1.  (A) at               (B) to                (C) on               (D) in
(   ) 2.  (A) try             (B) trying         (C) are trying    (D) who trying
(   ) 3(A) take care of                         (B) send away  (C) get rid of       (D) eat away at
(   ) 4.  (A) chemicals                            (B) no chemicals
(C) it has chemicals                  (D) it doesn’t have chemicals
(   ) 5.  (A) so that       (B) because of  (C) rather than  (D) in addition
(   ) 6.  (A) goods         (B) lifestyles     (C) benefits       (D) descriptions
(   ) 7.  (A) out             (B) off              (C) from           (D) with
(   ) 8.  (A) eat             (B) eating         (C) who eat       (D) they eating
(   ) 9.  (A) is               (B) are              (C) being           (D) to be
(   ) 10.                        (A) Instead       (B) Instead of   (C) Because  (D) Because of

1. C  2. B  3. A  4. D  5. C
6. A  7. D  8. B  9. B  10. D

III. Guided Translation
1. Bruce通常會聽從他父母的建議行事。
Bruce usually _____________ _____________ his parents’ suggestions.
2. 小偷四處張望以確認沒人看到他。
The thief looked around to _____________ _____________ that no one saw him.
3. ATM」這個字是「自動提款機」的縮寫。
The word “ATM” _____________ _____________ “automated teller machine.”
4. 許多東西都能回收利用。例如,報紙和塑膠瓶是人們常回收的兩樣東西。
Many things can be recycled. _____________ i_____________, newspapers and _____________ bottles are two things that people often recycle.
5. 這些含有化學成分的食品被禁止上架。
The food products c_____________ _____________ ingredients are not allowed to be put on the market.

1. acts on
2. make sure
3. stands for
4. For instance…plastic
5. containing chemical

